» Fiction » My Fake World, Mani Gmelin [best ereader under 100 txt] 📗

Book online «My Fake World, Mani Gmelin [best ereader under 100 txt] 📗». Author Mani Gmelin

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My eyes went wide. Then suddenly, everything went black. What had happened? I don't remember any pain, or a fist coming at my face. I woke up, and I was DEFINITELY not anywhere familiar to me. "What the..." I said and looked around more. I just had to turn my head slightly and- "Ahh!" I turned my head away.
"Its so bright! It burns my eyes! Why is there a light there anyway?!" Then it occured to me; was I dead? Was I supposed to "go to the light?" Because if I was, I am surely not going anymore towards that light. If there is such thing as an afterlife, I don't want to be blind in it. So, I closed my eyes and stumbled with my arms out to where the light was. It was suddenly very bright, then, a few seconds later, I heard a voice and opened my eyes. It wasn't that unusually bright anymore, But everything was WHITE. Just, plain, WHITE. "You shouldn't have been spying on me..." It was Satonna!
"Where are my friends? Why is everything white? Where am I?" these are all questions I asked her.
"You're friends are not here... no one is here, not even me..." Who did she think she was? Some weird Guru or something? And, of course, I had no idea what she was saying.
"Whats with all the funny talk? And you didn't tell me where I am."
"You are not anywhere real... I can tell you that for sure..." freezing water was poured all over me.
"Hey! What the hell did you do that for?!" I yelled at Satonna.


Then I woke up. My mom had doused me with cold water!
"What the heck are you doing?!" I asked as I jumped out of bed. I was now extremely cold. "It's ten after eight. You're gonna be late to school, since you missed the bus. Get ready, and I'll take you. You'll be about thirty minutes late though." My mom said while my teeth were chattering.
"Can't you just say I'm sick and then I won't have to go today?"
"You're not getting out of school today. I've already let you too many times." my mom replied.
"Fine. But get out of my room. I have to get ready." my mom left me in my room and I changed into dry clothes immediately. I packed my backpack and made sure all my homework was signed. I went outside the house, and my mom was waiting for me in the car. When I arrived at school, I went to my first period class and got a tardy. At lunch, I was crossing my fingers that what happened in my dream wouldn't happen. Nothing did, and I was relieved.

When I got home from school, I walked through the door and asked my mom if I could go over to NeeNee's house again. She said I could, so I went to her house. Why I was going to NeeNee's house again so soon, was because we didn't find anything we wanted to use on film. None of it was embarrassing enough. When I arrived at NeeNee's house and she let me in, we brought the video camera and ran across the street really fast. Satonna hangs out at the hot-dog snack shop across the street from NeeNee's house literally everyday after school. We set up our camera and sat in the seats near the back of around the shop. We started to film. Satonna suddenly walked up with her boyfriend Vivian and they didn't even see us. Vivian told Satonna that he had something to tell her, and then she asked what.
He said, "I don't think things are working out between us," and a large frown wiped over Satonna's face.
"Why... I think they are." she said, and I could see how worried she was.
"You know what I mean't. Don't make me say it." Vivian said with a frown on his face.
"Say what?" Satonna asked, and it looked like she was about to burst into tears.
"I'm breaking up with you. Sorry." Vivian said, and just walked away.
"OMG." me and NeeNee both said at the same time. Satonna shuffled away with her head hung low, and then she tripped on a crack in the ground and fell, except she caught herself and only scraped her hands. We got all of that on tape. We were going to post it to youtube and facebook. My mom called me and told me I had to have dinner, so I told NeeNee not to post it until I was there with her to, and she promised she wouldn't.

I fake ate dinner again, and later that night I ate macaroni and cheese. The next day at school, everyone was asking Satonna if her relationship with Vivian was doing okay. She kept saying it was; she was lying; so apparently no one knew they broke up, since Vivian wasn't at school today. I guess she didn't want anyone to know about how they broke up. But soon all of them will anyway. Mwah hah hah. Sorry, that was weird. Anyway, that evening after school, NeeNee came over to my house and we posted the video. The next day, Saturday, the video on youtube had 2,356 views! That's more kids than are in the whole school! I called NeeNee to tell her, but she already knew. Wow. Satonna must be so embarrassed. Wait... If Satonna knew about it, that's how she would be embarrassed about it. So, she would want MAJOR revenge back on us. My mom wasn't home. So it was peaceful in the house, and I knew I was alone.

