» Fiction » The Truth, Desire Scheepers [ereader that reads to you .txt] 📗

Book online «The Truth, Desire Scheepers [ereader that reads to you .txt] 📗». Author Desire Scheepers

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everything she could to show Steven that even though he had killed her body, she was still there and that she was not going away until the truth had been revealed.
Within a month of the killings, she had waged such an effective attack on him that he had completely lost what little of his mind had been left and he committed suicide by taking his clock radio with him into the bath.

It must have been when Chris had moved in that he had awakened her from her hibernation. She had opted to forget what had happened when Steven had died, trying to continue, but never really able to rest unless the truth was discovered. She remembered how she had managed to make the boards uneven while Steven was still alive, so that he would be reminded on a daily basis of where she was lying. She never realised that it would be where Chris would start looking. Recalling what she had seen last night she realized something else. Steven was back. The same reason that had wakened her from her self enforced hiding must have called Steven back somehow. He would do anything to stop someone from finding out the truth. As soon as the truth came out, she and her daughters would finally be released to move on and he would most probably also move on, but not to the same place, therefore the moving shoes last night. Well, no matter what he tried to do, this time she would not permit him to do anything to harm them or Chris. Chris was her only hope of getting any rest.

Chris sat there, staring at what he had uncovered. He couldn’t believe it. There were bones underneath the boards. There was still some cloth covering the bones, what looked like jeans and could’ve been a sweater. His heart was racing, his breath was coming in quick gasps and his hands were shaking. He would have to do something.
As he was still trying to recover his senses, he suddenly heard a noise from behind him. Turning around, he saw his lamp on the table next to the door come flying at his head. Not believing his eyes, he just sat crouched, not moving, like a deer caught in the headlights of a moving vehicle. He closed his eyes the moment before impact, expecting to feel the crushing blow from the lamp hitting his head, but instead only felt a strong breeze move past the front of his face. He heard a loud crash and slowly opened one eye to see what had happened to the lamp, but could not immediately locate it. Opening both eyes he saw the lamp lying on the other side of the room, completely in the opposite direction it had been travelling in. Bewildered, he looked around to see if he could find out what had happened but nothing he saw made sense. The floor had revealed someone’s last resting place and a lamp had come flying at him but was now smashed on the other side of the room. Before he could move to get up, he saw the other lamp from the set suddenly lift into the air and come flying at him. This time he was a little more prepared and managed to duck but once again something made the lamp change direction and crash down on the other side of the room.
Not wanting to have anything else come his way, he sprang up and ran for the door, intending to run down the stairs and out the door as fast as his legs would carry him, but just as he reached the doorframe, his feet went crashing out from under him, sending him sprawling through the door. Something had tripped him, of that he was sure, but what it was, was a mystery.

Sam was still looking at the whole in the floor and knowing that Steven would try to stop Chris from uncovering the truth when she sensed that there was someone else I the room. Looking over her shoulder she saw Steven standing by the table with the two lamps on it. Instincts kicking in, she turned to face him squarely, this time not afraid that he would hurt her, but knowing that he would try to hurt Chris. Preparing herself for the fight that was coming, she gathered all her energy and strength together.
Across the room she could see Steven picking up the lamp and giving a mighty heave to throw the lamp at Chris. Without even thinking of what she was doing, she stepped in front the flying lamp and with a great shove of her hand managed to deflect the lamp in the opposite direction. Steven, seeing that she was not going to let him harm Chris without a fight, picked up the second lamp and let fly. Once again Sam was there to stop the lamp from getting to Chris. Keeping her eyes trained on Steven she didn’t see Chris running away until he was at the door. She was too late to stop Steven from tripping him, but she would not be late in stopping him again. Running full speed towards Steven, she tackled him before he could do anything to Chris, jumping up before he had a chance to recover. She saw Chris had already gotten up and was running down the stairs. Following him downstairs, she saw him entering the kitchen. Going in after him, she saw him scrambling around looking for something. Not waiting for him to find what he was looking for, she grabbed the pen hanging from the notebook attached to the fridge and started writing on it.

