» Fiction » The Sleeper cell, A.R.Hutton [best reads TXT] 📗

Book online «The Sleeper cell, A.R.Hutton [best reads TXT] 📗». Author A.R.Hutton

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Lissie froze, “Okay fine… I’d love to meet Evan lysacek.” she muttered. They all stared at her their faces blank. Lissie groaned in disbelief,

‘Oh come on! The Olympic champion of men’s figure skating!”
Simon snorted, “He’s a figure skater? Oh that’s rich. Wait” he pointed his finger at her. “Is he gay?”
“No!” she cried out angrily, as Charles and Thomas laughed.
Rachel shook her head, “Give her a break guys.”
Then turning to Simon said, “You shouldn’t be talking, you listen to Michael Jackson and you sent a love letter to a Victoria secrets model!”
The table went quiet; they all stared at a very red faced Simon, “How…” he snapped his mouth shut.
Lissie grinned and leaned over Rachel, “you sent a model a love letter? What did you say I mean, what is there to say? ‘Hi I’m in love with your modeling pictures’.” She said mimicking his voice.
They all laughed, Simon just glared and whirling his chair around, slumped with his arms crossed, sulking. Charles and Thomas whirled his chair back around, “Come on man, I know I’ve done more embarrassing stuff.” Charles said reassuringly. Simon glared, “I feel violated.” He snapped.
That brought on more laughter, “Come on lad,” Thomas chortled. “It’s not that bad.”
“Oh it’s not that bad,” Simon muttered sarcastically.
“Nope, because the food’s here.” Rachel cried out cheerfully clapping her hands. Their waiter handed out the food.
“Mmmm,” Lissie murmured, sniffing her soup appreciatively. They quickly ate their lunch and then piled back into the Tahoe heading back to work.
The five of them went right into the conference room when the team got back. It was a long dark room with cherry wood paneling and a long mahogany table, with fifteen chairs. Lissie seated herself at one end of the table, where she could study her boss better. The others gathered in chairs next to her.
Mr. Parker strode in five minutes later. He was dressed in a blue blazer with a black tie, and black loafers; a cup of coffee and a folder in one hand, and a laptop in the other.
“Okay, I have a job for you and your team.” He said calmly. Setting his stuff down and taking a seat.
Lissie leaned forward, ignoring Rachel’s nervous gulp.
“What is it?” she asked. As team leader she was in charge on the legal and formality part. But once they left the room; Simon and the others would take charge of whatever their expertise covered. Mr. Parker slid the folder down the table to her; she grabbed and opened it in one smooth motion.
It was full of surveillance photos, four men and two women. Two of the men had definite Arabic features, the other two were white. Of the two women one was black, the other white with bright red hair. Lissie studied the photos then handed them to Simon. “Who are they?” he asked admiring the red haired women.
“They are the joint leaders of a sleeper cell in Texas.”
Lissie’s eyebrows rose in surprise. “The six of them, joint leaders?” she demanded incredulously.
Mr. Parker nodded his eyes serious. “They are all working together in one cell, which is normally unheard of for small ones. Especially in a state like Texas. But we discovered a rumor that is being proved more accurate by the hour.” He ran his fingers through his hair. “Apparently not counting the Arabian’s, those pictured are from different countries around the globe. Now our Intel is not very accurate; but we believe that the black women is from France, the red head from Ireland, and one of those men is from Germany. The other one’s origins are unknown.”
Thomas frowned. “Do we know what they are up to?” he asked.
Mr. Parker shook his head, “Not really, we just found out about them. We suspect that they are either planning to place a bomb, or kidnap the president.”
Simon snorted, “Really? Aw, shucks man let them have him. He’s caused enough trouble as it is. I’m surprised they aren’t giving him a party.”
Robert Parker glared at Simon, “He is your president whether you like him or not. And your job is to protect him,”
Simon sighed, “Whatever” he muttered.
Lissie kicked him under the table, “Behave” she hissed.
“What we know is far from accurate, basically we were caught with our pants down. You can blame Miss Elliot for that. Now, your job, Miss Pike is to go to this town undercover” Robert continued. “I’ll have my assistant give you your background info.”
Charles cleared his throat. “Um sir. What about us?” he asked.
Robert sighed, clasping his hands together.
“Look, I know you guys are used to working together; but this job is different she doesn’t need help. Okay?” I’ll give you guys something to do concerning this case…But only from this office. You are going nowhere.” He said firmly with a final glare at Simon, Who glared right back.
“Now I wish to speak to Lissie privately.”
The others ignored him and looked at her expectantly, she nodded. Thomas stood up, “Come on guys, we have work to do.” He said quietly, giving Simon a warning look that said.
‘Let it go!’
They all followed. But Simon whirled around at the last minute and stared Robert down.
“If anything happens to my sister because I wasn’t there, I will deal with all who had a hand in it” he said deliberately his meaning clear. Robert’s eyes narrowed, but he nodded stiffly.
Lissie gulped as the door closed, “I apologize profoundly for that escapade.” She started,
He held up his hand stopping her. “It’s alright…down to business…You will have help… he’s a cop. He’ll help you with your cover and investigation.”
Lissie stared at him in surprise, “But you said that-” she stammered.
“I know what I said, but this is a job Lissie, not a family group. You guys can’t always be clinging to each other like toddlers.”
Lissie stood up. “That’s unfair” she snapped “we do not cling to each other; we work closely together because we are a TEAM. And in our book, that means family.”
Robert frowned, “Look-”
“No, you look.” She interrupted, her eyes snapping with anger. “Simon and I are all we have, and we are all the others have in this line of work. They can’t go home at the end of the day and confide in loved ones, and expect them to understand. It’s forbidden, and you know it. So this is how we cope.” She leaned forward
“Now, I will go to Texas; Alone. But I think you need to understand your people a bit before you EVER pull a stunt like that again.” She finished firmly.
Robert Stiffened, “Watch your words agent Pike” he warned. She nodded, “I apologize.”
He didn’t reply.
Lissie sighed, “Who is my contact?” she asked.
Robert shrugged, “I don’t know, he said that that you would know him by the I.D code you agents have.”
Lissie frowned; the I.D code was a small way for fellow agents, or spies, to confirm their identity and whether or not they were friendlies, I.D codes could be questions, a comment anything. “If he’s not an agent how can he have an I.D code?” she asked.
Robert Shrugged, “I don’t know, I’m looking into it… for all we know he could be one of us.”
Lissie stared at him. “You don’t know who he is? And you aren’t even concerned?” disbelief filling her voice.
Robert snorted, “what do you mean not concerned? I’m worried sick. But my orders are to continue this O.P.”
“Wait a second,” she held up her hand, “O.P? You said it was an investigation, not an O.P”
“I lied again…our orders are to confirm the threat and then terminate the cell.” He laughed harshly, “lovely working here isn’t it?” he said sarcastically.

