» Fiction » The Deal, Gabriella Counou, Jennifer Allen [popular novels .txt] 📗

Book online «The Deal, Gabriella Counou, Jennifer Allen [popular novels .txt] 📗». Author Gabriella Counou, Jennifer Allen

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the eye.


“Let me go,” I pleaded.


“Fine, but if you have any problem call me on your phone and I’ll be there faster then you can say ‘I can’t stand him’,” He said reassuringly.


“Okay, can I leave now?” I asked.


“One second may I speak with Antony?” He asked.


I nodded but regretted doing so as Antony followed my dad into the kitchen. Then I heard there whisper of a conversation.


“Antony, bring her back by 10, she has school. She comes back with so much as a bruise It will personally be your head. If I see tears in her eyes, I will come after you, do I make myself clear?” He spat.


“Crystal,” Antony said sharply. I gasped at the heat in my father’s voice.


“Now if you take things to-“Dad started up again.


I burst into the kitchen.


“Dad, leave him alone. After your sermon he won’t ever want to take me out again. Do you want me to be happy?”


“Yes, but I need to break him into shape for you, so he wont hurt you,” He tried to reason.


“But that’s not the answer to the question. Do you want me to be happy,” I asked again.


“Yes I do but-“He started.


“If you want me to be happy you will let him go, actually let us go,” I said.


“Leave,” He said. I smiled and gave my dad a quick peck on the cheek. I grabbed Antony’s hand and pulled him out the house grabbing my purse.


“Where to?” I asked.


“Do you always stand up to your dad like that?” He asked curiously.


I wanted to lie and say ‘Yeah, I do all the time’ but I felt the need to tell the truth.


“In all honesty no,” I answered.


“Why now?” He asked.


“Because of you, you were being grilled like you were taking me on a singular date not getting ready to marry me. I mean if you were any other guy I would have let you been grilled but your different,” I said unable to lie to him.


I twiddled with my hair. He pulled out his phone and clicked the call button.


He walked away then after five minutes of talking he hung up.


“Who’d you call?” I asked honestly curious.


“Mark Robertson, our driver for tonight. Only because I want to spend the night in the backseat with you,” He answered. I blushed then quickly covered my face.


“Don’t cover up your cute, when you blush,” He said. The moonlight danced on my tan skin. I blushed again.


I saw a big burly man with little no hair wave to us. He unlocked the Mercedes and helped me into the SUV


“Thank you Mr. Robertson,” I said kindly.


“I’m at your service Madame Elton,” Mr. Robertson said instead of ‘your welcome’


I blushed again. I wasn’t married yet. What did Madame mean again?


I got in the car he closed the door, as Antony got in the car I noticed how broad his shoulders were and how handsome he really was. I would be looking at a work of art for the rest of my marriage. He was wearing a gorgeous watch and he was wearing a pair of white shoes and grey polo shirt coupled with a pair of khakis. The grey polo matched my eyes. My green blouse matched his greenies. He looked so laid back and I looked like a stuck up rich girl at a tea party. I felt a little overdressed.


“What’s wrong?” He asked interrupting my silence.


“What do you mean?” I asked him.


“I mean, the glimmer in your eyes is gone. What happened?”


“I d-don’t know I feel a little self conscious of-“I stammered then in the middle of the sentence I stopped myself. I couldn’t lie to him and I didn’t have to say a word to him either.


“Of what? Self conscious of what? I can see that you’re upset,” He asked caringly. “But I’m not a mind reader, please let me know what’s bothering you?”


“Why do you care?” I asked stubbornly.


“It’s my job. I need to know your okay so we can be happy together,” He said amiably.


I folded my arms.


“So it’s your job your not just doing it to be nice. Not because you genuinely care. It’s your job,” I huffed. He touched my arm trying to sooth my temper.


I knew I was being stubborn but bad choice of words on his part.


“Quinn, I know we’ll get through-“He started


“I know that you’re going to say that I need to chill my nerves but I can’t,” I said honestly. “I lost my best friend today because of my big mouth. And yesterday I complained to Sera and she said I was basically being selfish.”




“I don’t want to see you hurt; it seems anywhere I go I hurt the people I care for. I’m sorry. I can’t do this,” I said tears forming in my eyes. I reached for the door handle on my left when he grabbed my arm. I looked up at him alarmed.


He tilted my face to him.


“Quinn Marie Laxly, I care for you. Even though I have yet to understand your ways and your faults I still think- actually I know you won’t hurt me,” He said looking into my eyes. I wanted to say something but I thought better of it. He hugged me tightly. I soon found myself hugging him back.


I let out first straightening my wrinkled blouse.


“So, Mr. Elton where to?” Mr. Robertson asked, I had forgotten all about him being in the car.


“To Susyll, I heard the food was really good then after to the mall I must pick up a purchase there,” Antony said to Mr. R.


I nearly burst out laughing; he couldn’t possibly have enough money to reserve a table at Susyll. Susyll table reservation was about 15,000 dollars not including food expense. The place was so expensive you had to insert a credit card to use the restroom. Literally you had to insert a credit card instead of just opening a stall and using it. The food might be delicious but the prices weren’t.


