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[_Arched_, from K.'s flanch, _in heraldry, an

ordinary made of an arch-line_.]


Flemed, T. 56. _Frighted_. C.


Flemie, p. 278. _ult_. [_Daunted_, from B.'s _flemed_.]


Flizze, G. 197. _Fly_. C.


Floe, H. 2. 54. _Arrow_.


Flott, Ch. 33. _Fly_. C.


[Flotting, H. 2. 42. _? Flying_, cf. _flott_; or _Whistling_, from B.'s

floting (O.), _whistling, piping_.]


Foile, E. III. 78. _Baffle_. C.


Fons, Fonnes, E. II. 14. _Devices_. C.


Forgard, Æ. 565. _Lose_. C.


Forletten, El. 19. _Forsaken_. C.


Forloyne, Æ. 722. _Retreat_. C.


Forreying, T. 114. _Destroying_. C.


Forslagen, Æ. 1076. _Slain_. C.


Forslege, Æ. 1106. _Slay_. C.


Forstraughte, p. 281. 58. _Distracted_.


Forstraughteyng, G. 34. _Distracting_. C.


Forswat, Ch. 30. _Sun-burnt_. C.


Forweltring, Æ. 618. _Blasting_. C.


Forwyned, E. III. 36. _Dried_. C.


Fremde, Æ. 430. _Strange_. C.


Fremded, Æ. 555. _Frighted_. C.


Freme, Æ. 267. [and Fremed, H. 2. 147. _Strange_, from K.'s fremd

(O.), _strange_.]


Fructile, Æ. 185. _Fruitful_.


[Furched, Æ. 519. _Forked_.]





Gaberdine, T. 88. _A piece of armour_. C.


Gallard, Ch. 39. _Frighted_. C.


Gare, Ep. 7. _Cause_. C.


Gastness, Æ. 412. _Ghastliness_.


Gayne, Æ 821. To gayne so _gayne_ a pryze. _Gayne_ has probably been

repeated by mistake. [More probably C. intended it to mean _Worth



Geare, Æ. 299. _Apparel, accoutrement_.


Geason, Ent. 7. _Rare_. C.--G. 120. _Extraordinary, strange_. C.


Geer, H. 2. 284. as _Gier_.


Geete, Æ. 736. as _Gite_.


Gemote, G. 94. _Assemble_. C.


Gemoted, E. II. 8. _United, assembled_. C.


Gerd, M. 7. _Broke, rent_. C.


Gies, G. 207. _Guides_. C.


Gier, H. 1. 527. _A turn, or twist_.


Gif, E. II. 39. _If_. C.


Gites, Æ. 2. _Robes, mantels_. C.


Glair, H. 2. 570. [? _Glare_.]


[Gledes.H. 2. 217. _Glides_]


Gledeynge, M. 22. _Livid_. C.


Glomb, G. 175. _Frown_. C.


Glommed, Ch. 22. _Clouded, dejected_. C.


Giytted, H. 2. 272. [_Glittered_.]


Gorne, E. I. 36. _Garden_. C.


Gottes, Æ. 740. _Drops_.


Gouler, p. 282. 76. [_Usurer_, from K.'s goule, _usury_.]


Graiebarbes, Le. 25. _Greybeards_. C.


Grange, E. I. 34. _Liberty of pasture_. C.


Gratche, Æ. 115. _Apparel_. C.


Grave, p. 288. 2. _Chief magistrate, mayor_. [Where does T. find this

meaning? B. and K. have grave, _a German title signifying a great lord

etc_., but no word of mayor.]


Gravots, E. I. 24. _Groves_. C.


Gree, E. I. 44. _Grow_. C.


Groffile, Æ. 547. [_Grovelling_, from K.'s groff or gruff (O.),



Groffish, Æ. 257. [_Gruffly_.]


Groffynglie, Ep. 33. _Foolishly_. C.


Gron, G. 90. _a fen, moor_. C.


Gronfer, E. II. 45. _A meteor_, from _gron_ a fen, and _fer_, a

corruption of fire. C. [? then whether C. does not mean a will o' the



Gronfyres, G. 200. _Meteors_. C.


Grore, H. 2. 27. [No explanation.]


Groted, Æ. 337. _Swollen_. C.


[Gryne, H. 2. 706. _Groin_.]


Gule-depeincted, E. II. 13. _Red-painted_. C.


