Adrift in the Wilds; Or, The Adventures of Two Shipwrecked Boys, Ellis [100 books to read txt] 📗

- Author: Ellis
Book online «Adrift in the Wilds; Or, The Adventures of Two Shipwrecked Boys, Ellis [100 books to read txt] 📗». Author Ellis
"But do we know the direction?"
"I can tell you that," said Elwood; "for the moon was directly over the shore; so all we've got to do is to aim for the moon."
"Begorrah! we can walk and talk, as the owld lady said when her husband stopped on the way to the gallows to bid her good-by. So paddle away!"
It being a warm summer night, the water was quite pleasant, although our friends were sure to get enough of it long before they could hope to place their feet upon the earth. Having now an object, they began working with a will, the boys swimming as lustily as possible straight for the shore, while Tim assisted materially in pushing forward the craft.
The intelligent Newfoundland appeared to comprehend what was wanted, and contributed not a little to the momentum.
"Do you think we are making any progress——"
"O, save me! save me! I'm drowning!"
The voice sounded close by them, and caused an involuntary start from all three.
"Where is he?" asked Howard, in a terrified whisper.
At that moment they caught sight of a man fiercely buffeting the waves, as he rose on an immense swell, and then sunk down again in the trough of the sea.
"Can we do anything for him?" asked Elwood. "It's too bad to see the poor fellow sink when we may save him."
"I'm afeared the owld bench won't bear another hand on it."
But Terror had heard that cry and anticipated the wishes of his friends. Leaving them with their raft, he struck powerfully out toward the drowning man, and they both went down in the vast sea chasm together. When they came in view again upon the crest of the swell, the Newfoundland had the hair of the man's head in his teeth and had begun his return. A moment later the gasping man threw out his hands and caught the settee with such eagerness that it instantly sunk.
"Be careful!" admonished Howard, "or you'll drown us all. One of us can't swim!"
"Won't your raft bear us?"
"Yes, if you keep only your head above water and bear very lightly upon it. Don't attempt to rise up."
"All right!"
The buoyant raft came to the surface, and was instantly grasped firmly but carefully by all. Poor Tim O'Rooney had come very near drowning. A man when suddenly cast into the water for the first time has been known to swim long and well; and the Irishman, by the most furious effort, had saved himself from strangling and sinking, although he had swallowed a good deal of the nauseating sea-water, and was now ejecting it.
"Worrah! I took an overdose that time, and it wouldn't sthay on my stomach!" he said. "I'm thinking there'll be no necessity of me swallowing any salts for some time to coom, be the towken that I've enough to last me me life-time."
"We are all right now!" said the stranger. "I can swim, but I was just about used up when your dog took me in tow. May I inquire who my friends are?"
Howard gave their names and destination, and he instantly said:
"My name is Manuel Yard, and my place of business is next door to that of your fathers."
"You know them then."
"I have known them both very well for years, and now that you have given me your names I remember you both."
After a few more words, our friends recognized him as a tall, pale-looking man, with whom they had exchanged greetings more than once on their passage from Panama.
"I've been down to the Isthmus," he added, "and was on my way home when the steamer took fire."
"Where were you when you heard the alarm?"
"Sound asleep in my berth; I had no time even to put on my clothes; but, thank God, if I can escape in any way."
"Stick to us, and help shove this craft, and I'm in hopes we'll fetch up somewhere by morning."
CHAPTER V. LAND.Under the united propulsion of three men and a large Newfoundland dog, the small raft moved shoreward with no insignificant speed. It was found amply sufficient to preserve them all from drowning had none known how to swim, provided they managed the matter prudently. There is so little difference in the quantity of water and the human body, that a slight effort, if properly made, will keep it afloat. The trouble with new beginners is that when they first go beyond their depth their blind struggles tend to carry them downward more than upward.
"This is rather pleasant," remarked Mr. Yard. "There is little doubt, I think, of reaching land. There is only one thing that makes the shivers run over me."
"What is that?"
"The thought of sharks!"
"Ugh! Why did you spake of them?" asked Tim, with a strong expression of disgust. "I've been thinking of 'em ever since I've been in the water, but I didn't want to skeer the boys."
"They never once entered my head," said Howard.
"Nor mine either," added Elwood. "Are they in this part of the ocean?"
"You will find them in almost every part of the sea, I was going to say. They abound off the coast of California."
"But it is night, and they will not be apt to see!"
"This fire and the numbers of drowning people will draw hundreds of the finny inhabitants toward us. You know a fire at night is sure to attract fish."
"You seem determined to frighten us," said Howard, "but I shall continue to think that God who has so mercifully saved us intends to save us to the end."
"Perhaps so, too, but it does no harm to understand all the dangers to which we are subject."
"I believe with Howard," said Elwood. "I ain't afraid of sharks, but for all that, they are ugly creatures. They swim under you and the first thing you know clip goes one of your legs off, just the same as a pair of snuffers would clip off a piece of wick."
"They are the hyenas of the sea," said Howard, "although I believe some kinds are stupid and harmless. I think I have heard them called that by somebody, I don't remember who. They will snap up anything that is thrown to them."
"Wouldn't it make their eyes water to come this way then? Jis' to think of their saaing four pair of legs dancing over their hids, not to spake of the dog that could come in by way of dessart."