I must’ve fallen asleep. I woke abruptly; I sat up to see a very handsome guy. I nearly freaked out until I realized it was Antony. I caught glimpse of myself in the mirror and saw a frazzled girl her curls faded and fuzzy. Her clothes wrinkled. One side of her cheek coated in drool, I noticed a curl was sticking to drool. I looked horrendous. I nearly screamed. Hot boy looking at my face must think that I’m a horrible sleeper. How horrible!


“Oh my gawd. I can’t go anywhere looking like this,” I shrieked horrified. I took out my pocket mirror and looked at myself. Mascara ran from my eyes. I should’ve put on the waterproof one. My eye shadow smeared. I turned away from Antony. Now after about 45 minutes, he had seen me at my best and worst. When I’m getting up from sleep was the worst and my best was my impression to the public.


“I promise you look okay. We’re skipping out on Susyll today. We’re going to the mall,” He said.


Why, because I looked like a hot mess? Or he didn’t want to take me anywhere? Or was he just ashamed of my appearance?


“Hey, I promise I’m not ashamed of you. I just have to pick up and important box at the mall,” He said comfortingly. “I’ll take you to Susyll tomorrow, promise.”


“How did you know that?”


“I just figured that’s how you would react to me saying that,” He said.


“Oh. Pinky promise,” I said jabbing my pinky in his direction.


“What?” He asked.


“Pinky promise, to take me to Susyll tomorrow,” Then he did. And I bubbled with happiness.


“Do you happen to have anything so I can fix this?” I asked gesturing my hair, eyes and drool.


“Yes, we do,” He said snapping his fingers. Mr. Robertson stopped the car. Then he passed a makeup bag; that was found in the glove box to me. I grabbed it quickly, “Thanks.”


“You’re very welcome Ms,” He replied.


We drove away slowly. It only took me 10 minutes to fix myself. Then another 5 to fix my hairs which I had braided to the side so when I got out I could take out and my hair would be wavy. I smiled at the finished product. I didn’t look awful anymore, I looked gorgeous. This makeup was much more expensive then the one at my house. I put in a piece of strawberry gum. I loved strawberries and chocolate anything. After the gum I plopped a piece of chocolate in my mouth, it was so good.


“What was that?” Antony asked me.


“What was what?” I asked him, confused at first.


“The thing you put in your mouth,” He said.


“It was a piece of strawberry gum and chocolate. It was good. I love chocolate with anything. And strawberries too,” I said smiling that because he had taken interest when any other guy would actually have tried something on me by then.


“May I try?” He asked.


I gave him a piece and some chocolate I popped the chocolate in his mouth. Then after 3 seconds he groaned.


“Are you okay?” I asked frantically. Was he allergic? Had he choked? Does he need CPR, I’m so not certified.


“I’m fine,” He said.


“You sure?” I asked to make sure.


“Yes, I’m definitely fine,” He said.


“We’re here,” Mr. Robertson said parking the car.


Mr. Robertson hopped out the car and opened the door for me.


We looked at each other. Maybe we were supposed to be after all. His eyes pierced into mine. My heart pounded in my chest. He was about to kiss me when, Mr. Robertson coughed.


“I think it be best if you handled this inside the store not out in this parking lot,” Mr. Robertson said gesturing them to the entrance.


We had followed Mr. Robertson silently until Antony started making me giggle by imitating Mr. Robertson’s stern face and expressions. The he stopped when Mr. R turned around curiously. I blushed in embarrassment as Mr. R looked down at us suspiciously.


“Your laugh is beautiful,” He whispered in my ear making my ear tickle.


I blushed again.


He smiled.


“Your package is here you need to pick it immediately,” Mr. Robertson interrupted yet again. We entered the mall. I didn’t have much money to shop but I liked to window shop sometimes.


“Meet me at the food court when you’re done with your package,” I said as I walked away to window shop.



I was looking for a sweater that maybe I could buy my mom for her birthday.



“Big Sweater,” I read the store name. I found a beautiful sweater that scooped a little lower then expected. It was a pretty cream color. It had a thin brown belt on its waist. And it stopped right above my knees which was perfect so I could just where some leggings underneath. But I was here to shop for my mom and that sweater dress was 200.00 more then I expected. I thought it was to be 100$ at most but I was stunned it was a 300$ sweater dress. Since I didn’t have 300$ to spend only on myself I thought, Well hey I wasn’t even here for myself.


Behind every other sweater I saw a pretty lavender sweater dress it had a set of pearls on top; real ones, a thick black belt, and a purse that matched. There were some black boots to go with if you paid and extra hundred dollars. 150$ is what I spent on my mom. I got a box wrapped for moms stuff. Then I went in search for little gifts for everyone. I paid 20$ for a nice scarf for Hana, Antony’s mom. It was a blue that matched her eyes. I got a matching set of friendship bracelets for Lana and I, 15$. I bought 2 ties one for my dad one for Antony’s dad. Then I got a watch that was 87$ for Antony and a platinum edition collectors tie to match. Then with the rest I bought a 50$ gift card for Mr. R. to anywhere.


Everyone had something for a sum of 350$ except me. I was

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