Gule-steynct, G. 62. _Red-stained_. C.


[Guylde, G. 152. _Tax_.]


[Guylteynge, Æ. 179. _Gilding_.]


Glyttelles, Æ. 438. _Mantels_. C.





[Habergeon. H. 2. 346. _A little coat of mail_ (K.).]


Haile, E. III. 60. _Happy_. C.


Hailie, Æ. 148. 410. as _Haile_.


Halceld, M. 37. _Defeated_. C.


Hailie, T. 144. _Holy_. C.


Hailie, Æ. 33. _Wholely_. [But here _Hallie_ would seem to be put for

hailie, _happy_. Sk. renders _blissful_.]


Halline, Ch. 82. _Joy_. C.


Hancelled, G. 49. _Cut off, destroyed_. C.


Han, Æ. 734. _Hath_. q? [One of C.'s fundamental mistakes.]


Hanne, Æ. 409. _Had_. particip. q?--Æ. 685. _Had_. pa. t. sing. q?


Hantoned, Æ. 1094. [A mistake for _hancelled; hanten_ in B.K. and

Speght means _use, accustom_.]


Harried, M. 82. _Tost_. C. [But in Æ. 209 plainly=_hurried_.]


Hatched, p. 25. I. [Probably C. meant _covered with a cloth exhibiting

its rider's coat of arms_. Cf. _Hatchments_.]


[Hatchments, H. 2. 489. In heraldry, _a coat of arms_. (K.).]


Haveth, E. I. 17. _Have_. 1st perf. q?


Heafods, E. II. 7. _Heads_. C.


Heavenwere, G. 146. _Heavenward_. C.


Hecked, Æ. 394. _Wrapped closely, covered_. C.


Heckled, M. 3. _Wrapped_. C.


Heie, E. II. 15. _They_. C.


Heiedeygnes, E. III. 77. _A country dance, still practised in the

North_. C.


Hele, n. G. 127. _Help_. C.


Hele, v. E. III. 16. _To help_. C.


Hem, T. 24. A contraction of _them_. C.


[Hendie, H. 1. 95. ? _Hand to hand_; K. B. and Speght all have _neat,

fine, genteel_, for this Chaucerian word.]


Hente, T. 175. _Grasp, hold_. C.


Hentyll, Æ. 1161. [Evidently _Custom_; no explanation.]


[Herehaughte, M. 78. _Herald_.]


Herselle, Æ. 279. _Herself_.


Herste, Æ. 1182. [? _Command_.]


Hilted, Hiltren, T. 47. 65. _Hidden_. C.


Hiltring, Ch. 13. _Hiding_. C.


Hoastrie, E. I. 26. _Inn, or publick house_. C.


[Hocktide, H. 1. 25. _A festival celebrated in England antiently

in memory of the sudden death of King Hardicanute A.C. 1042 and the

downfall of the Danes_. B.]


Holtred, Æ. 293. [? _Hidden_, from B.'s _hulstred_.]


Hommeur, Æ. 1190. [? _Honour_.]


Hondepoint, Æ. 273. [Sk. renders (_every_) _moment_; K.B. and Speght

give no help.]


Hopelen, Æ. 399. [_Hopelessness_--'I from a night of hopelessness am



Horrowe, M. 2. _Unseemly, disagreeable_. C.


Horse-millanar, Ch. 56. See C.'s note. [According to Steevens a

Bristol tradesman in 1776 so described himself over his shop-door.]


Houton, M. 93. _Hollow_. C.


Hulstred, M. 6. _Hidden, secret_. C.


Huscarles, Æ. 922. 1194. _House-servants_.


Hyger, Æ. 627. The flowing of the tide in the Severn was antiently

called the _Hygra_. Gul. Malmesb. de Pontif. Ang. L. iv. ['The eagre

or "bore" of the Severn is a large and swift tide-wave which sometimes

flows in from the Atlantic Ocean with great force.' Sk. II, p. 61,



Hylle-fyre, Æ. 682. _A beacon_.


Hylte, T. 168. _Hid, secreted_. C.--Æ. 1059. _Hide_. C.


[Hylted, Hyltren, T. 47 .65. _Hidden_. C.]



I., J.


Jape, Ch. 74. _A short surplice_, &c. C.


Jeste, G. 195. _Hoisted, raised_. C.


