» Fiction » Contingent Liability, Kevin Miller [chromebook ebook reader .txt] 📗

Book online «Contingent Liability, Kevin Miller [chromebook ebook reader .txt] 📗». Author Kevin Miller

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Günter’s heart. Both supervisors are dead.

The office is eerily calm. Then a cheer rings out, then more, and then the whole office erupts in loud merriment and chanting of Clarissa’s name. She is too tired to respond.

Chapter 7

The CEO is standing in his office, checking the parking lot for wads of gum thrown of his precious asphalt.

CEO: Well, so much for the HR Manager’s plan. I’m calling a meeting.

The CEO sits at his desk and pages his secretary and tells her to put together a meeting of the Senior Staff.

An hour later, the boardroom is packed with Managers. The HR Manager is seated at the end of the table. The Network Overlord saunters in and plops down in his chair, a custom made replica of Captain Kirk’s command chair. He is located next to the CEO, who sits at the head of the table on a replica of a medieval throne.

CEO: We have a staffing issue. We lost two more supervisors today.

Everyone in the room gasps. The room is silent for a moment before the CEO begins to speak again.

CEO: We had two seemingly expert supervisors cut down today by a rogue accountant. She was quick and methodical, and fought with daring and grace. What should we do with suck a menace?

HR Manager: We could promote her. We could bring her to our side by corrupting her with power and a better parking place.

Network OL: Sure, and then I can give her unrestricted rights to the network…WAKE UP! You’re such a moron.

HR Manager: Shut up, fatty, like you could have a better plan. You hide behind your technology and are afraid to…

Just then with a few swift keyboard strokes, the HR Managers chair converts at the top and begins choking him. The HR Manager struggles for breath as the chair squeezes the life from him.

CEO: Enough of this, Overlord, release him!

Network OL: As you wish.

A few quick keystrokes later the chair releases the HR manager who falls forward on the table gasping.

CEO: Wait, did we just reenact a scene from Star Wars? You are a big nerd, knock it off! We have a serious issue to deal with here.

The other managers begin discussing the issue, while the CEO stands up to pace the room. He comes to a stop behind the HR Manager.

CEO: We need a plan that won’t fail. We’ve had enough failure at this table.

The CEO pulls out his katana, strangely familiar to the one carried by Clarissa Jenkins. He stabs the sword, through the HR Manager, into the table. The sword sways back and forth from the force of being stuck in the table.

CEO: Watson, you’re promoted to HR Manager. I’m going golfing. While I’m gone I want this issue resolved.

The CEO turns and leaves the room, slamming the door behind him. The Managers look around at each other in stunned silence.

Chapter 8

Clarissa decides to use the lull in killing to get some work done. She really does enjoy accounting. She calms herself by looking through columns of numbers and tabulating totals. While doing ten-key, she is interrupted by Kory Fields, a semi-handsome CPA with who she shares a cubicle wall.

Kory: You doing ok? I mean it’s been pretty rough around here lately.

Clarissa: I’m fine, I guess.

Kory: Let me look at those cuts, I’m this floors first responder.

Kory bandages up Clarissa’s wounds. Nothing required stitches or surgery, just some minor sword scratches.

Kory: There you go, good as new.

Clarissa: Thank you.

Kory: Can I take you to lunch? I know this great little hamburger shop around the corner.

Clarissa: That would be nice, I’d like that.

After straightening up their desks they clock out for lunch.  The hamburger place was indeed close and was basically empty. They order and then sit at a table in the back. While it and small talk, they find that they share a lot of common interests: auditing, Quicken, computer games, and CATS!

Kory: You know, I really appreciate what you did in the office. You were amazing. Where did you learn to do that?

Clarissa: My dad taught me. He was a master ninja and a CPA, in fact he worked at the same place we do. That is until he died…

Kory: Clarissa, I knew your dad. He was my mentor. I didn’t know he had a daughter until just now. Wow, this is amazing.

Clarissa: You worked with my dad???

Kory: He could fill out the 1040 faster and more accurate than anyone I’ve ever met, he was incredible.

Clarissa: How long did you work with my dad?

Kory: About 3 years, up until his death 5 years ago…I miss him. There is so much more that I want to learn!

Clarissa: I miss him too.

Kory: Say we need to get back to work. Do you want to go out for dinner sometime?

Clarissa: Ok, that sounds nice.

Chapter 9

They return to work finding that the mess was cleaned up and there was a message for Clarissa to report to HR. Clarissa was surprised that the regular HR Manager was missing. In his place was a new guy – Jim Watson, who was the head of Employee Benefits.

Watson: Welcome to my office, Clarissa. It is so good to have you join me. Would you care to take a seat and tell me about the recent troubles you’ve had with your supervisors?

Clarissa was wary, why was he being so nice to her and what did he want – nobody in this company did anything without selfish motives.

Clarissa: I would prefer to stand, thank you. I have been attacked one supervisor and came to the aid of a fellow employee. I can give you a full written report if you would prefer.

Watson: The Company is concerned. We have spent serious time and money on our supervisors and don’t like to see them removed from service. The Company needs to deal with this situation – effectively and immediately.

      Do you know the facts about what happened to your father? Do you know how he really died? It wasn’t a training accident – I assure you that. He was betrayed and murdered by someone in his own department. Your father didn’t agree with everything we were doing in the Company, but he was a good man. One of his bright young stars betrayed him.

      Think on that. Are you like your father or like that young man who betrayed his supervisor? Are you a team player? Clarissa, I want you to take the rest of the day off – clear your mind. Think about what the Company can do for you and what you can do for the Company. Dismissed.


Clarissa was surprised and shocked by the statements about her father. The Company considered him a good man, but the Company was evil. She was confused and needed to get away. She left the HR office and went straight to her desk to get her jacket and purse.


On her way to her car, the CEO was in the parking lot writing down car makes/models to see which employee had too nice a car for their position. Clarissa drove an older model Ford Focus – definitely not on the threat list.

CEO: It’s Clarissa, isn’t it? I heard you had a little trouble today. Just know that I have an open door policy – if you need anything, just let me know.

Clarissa: Yes, sir. Thank you sir, I appreciate it.

CEO: You know, your father was a good man, a real Company man. We could always count on him. I hope the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, you know what I mean?

Clarissa: Yes, sir, I understand what you’re saying.

CEO: Looks like you could use an upgrade on your car, I know a guy – maybe we could work something out.

Clarissa: Thank you, sir. I have to be going, but I will consider what you’ve said.

Clarissa unlocked her car and prayed that it would start. It sputtered to life and she was able to drive out of the employee parking lot without incident.

Chapter 10

She went home and had to take a shower. Between the HR Manager and the CEO, she was worn out. During her shower, Clarissa decided to call her mother.

Mother: Hello, Clarissa darling, how are you?

Clarissa: I’m fine, well no, I’m not really. Mom, was daddy a good man – really?

Mother: Of course he was a good man! Your father was the most loving, gentle, kind, caring man I have ever met.

Clarissa breathed a sigh of relief.

Mother: Why, what brings that up?

Clarissa: Trouble at work today. Mom, you know about the skills daddy taught me, right? Not just how to use a slide ruler or a ten-key, but the ninja stuff, right? I had to use my skills to protect myself and some co-workers today.

Clarissa’s mother became very quiet on the phone.

Mother: Dear, let me tell you what I know. Your father and I met at the International Ninjitsu Training Academy. I know his secret. I insisted he pass the family legacy down to you. In fact, I’ve been meaning to have you come over for coffee –

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