» Fiction » I Can’t Say No, If you Ask Me, B.N. [simple ebook reader txt] 📗

Book online «I Can’t Say No, If you Ask Me, B.N. [simple ebook reader txt] 📗». Author B.N.

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“Eli get the fuck out of my bathroom” Finn said his voice flat with withheld anger. Why was he so angry?
Eli looked at Finn’s face for a second before he sighed and walked pass him. I followed behind him slowly, embarrassment slowly flushing my face. Even though I had no reason to feel embarrassed, I did and it sucked. When I was almost out the door, Finn grabbed my wrist and pulled me back towards him. I tried to pull away but he was too strong and too angry.
“Finn, let go of me!” I said, looking towards Eli, who had stopped walking and was turned towards us. He looked at my face then at Finn’s.
“Finn, let go, you’re hurting her” Eli ordered flatly, walking towards me.
Finn’s grasp loosened but I could still feel his chest rising and falling angrily.
“I’m not going to hurt her, now fuck off” Finn stated, his anger seeming to reach a boiling point.
“I’ll be ok” I told Eli, when he didn’t move. He gave a curt nod and made his way down the stairs.
I looked up at Finn whose face was blotched with anger. I was so confused. But I refused to say anything about it. He let out a huff and tugged me down the hallway, pulling me into what looked to be his bedroom. He released my wrist to go slam and lock his door. I stood there, feeling like a child about to get scolded.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” he asked, turning towards me and walking closer.
I backed away, not used to seeing this side of him. I shrugged.
“I could ask you the same thing” I answered.
“Don’t be a smart ass, just answer the question” he demanded, not finding my sarcasm humorous.
I bit my lip, what was I suppose to say? I saw him kissing that slut, Tamara, and busted into tears, then ended up in a bathroom being comforted by Eli who turned out to actually like me, and then giving him my first kiss which was ruined by him bursting into the bathroom like a madman? No. I was definitely not telling him any of that.
“It just happened” I whispered, looking down at the carpet.
“He is my god damned best friend and you are…well, you’re Reedley” he stated, not seeming to find a good word for what I was to him. Was I not his friend either? I felt as if he had just taken my heart in his hand and crushed it with all his might. How much more could he hurt me? I had a feeling that this was just a taste of what he could do.
“Why do you care so much?” I asked lowly, curious.
“Reedley, look at me” he demanded, his hand reaching out and tipping my chin upwards, forcing me to look at him. “I care about you…a lot, and Eli is my best friend…I just don’t like the idea of you two being together” he admitted.
I blushed and wondered what he meant by him caring for me. I looked into his golden brown eyes and found sincerity there. I said nothing, looking away. He seemed to be getting at something.
“Sweetheart” he murmured, calling me by the nickname he uses for me. I looked up at him, waiting. He grabbed my face in his hands and used his full charm on me. “Please stay away from Eli; just do this one thing for me…please” he begged, his face coming closer and closer to mine.
I still didn’t understand why I had to stay away from Eli. I liked him, he liked me, and Finn liked…Tamara. Why did I have to stay away from someone I liked when he didn’t? I didn’t answer, hesitating. He could see it in my eyes that I was debating.
“Please, sweetheart” he pleaded, looking from under his lashes and giving me the cutest puppy dog face. My heart thumped loudly. How could I say no to him? I couldn’t.
“Fine, I’ll stay away” I whispered in defeat.
He eyed my face, trying to hide the victory he probably felt. He leaned in and pecked me on the cheek. I pulled away, surprised. He just smiled, shaking his head at me as if I was silly.
“Thanks, sweetheart” he said as he turned and unlocked the door. He opened the door and held it open for me.
I walked out feeling more frustrated and confused then when I came in. How was I supposed to stay away from Eli? I couldn’t tell him what I promised Finn, that would just make him angry and want to go against it. And I couldn’t just ignore him; I couldn’t be mean and heartless like that. What had I gotten myself into?
Chapter four
I practically ran down the stairs, trying to get to my car before Eli caught me. Of course my eyes unconsciously searched the room for him anyways, as I made my way to the front door. My eyes landed on him, sprawled out on the couch and looking like the definition of boredom. Our eyes met and I turned my head away acting as if I hadn’t seen him at all. I was a foot from the front door when I heard my name. I turned and watched as Eli lifted himself off the couch and made his way to me. I bit my lip and wished that I hadn’t come here to begin with. If I hadn’t, nothing would have happened and I wouldn’t have to be so embarrassed about this whole mess.