Ifrete, G. 2. _Devour, destroy_. C.


Ihantend, E. I. 40. _Accustomed_. C.


Jintle, H. 2. 82. for _Gentle_.


Impestering, E. I. 29. _Annoying_. C.


Inhild, E. I. 14. _Infuse_. C.


Ishad, Le. 37. _Broken_. C.


Jubb, E. III. 72. _A bottle_. C.


[Iwimpled, H. 2. 528. _Muffled_ (Speght).]


Iwreene, p. 286. 9. [Evidently the same as K.'s bewreen, _expressed,






Ken, E. II. 6. _See, discover, know_. C.


Kennes, Ep. 28. _Knows_. C.


Keppend, Le. 44. [_Careful, precise,_ from B.'s kepen, _keep, take

care of_.]


Kiste, Ch. 25. _Coffin_. C.


Kivercled, E. III. 63. _The hidden or secret part_. C.


Knopped, M. 14. _Fastened, chained, congealed_. C.





[Lack in C. generally = _to be in need of_ rather than simply _to be

without_; cf. G. 176.]


Ladden, H. 1. 206. [_Lay_.]


Leathel, E. I. 42. _Deadly_. C.


Lechemanne, Æ. 31. _Physician_.


Leckedst, H. 2. 332. [No explanation.]


Lecturn, Le. 46. _Subject_. C.


Lecturnies, Æ. 109. _Lectures_. C.


Leden, El. 30. _Decreasing_. C.


Ledanne, Æ. 1143. [? _Leaden, heavy_; or it may be an adj. formed from

K.'s leden (O.), _languish_.]


[Lee, Ep. 6. _Lay_; or ? _lie_.]


Leege, G. 173. _Homage, obeysance_. C.


Leegefolcke, G. 43. _Subjects_. C.


[Leffed, H. 1. 141. _Left_.]


Lege, Ep. 3. _Law_. C.


[Legeful, E. I. 3. _Loyal_.]


Leggen, M. 92. _Lessen, alloy_. C.


Leggeude, M. 32. _Alloyed_. C.


Lemanne, Æ. 132. _Mistress_.


Lemes, Æ 42. _Lights, rays_. C.


Lemed, El. 7. _Glistened_. C.--Æ. 606. _Lighted_. C.


Lere, Æ 568. H. 2. 597. seems to be put for _Leather_.


Lessel, El. 25. _A bush or hedge_. C.


Lete, G. 60. _Still_. C.


Lethal, El. 21. _Deadly, or death-boding_. C.


Lethlen, Æ. 272. _Still, dead_. C.


Letten, Æ. 928. _Church-yard_. C.


Levynde, El. 18. _Blasted_. C.


Levynne, M. 104. _Lightning_. C.


Levyn-mylted, Æ. 462. _Lightning-melted_. q?


Liefe, Æ. 217. [? from K. and B.'s lief, _rather_. Sk. renders _at my



Liff, E. I. 7. _Leaf_.


Ligheth, Æ. 627. [? _Lay low_, from K.'s lig, _lie_.]


Likand, H. 2. 177. _Liking_.


Limed, El. 37. _Glassy, reflecting_. C.


Limmed, M. 90. _Glassy, reflecting_. C.


Lissed, T. 97. _Bounded_. C.


[List, H. 1. 544. ? _Pleasure_.]


Lithie, Ep. 10. _Humble_. C.


Loaste, Æ. 456. _Loss_.


[Lode, H. 1. 33. Probably as _load_, a _task_ or _burden_. Sk. renders

_praise_, as if _land_; this is far from convincing.]


Logges, E. I. 55. _Cottages_. C.


Lordinge, T. 57. _Standing on their hind legs_. C.


Loverd's, E. III. 29. _Lord's_. C.


Low, G. 50. _Flame of fire_. C.


Lowes, T. 137. _Flames_. C.


Lowings, Ch. 35. _Flames_. C.


[Lurdanes, H. 1. 36. From B.'s 'Lurdane, lordane, _a dull heavy

fellow_, derived by some from _Lord_ and _Dane_'. So the word becomes

for C. an opprobrious equivalent for _Dane_.]


[Lygheth, Æ. 627. _Lay_, from K.'s lig, _to lie_.]


[Lymed, E. II. 7. _Glassy, reflecting_. C.]


