Daughter of Isis, Lilian Nirupa [books to get back into reading .txt] 📗

- Author: Lilian Nirupa
Book online «Daughter of Isis, Lilian Nirupa [books to get back into reading .txt] 📗». Author Lilian Nirupa
look like, can you see his face?”
“He’s wrapped in clouds of dust,” Lizla replied.
Ra-Ta smiled approvingly.
“He looks like, he is – oh yes – it’s Mikos: In a chariot! He had disappeared, didn’t you know? Did he go to war?” Lizla’s voice kept on coming at different levels of speed, out of her trance vision.
Ra-Ta answered softly: “To war? No! What colors are his horses?”
“White, brilliant white; he also has a white light hovering above his head. Oh! Is he dead?” The whirlpools above her womb accelerated intensely.
“No,” said the teacher, “Don’t worry, he is fine. Did he look at you?”
Lizla’s lips tried to mumble and answer, but did not part.
Ra-Ta sighed to himself in resignation. He moved up his hand to her waist level. He realized there the current in her aura was firm and strong; he could even feel the golden color. “Daughter of the Light, what do you see?”
Lizla took a deep breath, filling her whole body with light and power. “I see a queen on a throne.”
“Do you see her face?” Ra-Ta asked.
“No I cannot, she is veiled. But I can tell she is powerful, and beautiful, and has tears in her eyes. She has a weight on her heart – it’s her people, there is hunger and war – yes,” Lizla’s voice kept coming, hesitating, “There is war and her children are fighting... But she is strong and braveRa-Ta nodded approvingly. He was aware of that....”
He tried a last experiment. Moving his hand directly above her heart, he asked again, “Daughter of the Light, what can you see?
“A chain, a chain of gold and roses – and a finger, it’s working on the chain.”
"Can you see the finger’s owner?" Ra-Ta asked tremulously.
“Yes, it is Horus – it’s unlocking the chain.”
Ra-Ta felt a lump in his throat. What a blessing from the God of Wisdom! And to a woman! It was enough. The girl should rest now. Her trials were over for the present.
Quietly, he instructed his disciple to return to the physical world through gentle but grounding breathing exercises. Lizla finally took a deep breath with a sigh and then opened her eyes. They shone like two jewels.
Chapter 2 – Isis meets her Daughter
The morning came through the palm trees of the eastern dunes. It smelled of sand, dates and summertime, Lizla thought as she wet her hand in the large swimming pool by the temple. She had enjoyed a deep night’s sleep, with no dreams, and her body felt so full of energy!
Ra-Ta had not seen her yet. Again, last night he had recommended silence, although she was ordered to remember her vision before trying to fall sleep and to offer those memories to Isis. She had slept in the same room where the beautiful picture of Isis and Osiris was. As she closed her eyes for the evening meditation, the images of the three visions had come to her mind. She knew what they meant. Some parts of her body, like any human body, contained centers of power – there were seven of them in the physical and nine in the Ka. She had visions in the second, third and fourth center. They meant creativity/children, personal power or government and human love/emotion. So she had learned; so it had to be. She had felt and seen those centers before, like burning wheels, in her desert meditations. But then she remembered how last night, in her quiet bedroom as she offered her images to Isis, the Goddess had answered her. She had felt a very distinct presence, like a globe of pale rose, very powerful and vibrant, arise upon her heart. And the sweet face of Isis had said with musical accents. “I accept you as my child. After your morning bath, come to me for instructions.”
Then she fell asleep, quiet, fulfilled and contented for the first time since her departure from the palace. Strange as her destiny might be, it was a sure path, it seemed. It made sense. Unconsciously she drew the quiet confidence that custom and tradition provide, no matter how strange the grounds. Her unusual experiences still had a deep, loving and life giving Egyptian background. Like the rich gold setting of a precious stone, mystic traditions provide some cushion of comfort, a refuge from the formidable winds that the awakening of souls requires.
Taking her left sandal off, she dipped her gracefully shaped foot into the water. It was cool, but gentle. She was used to the bitter cold of the desert nights. With a brisk movement she let her shoulder pins lose and her gown fell to the floor. She thought she was alone, but behind the olive trees that protected the pool from the desert sands, a silent presence was watching very intently the supple movements of her slender nude body slipping into the water. It was Psusennes, the lion hunter. A cousin of Lizla, this sports-loving Prince had his own palace by the Nile, about one hundred miles down the river. He smiled approvingly at the gentleness of her movements and the delicate features of her face. But the body was still slim and childish, the well shaped breasts not full enough to meet the Egyptian standards of women’s beauty. But she was shaping as a woman, he thought, and the proud movements of her head and hands in swimming, and the impeccable harmony of her wholesome body frame, still caught his attention. It would be interesting to see how she developed, he caught himself thinking rather irreverently, as he remembered they were on holy grounds.
