Could this be a Dream, Asia Johnson, Ana Marin [best ereader for pc .txt] 📗

- Author: Asia Johnson, Ana Marin
Book online «Could this be a Dream, Asia Johnson, Ana Marin [best ereader for pc .txt] 📗». Author Asia Johnson, Ana Marin
Later they met up at the restaurant they were going to go to yesterday. Mir and Seungho still holding on tightly to the girl’s hands. They thought it would be safer to go back to the house. They head back to the guy place. When they got there the decided to play games until school ended. They wrote down dares and put them in a jar Mir went first he picked dare and drawled a card that said I dare you to kiss someone of your choice for 2minutes.He looked at the dare on the paper and looked his friends in the room, he chose Asia because, he didn’t want to kiss Ana because he knew Seungho liked her and he just didn’t want to kiss Seungho because he was his guy best friend. He turned to his side and kissed Asia.
Asia looked shocked with her eyes wide open slowly she closed her eyes. Next was Seungho he chose dare because he didn’t want Mir to ask him about Ana. They dared him to do a game called unknown kiss so they blind folded Seungho and he had to guess who kissed him. Ana kissed him on the cheek 1st he guessed that Mir kissed him. He got it wrong and had to be blind folded again this time Mir kissed him on the side of his lips. Seungho pulled the blind fold off and in front of him was making a heart shape on his arm and making kissy face at him. Seungho looked surprised. But then Seungho started to choke Mir. He was on the floor Seungho kneeling and holding him down .then Ana got on top of Mir and looked up at Seungho and said are you chocking me right now. Seungho quickly back off and we all start laughing. Mir thanked Ana and told her I thought I was going to be chocked to death. Asia pulled out the piece of paper for Ana and it said that she had to kiss 3 things. So Ana starts touching everything around her and the first thing she grabs is a pillow that we slept on and kisses it. The next thing she kissed was a stuffed animal. After that she made her way over to Seungho and grabs his hand then she makes her way up to the arm then his shoulders she make her way to his face and says it ah so it’s you and grabs his head and kisses his forehead.
Seungho shocked and embarrassed while turning red. Then Ana took off her blindfold and saw that it was Seungho she said oh I was right and made Seungho blush even more. To change the topic he said is anyone thirsty; he got up as quickly as possible. Ana said well I guess we will take those for on our way home. Seungho stopped when he heard that and was staring at the fridge with a blank look on his face and then turned and saw Asia and Mir were looking at each other with sad faces and Asia said Ana’s right we better get going. Then Mir turned and looked at Seungho with a mad face and say’s see what you’ve done. You’ve made them mad and now they want to go home. Asia said no really we do have to go I hadn’t realized how late it was and if we don’t get going were not going to be able to go to school again. Mir looks at them with a sad face and said fine I guess your right but WE SHOULD DO THIS ONCE EVERY MONTH!! They headed home safely and went to bed.
Chapter 5It was a rainy day that morning and Asia and Ana had to stay home because they had gotten sick the day they played soccer with Mir and Seungho because they were sweating and it was cold outside when they walked to the guy’s house. Mir and Seungho arrived at school and they were looking for Asia and Ana. When they didn’t see them when class started they were worried and couldn’t concentrate they kept staring at the clock waiting for school to end .they got annoyed because it felt like school went on forever and they wanted to go look for us. When school finally ended they rushed out the door as fast as they could to find them.They get Ana and Asia’s dorm and Mir knocks really loud on the door Ana wakes up to get the door and Asia asks who it is. Ana said I am coming and opens the door and they see the guys there. Mir storms in and starts asking why they had skipped school without them. Asia was about to say something when suddenly Ana faint but luckily Seungho caught her and carried her to her bed and laid her down. Then they ran to the store to get medicine and warm things to make them feel better. Ana wakes up and they were back with the stuff. They came in and they put the things on the table. Seungho went in to the kitchen to put some soup on the stove to cook. Mir went and got warm rags to put on Ana and Asia heads. After the soup was done Seungho fixed 2 bowls and handed one to Mir to feed Asia and Seungho kept the other one to feed Ana.Then they sat on the beds and fed the girls after they finished feeding the girls they sat in the bed with them and laid their head in their laps with a pillow under their head they would change the rag when they cool off. They got up and told Ana and Asia that they were going to go to their house to get clothes and thing s for school because they were going to stay here and take care of them. So they went and got their clothes and things so they didn’t have to miss school again. They got to their house grabbed their clothes and came back out but what they didn’t know was that the GG’s have been following them around all day and were watching them as they went back to Ana and Asia’s dorm. Mir and Seungho entered the room and set their bags down closed the door and sat back in the bed with the girls, sitting there they fell asleep together. Meanwhile outside the door the GG’s slipped a note under the door. The next morning Asia and Ana woke up to the sight of the guy by their side all night. They got up and made the guys breakfast after they took a shower and got dressed. The girls saw a pick card by the door Asia picked it up and read it. It said on the back you better keep your distance from our men if not you will be punished. She showed Ana what it said they both look at card then startled by Mir’s voice he ask what was that wonderful smell and then Seungho woke up then Asia franticly put the paper in her pocket. Asia and Ana said we made you breakfast as thank for taking care of us last night. Asia said hurry up and eat and get ready we don’t want to be late for school. While Asia was on her way to go change the note fell out of her pocket. Mir saw it fallout of her pocket and said Asia you dropped something, he pick it up and hands it to her but before he handed it to her he noticed the skull on it and immediately knew it was from. Asia rushed into the room to get dressed with ana right behind her they hurried into the room to put their clothes on while the guys were getting dressed in the other room the girls finished getting dressed and walked in to the room to get their things and walked in on Mir and Seungho shirtless the girls cover their eyes and then Mir said girls I haven’t hugged you yet, come here then the girls started to run away then Mir remembered about the not and told Seungho about it. When they arrived at school they saw the GG’s and Mir grabbed Asia’s hand and Seungho grabbed Ana’s. Mir and Seungho pulled them toward the GG’s and confronted them. Mir says I know it was you girls that sent the note. The girls just turn and walk away embarrassed. Mir turns around and asks the girl what they are doing for the school break. Ana suggested that we should go camping. The GG’s overheard and were sad because they didn’t have permission to leave town without their parents and they had nothing else better to do over break but worried about the guys thy liked.
ImprintPublication Date: 02-05-2014
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