» Fiction » THE LIFE OF RENESMEE CARLIE CULLEN, bellacullen830 [short books for teens TXT] 📗

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replied quietly.My father nodded and then turned back to look at Sam."What was it you needed to discuss with me and my brother." he asked. Sam nodded at the folder that was still on the desk in front of me and my father turned to look at it. As soon as my father saw the folder his face turned pale. "Where did you get that?" he asked Sam. "It was part of your daughters instructions to bring whatever was in the safe in your room down here to me." Sam replied. My father looked at me and our eyes connected. When I saw the anger flash in his eyes I looked down at the desk and started fiddleing with the folder. "Sam could I talk with my daughter alone for a moment, please?" my dad asked quietly. "Um, I guess."Sam replied. Sam left the room with Jared right behind him. "Renesmee Carlie Cullen," my father hissed. "I told you never to go in that safe." "That was part of my instructions.I also had to give them the 20 grand that was in there also." I said quietly. "YOU DID WHAT?" my father shouted. I flinched and started crying. "I wasn't about to lose my friend dad. She's like a sister to me. They said if I didn't follow all of there directions they would kill her." I sobbed. "Renesmee you disobeyed me. When we get home you are grounded. Do you understand me?" he growled at me. I looked out the window as I answered, " I understand." My father looked at my uncle and said, "Call the wolves back in here. I don't want to hear what they say anymore than you do. But if it is for my daughters safety then we will have to listen." "Whatever Edward. Lets listen to what they have to say and get out of here. I just want to go home to Alice. you know how much she worries about me." my uncle replied. My uncle turned and opened the door. He looked out and shouted Sams name. As Sam came back in he looked at me and said,"Renesmee go outside and wait for a couple of minutes while we talk." "You're not the boss of me." I said disgusted. Just as I finished my sentence my father turned and our eyes met. The look on his face told me that if I did not do as I was told I was going to be in alot more trouble than I was already in. I looked away and got up leaving the room without another word. As I closed the door behind me I heard Sam speak to my father. "Before you showed up your daughter was very disagreeable. She does not believe that your brother here broke the treaty." he said quietly. "What that is impossible. Jasper would never do that." my father protested looking at my uncle. "That is the same thing your daughter said. I am surprised to see that you agree with her." Sam said laughing quietly. "I AGREE WITH HER BECAUSE SHE'S RIGHT." my father shouted. "No Edward she's not." my uncle whispered. My father rounded on my uncle and growled, "What do you mean by she's not right,Jasper?" "Sam is the one who's right. Before we left I attacked a human girl that was bleeding. I couldn't control it. The smell of the blood was overwhelming and I killed her." my uncle said quietly. "DO YOU KNOW WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN TO US BECAUSE OF THIS YOU TREATY-BREAKING IDIOT?" my father shouted at him. "EDWARD YOU KNOW THAT WHEN IT COMES TO BLOOD I'M WEAK. YOU KNOW THAT I CAN'T CONTROL MYSELF WHEN I SMELL BLOOD. DO YOU NOT REMEMBER BELLA'S EIGHTEENTH BIRTHDAY PARTY?" my uncle shouted back at him. "HOW DARE YOU BRING THAT UP? I SAID NEVER TO SPEAK OF THAT EVER AGAIN." my father roared. "Like there is a way to stop me from bringing it up,Edward." my uncle said. My father was just about to speak when my cellphone, which I had left on the desk, rang. My father turned towards the desk and snatched my phone up. "Who is it,Edward?" my uncle asked quietly,for my father had froze. "It's dad," my father answered. "Why would dad be calling Renesmee?" my uncle asked. "I don't know. I'll ask him," my father replied answering the phone. "Renesmee has your father gotten there yet?" my grandfather asked. "Um, dad it's me. Yeah we got here. But we need you to come down here." my father said. "Why?" my grandfather asked. "We have a problem. I don't want to talk about it over the phone so could you come down here?" my father replied. "Well you're in luck,Edward. I was calling from my car. I'm right outside Sam's house." "Good," my father said. My father hung up the phone and turned to Sam. "My father is right outside. Could you let him in please?" my father said to him. Sam nodded and left the room, returning ten seconds later with me and my grandfather right behind him. My father looked at me and I looked at him. I shrugged and walked pass him to the desk. I picked up the folder and took the first page out. I looked at Sam and he nodded. I looked back at the paper and started reading, "On this day of June 1968,the Cullen family will not bite a human or come on our land.The day this treaty is broken the Cullens will be killed and anyone who tries to protect them will die with them.If one of the Cullens decides to surrender and turn themselves over inorder to protect their family they can,but they will die in place of the treaty breaker." I read out loud for the second time that day. I looked at Sam and he nodded. I turned and put the paper back in the folder. "Wait a minute. Let me see that treaty." my father said. I took the paper back out and handed it to him. He looked at it and then looked up at Sam. "How do we know your not trying to frame us for something we did not do?" he asked. "We still have the body. Why don't you see for yourself that I'm not trying to frame you?" he answered. "Where is the body?" I asked Sam
