» Fiction » Hadassah's Watchman Trilogy, Evangheline Farcas [red scrolls of magic .txt] 📗

Book online «Hadassah's Watchman Trilogy, Evangheline Farcas [red scrolls of magic .txt] 📗». Author Evangheline Farcas

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Day, Bolstabruk, Sweden 2010
As the battle subsided, a strange calm, a peace beyond all understanding seemed to settle over her. It was delightful to see the transformation taking place. I knew that now was the time, it was time for Laura Hadassah Marcu to meet her watchman. It was time for her to see the truth.
The aftermath of the battle for her soul was good, she was not destroyed, she had conquered her demons, quite literally, although she didn't fully know. But so there was so much more preparation needed, it would begin now.
Leaving the bench and opening the door to the hallway, I bounded up the steps, knocked on her door and waited.
Reluctant footsteps followed, a pause at the door. Then finally the door opened.
"I don't need the pills anymore Karina, I----" she stopped short in surprise, mouth agape. "I'm sorry, I, um well, was expecting someone else."
"Yes I know." I smiled.
"You do?"
I nodded.
"Who are you?"
"Forgive me Hadassah, my name is Raphael, and I am here to keep a promise to your Father."
Flashes of emotion crossed her face, pain, disbelief, curiosity.
"I've never known my father nor my mother, whoever you are don't toy with my mind, you'll find I'm not so very gullible these days." she crossed her arms as if to protect herself.
"Understandably so dear Hadassah, nor would I want you to be gullible, that would indeed be a disappointment." I replied.
I took a faded picture from my book, the black and white of times past, and gave it to her. Hadassah studied it with bewilderment.
"Where did you get this? it is similar to the one I have on my walls, the only picture I have of my biological parents."
"Look on the back, it is addressed to you." I pointed to the back of it.
Guardedly she read the script that was now a bit older then twenty years aloud:

"Our sweet child, we leave this world today and you in it, but never will you be alone, this we know. In recent days we have learned so much, dear child there is much to know, there are watchmen appointed by God among us. One such watchman has been as a sentinel for you from the day you were born. When the time is right, you will read this note. Then you will learn of Raphael, who watched over us and now watches over you. Your destiny will be tested this much we know, listen to him and he will show you how to win the heart of the King... For when you were born we were assured that one day you will be desired by him. Sweet princess of our hearts, we leave this world but we will meet again when the Savior will take your hand as He has done for us, we will meet you child, in the Golden City.------- Shalom, Peace be with you, with everlasting love from your Father and Mother Richard and Estera Marcu"