As Eli came towards me, I panicked as I thought of what I was supposed to say. My mind went blank. I couldn’t think of one thing to say. Luckily, someone from behind him called him and he turned. I knew I was supposed to use that as my chance to get away but I was frozen in place. It was Finn who had called him.
I watched as Eli walked over to Finn. I stepped towards them but Finn caught my eye and shook his head at me. I flushed, starting to back away towards the front door as Finn seemed to be explaining something to Eli. Eli’s back was to me so I couldn’t see his face but by the way his muscles in his back seemed tense, I could tell he wasn’t too happy about what ever Finn was telling him.
I sighed and exited the house and made my way to my car. On my way home my mind kept going back to Finn and Eli’s conversation. What had Finn told him? Did he tell Eli to stay away from me? Did he make up a lie, something along the lines of me not wanting to see Eli ever again? Or, knowing Finn he probably just said any old thing to make sure I escaped without Eli as so much as saying one word to me.
At home, I made my way to my room. I changed into some comfortable pajamas and flopped down on my bed. I thought over every single detail of what happened today and, as I knew I would, I burst into tears. I covered my face with a pillow to muffle my sobs. This was so terrible. Why, why, why?
“Reedley?” I heard my dad say from my door way.
I froze mid-sob. “Yeah” I answered my voice breaking.
“You ok?” he asked.
I could hear him come in and sit on my bed but I kept my head covered.
“Yeah, I’m fine” I lied.
He sighed and pulled the pillow away from my head. I closed my eyes, as if I would turn invisible if I did so. He gave a soft laugh and wiped away my tears.
“If you’re fine then I’m Brad Pitt” he joked, pretty lamely I might add.
I opened my eyes so he could see me roll my eyes at his horrible joke.
“You wanna tell me what happened?” he asked, brushing my hair away from my face.
I shook my head no. “I just embarrassed myself…big time” I said after awhile.
He smiled softly, enough to see his crows’ feet. “It happens, the only thing you can do is move on from it” he shrugged, bending down and kissing my forehead.
“I love you daddy” I say as I watch him leave my room.
“I love you too, sweet pea” he says over his shoulder, and then he closed my door to leave me to my thoughts.
He was right. The only thing I could do is move on and hopefully it will blow over.
Monday morning came and I was dreading seeing Finn and Eli. In Mr. Hans’s class I couldn’t help but notice the way Brad kept eyeing me. I frowned and ignored his odd staring for the rest of the class period. What was up with that? Did he know what happened? Would he tell everyone? Or was he just trying to see my answers to our test.
On my way to my locker I caught sight of Eli and my heart did an odd flutter type thing and my stomach knotted. I ducked my head and eased around the crowd of people, making sure he didn’t see me. He hadn’t. As I got my things for my next class out of my locker, I feel like I was being watched. I closed my locker and nearly shrieked when I saw that Charlotte had been leaned against the locker beside mine and had been staring at me the whole time.
“What the heck, Charlotte? You scared the crap out of me!” I scolded her as we walked together to our next class.
She grinned. “Sorry, but I could help it” she laughed as I elbowed her. I had told her what had happened at Finn’s party and she had basically told me the same thing my dad did. Some help she was.
“Tomorrow I have to stay after school and Zach works on Tuesdays so can you take me home?” she asked suddenly.
I nodded. “Sure” I answered.
“Thanks” she said then we went on our different ways to our classes.
At lunch Finn came up to me in the line, so he could cut in front of me, he put his arm around me.
“How’s it going, Sweetheart?” he asked, a grin on his handsome face and his golden eyes were bright with something I couldn’t put my finger on.
I eyed him for a minute then I look around to find Brad and two other boys at Finn’s lunch table staring pointedly at us and grinning like idiots.
I pull away from Finn, blushing with embarrassment. What was he up to?
“What do you want?” I ask, feeling as though I was being used as a joke by Finn and his friends.
He shakes his head at me and smiles softly, making my heart flutter. “Why do you always think I want something from you?” he asks, his eyes seeming to size me up.
I blush then remember that I should stand my ground. “Why else would you talk to me?” I say, my voice laced with my secret hurt.
His smile vanished and he looked away, looking uncomfortable by my comment. While he glared at seemingly nothing, he hadn’t moved and people behind us were starting to complain about holding up the line. I gave him a gentle shove and he seemed to snap out of his daze.
He moved forward, grabbing two trays and forks. Probably getting food for one of his friends…or Tamara. My face scrunches up as I think of her. I go to grab my own tray but something
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