» Fiction » The Disaster On Halloween, Meg Dreher [free novels to read .txt] 📗

Book online «The Disaster On Halloween, Meg Dreher [free novels to read .txt] 📗». Author Meg Dreher

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Mat I want you to kill them now I just have that feeling that something bad is going to happen.” Nathan said urging Mat to do it as quickly as possible. Then Nathan was right just around the corner, out of the dark Josiah, A.J., and Dion came and Josiah said “We are here to set the girls free and kill you!”
Wow Meaghann thought because Josiah had said that as if he were a super hero. But just then Nathan shouted “Now!” and pointed at Brianna, then a red beam went right over her head and bounced off a mirror and killed Austin instead.
“Opps.” Mat said as Austin’s body and Bones started to bubble and disappear. Then there was this really loud bang but it was only Nathan franticly shouting at Mat for being so stupid to miss that. Meanwhile, Josiah had started a fight with Adam and the Nathan rage only stopped when everyone heard a chainsaw crush Dion’s bones. Then A.J. tapped Nathan’s shoulder and he turned around and said “What?” and A.J. punched him in the face so hard that he dropped Meaghann and she fell so hard that when she hit the ground she almost started crying. Then as Meaghann went into hiding Nathan punched A.J. back but this time it was starting to get ugly really ugly. Then something or someone tapped Brianna but she did not care but then it happened again and she turned around to see who was tapping her and she only saw a dim figure that looked like it was human but wasn’t.
“Hey Meaghann look at this I can’t make out what it is,” Brianna said tapping Meaghann’s shoulder.
“What is it thi……. Oh my gosh is that you matthew?” Meaghann said.
“Yes,” the dim figure answered back.
“Oh my gosh! Brianna I know what it is, it is Matthew!”
“What are you talking about he is dead you said and saw it yourself,”
“I know but he is here in ghost form like Nathan can be in spider form.” Then Meaghann and Brianna heard a scream then a laugh that you could tell was an evil one because it went something like mouahahahaha!
“Oh no, Nathan and A.J.!” Brianna said as they both looked around the corner and saw that Nathan had beaten A.J. to death a bloody death, but a death.
“Oh no Nathan is coming what are we going to do?” Brianna said knowing that Josiah had already ran away and so did Mat and, Adam.


“Meaghann I will help thee,” Matthew said as he needed to repay her for something.
“Okay you may help us, but I just want to know how you are going to help us,” Meaghann agreed.
“Like this,” then Matthew went right in front of Nathan and then put his hands in the position of were it would seem as if he were holding up an invisible brick wall.
“Meaghann what is going on, why is Nathan having trouble getting to us?” Brianna asked sacredly worried about her eye sight.
“Oh my gosh, I will give you the power to see him, okay here it goes Matthew is there, Matthew is here, Matthew is made of air, let us see him, let us please just the sight we ask for tonight.” Then after a few seconds, Brianna started blinking and rubbing her eyes and then she said “Is this real?”
“Yes it is,” Meaghann replied.
“Wow Meaghann you were right,”
“Well yeah aren’t I always right?” Meaghann said proudly.
“Um Matthew there is a slight problem Nathan is getting closer and closer.” Brianna said starting to back up. Then Matthew had left and Nathan had spoken “Ha this will teach him, Meaghann why are you crying?”
“Well Matthew is gone and now you are going to kill me and my best friend in the whole entire world too.” Meaghann said with streams of tears running down her cheek. Then Meaghann was having flash backs of her and Matthew in middle school they were eating lunch on a sunny day and Matthew kept making her giggle, laugh, and smile. Meaghann had also had a crush on Matthew in middle school and now she was afraid that she had lost Matthew for good this time.
Then her flashback had sadly ended, and then Nathan said “Meaghann, I am Matthew and I won’t kill you or Brianna I am just going to kill Nathan and then I must go but first I will be funny just one more time I am going to rummage threw his stuff,” as Matthew did so he mainly found and then found a small, silver whistle that he blew a long note threw but did not make a noise. “Huh must be broken?” Matthew said as he threw it to the ground and then he said “goodbye,”
(Matthew) Nathan started beating himself up and then after twenty minutes, Meaghann and Brianna looked around the corner and saw Nathan (Matthew) lying there dead on the cold, hard concrete.
“Well let’s go to my house I am tired and need to get the house clean too,” Meaghann said standing up walking over Nathan’s body.
“Okay,” Brianna agreed.
“I don’t think so,” a mysterious voice said.
“Weird now I am hearing things,” Meaghann said as she looked around and then was amazed to see Conner (an old friend, who wasn’t a friend anymore) come out behind the corner.
“What do you want dupid head?” Meaghann shouted.
“I want both of you dead!” Conner replied.
“What is it with you evil jerks all you want to do is kill, kill, kill is that all you can think about or is world peace to big for your tiny, microscopic brains?” Brianna said with so much force that she scared Meaghann and then she started stomping off before Conner said “Tapeus lasticker,” and a piece of tape came over Brianna’s mouth and then Conner said “roper tiered pain,” and then ropes came and tied Brianna’s hands together and then Conner Said the same words but pointing at Meaghann and the same thing happened to her as it did.
Then Conner put his hand into his pocket and took out a knife and started heading towards Brianna he was just about to kill her when………..

Caitlyn woke Meaghann and Brianna up “What it is the middle of the night on Halloween, what do you want?” Brianna said still lying down in her sleeping bag in Meaghann’s room.
“Well there is this weird noise and Shelby is not here.” Caitlyn said with a frightened look on her face and then she spoke again “Meaghann you must come hear the noise,”
“Okay I will,” Meaghann said as she got out of the sleeping bag. When she went to the bottom of the stairs, she heard a “shink,” then a “thump,” then a rolling sound and then something hit her foot. So she instructed Caitlyn to turn on the lights and when she did, Meaghann and Caitlyn saw Shelby’s head oozing out blood all over the carpet and Meaghann Knew that she was now living her DISASTER ON HALLOWEEN.

Publication Date: 06-12-2011

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