He had come here on pilgrimage. His devotion to Isis, the perfect woman, Queen, lover, healer and mother was his spiritual image of perfection. Not that he disdained the more imperfect forms of womanhood, as he found them mostly delightful. His fame as a lover was considerable, but the gentleness of his well-developed masculinity had created some form of a legend for him. In and out of most Egyptian palaces, he was cherished by women and somehow envied by men, but it had never been said that he harmed anyone. Instead, many a one wayward princess who went to see his famous zoological garden down the river and stayed in his purple palace had returned with a kinder heart in which to cherish the passionate memories of her romantic adventures with him.
As Lizla emerged from the pool, her body still vibrant with the energies of the rebirth experience, she got out on to the sandy deck to dry herself. She stood arms up, above her head, stretching in the sun, totally unaware of being observed. Psusennes mentally thanked the Goddess for this opportunity to “meet” his cousin. He was almost unconsciously getting a picture of how she could be “sculptured up” into the perfect form of woman. She had all the potential for it. He felt his hands moving accordingly. He stopped himself with a smile. How soon had his youthful cousin taken him --!
Lizla put on her gown and sandals and came back to her chamber. The Goddess had said to come in for instructions.
As she entered the room, the jasmine fragrance proved soothing to her spirit. There was something definitely delicate and somehow insinuating of the promise-adventure in the perfume of the jasmine, just like Isis herself.
She bowed before the picture and sat in her chair for meditation. The tall figure of Isis, crowned with the double kingdom crown, was the focus of her attention. As she reverently closed her eyes, Lizla started repeating the Isis invocation.
A pearly cloud of white and pink light overcame her consciousness. In its center, tall, queenly, with a radiant face and an even more luminous smile, the Goddess met her disciple.
“I am Isis – As it was written, you have awakened in my temple, where I led you, have passed your tests and become my daughter. From now on you will not call anyone Mother, except me.”
A radiant aura of perfected womanhood emanated from her. Lotus flowers were on her waist, symbol of spiritual serenity and the deep peace that could only come from the Mother of Horus, the God of Wisdom. Her gown was white with a golden waistband. Her breasts were full and firm, irradiating a life-giving presence. The finest of the Egyptian linens were almost translucent, as the vision appeared insinuating a fully developed female form, while making it more apparent than obvious.
Her lips, full but delicate, wore a golden copper color which contrasted with the golden tan of her exquisite skin. Her movements were regal in countenance and her voice was imperious and tender all at once.
“Daughter of the Light, you were contemplating my picture. What did you notice most?” Her voice filled the room with music-ripples, vibrations of a joyful peace.
“I saw that you were wearing the crown of the two kingdoms.” Lizla surprised herself answering tremulously.
“You are very perceptive, humble and obedient for your princely birth. I am pleased with you. But let me tell you about myself.
“Yes, the message of the two crowns was for you to see. As you reflected yesterday, the picture was left intentionally for your meditation and enlightenment. I came to Earth, many thousands of years ago, to teach all men and especially women, of the real law – The law of ONE. ONE is my crown, as one is the greatness of Egypt, ONE is the miraculous fertility of this desert land, united by the One River. The Nile, whose waters have been used, and will for many more thousands of years, will never harm anyone.
“This life blood of the Egyptian soil has healing qualities, and it unites all men in its fecundate task. ONE is the eternal spirit that rules the three worlds, the One whom all wise men call God. It was to show the magnitude of this one Power that when the forces of the darkness killed and dismembered my husband Osiris, throwing him to the Nile, the strength of my love and our union made Osiris One again. Do you understand all this?”
Lizla nodded reverently. How magnificent Isis looked, and how powerful her words that seemed to expand into Lizla’s heart until it felt it would explode out of her chest!
The Goddess continued: “Well, now and in the near future, the oneness of Egypt is once again threatened. The stars mark difficult times for our beloved land. The illusions of selfish ambition and separation will bring pain and drought, war and famine to our country. And you will have a healing part in it, with my aid, of course.”
“Me?” Lizla’s heart started pounding heavily.
“Yes. It will be most important for many of our people and eventually people of other lands and even other times. Egypt must be one. The time will come, 1000 years from now, that the Prince of Peace will come to Earth, and even then, He will find refuge in our peace during his childhood and later take initiation into the Law of One that you will re-discover.
“Also division has brought destruction in the past. That past contained many – now lost – ancient sacred secrets of the wisdom of the Ancient sages from whom our civilization evolved. Those treasured sacred texts must be recovered. They were saved for crisis times, like the one coming. Your gifts and your crown – yes, you will reign someday – can help immeasurably. But it will mean pain for you and struggle, sometimes bitter and cruel struggle. You do not have to do this. With your gifts and your nature you can stay in the temple and remain isolated from the events to come.
