» Fiction » An Emotionally Bankrupt's Odyssey, Shweta [best free ebook reader for android .txt] 📗

Book online «An Emotionally Bankrupt's Odyssey, Shweta [best free ebook reader for android .txt] 📗». Author Shweta

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was coming next.

After a moment of silence, Evan replied," Mrs. Woodland and Aurora have gone to Aurora's uncle Mr. Joyce in Florida."

"Wh..what? But why? She didn't even told me so. Is Joyce OK?" Joy told as a matter of fact.

"She told that she has left a message for you on the phone" Evan just informed Joy as told by Catherine to do. Although Evan was having a clear vision what was coming.

"What message? What's going on here? Will anybody tell me. What's wrong with Cat?" shrugged Joy.

The butler and the nanny went away from there without much having to say.


Joy went to his master bedroom. He was still to figure out what was going on.

But he was having a bad feeling. Some ominous prophecy ringing at the back of his head.

He changed his clothes. Took some shots of cognac. This was something he couldn't resist.

Now he decided to listen to the message which Catherine had left. There was something which made him shiver. He switched on the answering machine.

"You have a message Mr. Joy" beep..beep.

"Hi, Joy! Aurora and I are off to Joyce in Florida.....never to come back. I can't take it anymore, Joy. I guess you love your work more than me. God bless you, Joyee. Goodbye. Take care. Aurora is fine." beep..beep...beep..beep...

Joy cut the machine. He couldn't believe what he just heard. It was ringing in his head like the church bells. It was piercing like a sword.

He felt as if everything was zooming around him. Everything mocking at him. He was utterly stunned and unexpected.

He fell to the ground. Sat against the wall. Reflecting. What a mess he had done to his life.

He drank more cognac. His head was hurting. He couldn't sleep that night.

The world shattered to him.

The next few months just passed by. Joy was still doing everything a usual but not heartily. He was lost. He wasn't happy. He had no one to share with.

Now he was becoming really angry at Catherine. Why she has to take such an extreme step. She didn't even gave him a last chance. Suddenly a suspicion struck Joy. May be she would have found someone else to care for.

Joy stood firmly to this reason. And he started to develop a aversion towards Catherine.

Now he decided to forget Catherine. She was no more his. He started focusing on his business. Started drinking more and more. He had some affairs too linked to some hot shot girls in the town. But none lasted for long. Somewhere, inside, he still loved Catherine. She was just irreplaceable. But Joy didn't want to believe it.

Catherine never called. Joy never bothered to inquire about them. However, he only knew how much he missed Aurora. He missed Catherine.


A year or so passed by. Joy lost in his own world. No news or whereabout of Catherine. Media started playing stories about Joy and Catherine. Some of them were crazy. Joy would be bewildered at some of the news. But he was getting used to it. Now Aurora would be ten something. He didn't hear anything about her too. Joy was getting worst.He kept himself lost in alcohols. Although, he was doing the same things as before. But he was not really happy inside. Now everything seemed meaningless to him. Now,he craved for someone to be called his own instead of chasing money. And, no one else other than Catherine came to his mind. Harder he tried to forget her more she came to his mind. But this went happening for a while.


Back in the living hall, Joy was still lying on the sofa. Evan just came in to check out. It was around 8 in the evening. He feared to ask for anything. So he left Joy alone there.

Around 11 o'clock at night, Evan could hear someone sobbing. He feared and ran in the living area. As he thought, it was Joy. He was holding his head in his palms and sobbing.

Evan now it was the time. Now Joy can't hold inside what's been bothering him for that passing year. He approached Joy. Sat beside him.

"What's it Joy? Won't you tell me? I know what's bothering you inside. But I want to hear it from you." said Evan sagely as if he knew everything about Joy.

Hearing this, Joy broke down bitterly. He couldn't hold his emotions anymore. Evan's word were so comforting. He wanted to blurt everything out to him.

Joy fell in Evan's arms in a reflex. He cried bitterly like a child. Evan couldn't think what he should do right then. He comforted Joy. Rubbed his back.

"Everything will be OK, Joy." unable to think anything else Evan told.

He let Joy cry his heart out. May be it would ease him a little. So he could tell him what was going inside him.

After a little while, Joy came to his senses. Composing himself he apologized to Evan.

"I'm sorry Evan."

"It's OK boy. Let go off your ego and tell me what's it. It may help you." said Evan calmly.

