» Fiction » Camouflage, M J Marlow [english readers txt] 📗

Book online «Camouflage, M J Marlow [english readers txt] 📗». Author M J Marlow

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his father’s plans for the theater, the company. There was no mention of Emily until they went up to their suite and settled down in the living room. Sebastian poured himself another drink and then sat back to look at his son.
“You like this girl,” he said simply.
“Emily Barton is a very intelligent, creative, and talented young woman, Father,” Alexander answered him, wondering why this was so important. “I think we shall be able to work quite well together.” He cocked his head to one side, curious. “You brought me here for her, didn’t you? Why is she so important to you?”
“I promised her mother I would keep her safe,” Sebastian Townsend said as he sat down. “As long as her father didn’t know she was alive, I could keep that promise. That’s all changed now.” He saw Alexander’s interest. “Her father abducted her last night, Alexander…”
“Why didn’t she say anything?” Alexander asked, frowning. “She doesn’t know the man who took her is her father, does she?”
“He mistook her for her older sister,” Sebastian replied. “I worked very hard to make certain that Emily remained safely unaware of his existence.” He closed his eyes a moment and thought over the situation. “Part of the reason I brought you to Riverton is so you can keep company with her. Spend every moment with her, Alexander. Mark certain this man can never get his hands on Emily again.” He saw a brief hesitation in his son, but it faded as a slow smile came over the younger man’s face. “You more than like this girl, don’t you?”
“She’s so full of energy, Father,” Alexander said honestly. “She makes me feel alive, welcomed…” He actually blushed at the expression on his father’s face. “All right, I could see her in my life. It remains to be seen if she could feel the same way.”
“I’m certain you’ll do what’s best for both of you,” Sebastian replied. “It’s late, and I have to leave early in the morning for a business meeting. Keep me apprised of your progress… He saw Alexander’s look and finished, “with the company.”

