» Fiction » Slytherin Princess, Tabitha Repass [top ten books of all time TXT] 📗

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I smiled again hugged him, and started off looking for Harry again.
*Draco's P.O.V.*
"I'm so sorry," came a worried voice, and I looked up she had a hand held out to help me up. I grabbed onto her hand, and let her pull me up. I looked her over, and smirked thinking 'she's so slytherin,’ "I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy," I stated, and held out my hand for her to shake. "Hi, I'm Camilla," she answered back smiling. "Why don't you sit with me and my friends?" I asked my smirk growing into a genuine smile. Her smile fell, but then a fake one soon plastered onto her face. "Thank you Draco, but I'm sitting with my friend Harry. I hope we can be friends," she answered, and hugged me before walking away. I stood there dumbstruck for a few minutes, but then I slowly made my way back to the compartment my friends were in. "What took you so long Drakie?" Pansy whined the question. "I ran into someone," I muttered. "Well do I get to meet him?" She asked. "It's a her, and I know for a fact she's getting slytherin so yes," I stated. "Is she pretty?" Pansy asked looking at me from the corner of her eye. "Yes, she's very pretty Pansy now please be quiet I have a head ach," I growled, and saw a flash of hurt cross her face.

*Camilla's P.O.V.*

I sat down in the empty compartment while Harry put our bags in the luggage hold. He sat next to me, and we sat in a comfortable silence until it was broken by the door being opened. "Do you mind if we stay in here?" a matter-o-fact voice asked. "Not at all," I smiled at the girl and red-head that walked in. "You're Ron!" I smiled at the boy, and pulled Harry closer so the two could have a seat. Ron sat next to Harry, and the girl sat across from me. "I'm Hermione Granger," the girl introduced herself, and held her hand out for me to shake. "I'm Camilla," I smiled back, but didn't shake her hand. 'Something’s off about her,' I thought to myself as I looked at the door with my eyebrows drawn together. "What are you thinking about?" Hermione asked. "Nothing Mione," I said absentmindedly. "It seems like you're thinking about something Milly," she stated smartly I turned to her with a glare and let out a little hiss. "Only Harry calls me Milly," I growled, and stalked out of the compartment with my robes in hand. I was looking for a place to change. I walked right into someone, but this time arms wrapped around me to keep me from falling. "We have to stop meeting like this," Draco said smiling at me. "Oh, sorry again Draco," I smiled back, and looked down as blush heated up my cheeks. "It's fine really. Where were you going?" He asked taking in my balled up robes. "Oh I was looking for somewhere to change," I answered sheepishly. "Follow me I'll show you where the bathrooms on here are," Draco stated smiling at me. I followed close behind him, and smiled at him as I past to get into the bathroom he pointed out. I had changed into my robes, and the look on Draco's face made my breathing go ragged. He was staring at the floor in horror, and then pointed out my Alaric coiled up in the corner next to the bathroom door. "How did you get out of your cage?" I pondered quietly as I scooped him up. "What's wrong Draco?" I asked, and stepped forward to comfort him. He stepped back, and I couldn't stop the splash of hurt to play across my face. "I'm sorry Cami. It's just snakes and I don't mix too many bad experiences," Draco mumbled. "Well Alaric here won't hurt you," I smiled a patted the snakes head. "You won't hurt him right?" I asked under my breath. "Not unless commanded Camilla," Alaric answered. "Are you completely and utterly sure?" Draco asked eyeing the snake. "Yes," I smiled at him, and held Alaric out for him to hold. Draco took him from my hold, and the snake wrapped around his arm. "Drakie!" came a whinny voice. Draco let out a groan, and mouthed 'help me'. I giggled, and hugged him, and Alaric slithered onto my arm. "Please help me," he whispered. "How?" I whispered back. "I don't know. Wait, kiss me when she walks in," he whispered frantically. "O-o-okay," I stuttered. A girl with longish dark hair walked in and I pulled Draco’s lips to mine. 'This is going to be my first kiss?' I thought disgusted with myself. 'Wait my first kiss was when I was five,' I giggled at the thought, and then Draco was ripped from me. The girl that pulled him away swung her arm to smack me, and I caught her wrist right before it hit my face. "Don't ever try and hit me again!" I slipped and used parseltongue instead of talking normally. I threw her wrist back at her, and made my way back to my compartment. "Talk to yah later... Drakie," I smiled, and opened the compartment door. "Hi Harry," I chirped, and sat next to him giving him a big hug. "Hey, um, do any of you know what a mud-blood is?" I asked looking around the room. "It's an insult to a wizard or witch about being muggle born or the only magical one in the family," Hermione answered looking down. "I'm... a mud-blood," she whispered the last part. "Well if anyone calls you that Mione its cause they're jealous. They aren't unique like you," I smiled at her. She gave me a blank look, and looked out the window of the train. "Only my friends call me Mione," she whispered, and I recoiled in shock. "I'll talk to you later Harry okay," I stated keeping my face neutral. I grabbed my bags