» Fiction » Turning The Tides, Bugz Rox [the little red hen ebook .txt] 📗

Book online «Turning The Tides, Bugz Rox [the little red hen ebook .txt] 📗». Author Bugz Rox

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I'm sorry. Was it meant to be an order Alpha?" He said silkily.

"Shoo fly. You're scaring my friends go get a shirt on!"

"Why? I'm coming with." This was news.

"Says who?"


"Uh-uh, and if I say you're not?"

"Then I still will."

"And if I order you not?" His cocky smile slipped, I had him and he knew it.

"You can't face the world by yourself you know? The strength of the pack is the wolf and the strength of the wolf is the pack. Packs were made to help one another, siblings were made to help one another." He told me, still frowning.

"Fine! Whatever!" I turned to my friends who raised an eyebrow at me as my brother went and sat on the couch with a smirk. "Hi, sorry my brother's an ass. Come on in." It was then that my father made an appearance.

"GET OUT OF THOSE SKANKY CLOTHES!!!!" He screamed at my brother and I.

"MAKE US!! WE'LL BE SKANKS IF WE WANT TO!!" We immediately screamed back in unison. My father stomped out of the livingroom, looking every part the four-year-old instead of Sammy. I twirled around, watching my pants billow as I sang, "Welcome to our humble abode!"

I flopped down on the floor infront of Liam as Charlie sat on the chair, glaring at my brother. "Sorry about our dad, he doesn't like what we wear and he doesn't understand why we wear it. It was a fight over what we wore that made William leave." He said, rubbing my shoulder.

"Who's William?" Jenna asked.

"He's our big brother, I'm second oldest. William protected us against people who didn't like us untill he finished teaching us to take of ourselves. I've followed that since he left two years ago, I've trained the littles since then." I told her, "I still protect the littles because they haven't mastered everything yet. They can take out someone their own age or an untrained adult. But not the trained ones. those are the people that don't like us."

"Uh-uh, and is that what you were telling us about," She asked, gesturing to my clothes.

"Yup. And you've seen what Liam here dresses like, that's what the littles dress like. Speaking of which I guess since more than just me's coming, we might as well show up on time." I said the last line gloomily. "See you. LITTLES GET DOWN HERE IF YOU WANNA SAY GOOD-BYE!!"

"COMING! Don't leave!" They screamed back. They entered the livingroom with fast-beating hearts and all out of breath. "Bye!!" They giggled.

"Bye!!" Liam and I said. As we walked out the door we could hear the littles harrassing my friends so I called back, "Quit harrassing my friends!" We climbed onto our motorcycles and thundered out of the driveway.

Chapter 3

We were silent all the way to the pack house and stayed silent until we reached the porch, I turned and told him, "The Alpha's kid is a prick but don't say anything because we won't be able to stay. I'm young for an alpha and I'm hoping that they'll cut us some slack." I took a breath and rang the doorbell.

The door was opened almost immediately by a butler. Werewolf, my wolf told me.

"This way please. You are late." He said gruffly.

Grumpy, I noted to Liam who chuckled slightly, earning a glare from the butler we were following. I made a face and mouthed, "Oooooh, you in trouble," behind the butler's back. Liam stuck his tongue out and I had to stifle a laugh with a cough like my good friend Conner taught me. The butler was glaring at me now, I shrugged and said, "Gotta problem with it? Kiss my ass." I wiggled my ass for emphasis.

Liam wasn't even trying to hide his laughing as the butler stopped and said, "We are here," with an extremely relieved expression. We were both laughing hard as he opened the door revealing a man looking at us with confused expression. The man who would choose if we had to leave.

Since we had a lot of practice doing stuff like this, we walked in and crossed our arms, completely in sync, a laugh still on our lips. When we laugh it sounds right, his laugh is low and throaty where mine is sweet and high. The people in the room still looked confused, especially when they saw the relief on the butler's face.

"You can leave now, Jared." The man said.

Ahah, have we an Alpha, my Liam? I asked through the chat.

It would seem so, he responded.

"Welcome to my home, I have received news from my son that there werewolves in our territory. Those wolves are you and your pack, correct?"

At the question, Liam and I turned each other, eyebrows raised, both wondering if this dude's nose was that bad. We turned back to the others and, still in sync, said, "Yup."

When we offered no further explaination the man sighed and said, "My name's Kristopher Chelfer, I belive you've met my son, Brandon. May I ask two things?"

"That's one." We said.