"I have known you since your childhood. I know your each and every habit. I can tell something is wrong. But I want you to tell me." he said in a stern, like a parent's voice.

Joy was staring at Evan. Oh! man. He never observed this old man so closely. How much he cares about him.


Joy didn't know where to start or even to start or not. he feared if he did, he would broke into tears again. He was a loner always. He was used to it. And, he had no problem with it as he didn't know what's it to be not a loner. He was completely unaware of this world.

But, not now. Not anymore. He could not bear all these feelings going inside him anymore. Remorse, regret, sadness, longings and all.He was having a strong urge to tell everything yo Evan. But something was refraining him to do so.

" I'm fine Evan. It's just I was feeling a bit lonely. It's late. You must be sleepy. Goodnight. " Joy went away from there towards his bedroom.

Evan couldn't say anything but be silent. He knew Joy wanted to tell ,but didn't.

Joy came into his bedroom. Today, he didn't know what was it, why he was missing Catherine and Aurora so much. Everything made him remember them. He was feeling a lot guilty. Now he realized he really didn't gave them time. Sometimes he even muttered to himself.

"You were right, cat. I'm gonna regret this one day. And what you did is right. I don't deserve you." with this he broke again.

Now he started delving into long lost memories and bringing them back on the surface of his brain. He played a music which utterly said about him. He got lost more and more. And more did he cry.

".......I have never been the kind to ever let my feelings show,

And,I thought that being strong and never loosing self control,

But I'm just drunk enough to let my go pain, to hell with my pride,

Let it fall like rain from my eyes, Tonight I wanna cry..........."

When Joy woke up, it was 4 am. He fell asleep don't know when. He sat on his bed. Music was still on. Damn, you can never believe sometimes how circumstances plays with you....a mastermind, a master planner.

He could hear with his head heavy with less sleep and so much thinking the song being played..

"I woke up early in this morning around 4 am,

With the moon shining bright as headlights on in the street,

I pulled the covers over my head and tried to catch some sleep,

But thoughts of us keeping me awake....."

He switched off the music immediately.


He was feeling a need to breath in the fresh air. He went to his balcony. The cool air did relaxed his senses. Now he could think sensibly. He wanted to end how he was feeling. He wanted to let go all his emotions. It was affecting him badly. It was affecting who he really he was. He would even try to contact Catherine and apologize to her. But how?



With all these plans in his head, he felt a little energetic, able to think. He went into the bathroom. Took a shower. The cool water of the shower was healing. It healed his mind, body and soul.

Now it was 6 am. He could hear some sounds below. Evan must be awake.

He wore a crisp white shirt and blue denim. He liked to wear this combination as casuals.

He came down.

"Good morning, Evan"

"Good morning, Mr. Woodland" replied Evan a little surprised.

"Oh no! Don't even call me Mr. Woodland. Call me Joy. I'm your boy, Joy." Joy told smilingly.

Evan nodded smiling back.

"Ok, Evan I'm out just for a stroll. When I'm back, I want my breakfast ready."

"OK, Joy!" Evan couldn't believe his eyes, he was happy seeing Joy happy.

He hadn't seen Joy really happy since don't know when.

Joy came back. He had his breakfast. he decided to take the day off.

He kept thinking what to do. He lost himself in past memories. And worst to come yet, he started feeling nostalgic again. He thought about Catherine and Aurora.

Hell, it was again happening to him. He went from one room to another. Unable to resist the thoughts coming in his head. Sometimes, he asked himself "Do really Catherine loves someone else?" He couldn't digest the thought. It made him gloomy.

He watched TV on his Home Theater....but all he could see were pictures of Aurora and Catherine flashing.

He even played games. But only to loose every time. He was so unfocused.

He just passed the time somehow. It was Around 7 in the evening. He remained whole day at home. No phone calls. No messages. No Internet. No emails check. Nothing.

Again those overwhelming emotions were taking a grip on him. He was feeling again like crying. He knew he was just pretending to be happy. But really he wasn't.

He went down to the living room. He sat on the sofa. Lost. Didn't know what to do.

He felt utterly lonely and despondent. He was once again loosing all the strength which he had gathered in the morning. He wanted to inquire about Catherine from Evan. But he wasn't sure if he knew or not. But Catherine was very close to him.He used to talk to her a lot and Catherine took him as her Father. He was going once again mad.

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