from the luggage storage, and walked out of the compartment giving Ron and Harry a hug. I got to the middle of the aisle when the train stopped. I walked off the train, and was greeted by the sight of Hagrid. "Hagrid!" I squealed, and ran up to hug him. He chuckled, and ushered me back into the sea of kids. I bumped into Draco again, and he grabbed my elbow to steady me. "That's the third time today," I mused looking thoughtful. "Hey, Cami you can sit in a boat with me Crabbe, and Goyle," Draco offered looking hopeful. "Sure," I smiled. "I have to go tell Harry I'll be right back," I stated, and ran off only to bump into Harry a few feet away. "I'm going to ride in a boat with a new friend I wanna get to know him better," I stated, and I saw a flash of something cross his face. "Okay, but why don't you sit with me Ron and Hermione instead?" Harry asked looking a bit defeated. "Because Hermione's gunna be there," I stated simply. "Okay, but be careful," Harry said as I walked away. I climbed into the boat with Draco and a pair of similar looking boys, and sat next to Draco. The boat ride was short, and we were on our way to the Great Hall where we would be sorted, and we were waiting anxiously to figure out what house we would be in. "Miss Camilla can I speak with you for a moment?" Professor McGonagall asked, but I knew it was an order. "Yes Professor?" I asked when I walked up. "We've got your last name, would you like to know it?" She asked with slight venom in her tone. "Yes ma'am," I stated smiling at her. "It's Slytherin. You are a direct decent of Salazar Slytherin," she hissed, and I was taken aback by the tone she used. I walked back to the group of students, and explained it all to Harry. "The great hall is ready for you," Professor McGonagall stated, and the doors opened. I tuned out then until Draco was called up, and before the hat even touched his head it shouted Slytherin. I heard Harry's name being called I waited for what seemed like hours before the hat yelled Gryffindor. Professor McGonagall called out my name first and last, and the great hall got deathly quiet as I made my way to the stood. Professor barely had the hat on my head before it shouted Slytherin, and the table farthest from Harry's cheered. I walked over, and sat next to Draco all the Slytherins smirking at me. "Why are they staring Draco?" I asked looking at the other Slytherins flatly. "You're the direct descendent to Salazar Slytherin, and you're asking why they are staring," Draco stated. I nodded my head giving him a cheeky smile. I kept looking at all the faces at the table. "That's Adrian Pucey, Terence Higgs, and Marcus Flint. They're all third years. Those two that are coming over are Lucian Bole and Peregrine Derrick, and they are seventh years," Draco explained. "Hello there little first year we were wondering if we heard your name right?" Lucian asked looking me over. "Yes you heard my name correctly its Camilla Slytherin," I stated giving them a flat look. Lucian and Peregrine looked at each other, smiled, and then Lucian picked me up while Peregrine picked Draco up. "You will be sitting with us at the head of the table with your little boyfriend here," Lucian stated fixing me in his arms so his were wrapped around my middle. "That's Theodore Prince. You can call him Theo. That's Michael Carmichael, but you can call him Mikey. She's Rowena Dearborn, but she likes being called row. That’s Catriona Porpington, but call her Kitty or Cat. That last bloke over there is Kieran Omen, and goes by his first name. I'm pretty sure he'd go by any nickname you gave him though," Lucian pointed everyone out. "Okay, let's see. I've come up with codenames for everyone already we just need one more person," I stated smiling. "Terence! Come over here mate!" Lucian shouted across the table. "Little, Miss Slytherin Princess here has codenames for everyone, but she's one person short. Would you be able to fill that spot for her?" Lucian asked smiling wickedly. "Sure," Terence shrugged, and sat down on the other side of me. "Okay, Kieran, you're Jules, Rowena you're Selene, Cat you're Nicole, Mikey you're Ghoul, Draco you're Damon, Theo you're Alucard, Lucian you're Penanggalan, Peregrine you're Aurora, Terence you're Dante, and I'm Ophelia," I stated smiling. "Aren't those the first five dragons to ever to walk the earth?" Cat asked, and I nodded with a sly smirk. "I also was able to snag a scale of each of the dragons," I smiled sweetly. "All I need to do is find the ingredients for the animagus potion, and then those dragons could be our animagus forms," they all stared at me in shock. "What?" I asked my brows furrowed. "How in Merlin's name do you know that?" Lucian asked. "I read up about it I was bored," I shrugged, and got up to leave. "The potion should be done by tomorrow night," I stated before leaving. Harry stood at the end of the corridor facing away from me, and didn't notice me entering the hall way. I let out a silent giggle, and ran top speed jumping up on his back. "Harry!" you squealed snuggling your head in the crook of his neck. "Get. Off. Me." he separated each word. "What's wrong Harry?" I asked quietly. "You're. A. Slytherin," he stressed each word. "So I'm still the same girl as before I was sorted," I stated tightening my hold on him so I didn't slide off. "I still can't be your friend anymore though," he sighed looking at the ground. "Why?" I asked

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