Lymmed, M. 33. _Polished_. C.


Lynch, El. 37. _Bank_. C.


Lynge, Æ. 376. _Stay_. C.


Lyoncel, E. II. 44. _Young lion_. C.


Lyped, El. 34. [? miswritten for _lithed_, Speght's lith, _to make

less_, so _wasted_. Sk. renders _wasted away_, deriving _lyped_ from

B.'s liposychy, _a small swoon_, which seems too far-fetched even for



Lysse, T. 2. _Sport, or play_. C.


Lyssed, Æ 53. _Bounded_. C.





Mancas, G. 136. _Marks_. C.


Manchyn, H. 2. 222. _A sleeve_. Fr.


[Mastie, H. 1. 348. 425. ? _Mastiff_.]


Maynt, Meynte, E. II. 66. _Many, great numbers_. C.


Mee, Mees, E. I. 31. _Meadow_. C.


Meeded, Æ 39. _Rewarded_. [The construction _meeded out_ is probably

affected by _meted out_.]


Memuine, H. 2. 120. [? _Body of troops_, ? _Command_. No explanation.]


Meniced, p. 285. 146. _Menaced_, q? [The sense is _threatened to make

him marry again_.]


Mere, G. 58. _Lake_. C.


Merk-plante, T. 176. _Night-shade_. C.


Merke, T. 163. _Dark, gloomy_. C.


Miesel, Æ 551. _Myself_.


Milkynette, El. 22. _A small bagpipe_. C.


Mist, Ch. 49. _Poor, needy_. C.


[Mister, Ch. 82. as _Mist_, poor, needy.]


Mitches, El. 20. _Ruins_. C.


Mittee, E. II. 28. _Mighty_. C.


Mockler, p. 283. 105. _More_.


Moke, Ep. 5. _Much_. C.


Mokie, El. 29. _Black_. C.


[Mokynge, H. 2. 584. K. and B. have moky (O.), _cloudy_; so perhaps

meant a brook the surface of which reflected the clouds. Sk. reads



Mole, Ch. 4. _Soft_. C.


Mollock, G. 90. _Wet, moist_. C.


Morglaien. M. 20. _The name of a sword_ [Morglay] _in some old



Morthe, Æ 307. [_Violent death_. K. has morth, _murder_.]


Morthynge, El. 4. _Murdering_. C.


Mote, E. I. 22. _Might_. C.


Motte, H. 2. 184. _Word, or motto_.


Myckle, Le. 16. _Much_. C.


Myndbruch, Æ. 401. [_A hurting of honour and worship_ (B.).]


Mynster, G. 75. _Monastery_. C.


Mysterk, M. 33. _Mystic_. C.





[Nappy, Ba. 13. B. has nappy-ale, [_q. d. such as will cause persons

to take a nap_] _pleasant and strong_. But the word _nappy_ in this

connexion has nothing to do with causing sleep.]


Ne, P.G. 6. _Not_. C.


Ne, p. 281. 58. _Nigh_.


Nedere, Ep. II. _Adder_. C.


Neete, p. 280. 41. _Night_.


Nesh, T. 16. _Weak, tender_. C.


Nete, Æ. 399. _Night_.


Nete, T. 19. _Nothing_. C.


Nilling, Le. 16. _Unwilling_. C.


Nome-depeinted, E. II. 17. _Rebus'd shields_; a herald term, when the

charge of the shield implies the name of the bearer. C.


Notte-browne, p. 280. 49. _Nitt-brown_.





Obaie, E. I. 41. _Abide_. C.


Offrendes, Æ. 51. _Presents, offerings_. C.


Olyphauntes, H. 2. 609. _Elephants_.


Onknowlachynge, E. II. 26 _Not knowing_. C. Onlight, Æ. 678. [_Put

out, extinguish_.]


Onlist, Le. 46. _Boundless_. C.


[Ore, H. 2. 25. Contracted for _other_.]


Orrests, G. 100. _Oversets_. C.


Ouchd, T. 80. See C.'s note.


Ouphante, Æ. 888. 929. _Ouphen, Elves_.


Ourt, H. 2. 578. [Contraction for B.'s _overt_.]


Ouzle, Æ. 104. _Black-bird_. C.


Owndes, G. 91. _Waves_. C.





Pall, Ch. 31. Contraction from _appall_, to fright. C.