Chris was still scratching around looking for his car keys when the notebook on the fridge started bringing forth letters and then words. He hadn’t thought that it could get any weirder, but there was his fridge reminder notebook telling him to call the police. NOW! What was going on? But he wouldn’t argue with that piece of advice, even though the police would think him crazy.
With speed that actually surprised him, he ran towards the phone, picking up the receiver and pressing the numbers on the keypad before he was fully registering what his hand was doing.
“Hi, could you please send someone to this address? I’m being attacked and I found a body buried under my floorboards. And I don’t know if there are any more. Please hurry up!” Before he could get any other words out, he felt a mighty push sending him backwards. Lying on his back he could see the knife that was meant to kill him, flying harmlessly over his head. He decided that the safest course of action for him would be to stay in one place, because there seemed to be two opposing entities in the house. One trying to kill him and one trying to save him.

Sam could see Steven look around for something else to throw. She had managed to push Chris out of the way before the knife could hit him, keeping him safe. Hoping that Chris wouldn’t run again, she waited to see what Steven would do next. His options were running out. Very soon the police would be here and then everything would come to light. The thing was just to keep Chris out of harms’ way until then.
Casting a quick look behind her to see that Chris was still there, she looked back to Steven again and saw him pick up a marble cutting block used for cutting vegetables and meat. Looking her straight in the eye as if to say that she didn’t have the strength to stop him, he started walking in Chris’ direction. Standing with her legs slightly apart, she held her arms in front of her, to enable her to ward off any attack that Steven had planned against Chris.

Chris could only look at the cutting block that was heading his way. Feeling like gravity had pulled the strength from his limbs, his only hope was that whatever seemed to be protecting him could stop the block from reaching its intended target. With a feeling of total surrender and utter helplessness, he closed his eyes and waited for whatever the outcome would be. He did not want to see if the block hit his head. If it did, then it didn’t matter. For a few seconds nothing seemed to happen, making the curiosity over what was happening to the block too great to resist. Opening his left eye only slightly, he managed to see the cutting block simply stop in midair before going flying through his kitchen window. Both eyes now wide open, he finally heard the welcome sound of wailing police cars come screeching down the street.
Without thinking about what he was doing, he simply flew at the back door and yanked it open with such force that it flew back against the wall. Running with all his might he ran to meet the first police car coming up the drive.

The police officer that had been first to approach Chris was still trying to understand what he was explaining.
“So, Mr Lawrence, where exactly is the person that you say attacked you. We have searched the house and can’t find anyone.”
“That’s just it. I wasn’t attacked by a person. It was a ...a …thing. An entity or something.”
“I’m sorry sir, but we can’t arrest an entity for attacking someone. I don’t think that law has been passed yet. But you also mentioned the bones that you found. Do you have any theories regarding that? Know how they might have ended up underneath your floor?”
Chris was getting pretty fed up with the attitude of the policeman. He knew it sounded farfetched, but the least he could do was pretend to be serious about it. And now he made it sound as if Chris had something to do with the bones. With a disgusted shake of his head, he excused himself, explaining that he had to go the bathroom.
Dodging around all the policemen that had invaded his house, he went upstairs to the living room to see if he could find any more clarification on the matter. The open area had been cordoned off, not allowing him to go too close, but he could still see the inside of the hole in his minds’ eye.

Sam saw Chris sitting dejectedly on the couch, trying to figure out the events. She knew that he would have to explain what had happened but he wouldn’t know. He had not been part of it until he had uncovered her.
She knew now that she would have to try and give him the answers to his questions, even though she wouldn’t be able to talk to him. She slowly walked up to him and crouched down in front of him so that she could lay her palms against his face. She was hoping that by touching him, she could impart her gratitude for all he had unknowingly done as well as to ask him to tell their tale and have her and her daughters moved to their final resting place.
With a great sigh, she closed her eyes and started concentrating, letting all her thoughts and feelings travel down to her hands and through her fingers, willing Chris to feel what she was doing and understand what had happened.

Chris was still struggling to come to grips with the things that had happened during the last few hours. He was exhausted, mentally, physically and emotionally. Now the police wanted questions answered and he had nothing to give except a few ‘I don’t know’s’. He had hoped that coming upstairs would reveal something more, but it had only added to his sadness. Still looking at the hole, he could suddenly feel something touch
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