» Fiction » Whisp, Grace Mattox [color ebook reader txt] 📗

Book online «Whisp, Grace Mattox [color ebook reader txt] 📗». Author Grace Mattox

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Chapter 3-Niome Is..Leaving?

 Malinda cast her gaze to Whisp, suddenly the horror melting into slight pity. Whisp felt oddly puzzled by her change of attitude.

Niome was on her knees, silent tears falling down her face. Flint walked forward to Malinda, and she looked at him sharply with dark hatred.

"There, see?" Flint growled, waving his hand at Vincent and Niome. "I told you..told you this would happen, yet, you did not listen. Was there any way you would have stopped this battle from happening? Could have?" His hand trembled slightly; he shook his head. "No. But there was a way you could--"

"I didnt know he would attack him." Choked Malinda, her eyes low now. "I wanted the battle to end; I figured..maybe Whisp would leave.."

"No." Shaking his head, Flint took a step toward the dead Vincent. "You knew Whisp would want to avenge Losa's death. That comes without question. But why..why would you let him know? What good did that do?"

"No good." Malinda sighed. "B-"

Whisp walked forward now, tired of listening to their conversation. His questioning eyes met Flint's; Flint shook his head with a smile.

"For now, take your people and retreat." He told Malinda. Before the young girl could speak, her mother stood up. "Im coming with you."

"Wait..what...?" Whisp struggled to control his horror. "You..your..leaving...?" He was terrified; what was becoming of his group now?

Niome's eyes were both desperate and pleading; there was something glittering in them that Whisp could not place, but he knew somehow he would have to let her be. She knew what she was doing..right?

"I will come back, Whisp, but...maybe not very soon." Niome glanced at Malinda. "But my daughter needs comforting right now. I comforted you when Losa now I have to comfort Malinda."

"I understand, Niome." Whisp murmured. "But we will miss you dearly."

Niome's eyes took on a mischevious glimmer. "Hey! I never said I wasnt coming back, you old goof!" She teased.

Whisp looked at her. "Im not as old as you are." He teased back, grinning. Niome scoffed, but her blue eyes were alight with laughter.

"Im only 44," She exclaimed, pretending to be annoyed. "Your, like, 20." At that, Whisp had to chuckle.

"Im 26." He shook his head with amusement.

"And your still alive?" Fake surprise flitted her gaze. She tried to hold back laughter, with no success.

While she was chuckling, Whisp took the chance to glance at Flint. The young wizard stood by Malinda's side, staring down at Vincent. Taking note of the solemn glitter in Flint's eyes, Whisp quickly returned his gaze to Niome.

"I should be going now, though." Niome's burst of laughter had ended; she had followed Whisp's gaze. Her own eyes were understanding, yet darkly cold.

"I..of course." Whisp whispered. "Goodbye, Niome.."

Niome's eyes found his. She nodded slightly. "Goodbye...Whisp.." She murmured quietly. She floated to Malinda's side, and Whisp looked up to see Malinda staring at him with hatred and fury in her dark coal black eyes.

"We will return..soon. To finish this." Malinda growled harshly. "So watch your back."

"Ditto." Threatened Callus, stepping to Whisp's side with his wand in hand. Whisp motioned him back with a wave of his hand. Callus stayed where he was, though his ready pose relaxed slightly.

Malinda glared at Callus for a long moment. "Youll be the first then." She snarked. "Threatening me."

Callus raised an eyebrow, stiffening slightly.

"Yup." Malinda wave her own group to her side. They crossed over to her, ignoring the hating murmurs of the crowd. Malinda raised her chin.

"We will be back." She repeated. "Not tomorrow. Not the next day. The day after? No. It will be a while. So you will never see it coming." The corners of Whisp's enemies lips went up slightly. " your back."

Callus let out a soft growl of frustration, itching to leap forward and wave his wand at her, making her disappear.

Malinda looked at him shortly, an amused expression taking place of the rage in her eyes for half a second. Callus dropped his stare; he looked at the floor for a short moment.

Whisp looked at Callus quietly. "Go back inside." He ordered.

"But Whisp--" Callus began, but Whisp's eyes were hard; this was an order. Callus nodded slightly, dropping his plea for now as he retreated inside the base.

Now Whisp returned his gaze to Malinda. "Go back to your territory. There has been enough bloodshed today." He told her, less kind now. Malinda sensed the change in his tone and raised her eyebrows.

"Of course." She murmured. "Territory." 

"Yours." Whisp added with a hint of malice. Malinda looked frustrated; obviously she was contemplating what to say next.

"Fine, fine." She growled. "My territory. Lets go." She added to her people, then glancing icily at her enemy. "Bye..Whisp. We will be back, dont doubt that."

"I believe you." Whisp said dryly, with a glance at Vincent's body. Malinda followed his silver gaze and flinched slightly, rage swirling inside of her.

 "You should." She snapped, spinning around. Her robe swished as she flounced quickly and quietly across the land, until she vanished from sight. Whisp watched, making sure they had really left. When he was satisfied they had gone, he simself spun around, floating back inside quickly. Callus was waiting by the door.

"Sire," He acknowledge quietly. 

"Send Flint to my room, will you?" Whisp murmured shortly as he kept walking. He hardly heard the wizards response; his heart ached with pain.

He reached his doors and swung them open, rising in the air and flying to his seat. He sat down in it to wait for Flint while his mind wandered.

So Vincent had killed Losa. But why? What..had she ever done to anybody? Was there something about her Whisp didnt know yet? Something dark?

Whisp remembered there had always been something..odd...about his friend. She was quiet sometimes, wanting to stick to the shadows, or even by Whisp's side. Sometimes she was frightful for no reason; Whisp found her behavior quite odd before.

