» Fiction » Sir Henry Morgan, Buccaneer, Cyrus Townsend Brady [i read book TXT] 📗

Book online «Sir Henry Morgan, Buccaneer, Cyrus Townsend Brady [i read book TXT] 📗». Author Cyrus Townsend Brady

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is another cup thou shalt drink, ay, and that to the dregs. Back, you! I would speak with the lady. Well, Donna Mercedes," he continued, "art still in that prideful mood?"

Silence. The girl stood erect, disdainfully looking him full in the face.

"I shall break thee yet, proud wench!" he shouted.

"Perhaps the demoiselle is jealous of thy present companion, Sir Captain," sneered de Lussan smoothly in his courtliest manner.

"Scuttle me! That's well thought on," laughed Morgan. "And I'll add fuel to the fire."

As he spoke he clasped the terrified woman on his right around the waist, and though she struggled and drew away from him in horror and disgust, he kissed her full upon the lips. The woman shuddered loathingly when he released her, put her face down in her hands and sobbed low and bitterly.

"What sayest thou to that, sweet Mercedes?"

"I say may God have mercy on the soul of yon poor woman," answered Mercedes disdainfully.

"Best pray for thine own soul, madam," he roared. "Come hither! What, you move not? Black Dog, Black Dog, I say!"

The huge maroon lurched from behind his master's chair, where he had lain half-drunken.

"Fetch me that woman!"

Mercedes was bound and could not at first release her hands, but as the maroon shambled toward her she sprang back struggling.

"Alvarado, Alvarado!" she screamed. "Help me, save me!"

Like a maddened bull, though his hands were bound also, Alvarado threw himself upon the negro. The force with which he struck him hurled him backward and the two fell to the floor, the maroon beneath. His head struck a corner of the step with a force that would have killed a white man. In an instant, however, the unbound negro was on his feet. He whipped out his dagger and would have plunged it into the breast of the prostrate Spaniard had not Mercedes, lightly bound, for being a woman they thought it not necessary to be unusually severe in her lashings, wrenched free her hands and caught the half-breed's upraised arm.

"Mercy!" she screamed, while struggling to divert the blow, looking toward Morgan.

"Hold your hand, Black Dog," answered that worthy. "Leave the man and come hither. This is thy first appeal, lady. You know my power at last, eh? Down on your knees and beg for his life!"

Instantly Mercedes sank to her knees and stretched out her hands, a piteous, appealing, lovely figure.

"Spare him, spare him!" she cried.

"What would you do for him?"

"My life for his," she answered bravely.

"Nay, Mercedes," interposed Alvarado, "let him work his will on me."

"There are worse places, thou seest, lady, than by my side," sneered Morgan. "By heaven, 'twas a pretty play, was it not, mates? I spare him, but remember, 'tis for you. Harry Morgan's way. Now reward me. Hither, I say! Go, you woman!" he struck the woman he had kissed a fierce blow with his naked fist--"Away from me! Your place is needed for your betters. Here lady----"

"Captain Morgan," cried Hornigold, suddenly interrupting him. "I bethink me you should send men to seize the mountain pass that leads to Caracas at once, else we may have troops upon us in the morning."

It was a bold diversion and yet it succeeded. There could be no safe feasting in La Guayra with that open road. Morgan had overlooked it, but the boatswain's words recalled it to him; for the moment he forgot the prisoners and the women. Safety was a paramount consideration.

"I forgot it," he answered. "Curse me, how can I? The villains are too drunk with rum and blood and fury to be despatched."

"A force must be assembled at once," urged Hornigold, insistently, "lest some have escaped who would bring word to the Viceroy. He would be upon us in a day with an army too great for resistance. If you intend not to rot here in La Guayra, or be caught in a death trap, we must be up to the mountain top beforehand. Once they seize the pass, we are helpless."

"That's well said, Hornigold," cried Morgan, who was not so drunk that he could not realize the practical value of Hornigold's suggestion and the great danger of disregarding his advice. "The pass must be seized at all hazard. With that in our possession we may bide our time. I thought to wait until to-morrow, but you're right. We've feasted and drunk enough for the night. To-morrow Donna de Lara! Guards for the pass now--But how to get them?"

He rose to his feet as he spoke and came down the hall.

"Teach and L'Ollonois, follow me!" he cried. "Gather up fifty of the soberest men and lead them up the mountain road till you reach the pass, and then hold it till I come. Nay, no hesitation," he roared. "Canst not see the necessity? Unless we are masters of that pass we are caught like rats in a trap here in La Guayra. To-morrow or the next day we shall march up toward Caracas. Your share of the treasure and your women shall be held safe. You shall have first consideration on the other side of the mountains. Nay, I will have it so!" He stamped his foot in furious rage. "We've all had too much drink already," he continued, "now we must make things secure. Hornigold, take charge of this fort. I leave the prisoners with you. Guard them well. Treat the lady well also. Do what you like with the other, only keep him alive. One of you send Braziliano to me. He shall have the other fort. And you and I, Monsieur de Lussan, will take account of the men here in the town and bring them into such order as we can."