“No, don’t answer me now. Tomorrow you will have a day alone by the Nile. Do not talk to anyone.
“He’s wrapped in clouds of dust,” Lizla replied.
Ra-Ta smiled approvingly.
“He looks like, he is – oh yes – it’s Mikos: In a chariot! He had disappeared, didn’t you know? Did he go to war?” Lizla’s voice kept on coming at different levels of speed, out of her trance vision.
Ra-Ta answered softly: “To war? No! What colors are his horses?”
“White, brilliant white; he also has a white light hovering above his head. Oh! Is he dead?” The whirlpools above her womb accelerated intensely.
“No,” said the teacher, “Don’t worry, he is fine. Did he look at you?”
Lizla’s lips tried to mumble and answer, but did not part.
Ra-Ta sighed to himself in resignation. He moved up his hand to her waist level. He realized there the current in her aura was firm and strong; he could even feel the golden color. “Daughter of the Light, what do you see?”
Lizla took a deep breath, filling her whole body with light and power. “I see a queen on a throne.”
“Do you see her face?” Ra-Ta asked.
“No I cannot, she is veiled. But I can tell she is powerful, and beautiful, and has tears in her eyes. She has a weight on her heart – it’s her people, there is hunger and war – yes,” Lizla’s voice kept coming, hesitating, “There is war and her children are fighting... But she is strong and braveRa-Ta nodded approvingly. He was aware of that....”
He tried a last experiment. Moving his hand directly above her heart, he asked again, “Daughter of the Light, what can you see?
“A chain, a chain of gold and roses – and a finger, it’s working on the chain.”
"Can you see the finger’s owner?" Ra-Ta asked tremulously.
“Yes, it is Horus – it’s unlocking the chain.”
Ra-Ta felt a lump in his throat. What a blessing from the God of Wisdom! And to a woman! It was enough. The girl should rest now. Her trials were over for the present.
Quietly, he instructed his disciple to return to the physical world through gentle but grounding breathing exercises. Lizla finally took a deep breath with a sigh and then opened her eyes. They shone like two jewels.
Chapter 2 – Isis meets her Daughter
The morning came through the palm trees of the eastern dunes. It smelled of sand, dates and summertime, Lizla thought as she wet her hand in the large swimming pool by the temple. She had enjoyed a deep night’s sleep, with no dreams, and her body felt so full of energy!
Ra-Ta had not seen her yet. Again, last night he had recommended silence, although she was ordered to remember her vision before trying to fall sleep and to offer those memories to Isis. She had slept in the same room where the beautiful picture of Isis and Osiris was. As she closed her eyes for the evening meditation, the images of the three visions had come to her mind. She knew what they meant. Some parts of her body, like any human body, contained centers of power – there were seven of them in the physical and nine in the Ka. She had visions in the second, third and fourth center. They meant creativity/children, personal power or government and human love/emotion. So she had learned; so it had to be. She had felt and seen those centers before, like burning wheels, in her desert meditations. But then she remembered how last night, in her quiet bedroom as she offered her images to Isis, the Goddess had answered her. She had felt a very distinct presence, like a globe of pale rose, very powerful and vibrant, arise upon her heart. And the sweet face of Isis had said with musical accents. “I accept you as my child. After your morning bath, come to me for instructions.”
Then she fell asleep, quiet, fulfilled and contented for the first time since her departure from the palace. Strange as her destiny might be, it was a sure path, it seemed. It made sense. Unconsciously she drew the quiet confidence that custom and tradition provide, no matter how strange the grounds. Her unusual experiences still had a deep, loving and life giving Egyptian background. Like the rich gold setting of a precious stone, mystic traditions provide some cushion of comfort, a refuge from the formidable winds that the awakening of souls requires.
Taking her left sandal off, she dipped her gracefully shaped foot into the water. It was cool, but gentle. She was used to the bitter cold of the desert nights. With a brisk movement she let her shoulder pins lose and her gown fell to the floor. She thought she was alone, but behind the olive trees that protected the pool from the desert sands, a silent presence was watching very intently the supple movements of her slender nude body slipping into the water. It was Psusennes, the lion hunter. A cousin of Lizla, this sports-loving Prince had his own palace by the Nile, about one hundred miles down the river. He smiled approvingly at the gentleness of her movements and the delicate features of her face. But the body was still slim and childish, the well shaped breasts not full enough to meet the Egyptian standards of women’s beauty. But she was shaping as a woman, he thought, and the proud movements of her head and hands in swimming, and the impeccable harmony of her wholesome body frame, still caught his attention. It would be interesting to see how she developed, he caught himself thinking rather irreverently, as he remembered they were on holy grounds.