"Okay, not counting this, may I ask two things?" He said a bit annoyed. What did he expect? Two teenagers without lip? We shrugged. "I'm taking that as a yes so, what are your names and what did you do to my butler?"

 Do we tell him? Liam asked me.

I don't know, I guess we have to. I answered.

We looked at each other again, shrugged and answered as one, "Pluto and Liam, we did nothing but be ourselves."

This confused them further and, seeking more information, a woman asked, "What do you mean? Who are you? How many are in your pack? why do you answer as one? How old are all your pack members?"

We stared at her until the Alpha, Kristopher, said, "Please answer her questions," at which point, we turned to stare at him till he fidgeted.

"Pluto Leah Johanson and Liam Bud Johanson, quit being asses or I'll kick yours'" We both knew that voice and we whirled around to come face-to-face with William. The Alpha's eyes widened when he saw our stare down and heard our names.

"You're his siblings?" He asked astounded.

"You don't own us William. You haven't ever owned us." We said on our roll and talking as one again.

"To hell with that! I protected you!" He yelled.

"You left us!" We yelled back. We turned back to the Alpha and said, "Please tell us now if we can stay or if you're forcing us to leave."

"You can stay," He was still in shock.

"Good" We said as we brushed past an amazed Brandon and a stupified William. We showed ourselves out, the butler nowhere to be seen. We jumped on our bikes and rode home, both silently fuming at William.



We parked and three little paint covered kids jumped on us, istantly calming us enough to not run back to that house and kill William. We were getting up from the leaf-covered ground when Jenna came out and said, "Sorry, I have to go."

"Why? What's happened? Jenna?" I asked, jogging to keep up with her sprinting figure.

"My mom's in the hospital, she's having the baby! I need to be there!" She yelled back as she continued running. She suddenly stopped and swore.

She didn't drive here, My wolf told me. "Hey Jenna, need a ride?" I asked her. She looked at my bike doubtfully, I laughed. I turned and raced back into the house. "Mom! We're having a baby I need the car!" I yelled. She freaked.

"What do you mean we're having a baby!?!" I grabbed the keys from her hands and ran back outside. I motioned for Jenna to follow me and I got into my mom's explorer, with the pack as well as my four friends we were going to need the room.

"Get in, Jenna up front, Twins and Liam very back, Twins share a seat. Charlie, Conner, and Haven sit in the back seat. Sammy sit on Charlie's lap." I ordered and they obeyed.

"Why do I have to get sat on?" Charlie asked.

"Would you rather sit on Liam's lap?" I asked in return.

"I'm all for that idea," Liam said unhelpfully from the very back.

"Come here, Sammy," Charlie ordered as Liam sat in the back pouting.

We drove towards the hospital like maniacs, I heard My brothers' laughs at the terrified expressions on my friends' faces. "We're here!" I sang as we bumped into the curb by the hospital. Now even Liam looked a little green and his stomache was really strong.

We rushed through the hospital, following the directions that the nurse gave us untill we arrived at the doors that lead to the maternity ward. We told the nurse at the desk that we were there for Jenna's mother and she opened the doors, allowing us to enter. We clustered by the door while Jenna helped feed her mom ice chips

"Who are your friends?" Jenna's mom had a scratchy voice, like she had a sore throat. Contractions I suppose.

"They helped me get here, that's Conner, Charlie, Haven, Pluto, Liam, the Twins; Damien and Daniel, and Sammy." She pointed us out to her mom as she said our names and we waved in return. "You never would have guessed but Pluto drives like a maniac, really scary." She said

"Did it get us here?" I asked in return. We, in turn, were shooed from the room and into the waiting room. We waited for three hours munching on candies from a machine.

"You guys can come see my new sister!" Jenna whispered as she came in with joy written all over her face. We followed her through the halls until we got to her mom's hospital room.

All hell broke loose in my brother as he saw the baby girl.

Chapter 4

I could tell as soon as we entered the room that sammy was battling with his wolf as he looked at the pink bundle in Jenna's mom's arms. Apparently his wolf won as he was now transfixed on the girl. Mate, my wolf told me.

Thanks, you know you only imput when it's unhelpful, I could tell she was his mate. Why don't you talk to me more, my friend? I asked him.

Your welcome and because I love you and I know that I annoy you, I tell you about what boys do don't I? That's helpful, my princessa. He retorted.

Again thanks.

I looked at Liam and caught his eye. I motioned toward Sammy, he nodded his understanding, we couldn't use the chat because Sammy would be able to hear our conversation. He slowly inched toward the spellbound boy. When he was directly behind him, Liam snaked his arms around the boy's waiste and lifted

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