Although Teach and L'Ollonois had no mind to leave the pleasures open to them in La Guayra, yet they were both men of intelligence and could easily see the absolute necessity for the precaution suggested by Hornigold and accepted by their captain. If they held the passage over the mountains, and fifty men could hold it against a thousand, no Spaniard could come at them. So the little group, leaving the wretched women, the two prisoners, and Hornigold, sallied out into the infernal night. It was a difficult thing for them to find a sufficient number of sober pirates, but by persuading, threatening, and compelling they at last gathered a force of the least drunken knaves, with which they set forth on the road.

The fires which had been wantonly kindled in different places by the buccaneers were making such headway that Morgan instantly saw that especial efforts would be needed to prevent the complete destruction of the town. He wanted La Guayra for his base of supplies for the present, and with tremendous energy, seconded by de Lussan and some of the soberer men, he routed out the buccaneers and set them to work.

"You have saved me for the moment," said Mercedes, gratefully, turning to Hornigold as he led her away from the hall.

"'Twas not for care of you," hissed out the old man, malevolently, "but that I'd fain balk him in every desire he cherishes, even of possessing you."

"Whatever it was, I am thankful, señor. You have my prayers----"

"Prayers," laughed the old sailor, "it hath been sixty years since I heard those canting Puritans, my mother and father, pray. I want no prayers. But come, I must put you in ward. There should be strong-rooms in this castle."

He summoned a slave and found what he wanted. Mercedes, and Señora Agapida, who was fetched by other slaves, were locked in one room, Alvarado was thrust into another. As soon as he could do so, after making some provision for the comfort of the woman, Hornigold came down to him.

"Señor," he said, "the band is drunk and helpless. One hundred resolute men could master them. Morgan means to march to Caracas to-morrow. He can not get his men in shape to do so as long as liquor flows in La Guayra. If I set you free, what can you do?"

"There is a way over the mountains," answered Alvarado. "A secret way, known only to the Indians."

"Know you this path?"

"It has been pointed out to me."

"Is it a practicable way?"

"It has been abandoned for fifty years, but I could follow it to Caracas."

"And once there, what then?"

"There, if the Viceroy be not gone, and I do not believe he has yet departed, are one thousand soldiers to re-take the city."

"And if they be gone?"

"I'll raise the citizens, the household guards, the savages, and the slaves!"

"Can you do it?"

"Free me and see," answered Alvarado, with such resolution that he convinced the sailor. "The men of Caracas love the daughter of the Viceroy. They are not inexperienced in arms. I will lead them. The advantage of numbers will be with us. If you free me, I take it we will have a friend within the walls. Success is certain. We have too much to revenge," he added, his face flushing with rage at the thought of it all.

"That's well," answered Hornigold. "If I free you what reward shall I have?"

"I will cover you with treasure."

"And guarantee my life and liberty?"

"They shall be held inviolate."

"We captured the Porto Bello plate ship, and were wrecked two days ago a league or so to the westward----"

"I saw the ship the day of the storm, but marked it not," interrupted the officer.

"Ay. We buried the treasure. Shall I have my share?"

"All that thou canst take, if the honor of the lady be preserved. I answer for the Viceroy."

"Will you swear it?"


"By your mother's cross?"

"By my mother's cross, I swear. I will keep my faith with you, so help me God!"

"I believe in no God, but you do, and that suffices. You shall go," cried the buccaneer, all his objections satisfied. "But as you love the woman, lose no time. I'll be at the west gate under the rocks at ten o'clock to-morrow night. You know it?"

"Yes, go on."

"I'll open the gate for you and leave the rest to you. You must be there with your force. Now, go."

"I shall be there. But I can not leave without Donna Mercedes."

"And you can't go with her. Think! Could she make her way over the mountains?"

"No, no, but----"

"I'll watch over her with my life," urged the One-Eyed. "My share of the treasure depends upon her safety, you said."

"But Morgan----"

"I hate him with a hatred greater than thine."

"He is thy captain."

"He betrayed me, and I swore to take such vengeance as was never heard before, to make him suffer such torments by my hand as were never felt outside of hell."

"You would betray him?"

"It was for that I came with him! for that I live. He craves and covets the Donna Mercedes. He shall not have her. Trust me to interpose at the last moment."

"Is this true? Can I believe you?"

"Else why should I jeopard my life by freeing you? I hate him, I tell you. Remember! The west gate! There are not three hundred men here. The best fifty have gone with Teach and L'Ollonois, the rest are drunken and cowards. Here are weapons. Wrap yourself in this cloak, and come.
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