"O Tim! keep still, it is too dreadful!"
"Worrah! it wasn't meself that introduced the subject, but as yez have got started, I've no objection to continue the same."
"Let us try and talk about something more pleasant——"
"A shark! a shark!" suddenly screamed Elwood, springing half his length out of the water in his excitement.
"Where?" demanded Mr. Yard, while the others were speechless with terror.
"He has hold of my leg! O, save me, for he is pulling me under!"
There was danger for a moment that all would go to the bottom, but Mr. Yard displayed a remarkable coolness that saved them all.
"It is not a shark," said he, "or he would have had your leg off before this."
"What is it then? What can it be?"
"It is a drowning man that has caught your foot as he was going down. You must kick him off or he will drown you. Has he one foot or both?"
"My left ankle is grasped by something."
"That is good; if he had hold of both feet it would be bad for you. Use your free foot and force his grasp loose."
Elwood did so with such vigor that he soon had the inexpressible relief of announcing that the drag weight was loosed and his limbs were free again.
"That is terrible," said he, as they resumed their progress. "Just to think of being seized in that way by some poor fellow who, I don't suppose, really knew what he was doing."
"How came he there?" asked Howard.
"You see, we ain't far from where the steamer sunk, and there may be more near us. This man has gone down just as we were passing by him, and in his blind struggles has caught your ankle."
"If a drowning man will catch at a straw, wouldn't he be after catching at a leg?" inquired Tim.
"It seems natural that he should do so; but we are in the most dangerous place we could be. Let's keep a sharp lookout."
Our friends peered in every direction, as they rose and sunk on the long, heaving swell of the sea. They saw pieces of charred wood and fragments of the wreck, but caught sight of no human being until Mr. Yard pointed, to a dark mass some distance away.
"That is a raft covered with people," said he.
"They seem to be standing still."
"Yes, they merely want to keep afloat until morning, when no doubt they will be picked up and cared for. Keep quiet, for if we talk too loud some one may start for us."
"And work hard," whispered Tim, struggling harder than ever. "Aich of yees shove like a locomotive."
"Good advice," added Mr. Yard, in the same cautions undertone. "Let's get away as fast as possible."
Hour after hour the men toiled, following the moon, that appeared to recede from them as they advanced. They had passed safely the debris of the wrecked steamer, and were again talking loudly and rather cheerfully, when Tim O'Rooney interrupted them:
"Yonder is something flowting in the darkness."
"It is a boat full of people," said Mr. Yard. "I have noticed it for the last few minutes."
All turned their eyes toward the spot indicated, and agreed that Mr. Yard was correct in his supposition.
"I will hail it," he quietly added, and then called out: "Boat ahoy!"
"What do you want?" came back in a gruff voice.
"Can you take four drowning passengers on board?"
"Not much," was the unfeeling answer, "Paddle away and you'll reach California one of these days."
"How far are we from it?"
"Double the distance, divide by two, and you'll have it."
Nothing further was extracted from the men, but they could be heard laughing and talking boisterously with each other, and the odor of their pipes was plainly detected, so close were the parties.
"Thank heaven, we are not dependent upon them!" said Mr. Yard. "If we were, we should fare cruelly indeed."
"Who are they?"
"A part of the crew of the steamer, who seized the boat at the first appearance of danger, and left the helpless to perish."
An hour later, long after the boat had disappeared, and when our friends were toiling bravely forward, a low, dark object directly in front attracted their notice.
"What is it?" whispered Elwood.
"It is land!" was the joyful reply. "I am walking upon the sand this minute, and you can do the same!"
CHAPTER VI. THE CALIFORNIA COAST.They were safe at last! The four dropped their feet and found them resting upon smooth packed sand, and wading a few rods they all stood upon dry earth. Terror, as he shook his shaggy coat and rubbed his nose against his young masters seemed not the least joyful of the party.
"Isn't this grand!" exclaimed Elwood. "When did the ground feel better to your feet? Saved from fire and water!"
"Our first duty is to thank God!" said Mr. Yard reverently. "He has chosen us out of the hundreds that have perished as special objects of his mercy. Let us kneel upon the shore and testify our gratitude to Him."
All sunk devoutly upon their knees and joined the merchant, as in a low, impressive tone he returned thanks to his Creator for the signal mercy he had displayed in bringing them safely through such imminent perils.
"Now, what is to be done next?" inquired Mr. Yard, as they arose to their feet and looked around them. "The first thing I should like to do is to procure a suit of clothes, and I hope I shall be able to do it without stripping any of the dead bodies that will soon wash ashore."
"What is the naad?" asked Tim O'Rooney. "Baing that it's a warrum summer night, and there saams to be few in the neighborhood that is likely to take exsaptions to your costume."
"But day is breaking!" replied the merchant, pointing across the low, rocky country to a range of mountains in the distance, whose high, jagged tops were blackly defined against the sky that was growing light and rosy behind them.
"Yes, it will soon be light," said Howard. "See! there are persons along the shore that have come down to the wreck?"
"They are some of the passengers that have managed to reach land. I will go among them and see whether any of them have any clothing to sell," laughed Mr. Yard as he moved away.
As the sun came up over the mountains it lit up
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