» Fiction » Nakusa, hima [debian ebook reader .TXT] 📗

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broken knowing what I went through…Do I want her to go through that…? I heard the car pulling sound on the gravel, I slowly got up and walked in a leisure pace to the room where Mr&Mrs. Wilson were waiting.

“Mom…What’s this I hear?” I heard a strong masculine voice. “I told you I don’t want to get married…” his voice was demanding.

“Andrew… everything I do is for your own good.” She said in her usual calm demeanor.

It was followed by a big sigh…”Mom…You know I’m not yet ready for this thing.” He said. “I’m not asking you to marry today, take your own time…”

“You have a month…”she said gruffly. “Mom…This is not fair. This is one thing that I would dare break your order…” he said it in a final tone. I could picture the shock on Mrs. Wilson’s face.

“You have one month time and that will be final.” she said and I heard her shuffling feet and decided to make my grand entrance.

“Linda…Darling.” She said at once changing to her usual charming self. I gave a quick smile before I turned to see the new member of the family.

“Andrew…this young lady here is Linda.” She said gesturing towards me. He looked at me and gave a weak smile, I returned it back. I wouldn’t expect him to fall on his knees as soon as he saw me. I’m not a great beauty. I’m 5’6, dark curly hair falling like a cascade until my shoulders, honey colored eyes and long lashes, tiny lips, pinched nose and fair skinned. Mom always said that I had beautiful heart and if people get to know it than I would be the most beautiful girl.

I studied Andrew as he stood up, he is like 6’1, strong body and he was so much like his mom. Dark hair neatly combed, long nose, high cheeks, deep set eyes, perfect lips, and tanned skin. He is graceful in his movements. He slightly bowed to me and left.

“Don’t mind him; he just had a very long journey.” Mrs. Wilson said. I smiled at her. I smiled to myself as I walked to my room, god is great. I didn’t have to do anything, Andrew didn’t like me or marriage so he would try and stop it. I’m sure. I kind of laughed at my luck.
Anna walked into my room. “You haven’t brought lunch today?” I looked surprised that she came empty handed. “Did you find another way?” she asked meekly. “It seems I don’t have to, Andrew has asked for three months and I’m sure he would find a way out to get out of this marriage in this time…”I said grinning. She smiled and nodded. “Mrs. Wilson wants you to join her in the dining hall…”she said.

Wilson’s were already having their breakfast, Mrs. Wilson made me sit beside Andrew, and he didn’t even peek at me as I sat nor did I expect him, and he picked at his lunch.

One of the servants scurried towards Mr. Wilson and whispered something into his ear. “Honey, finish your breakfast before you go…”Mrs. Wilson said in a sweet voice but none can ignore the demand in it.

“Tell them to wait in the hall…”the servant walked away fastly, Mr. Wilson ate in a hurry, and Mrs. Wilson just sighed thinking she couldn’t change him.

Linda started walking in the corridor aimlessly since Mrs. Jennings is out today, she didn’t have her usual classes and when she neared Mr. Wilson’s office, she came to an abrupt halt as she heard someone having argument. She waited by the door to listen what the problem was. Mr. Wilson is a lawyer by profession and being spokesperson of the village; people came to him for legal advices.

“He promised to give rest of the money after marriage now he is saying he can’t…” one of the man said throwing vicious glances at a person who looked weary.

“My father has given everything he can…”Cried a woman in mid 30’s.

“He betrayed us, he didn’t give us the promised sum of dowry and I think it is justice to divorce her for betraying us.” The rude guy remarked. He had gray hair and looked rough in his appearance.

The woman started to cry more at what his Father-in-law had decided to do to her, her father tried to comfort her.
Mr. Wilson was trying hard to decide. “Do you two agree to have divorce…?”He asked. The woman broke into sobs.

“We have two daughters and what will happen to them if I get separated…”she cried in between sobs.

“First of all she didn’t bring dowry and now she is asking to take the burden of girl child…we are not going to do that…”the father in law stated.

Girl child is a burden…those words rung in my mind. I was mad at him and as I looked him closer I could picture my father’s face in his. I walked into the room without looking at Mr. Wilson or any others.

“How much did they promise to give you?” I asked barely containing my anger in words. “Fifty thousand…” the man stated.

“For how many years were you married?” I asked the question directing to the woman. She blinked her tears looking at me.

“They were married for 15 years, madam but still they kept saying that they would give money some day or the other…” I cut him off by raising a hand towards him.

“She has been serving your family for around 15 years in every possible way…” I waited to see if they are following me or not, “If you need divorce pay her for all the years of service she has done to you…” I said.

