» Fiction » Hostel Monitoring, Faelin Mimi [intellectual books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Hostel Monitoring, Faelin Mimi [intellectual books to read TXT] 📗». Author Faelin Mimi

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Chapter: 12

One day, as Prue had some work to do, she did not come with me to have breakfast in the lawn. I went to a lonely spot, where I could eat in peace. I suddenly spotted Claire sitting under a tree, her face covered with her hands. I feared and guessed what happened.

"Hey," I said, softly. "What is it?"

"You wouldn't understand," she mumbled.

"What is it?" I repeated, unsure.

"It's dad," she muttred and sobbed. "He's- he's dead."

My guess was right. This was just what I'd feared. I sat down and hugged Claire. She burst into tears, and hugged back.

"It's okay," I tried to console her. "After all, he went to heaven, right? And we all go to heaven when we die. I'll pray for his soul very day, I promise."

"Oh, Gabriel, you're so kind," she wept. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," I said, soothingly. "I hope you're mother's alright."

"Yes, but Mom's very depressed, too. And- And I was allowed to go to his funeral today morning. She looked so tired and worried. I'm- Well, never mind."

"Tomorrow's Sunday," I said. "We'll go down and telephone her together. I'll talk to her, too."

"Oh, thank you so much," she said, wiping her tears. "You're such a good friend."

I smiled at her, but I, too, felt worried, nowadays. You see, my father's business isn't going on very well, and even though I'm the only child, I must try and help them out. Maybe I'll get a part-time job, I hope.

Chapter: 13

Although I thought I could get a part-time, I thought about it. How can I work in a boarding school? Oh well, I don't know, but being 16, I've got to help.

But soon exams came up. I and Prue worked together every night and day. Claire didn't have it just then.

"These lessons in math are really hard, aren't they, Gab?" asked Prudence, as we were learning.

"Not so hard as Physics," I replied, tensed. We both helped each other in our studies often.

Jennifer and Jessica found it hard too and so did Rachel Johnsons. I didn't see Brietta studying and I didn't care. Only Susan Sylvia, a genius at everything, and the head-girl, found it easy indeed. Even Isabella Kathline found them a bit tiring.

I and Prue hardly got time to visit Storm, but we knew that he's safe. Soon exams came.

I worked harder than ever, for I wanted my parents to be pleased. But as soon as it was over, we all yelled in joy. I was so happy than I could hardly speak.

There was a party to be held in the music room. The teachers allowed us to do it. So every girl of our age turned up, as soon as possible, in their best outfits. Brietta didn't turn up, and we never knew why.

Lyric Amethyst played the violin and piano. We all had so much fun.

"Now," said Susan. "There's a new girl coming. She's of our age and I've heard that she's very shy indeed and very homesick. Her name is Annalice, and she will be coming the day after tomorrow. I vote we try to make her feel at home. No one's ever to be beastly or spiteful towards her."

We all agreed. It was not surprising to find a new girl, who is homesick.

Chapter: 14

Soon the new girl arrived. She had jet black hair, a fair face and blue eyes. She looked at us, timdly.

"H-Hi," she said, clutching her bag. "I'm Annalice. Nice to meet you."

Susan led her into the room and started introducing everyone.

"This is Gabriella: the peacemaker," she said, dragging me. I smiled at Annalice. "She's very helpful and friendly, but also kinda stupid sometimes."

"These are Jennifer and Jessica. They as like as peas, right? Well, you'd better watch out; they play a lot of tricks. They'll play one on you soon."

"This is Prudence, the tomboy of our team. She headstrong and tough, and stands no nonsense." Prudence grinned and Susan went on.

"This is Claire. She is a real girly-girl and loves shopping and cute things. And this is Brietta. Well.." Susan stopped doubtfully, but not wanting to hurt Brietta's feelings, she continued. "She's very hot-tempred but also friendly in her good moods."

"Hey, Gabriel, where's Lyric?" Susan asked me. I shrugged.

"In her room, locked up as usual." I replied. Susan went and knocked on Lyric, the music-lover's door.

"Lyric! Come out and be introduced to Annalice!"

"Comin'!!" came a voice from the inside. A girl came out. She had dark blue hair, glasses and green eyes. She also had very light, golden-ish freckles and held a violin in her hand.

"This is Lyric," said Susan to Annalice, who still clutched her bag. "She's the musical one of our group. She's always wrapped up in her music and never cmes out of her room, if she's singing or writing a song or composing."

"This is Rachel. She's friendly and loves poetry. She's always writing one or the other, and has a book of poems published online." said Susan. Rachel smiled.

"This is Lucy-Ann. She's a computer genius; there's not one thing she doesn't know about it. She's always in her laptop or Iphone."

"And this is Isabella. She's a genius and math and science and is always at the top of exams." said Susan. "Well, that's the lot. Ihope you'll be happy here."

"Well, yes," said Annalice, shyly. She had a French accent. I wondered why.

"Hmm.. you speak strange," said Jessica. "Where do you come from?"

"Paris," replied Annalice, timidly. "My mother's French but father's British. I take after my mother."

"No wonder you have such stylish clothes," whistled Jennifer. "They're so trendy."

"Thank you," said Annalice in her timid, quiet voice. "It's nice to meet you all."

She gave a small bow and went to the locker room.

After she came back, Susan showed her her room.

Chapter: 15

After a few days, Annalice settled in. But she hardly spoke a word, and always looked as if she might burst into tears any moment.

One day-

"Hey, Annalice, come on! Everyone's enjoying here, what're you doing in that corner?" asked Rachel. 


"Then, come on," I said. "What's the matter?"

Lyric was playing the piano, softly, and she turned round.

"What's wrong?" she asked, confused. "What is it, Annalice? You look woebegone."

"Stop it!!" Everyone looked at the furious Annalice, who stood up. "I've had enough! You all wouldn't understand anything! Nothing ever bothers you all! You don't understand anything! ANYTHING!!"

She went off, taking something with her. We all stared. 

"Well! What's come over her?" asked Lucy-Ann, astonished and bewildered.

"Don't know."


Publication Date: 12-31-2012

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