Her voice trailed off almost inaudible as she read those beautiful names. She motioned for me to come in, I lifted my hand "Not yet, in a moment, there is something I must retrieve from my own dwelling." Then turned to the door across the hall from her, unlocked it and took from beside the door the case containing my most cherished instrument.
Decisively I walked back to her ready now to accept her invitation.
For the moment she stood frozen in astonishment, "You live across the hall from me? How have I never seen you?" She questioned as she closed the door behind me.
"No one ever notices a watchman until he sounds the alarm." I answered.
Hadassah motioned for me to take a seat, "So you mean to imply that an alarm has been sounded." uncertainty with a hint of sarcasm coated her voice.
"Let me show you dear Hadassah, for that is what I have always called you, for that is what you are, let me show you how your life sounds when it is put to music."
Her round ebony eyes that were speckled with gold looked at me quizzically, as often happens when one finally learns the truth.
Gingerly I picked up the ancient violin that was my constant companion, for when a watchman gets tired or lonely from the long vigils that is what we do.
"My life to music?" she asked.
"Yes, the moment you were born your music started." I explained as I proceeded to pick up the bow.
A soft gasp escaped her gentle lips, "You have watched me that long? Did you really hear music when I was born?"
Smiling I nodded, "Yes, oh yes Hadassah, but this music was not the music I've composed but it was heaven's own composition which flowed and ebbed and even now I hear as we sit here."
Wonder filled her, she put a thin graceful hand over her heart, the joy of it was overwhelming to her, still, she was absorbing it.
"Now listen."
With reverence I lifted my bow, put my chin to the violin, and recalled each note that was played on that day. The melody did not begin sweetly as you may expect when you would think of the birth of a child, for the birth of a child is anything but peaceful. It is full of travail, a painful struggle to bring forth life and also hang on to life simultaneously. This song began with a fast tempo, with a touch of the mournful sound that a violin often gave, only after a seemingly endless time did the melody change into a sweet higher pitch that mixed both joy and relief of having safely delivered a soul into this world. On it went just as the angels themselves had played through out her life, yet still my violin paled to the full orchestra of heaven that had played throughout her life, oh yes that even now was playing, for Hadassah's song was not yet finished.
Each low note, each high note, each change in pace of the melody showed her where I had been in her life, though she never saw me, indeed she had never thought to look. Now the song thundered with a mixture of very low and high reaching the climax she had just overcome, with a long pause, just as the angels had paused when her life had almost stopped before the Conductor had planned... all because she thought there was no song. Oh, this now was my favorite part, like a triumphant entry of a queen after the battle had been fought and the victory was won. Here now I stopped, I would not play her the entire song, for she would need to choose the next note, and all of heaven now waited.
"Exquisite!" she exclaimed, "Though I've never heard it, it's as if I remember each note, but why have you stopped Raphael?"
"Because we have reached this moment, and you are the one to choose the next note." I explained.
She contemplated my words trying to comprehend, "Why do you call me Hadassah and not Laura?"
I smiled, "Is that not your middle name my dear?"
"Well yes, but nobody calls me that."
"That is what your parents called you, their Hadassah, queen of their heart." I simply stated.
We both glimpsed out the window, the sun refused to fade for it was summer, a Swedish summer, here the sun did not sleep during the warm months.
"Hadassah, what did you see when each note flowed over you?" I asked.
Hesitant at first as if afraid I'd think her crazy she replied, "I saw them, their life, their love, their death.. They left me without them." betrayal filled her, of course she would want someone to accuse.
"Child, they only left to join the One preparing a place for you. That was who they were, and they wanted to kill that out of them. They wanted to stay, but as the vision showed you dear child so many would have perished had they given in, in a battle much sacrifice is required, though unwanted." With each word uttered out of my mouth I prayed that they would be as a healing salve on the wounds in her heart.
"Yes, unwanted sacrifices, I know of those. But tell me Raphael what battle cry has been sounded and why?" she paused, "And why do you still look as young as if you could be my brother?"
She was curious, indeed, demanding answers as it is of course her right. I studied her a moment longer before replying, her dark black hair would remind you of night, yet her ebony eyes that were flecked with gold seemed to be like stars in that night. Her face was smooth as milk, her smile, if only she would smile would lift any weary soul.
"You are here for a purpose, and you have received an invitation."
"An invitation?"
"Yes, child your heart has been noticed by none other then the royalty of this country." I stated as proud as a father, for Hadassah to me was like my own child though always from afar.
Her mouth stood agape, speechless, uncertain.
"As for my youth, I am a watchman my lifespan is longer then most, though I am fully human, I have been given the gift of Noah, a long life span so I can better serve in His kingdom." I explained, but was uncertain that she would fully grasp this.
Softly she answered, "Moments ago I saw a flash of white across the sky, and I felt both dark hands and then hands of comfort touch me, I thought I was imagining all of it."
I smiled, "Your eyes have been opened, you my dear are a key, a light that will shine, but many will try to blow out your candle."
Fear flashed across her face, "What invitation have I received?"
"The Royal family of Sweden, the House of Bernadotte has taken great interest in you."


Song of Songs 3:2-3 I will get up now and go about the city, through its streets and squares; I will search for the one my heart loves. So I looked for him but did not find him. The WATCHMEN found me as they made their rounds in the city. "Have you seen the one my heart loves?"

"Tell me Raphael, how this happened, what have I done to be bestowed with their attention? I am nothing but an orphan who has taken refuge in this country of refugees." Hadassah begged as she poured coffee into beautiful cups.
I heard a hiss, somewhere a dark one did not want this story told, and did not want this future to unfold. I ignored it.
Taking a sip of the black coffee I began, "Do you remember your visit in Stockholm four years ago? In the year two thousand and six, during the summer solstice?" I prodded her memory.
She nodded.
"As you know Queen Silvia has a heart for the poor, as does the entire royal family. On that day you were among the thick crowds. Evidently you were beside an old woman, who would have gotten
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