While Emily and Alexander began to connect, her older sister, Dianna was suffering her own trials. She was strapped into a chair in one of the rooms at the sanitarium. One of the doctors had given her an injection of something and her vision was beginning to blur. The door opened and a very fuzzy Michael Winslow stepped into the room. He stepped up to her and cupped her chin in his hand, looking down into her dazed eyes. Nodding, he pulled a chair up in front of hers and laid his hand on her knees. Dianna looked at the man dopily. What was going on here? Why was she strapped into a chair?
“You’re not reacting as expected,” Michael said softly, admiring her spirit. “Most young women would be crying and pleading by now.”
“As that would accomplish absolutely nothing,” Dianna told him, “what would be the point. You’ll tell me what you want me to hear eventually. Anything else is just games.”
“And you detest games,” the man guessed of her. “A very proper defense mechanism for a child raised by a psychiatrist.” He moved his hand away and sat back. “Let’s get on with our discussion, Dianna.”
“Because of what you took from me, Dianna,” Winslow replied. “I need to know how you gained access to my files in the first place. Someone had to have helped you.”
“Perhaps I am just very good at what I do,” Dianna replied, fighting to keep her confederate’s name secret. She would not let the man fry for what he had done. He was still a valuable plant in Winslow’s organization. She saw his expression and frowned. “What? You think that just because I am young, I couldn’t possibly have the knowledge necessary to break into your records?”
“You might be capable of breaking into the records on your own, Dianna,” Winslow prodded, “but someone had to get you the keys to my private office.” He waited a moment as he watched Dianna struggling to fight the effects of the drug he’d used on her. “You won’t be able to keep his name secret much longer, Dianna.” He frowned at her stubbornness. “Your actions have already damaged an innocent young girl, Dianna. Stop fighting me!” He saw her stubborn look. “I don’t want to hurt you, Dianna. I promised your mother I would look after you.”
“She should have made you promise to live up to your Hippocratic Oath,” Dianna spat back at him. “You know, the part that reads ‘cause no harm?’ You’re kind of failing in that regard, aren’t you?”
“I only design the drugs, child,” Michael said as he came to sit beside her. “What my backers choose to do with them is not my call.” He moved a ringlet out of her eyes. “You look so much like her, Dianna. I still miss her…”
“Is that why you killed her?” Dianna snapped back at him. She saw his shock. “I saw you, Winslow. You were standing over her as she was dying. You had your hands on her…”
“I was trying to save her, Dianna,” Michael broke in, remembering that day as vividly as if it had just happened. “But they got her to the hospital too late. There wasn’t anything I could do.” He shook his head to clear the memory and turned back to the business at hand. “That is a discussion for another day, child. All you need to do is tell me who let you into my office and I will let you go home to your husband.”
Dianna continued to fight the drug. She couldn’t let this monster know who was betraying him. Someone would die if she told him; and it would be her fault. She winced as he clamped his hand down on her arm and squeezed. Then, just as the name came to her lips, the alarms began to ring. Michael left the room and Dianna passed out, relieved by the interruption. A few moments later, the door opened and her husband, Stephen came into the room. He removed the straps and picked his unconscious wife up in his arms, a dark look on his face. He carried her out to his car and slid in back. Max frowned as he saw his niece. Then he took off with a squeal of rubber.
An hour later, Stephen paced the floor of their living room, outraged as how close his wife had been to telling Winslow what he wanted to know. What Winslow wanted was something they could not give him; it would harm too many people. Stephen poured himself a drink and sat there sipping it as he allowed his mind to go over the time he had spent in Emily’s company. She was disturbed by what she had gone through. Without knowing the specifics, she had convinced herself that what her sister had done was right. The bond between the pair of them was incredible, Stephen thought.
“Mr. Talbot,” one of the men stepped into the sitting room. “There is a Sheriff Forrester here to see you.”
“Let him in, Dennis,” Stephen nodded. Alex came into the room; visibly nervous. “Would you care for something to drink, Sheriff?”
“No thank you, Mr. Talbot,” Alex answered, his hands kneading the brim of his hat. “I came here to talk to you about helping Emily Barton.”
“Is something wrong, Sheriff?” Stephen asked, instantly concerned. “Winslow let her go the morning after he took her …”
“That won’t last long once he learns who she is,” Alex informed him. He saw Stephen’s frown. “One of my contacts in the Townsend organization just sent over a copy of the file he has on this girl.”
“Why would Sebastian Townsend have a file on Emily Barton?”
“Because she is Michael Winslow’s daughter,” Alex told him bluntly. “Dianna’s younger sister.”
Stephen turned as he heard his wife gasp. She was standing in the hallway, a cold angry look in her eyes. He took a step towards her and she turned away from him. He didn’t blame her for being upset; there had always been a rumor that Michael Winslow and Dianna’s mother, Stephanie, had created a child. To have that rumor confirmed must be truly disturbing. He watched as she went into the kitchen and started fixing them some sandwiches. She did not speak as she set them on the kitchen table. She poured out four glasses of milk and set them on the table as well. Sitting down, she waited for the men to join her.
“I have to go speak to her, Stephen,” she said angrily, refusing to look at him. “This girl is my sister.” She looked up at him then. “And Sebastian Townsend knew it the whole time.” She took a sip of milk and set the glass down. “When my mother was murdered, the doctors confirmed that she had just given birth to a child. I was only five at the time. Our father was already dead, killed in combat, so Max became our guardian.” There were tears in her eyes. “When my mother was found and taken to the hospital, the child was not with her.”
“Why would Sebastian Townsend wish to keep her existence a secret?” Alex asked, as confused as any other person in the room. “It doesn’t make any sense.”
“I’m beginning to think that the person who murdered my mother was the person who took my sister,” Dianna told him. “But Townsend?”
“It’s a horrible thought,” Stephen frowned. “We’ll look into it, Dianna. For now, let’s plan this family reunion.”

While Stephen and Alex discussed Emily’s situation; she and the rest of the ballet company who could take the time off found themselves being ushered aboard a private yacht the size of a small cruise liner. Sebastian Townsend had arranged it while the theater underwent an intense remodel before the next season opened. This would give them a place to work and play, he had told them. They spent the bulk of the day going over the choreography for the Gershwin pieces. Emily was surprised when Alexander put on work clothes and joined in. He had said he had a degree in Dance, but she, and the rest of the company, were frankly astounded when he proved himself every bit as capable as any of them to participate in their work.
Four days later, Emily woke up and found herself lying on a deck chair on a large vessel. She got to her feet and looked out across the vast expanse of water and enjoyed the down time. As she watched the sun setting into the horizon, as Alexander came up behind her. She nearly jumped out of her skin as he moved silently up next to her and joined her at the rail. Emily looked over at the man as he leaned on the railing and stayed quiet. When he remained quiet and left her to her own thoughts, and she began to relax.
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