He had come here on pilgrimage. His devotion to Isis, the perfect woman, Queen, lover, healer and mother was his spiritual image of perfection. Not that he disdained the more imperfect forms of womanhood, as he found them mostly delightful. His fame as a lover was considerable, but the gentleness of his well-developed masculinity had created some form of a legend for him. In and out of most Egyptian palaces, he was cherished by women and somehow envied by men, but it had never been said that he harmed anyone. Instead, many a one wayward princess who went to see his famous zoological garden down the river and stayed in his purple palace had returned with a kinder heart in which to cherish the passionate memories of her romantic adventures with him.
As Lizla emerged from the pool, her body still vibrant with the energies of the rebirth experience, she got out on to the sandy deck to dry herself. She stood arms up, above her head, stretching in the sun, totally unaware of being observed. Psusennes mentally thanked the Goddess for this opportunity to “meet” his cousin. He was almost unconsciously getting a picture of how she could be “sculptured up” into the perfect form of woman. She had all the potential for it. He felt his hands moving accordingly. He stopped himself with a smile. How soon had his youthful cousin taken him --!
Lizla put on her gown and sandals and came back to her chamber. The Goddess had said to come in for instructions.
As she entered the room, the jasmine fragrance proved soothing to her spirit. There was something definitely delicate and somehow insinuating of the promise-adventure in the perfume of the jasmine, just like Isis herself.
She bowed before the picture and sat in her chair for meditation. The tall figure of Isis, crowned with the double kingdom crown, was the focus of her attention. As she reverently closed her eyes, Lizla started repeating the Isis invocation.
A pearly cloud of white and pink light overcame her consciousness. In its center, tall, queenly, with a radiant face and an even more luminous smile, the Goddess met her disciple.
“I am Isis – As it was written, you have awakened in my temple, where I led you, have passed your tests and become my daughter. From now on you will not call anyone Mother, except me.”
A radiant aura of perfected womanhood emanated from her. Lotus flowers were on her waist, symbol of spiritual serenity and the deep peace that could only come from the Mother of Horus, the God of Wisdom. Her gown was white with a golden waistband. Her breasts were full and firm, irradiating a life-giving presence. The finest of the Egyptian linens were almost translucent, as the vision appeared insinuating a fully developed female form, while making it more apparent than obvious.
Her lips, full but delicate, wore a golden copper color which contrasted with the golden tan of her exquisite skin. Her movements were regal in countenance and her voice was imperious and tender all at once.
“Daughter of the Light, you were contemplating my picture. What did you notice most?” Her voice filled the room with music-ripples, vibrations of a joyful peace.
“I saw that you were wearing the crown of the two kingdoms.” Lizla surprised herself answering tremulously.
“You are very perceptive, humble and obedient for your princely birth. I am pleased with you. But let me tell you about myself.
“Yes, the message of the two crowns was for you to see. As you reflected yesterday, the picture was left intentionally for your meditation and enlightenment. I came to Earth, many thousands of years ago, to teach all men and especially women, of the real law – The law of ONE. ONE is my crown, as one is the greatness of Egypt, ONE is the miraculous fertility of this desert land, united by the One River. The Nile, whose waters have been used, and will for many more thousands of years, will never harm anyone.
“This life blood of the Egyptian soil has healing qualities, and it unites all men in its fecundate task. ONE is the eternal spirit that rules the three worlds, the One whom all wise men call God. It was to show the magnitude of this one Power that when the forces of the darkness killed and dismembered my husband Osiris, throwing him to the Nile, the strength of my love and our union made Osiris One again. Do you understand all this?”
Lizla nodded reverently. How magnificent Isis looked, and how powerful her words that seemed to expand into Lizla’s heart until it felt it would explode out of her chest!
The Goddess continued: “Well, now and in the near future, the oneness of Egypt is once again threatened. The stars mark difficult times for our beloved land. The illusions of selfish ambition and separation will bring pain and drought, war and famine to our country. And you will have a healing part in it, with my aid, of course.”
“Me?” Lizla’s heart started pounding heavily.
“Yes. It will be most important for many of our people and eventually people of other lands and even other times. Egypt must be one. The time will come, 1000 years from now, that the Prince of Peace will come to Earth, and even then, He will find refuge in our peace during his childhood and later take initiation into the Law of One that you will re-discover.
“Also division has brought destruction in the past. That past contained many – now lost – ancient sacred secrets of the wisdom of the Ancient sages from whom our civilization evolved. Those treasured sacred texts must be recovered. They were saved for crisis times, like the one coming. Your gifts and your crown – yes, you will reign someday – can help immeasurably. But it will mean pain for you and struggle, sometimes bitter and cruel struggle. You do not have to do this. With your gifts and your nature you can stay in the temple and remain isolated from the events to come.
“No, don’t answer me now. Tomorrow you will have a day alone by the Nile. Do not talk to anyone.
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