Then there was furious knocks at the door. I walked downstairs, and before I opened the door, I checked outside. It was Satonna. I panicked and ran back upstairs and called NeeNee to ask her what I should do as Satonna kept banging on the door.
"I'll run over to your house and ask Satonna what she's doing. Then, when she's talking to me, you knock her out and then when she's out, we'll delete the videos, and everyone at school will be idiots when they talk about them and how they're there. When Satonna wakes up, we'll tell her she hit her head on the door and, if she asks about the videos, just say, "What videos?" and she'll think there is something wrong with herself and just leave us alone."
"Great Plan. Go... now." I said, and NeeNee hung up the phone.
I knew once she hung up, she was already almost here, because she runs really fast. Not like, "I'm a mutant," fast, but really fast for a human. I grabbed my dictionary and kept looking out the window to see when I should open the door and then knock Satonna out. NeeNee ran up and tapped on Satonna's shoulder. Satonna turned around and NeeNee asked her what she was doing. I opened the door as quickly and quitely as I could and the dictionary was about to hit her head, but she turned around just in time and dodged it. NeeNee and I panicked after that and tried to tackle her. The last words I; or me and NeeNee; heard before everything went black was Satonna saying, "Planet yalnýz iki var!"
"What?" I thought.


After everything went black, I woke up in my bed. Very strange. How did I get from tackling Satonna with NeeNee to waking up in my bed? I went to go check if my parents were home, and they weren't. When I went outside after ten minutes of searching for my mom and dad, everything seemed unusually quite. I mean, my neighborhood is pretty quite, but this was way too quite. I started running towards NeeNee's house, and once I got nearer, I could see her standing outside her door. She told me her parents weren't there, and wondered how she got to lying in bed from tackling Satonna with me.
"That happened to you also? That's exactly what I wondered."
"Yeah, I don't get it. And it seems so quite out here. I wonder where my parents are too."
"Lets call Sammy and see if she's home."
"I don't know, just we need to call her."
NeeNee took out her phone and handed it to me.
"Thanks," I said, and dialed Sammy's number.
A robot voice came from the phone that said, "You are not able to make this call."
So, I called Connor. The robot voice said the same thing again.
"Maybe T-Mobile is down or something?" I said.
"I don't really think that's possible to tell you the truth."
I checked the date and time on NeeNee's phone. It said it was 12:01 on... Monday?!
"Oh my god. Its Monday. We're late to school by like four hours, but I don't understand how this is possible. We were tackling Satonna on Saturday, and, wait, did everything go black for you too?"
"Then we both woke up in our beds and our parents weren't home, on Monday? I doubt that we both forgot the rest of what happened that day and slept for a day and a half after."
"I don't either. None of what's going on makes sense."
"Wait. Maybe it does make sense. Did you hear that thing Satonna said before all this happened? What if she's a witch or something and she transported us to Earth, but with only us two on it?"
"Then we have to go to school and see if anyone's there."

NeeNee and I didn't really want to walk to school, and since I have my learners permit, she let me drive her and I in her parent's car to school, that was strangely still in her garage even though her parents weren't there. We didn't bother bringing any of our school stuff, because we were only going to school to see if anyone was there. And If they were, then we would bring our stuff and just be more late.
"I actually really hope people are there. Or it means that it really is only us in the world."
"I don't mean to be corny or anything, but I would actually miss all my friends and family if I knew I would never see them again." I said.
"Me too."
"It would also be pretty lonely."

When we got to school, they're were absolutely no cars parked outside. It also looked deserted. We were not so thrilled about this. When we walked inside it was empty.
"You know what this means." NeeNee said, and I gulped.
"It means that we are the only to people on Earth. Or this one anyway." she continued.
" Well, now that we're here, what should we do? Start figuring out how to get out?" I said.
"Let's have some fun. Do things that, If people were here, we wouldn't be allowed to."
"Like what?"
"Lets go skydiving."
"What?!" I said, apalled. "Are you crazy? We don't even

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