Lissie rolled her eyes, “That’s the point of A.I.D.S Mr. Parker; we do the dirty work that has to be done.”
He waved his hand, “Don’t patronize me Lissie, I know more about this job then you do sadly” while shaking his head tiredly. Lissie nodded, “I understand” she replied.
Robert looked at her with pity, “I suppose you do somewhat…But back to the subject; you will leave for the town of Palestine tomorrow, I booked a private flight to take you to Tyler where you will drive your new car to Palestine. There you will meet this contact at Wal-mart, where he will somehow make his presence known to you.”
Lissie grinned, “Wal-mart? You have got to be kidding….I mean it’ll work but” she laughed. “I mean, it’s Wal-mart!”
Robert stared at her his eyebrows raised questionably.
Lissie blushed, “Sorry it’s just a little different that’s all. I’m used to meeting in bars and alleyways. I mean I met a contact through a statue once.”
Robert cocked his head to the side with amused puzzlement, “And how did that go?” he asked.
Lissie shrugged, “Not as he had planned, we ended up having to haul him away in the statue.”
She snorted “Dumb-Ass. Did he honestly think we could have gotten past the C.I.A like that?”
Robert grinned, “Oh you’d be surprised”
Lissie laughed, “Yea your right I suppose.”
Robert rose from his chair, “I’ll make sure that Helen gives you all the right contacting equipment. And I’ll have Charles pull out a selection of weapons for you…oh and before I forget, you’re going as yourself.”
Lissie had been gathering up the photos so she could leave, but froze at his last words, and then looked at him her eyes wide. “What?” she whispered.
Robert frowned in concern. “Is that a problem?”
Lissie took a deep breath, “Have you forgotten about me being from there?”
He sighed, “No I haven’t, and I told the committee about it. But they think that you’ll be fine, I mean you have a good cover story in that folder.”
Lissie winced, but nodded. “Well I suppose its time I went back anyway, I mean we can’t always leave the past.” She commented thoughtfully.
For some reason she hadn’t felt worried about going back, when she thought she would have a different name. But when he had said she was going as herself; Lissie had felt a moments panic. But it didn’t last long; she knew that things had changed so she was ready to face whatever was next.
Robert smiled with relief, “Thanks Lissie, I know you’ll do well. If you ever need anything, don’t hesitate to call me. It’s my job to keep you as safe as possible.” He said reaching out his hand. Lissie shook it, “Thanks”
She walked out taking the file with her.

Chapter three

Arriving back at her office, Lissie was bombarded by her team.
“What did he say?” Rachel demanded, twirling her hair frantically, her eyes wide. She always got nervous when they started a new O.P.
Thomas, who had quietly followed Rachel, patted her shoulder. “Calm down” he said soothingly.
Rachel squealed in surprise, “Thomas! Don’t sneak up on me like that!” she cried.
Simon grinned at them, but his eyes were hard. “I don’t like it sis, I’m always with you.” He said bluntly leaning against his desk, arms crossed.
Lissie sighed “I think it’ll be fine…I’m going to Palestine.” Simon’s eyes widened. “What? You’re going home?” he demanded.
Rachel gasped in horror, but tried to cover it with a hiccup.
Lissie glanced at her briefly, then turned her attention back to Simon. “Yes I’m going home.”
Simon stared at
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