» Fiction » Harder to Breath, Sedona McDonald [the best electronic book reader .txt] 📗

Book online «Harder to Breath, Sedona McDonald [the best electronic book reader .txt] 📗». Author Sedona McDonald

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shall drink from a soul as beautiful as yours” the man whispered in her ear. “You are a beautiful girl and I am goi-“ the man broke off, he felt the surge of power from the girl. But the man didn’t have enough time to react.
The girl spun out of the man’s grasp and flew her hand back. Back handing the man in the face; the girl cried out in pain. His face was rock solid.
The man moved as fast as light, grabbing the girls neck and pushing her against another tree.
“The woods” she thought “We are in the woods”
The man stared at her with sharp eyes and leaned into her neck his fangs so close to piercing the skin.
The girl screamed as his fangs ripped into her throat. The girl pushed the man away and with barely enough force to flee.
She fled into the woods not even caring about the gushing blood from her neck.
The man wiped his mouth with the little blood he got to drink; he knew that the thirst wasn’t over. He chuckled to himself as he watched her run into the dark of the woods.
The girl tripped over rocks and brush and twigs. The blood dripped down her neck and hit her shoes as she ran. She had no clue where she was going nor did she care. The only thought running through her mind was getting out of the woods leaving this monster behind.
A hand grabbed her arm from behind and threw the girl into a tree.
The collision hit her head hard; she felt the soft trickle of blood down the back of her neck.
The girls vision blurred as she saw the man lean down in front of her. He put a hand under her chin and turned her face to his. He kissed her hard against the mouth.
The girl moved under the weight of his body pressed against her. She squirmed and tried so hard to pull her face away from his rock hard mouth, fighting to breath.
The man released her from his grasp as the girl gasped in beautiful, sweat air into her lungs.
“You see,” the man said “I don’t need air to live, darling”
“Who are you?” the girl mumbled.
“More like what am I…” he replied.
He kissed the girl again, this time even harder. The girls eyes bulged, wanting to breath in so badly.
The girl kicked the man hard in the leg, but the girl screamed in agony. She had forgotten how stone this man was.
“Cry all u want my dear” he thought “Nobody’s going to here you”
He smiled down at her.
The girl slowly dragged her fragile body up the tree into a standing position.
“Break him,” she thought “break his neck. That’s how you kill these monsters”
The man stepped forward and grabbed the girl by her hair and forced her head to the side. Revealing her neck.
The girl saw the man bend down getting ready to bite. He was so close to the gaping wound in her neck. The girl had to act fast if she wanted to live.
In an instant the girl grabbed the man’s head and twisted his head so far left that she cried out in pain from the loss of blood. The crack of the man’s neck breaking was a horrid sound. The man’s body went rigid and he collapsed to the ground his head bent at an odd angle.
The girl gasped and covered her mouth with her hand to keep herself from screaming. Tears ran down her face. She didn’t know her attacker; she didn’t even remember how she had come to the woods with this monster.
The girl ran as fast as her legs would go. Blood flew behind her. It was getting so hard for her to continue, she couldn’t breathe. She crashed through a break in the woods and hit asphalt.
She was in the middle of a road, car headlights were coming toward her. She waved her hands above her and cried for help. The car slowed down and the women in the front seat rolled down her window. She knew the woman or so the girl thought.
“Erica!? What are you doing out here?”
Erica never could explain, because at that moment, she collapsed in the middle of the road.