“What…?” they shouted. “You heard me right, pay her for everything she has been doing to you and your family…”I said.

“How much do we need to pay?” the father in law asked tentatively. “Around 1lakh calculating the years and cost of workers…”Mr. Wilson said trying to hide a smile playing on his lips.

The father in law stared at him in disbelief. “If you need divorce pay her the money or…” “I don’t want divorce…”the woman’s husband spoke up for the first time. His father glared at him.

“If he asks you again for money just say that they should give you in return 1lakh…”I said smiling to the woman as they walked out of the room.

“I owe your family…”she said wiping away the tears. “I just wanted you to do something for me. Will you do?” I asked. She nodded.

“As long as you are weak they keep picking at you, stay strong and everything will change…” She smiled and thanked me. I didn’t know what came over me at that second… I was too angry at the man’s remarks about girl child being a burden or it’s just my situation that made me act like that. Whatever it was I’m glad that I helped that woman.

“You are good…” Mr. Wilson chuckled. I saw Andrew staring at me from the corner of my eyes.

“Linda…” Mrs. Wilson was walking towards me in quick strides giving orders to everyone like; take this away from here, keep it there, I need red flowers, change the curtains, I want everything done perfectly.

I wondered why she was fussing so much about the cleanliness of house today may be some guests are visiting the house today.

“We are throwing a party on behalf Andrews return…”she said plastering the sweet smile across her face.

I nodded. “Do you need any help, Mrs. Wilson?” I asked her knowing fully that she would never ask my help just because she wanted everything to be done in her way. That’s one more thing that I observed; Mrs. Wilson is the dominating person in their relationship, she got what she asks for if not, well, she would get it anyway.

“One help…” I was surprised to know that she was asking for my help actually. “Maria…” She called. Her voice was just loud not like shouting, I told you she is graceful in every move, right?

“Linda… I took the liberty of purchasing a dress for you. I hope you like it...”she said and Maria handed me a parcel.

“Thanks, Mrs. Wilson.” I said. She waved her hands and asked me to open the parcel. It indeed was a beautiful dress, she seems to have a good taste in things if only her heart was as good as her taste, I thought.

“It’s really beautiful…” I said smiling. She gave me look as if she knew that I would like it. “Wear it to the party and Maria will help you fix your hair…”she said and walked away.

I thought of saying that I could do it by myself but I knew better than that, I have no choice. She is like the woman who would ask you to pick a choice from the one finger she pointed to us instead of asking us to pick from two fingers.

I stayed in as Maria worked with my hair and makeup. Anna brought lunch to my room but left as soon as she saw Maria in my room. Maria is one of Mrs. Wilson’s loyal servants so if she sees Anna eating with me she would surely carry her piece of information.

It was dusk, when she finished with me and hurried to help Mrs. Wilson. I looked into the mirror; I definitely wasn’t the ugly peasant that I have always seen. I looked beautiful and classy. I walked out of the room having nothing to do sitting Idle in the room. I walked past the corridor and I could see people gathered in the backyard, I moved further to see who they were.

“Linda…” I was caught off guard and I trembled, I almost fell to the ground before Andrew caught me. He helped me to stand straight. I stood there for an awkward movement not knowing what to do. “Thanks…”I mumbled. “Oh my god, thank you Andrew, if she fell, her dress would have ruffled up and Wilson’s bride wearing ruffled clothes is not a good mark to our status…”she said and straightened the fabric gently touching it at the points.

“You my dear should see where you are going…”she said. She makes me feel like a small kid caught in the act of doing something wrong. What’s with this woman that I couldn’t act up to it?

“You two stay in the room, I don’t want to spoil the surprise for my friends…”she said and ushered us into Mr. Wilson’s office. Andrew sat by the corner skimming through the pages of a magazine.

I could hear the voices outside but it was like bees humming couldn’t clearly understand what they were talking. There was a clinking of glass and Mr. Wilson’s voice boomed.

“Thanks for all those gathered here on my invite, as you all know that we hold this party to celebrate the return of my son but there is something else that is needed to be celebrated…” What else was there to celebrate? I thought. As if in cue Mrs. Wilson’s voice was heard.

“We celebrate today the coming of one person into our family…My son’s bride…” she said. I gasped as soon as I heard her announcement. “Mom…” Andrew cursed and it was then that I noticed him standing beside me, by the window.

Mrs. Wilson walked in all excited. “Come now…” she said extending her hands towards me. What was she doing?

“Mom…What’s all this?
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