"Follow me and I'll show you." he replied. I followed him outside and into his garage without a word to my family. "This is where you put the body?" I asked Sam. "I had to. Emily wouldn't let me put it in the house. She agreed to let me put it in here. Now tell me who's scent that is on the body." Sam told me. I walked up to the body and took a sniff. "I don't recognize the scent. But my father or grandfather might." I told him. We walked back towards the house and when we entered the room I looked at my father and said,"I didn't recognize the scent. I was hoping that maybe you or grandfather might recognize the scent." My father looked at me and then turned towards Sam and said,"If Renesmee didn't recognize the scent we might be able to. Because there are vampires that she does not know about and haven't even met." "Okay follow me out to the garage," Sam said. Me,my father,my grandfather,and my uncle followed Sam out to the garage and looked at the body.


My father looked at me and then looked at my grandfather who nodded. He sighed and walked over to the body and took a deep breath in through his nose. He looked at me and then at Sam and said, "The scent is very easy to recognize. The reason Renesmee didn't recognize it was because she was still a baby when these people showed up. Not only to kill her but the entire family." "Wait just one moment the Volturi came here and killed this human? We told them not to feed in this area because we were still not revealed to the town what we are." my grandfather said. "Well it looks like they returned. But it's been over sixteen years. Alice never saw any of the Volturi returning or she would have warned us." my father said to Sam and my grandfather.
"Well it looks like you and your daughter were right. Your brother is innocent after all." Sam said apologetically to me and my family. "You can go now oh and here's the money back. I'm really sorry about all of this." "It's okay you didn't know. But next time ask questions before you accuse anyone for a crime they did not commit." I said quietly. The moment we left my father looked at me with anger in his eyes. "Renesmee what were you thinking? You could have gotten yourself killed," he said fericely. "I didn't think at all I was worried about Amber dad. I'm sorry I really am." I replied breaking into tears. "Edward don't be too hard on her she did the right thing. She saved several lives today which included yours." my grandfather told him quietly. "Dad she went in the safe that was behind the picture in mine and Bella's room. I told her myself never to go in that safe. She disobeyed me and she is going to be punished for that." my father replied quietly. "Edward think about it. Not only did she save Jasper's life she saved all of our lives. She should not be punished for that and you know that I'm right."he told my father. "Fine I guess your right dad so maybe I should let her off the hook for this."he replied slowly before looking at me. I looked into his eyes because my father had once told me that in order for him to be able to read my thoughts he had to have eye contact so i looked at him without removing my eyes from his. He looked at me for five minutes before saying "Renesmee your off the hook. You will not be punished for what you did." he told me quietly. I threw my arms around him before saying thank you and apologizing for everything. When we got home my mom was in hysterics. The moment she saw me she threw her arms around me and hugged me until I was gasping for air. Eventually the Volturi came to Forks and tried to attack us. Luckily, the same vampires that helped us the last time came to our aide again. This time it turned into an all out war and this time our family stood united with me in their midst. When the Volturi saw me standing there they were flabbergasted at my beauty. However, they refused to let me live another second and they attacked. Thanks to my fun loving uncles, I was ready to fight for my life and I kicked some evil vampire butt. After the war, we surveyed the damage and found to our surprise that none of our number had been killed. I looked at my parents and Jake with pride on my face. They looked back at me and smiled at me with happiness that I wasn’t dead. There was a loud roar and I spun around to find myself face to face with a beautiful Mexican vampire. She stared at me and I stared back at her terrified. “Maria,” I heard my Uncle Jasper gasp from behind me. Suddenly there was movement on both sides of me and my family surrounded me. They crouched in their hunting crouches, as I stood there terrified. “Claro que si, mi amor,” she replied in Spanish.
“Que quires, Maria?” my uncle asked fluently in Spanish. My family and I gasped as he finished his question and we turned to stare at him in shock. “Que regrese conmigo mi ejercito,” she replied with a smile on her face.
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