Erica moaned, the pounding in her head was getting worse. She opened her eyes to find her aunt staring down at her.
“Erica! Thank goodness that you are awake” she said in a shrilled tone.
Aunt Monty, she was a women but the way her frame looked you could have sworn she was a man but that didn’t affect my love for her. Her old olive, tan skin was darker than usual, her dark grey eyes seemed unnaturally misty and her hair seemed un brushed. She had been worrying her head off about my health.
“Aunt Monty” I managed to mumble through my hoarse throat.
“Oh! No, darling you mustn’t speak…. Your damage to your throat hasn’t healed” she explained
My damaged throat? Oh, yea that night. Everything is all fuzzy in my head; all I remember is this man almost killing me. But no, I killed him; I’m the one to blame. A cry escapes my throat but it comes out muffled, I reach up with a frail hand and feel the neck braise. Great. Just another reason to get picked on at school as if I wasn’t already made fun off enough.
My light pale skin made me look horrible, I couldn’t tan. My frail, brown hair was always stayed the same it never changed. My blue eyes were the only things unique in me. People said that my eyes were more outstanding than most.
I looked down at my skinny body and saw that I was in a hospital bed. Still in the hospital? How long had it been since the attack? It felt as if it was so long ago. It might have been only just days which I’m pretty sure it was.
“Aunt Monty” I managed to make out before I coughed up a lung, “What day is it?”
Aunt Monty looked startled and quickly brushed her hair out of her face and looked at me with worried eyes. “You have been in a coma for a week, Erica” at this she breaks down in tears and sits in the chair next to the hospital bed, weeping.
“Aunt, please calm down, I’m alright… Come on Monty, Look at me, I’m fine” I knew immediately I wasn’t.
Aunt Monty immediately stood up and started screaming in her shrill voice.
“Fine!? You call walking out on the road in the middle of nowhere with your throat almost torn apart and half of your rib cage cracked, and even your head busted open in the back, fine!?”
Her words came as a shock to me. I knew about my throat, but I had no clue about my rib cage and my head. Flashes of the night ran through my mind, me flying through the air and hitting a tree. Grabbing a man by the head and twisting his neck, cracking his spine. I covered my face with my hands and held myself together, for Monty.
“Do you remember anything about that night, Erica?” She said calmly sitting back into her chair.
I did, I know who the monster was, and he was a vampire. The reason why my parents had died, They died because of a venom sucker like the one that attacked me, had attacked my parents. They were innocent! And they died innocent! I knew about vampires for a long time now and I had been trying to find more information about them, which is why I was in an ally at ten o’ clock at night.

“Honestly, Aunt Monty, I don’t remember a thing” I whispered.
I had lied; I couldn’t let Monty know about the things that I had already figured out. I slowly pulled myself up in a sitting position, it hurt. Everything hurt.
A tall, lean man walked in the room, he had dark grey hair and looked about 60 years old. He grabbed a chart and flipped through the pages and scribbled something onto a few pages. When he was done he walked over to my side of the bed and checked on my neck braise.
“Hello, Erica” he said and looked me in the eyes “It’s very nice to know that you are finally awake. Now if I must ask, Do you have any clue what the hell happened?”
I shook my head not wanting to answer the strange man. He nodded and looked at my Aunt.
“Ms. Monty, may I speak to you out in the hall?” he asked her.
Monty stood up and walked out following the doctor.
I laid back down and stared at the ceiling.
I was in the ally and out of nowhere this man came out and said my name. Being me, I turned around, thinking I was brave enough to face danger.
I remember asking the man how he knew my name and he never responded instead he came closer. ---- --- ---

“Erica!” the man had said
I turned and looked at the dark man. “Who are you?” I asked my voice quivering.
The man stepped closer; he was wearing an old Victorian coat and black pants and a nice white shirt.
His dark hair and his nice beautiful eyes were the thing that lured me in.
“Oh relax, Erica” he had said, “I’m only here to talk with you.” He smiled at me and placed his hand in front me, waiting for me to take it.
I started to slide my hand out, but something stopped me. Oh! How I wish I had never taken his hand!
“First, tell me your name…” I had whispered to him.
“My name is Ralph, Erica” he replied with a grin. His hand was still waiting for me to take it. Slowly I grabbed it. In an instant we were flashing through the streets. We were running, fast.
My breath came in short gasps, Finally we stopped in a meadow.
“The woods?” I had thought, “We got here so fast…. This couldn’t mean he-“
It was too late, Ralph had already gotten me here, and He was the man who had killed my parents. I turned from the medow and started to run. I knew that he would soon catch up. Not even soon, he would be there in a second.
He was.

He grabbed me and shoved me up against a tree.
“You are right, my dear Erica, I killed your parents”
--- --- ---

I hadn’t realized I was crying till I had come out of my revere. I turned my head just a little just to see out the window.
“I killed the man, who killed my parents” I thought

It had been 3 weeks since the accident of me. I don’t wear the brace anymore but my throat is still bandaged. Today would be the first day that I go back to school. I awoke to the sound of Monty in my room, yelling at me to wake up.
“Erica! Get your ass up! You are going to school whether you like or not “she shouted at
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