The door to his chamber creaked open ever so slightly. "Whisp. You wanted me?" Flint asked as he walked into the room quietly, shutting the door behind him.

"Where did you go, Flint?" Whisp quieried quietly. "Where did you and Niome go?"

"Thats..not important sire." Flint told Whisp softly. "Im afraid this is meant to be for just me and Niome to know of."

Whisp narrowed his eyes. "Flint.." He said warningly. "I dont need to lose another wizard right now."

Flint sighed. "Fine. We went to the volcanos." He admitted, dropping his gaze, knowing the outburst that his words would bring on.

Whip flew from his chair in horror and shock. "You did what?!" He shouted. "Why? The volcanos? At a time like this?" He was furious.

Flint met his gaze unflinchingly. "I expected them to help us." He admitted softly. Whisp's nostrils flared.

"But..the volcanos...ugh...Flint! Do you have any, any idea what will happen now? Do you realise the danger you have put us all in, just by entering the territory? Do you?" Whisp put a hand up to his head in despair.

The volcanos were the resting place of a group of wizards called the Sabina. They were named after their wise and fearless leader. Sabina was evil; she wanted nothing more than killing. And if she couldnt have that..then the world would be forever doomed.

The worst part was, the Sabina shared their home with Matusa, a big red dragon. Matusa was unlike any dragon; Sabina was unlike any wizard. She could communicate with dragons telepathically. 

Matusa and Sabina had made a deal before; they would team up to kill, and share the power together. Matusa had accepted the offer, now becoming unstoppable.

Whisp knew anyone who dare tread near the volcanos would be putting themself and anyone they care for in danger. Matusa hated unwanted villagers.

Flint snapped him from his thoughts. "I had figured, maybe..Sabina would want to help us fight Vincent and his people. But she turned us down. She said we needed to leave at once.

"But Niome, she wouldnt stop pestering the Sabina. Eventually they got bored of her, and sent Matusa after us! We ran; we think we lost her.."

"You...think..?" Whisp glared at him. "So there is a fifty-fifty chance of a huge dragon attacking us? Do you know how close I am to completely banishing you from the territory?" 

Flint's eyes hardened, his expression becoming both indifferent and horrified. "You wouldnt, would you?" He asked Whisp, tilting his head ever so slightly.

Whisp let out a sigh, putting his hand to his head again, this time for a moment. "No. No, Flint, I wouldnt. But....ugh..." He closed his eyes, shaking his head. "We could be in mortal danger right now."

"Im sorry." Flint said, lowering his eyes slightly. "We didnt mean to lead her on." His voice wavered; he closed his eyes.

Whisp took a deep breath. "Just tell our most powerful wizards to keep an eye out. Keep the children inside." He murmured softly. He opened his eyes, watching his friends gaze melt into utter relief.

"Yes sir." He bowed respectfully and proceeded from the room to warn the others. Whisp heard murmurs from the hallway; shoes clicked down the hall toward his chamber almost at once.

"Sire..?" Callus was there; he creaked the door open, not bothering to shut it behind him. His eyes her wide; obviously something had startled him.

"Yes, Callus. What is it?" Whisp murmured tiredly. When he met his friends gaze, alarm flittered through him for a moment. Was Matusa attacking now?

"You..need to see this, sir." Callus hesitate slightly. "Come with me."

Whisp nodded and stood up, following his friend until he reached the huge doors. Callus flung them open and stepped out, unease flickering in his eyes. Ignoring the anxiety in his stomach, Whisp followed, preparing for the utter worst.

But what he saw was horrible. 

Smoke, just pure smoke, was flowing through Whisp's land until it reached the border. Whisp hardly saw in front of him; he had to raise up in the air slightly to see over the whisps of smoke. It crowded the land; Whisp drew in a deep breath, remembering Tabitha's words the day before.

Your land shall forever be consumed in smoke. She had murmured. Whisp narrowed his eyes, floating back down to Callus.

"Get everyone inside. Anyone who is not outside, get them in their rooms. You as well. Hurry, Callus! Now!"

Callus nodded gently. He met his leaders gaze, his own wide with fear, before vanishing quickly into the base. Whisp swallowed and glared through the smoke. It slid through the air, blinding him for just a moment as it whisped up to his face. Whisp coughed; he backed away. this wasnt any smoke. No. This was fire.

Now more alarmed than ever, Whisp rose up and stared across the yards. Flames lapped, far away from his land, yet the smoke seemed to billow toward him, growing thicker. The flames were crackling; smoke quickly whisped away from it towards the land.

A yell gathered in his throat, but something stopped him. He shut his mouth tightly, grinding his teeth. He didnt want to alarm them. 

"Callus!" He decided to yell for his higher wizard. A few seconds later Callus was at his side, gazing down at the bright orange flames with the same horror and fury that Whisp had.

"What are we going to do?" Callus growled quietly, narrowing his eyes as the flames lapped higher at the air quickly. Whisp stiffened.

"Go...get...Flint. Hurry!" He rasped softly. Callus nodded and dissappeared, returning a moment later with Flint at his side. One glance at the red flames and Flint gasped.

 "W..what happened, Whisp?" Flint gasped. "Who..did this?"

Whisp shook his head. "Matusa." He flew forward, his gaze locked coldly on the flames. Flint backed away.

"But.." Guilt flooded his gaze. Whisp turned his head to meet his friends gaze.

"Its not your fault." Whisp said sharply. "Matusa did not act alone. Im sure she had a little help."

Flint glared down at the fire. "By who?" He inquired.

Whisp gritted his teeth, speaking the name through them icily.


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