» Fiction » My World, Shayla [best chinese ebook reader TXT] 📗

Book online «My World, Shayla [best chinese ebook reader TXT] 📗». Author Shayla

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I just, assumed that even the parents we thought we your parents aren’t, either. You will have to discover your real power, that’s why we are sending you to a mystic’s school. There they will help you find what and/or who you really are.” She waited for my response. I got up turned around and walked out of the room, she’d have to come get the answers later when I was finished thinking. I stopped at the top of the stairs and yelled back to her.
“You’re going to have to let this sink in for a while for me, unless you want me to lash out on everyone and thing I see. I’m just a little upset right now.” Then I continued on to my room so I could think this all over.

Mom’s P.O.V.
“Well she took that better than expected” I said to Xavier
“What’d she say? Did she like flip out on you? Was she mad or what? Maybe I should go talk to her” He asked
“No! She said she wants some time to think about it. However I’m going to let you go up first in a little while to see how she’s taking it. She probably won’t want to talk to me for a while. Besides you always know how to cheer her up.”
“Yeah, that sounds good. I’m going to go outside for a little while and rest. I’ll be back in, in about half an hour, to check on her.” He walked outside and sat down on the porch.
Akira’s P.O.V.
I stormed up to my room, I was so pissed. I mean how could they? All this time I had a feeling that I was adopted, OK, no big deal. But to find out that I was adopted because my parents were human and they didn’t want me because I wasn’t! You can’t tell me that, that wouldn’t piss you off too. Ugh I’m so pissed off right now. I threw myself onto the bed, just fuming with rage. They could’ve at least told me when I was little that I had inhuman powers and shit. Give me some time to get used to it. Now I have friends at this school and they’re just ship me away to some magic school or some garbage. I pulled out my cell phone and dialed Jamie’s number; she’s probably with he boyfriend, after a few rings she picked up.
“Hey girl, where’d you go after school? I thought we were going to go shopping?”
“Oh, yeah sorry about that. Listen I have to talk to you about something so I’m going to need you to come home ASAP. If you are with your boyfriend right now then I can wait, but brace yourself for quite a shock. I refuse to talk to my mom about it right now. Dad’s not home though I probably wouldn’t talk to him either. And I’m not sure where Xavier is. You’re the only one I can talk to.” I rushed out
“OK girl, I’m heading back right now, hope you don’t mind if I bring Jonathan with me, he can hang with X” That’s what she calls Xavier.
“No prob see you soon bye” then I hung up and laid back to do some thinking.

I Knew the Whole Time

Jamie’s P.O.V.
I became really worried when I got that phone call from Akira. She doesn’t hardly ever talk to me like that, when she’s cold and short with her answers you know something is bad.
“Who was that?” Jonathan asked me.
“That was Kira, she’s really pissed about something so we need to head over there now.” I said quietly then answering his next question “Yes, X is there too, I’m sure he’ll be glad to see you. He’s always complaining that I stole you from him ‘cause you’re never over there anymore, always hanging out with me.”
“Well he’ll just need to man up and get himself a girl now won’t he? I love that guy like a bro, but he ain’t nothing compared to my girl.” I smiled at him.
“Awww you’re so sweet. I love you baby, now let’s go inside.” I told him realizing we were already there, giving him a quick kiss I then ran inside without knocking and right up to Akira’s room on the second floor.