Paramente, Æ. 52. _Robes of scarlet_. C.--M. 36. _A princely robe_. C.


[Passante, El. 28. _Passing, going by_. (K.)]


Paves, Pavyes, Æ. 433. _Shields_.


Peede, Ch. 5. _Pied_. C.


[Peene, Æ. 484. _Pain_.]


Pencte, Ch. 46. _Painted_. C.


Penne, Æ. 728. _Mountain_.


Percase, Le. 21. _Perchance_. C.


'Pere, E. I. 41. _Appear_. C.


Perpled, p. 283. 99. _Purple_. q? [From B.'s disparpled, disperpled,

_in heraldry, scattered loosely_. T.'s suggestion is certainly wrong.]


Persant, Æ. 561. _Piereing_.


Pete, Æ. 1001. [as _Pighte_.]


Pheeres, Æ. 46. _Fellows, equals_. C.


Pheon, H. 2. 272. in Heraldry, _the barbed head of a dart_.


Pheryons, p. 285. 147. ['A mistake for pheons.' Sk.]


Picte, E. III. 91. _Picture_. C.


Pighte, T. 38. _Pitched, or bent down_. C.


Poyntel, Le. 44. _A pen_. C.


Prevyd, Æ 23. _Hardy, valourous_. C.


Proto-slene, H. 2. 38. _First-slain_.


Prowe, H. 1. 108. [?_Forehead_. No explanation.]


Pynant, Le. 4. _Pining, meagre_.


Pyghte, M. 73. _Settled_. C.


Pyghteth, Ep. 15. _Plucks, or tortures_. C.


[Pyke, Ch. 53. See _Shoone-pykes_.]


[Pynne, Æ. 213. Probably the peg which supported the target; which a

clever marksman might split. There is no satisfactory explanation of

'the basket'.]





Quaced, T. 94. _Vanquished_. C.


Quayntyssed. T. 4. _Curiously devised_. C.


Quansd, Æ. 241. _Stilled, Quenched_. C.


Queede, Æ. 284. 428. _The evil one; the Devil_.





Receivure, G. 151. _Receipt_. C.


Recer, H. 1. 87. for _Racer_.


Recendize, Æ. 544. for _Recreandice; Cowardice_.


Recrandize, Æ. 1193. for _Recreandice; Cowardice_. [Though Sk. renders

_Recendize_ resentment.]


Recreand, Æ. 508. _Coward_. C.


Reddour, Æ. 30. _Violence_. C.


Rede, Le. 18. _Wisdom_. C.


Reded, G. 79. _Counselled_. C.


Redeyng, Æ. 227. _Advice_.


Regrate, Le. 7. _Esteem_. C.--M. 70. _Esteem, favour_. C.


Rele, n. Æ. 530. _Wave_. C.


Reles, v. E. II. 63. _Waves_. C.


Rennome, T. 28. _Honour, glory_. C.


Reyne, Reine, E. II. 25. _Run_. C.


Reyning, E. II. 39. _Running_. C.


Reytes, Æ. 900. _Water-flags_. C.


Ribaude, Ep. 9. _Rake, lewd person_. C.


Ribbande-geere, p. 280. 44. _Ornaments of ribbands_.


Rodded, Ch. 3. _Reddened_. C.


Rode, E. I. 59. _Complexion_. C.


Rodeing, Æ. 324. _Riding_.


Roder, Æ. 1065. _Rider, traveller_.


Roghling, T. 69. _Rolling_. C.


Roin, Æ. 325. _Ruin_.


Roiend, Æ. 578. _Ruin'd_.


Roiner, Æ. 325. _Ruiner_.


Rou, G. 10. _Horrid, grim_. C.


Rowney, Le. 32. _Cart-horse_. C.


Rynde, Æ. 1192. _Ruin'd_.





Sabalus, E. I. 22. _The Devil_. C.


Sabbatanners, Æ 275. [_Soldiers_, from B.'s sabatans, _soldiers'

boots_; cf. Lat. _Caligati_.]


[Sarim, H. 1. 301. i.e. _Sarum_.]


Scalle, Æ. 703. _Shall_. C.


Scante, Æ. 1133. _Scarce_. C.


Scantillie, Æ. 1010. _Scarcely, sparingly_. C.


Scarpes, Æ. 52. _Scarfs_. C.


Seethe, T. 96. _Hurt

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