Akira’s P.O.V.
Jamie came running into my room plopped down on the bed and put her arm around me. I leaned into her and sighed.
“Than God you’re finally here.” I told her even though it had only been about twenty minutes it felt like an eternity.
“Sorry it took soooo long, traffic was bad.” She grinned immediately making me smile; she always knows how to cheer me up. “So you going to tell me what happened?”
“Yeah so anyway, you’re totally not gonna believe this. I came home from school to see what dad would say about Brandon and turns out he’s not here. You know just as well as I that he has not, not been home when we got here since what the 6th grade?” she nodded and I continued “So I went into the kitchen and asked mom where he was, both her and Xavier were in there talking and looked really serious and shit. Then when I asked mom looked worried and I asked what happened right? And Xavier tells me that he’s off at some “Mystical Meeting” or something. Then he leaves and mom takes me into the living room and tells me; One, I’m adopted shocker right? Two I’m not human, but an angel and may have other powers. And three that they are transferring me to a high school for kids like me.” I took a deep breath and waited for her reaction. I then realized that she wasn’t speaking and realized that for the first time in her life, Jamie Lynn Connors was speechless. She just kept staring at me.
“OK you’re freaking me out, you never don’t talk. Are you gonna tell me what you think or maybe what to do. How do I find out if this is true?” Then she said the most shocking thing I had ever heard in my entirety of 16 years.
“I can’t believe she told you, she said I could tell you on you 18th birthday and here she didn’t even tell me she was telling you so I could be there at least. I was the one who found out that information, without me she wouldn’t even know” She whispered so quietly I could barely hear her. Oh but I heard her alright, my mouth dropped open.
“What in the freaking hell are you taking about Jamie you better tell me right the hell now” I yelled
“Pease don’t kill me, I wanted to tell you for so long, but your mom said she’d kick me out if I told you. I’m so sorry I never wanted to keep a secret from you, especially not something like this. I was the one who told your mother I knew I brought it up. She got really mad when I told her I knew and was gonna kick me out then, but then she made me promise, Kira I’m so sorry.” She burst into tears part way through and I could barely make out what she was saying, she just kept repeating “I’m so sorry please don’t hate me” But it sounded like “m so sry pea don ate m”
“Jamie settle down, I’m not going to hate you, you just need to tell me what’s going on.” I managed to calm her down and she took a deep breath.
OK, I knew about this since we were 13.” She sure has a way of getting to the point when she wants to. “When we were over at Michelle’s house for that sleepover, you told me about your dream. I am a mystic as well I am a Nymph meaning I can control certain people and all animals. I can also interpret dreams in most cases. When you told me about it, I immediately knew what you were. Well most of it I think, there’s a lot to you that I can’t even see. I’m so sorry I never told you about me or you for that matter. I didn’t want to be kicked out because I told you I was so confused and didn’t know what to do.” She took a deep breath, but I remained silent “I guess you probably want to know a little more about yourself. I know your mom didn’t tell you all of it because I didn’t ell her all of it, if that makes sense. You are part angel which means you have wings, weird right? This also means that you have part control over people and some animals kind of like me. That’s the only part I told your mom except I said that you had other talents I couldn’t make out. However, you are also part werewolf/shape shifter and since your both you can only change into some animals, but the least painful the first time you shift will be your wolf. This meaning you also have a mate.”
“Wait so you mean I’m like betrothed?” I asked her totally pissed and wondering if there is something I can do about this.
“I’ve told you all this and that’s the first question you ask? Let alone the first thing you want to say?” she looked at me like I was crazy, you know like that look you parents give you when you tell them that you’d rather sit at home then go hang out with friends, because you’re totally sick of the drama for one day, but they don’t understand? No? You don’t get that look, huh maybe it’s just me. I nodded my head and she continued, “Well yeah it sorta means that, but it more of a way of life kind of thing. Like some wolves never find their mate from what I hear. The catch to it is supposed to be that only your mate can make you truly happy and settle you down when you’re pissed. Make you laugh in the middle of your worst day, like nothing ever happened, be there for you no matter what, and all that, I’ll detail this all later.”
“Well then maybe you’re my mate,” I said trying to make light of the situation “You know you’re the only person I’ve met that can do all that for me so far.” I smiled and she laughed.
“Yeah girl it don’t work like that, you are going to be mated to a guy, on the bright side I ain’t seen an ugly werewolf yet. In human form they are all hot, ya know.” Then she laughed “for all we know Brandon could be your mate.” I just looked at her thoughtfully, thinking to myself I don’t know if he’d be the one, but I guess we’ll find out.
“Well it’s always a possibility, but I really don’t know if

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