» Fiction » The Werewolf Stages, S.C. Taufa [books to read to be successful .txt] 📗

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Vince started to growl and he also bared his teeth at them but even I knew he could do nothing other than threaten them.

Slowly the one on the bed started to shift and it looked like the fur was melting into the skin and the bones were changing shape. The shape that I slowly saw before my eyes changed into my mother. She had clothes on and as soon as she finished shifting she raced over to them but stopped short when Vince growled even more harshly. “Vince, calm down it’s only me, Maria and my husband, Scott. You know us. We would never hurt Michelle. We are her parents, remember?” Even though I couldn't see his eyes directly I knew that he wasn’t going to let go of me until I stopped hurting and he wasn’t in his right mind himself because of the pain I was feeling.

“I’m sorry Vince . . .” I could only whisper it to him and he squeezed me a little letting me know he had heard me. Instead of looking at my parents one in human form the other in wolf form I buried my head in Vince’s chest again and waited silently for the pain to stop.

“Vince let me hold her. I need to and she needs me to hold her. Things will happen if I don’t hold before she stops hurting.” Even as she said that Vince and I both knew that it was already too late for that. Just being in the presence of Vince while going through the first change had transformed her in a way that not even her parents would be able to comprehend. I could not let him go if I tried and he could not let go if he tried. This had only happened once before and the two people who it happened to had been killed on the spot when captured by their own species. It was unnatural and an abomination when a were-pup bonded to a vampire in such a way that they saw the vampire as the only one who could keep her safe and protect her from anything. Usually the father would hold her first then the mother it was what created the bond between mother, father and child that kept the pack together.

Now there was no chance of that happening and it was also happening with her brother and Molly. The same thing as me was happening to my brother and my parents didn’t even think about him and what was going on. “You are too late . . . to stop this . . . for both . . . of your pups . . .” Vince said it in such a way that it sounded like an accusation and a sorrowful statement.

Both my parents howled with grief and sorrow for they have lost their children and there is no way of getting them back. They did not seem to blame Vince but even if they didn’t they still turned their sorrow and grief into anger and aimed it at Vince.

By the time my Mum shifted back into a wolf I was now being held by Vince like the pup that I am though in size I am no pup but compared to my parents, I am a pup. They stalked towards Vince and me, teeth bared and snarling. Before they could get any closer I leaped out from the protection on Vince’s body and stood in front of him with my hackles raise and with an almighty snarl ripping through my body and out into the air.

My parents stopped. Stared. Then snarled again. This time at me. I did not back down. I realised just as Vince stood up that the pain was gone and that colour had return to Vince’s face. We are bound. Vince and I. Nothing can break this bond. We are family, we are pack. My parents are not and even though they are no longer my pack there is still a gaping big hole where they should be. It felt very empty.

My parents see the pain in my eyes and they know it is not from transforming. They stopped snarling and lowered their lips to hide their teeth. For they know that their little girl is not so little anymore and neither is their little boy so little anymore either. The howl of a young wolf came from outside they saw my ears prick and my tail start wagging. They knew this would be their little boy that comes because they knew I would not react this way if it isn't my twin brother.

I howl in return the noise filling the room and shaking the house slightly. I watch as my parents step aside to let us past Vince being not too trusting of my parents jumps over the bed to the other side before saying to them, “You once told me there would come a time when you will lose your daughter and son to me and my family. Little did you know when you were teaching me how to take care of her in the time of need you were setting it up to be this way. It is not my fault and is not hers, is it yours? Because I didn’t ask for you to teach me nor did I wish to do this to you. But even if you hadn’t taught me how to take care of your children I still would have come when she called and I still would have done all that I did. I do not regret this.” With that he raced out of the room just before my parents went to leap for the door way where he had been standing moments before. Still even with their age and strength they did not beat me there for I turned and snarled at them again. Whatever I did I would always take care of Vince because that is what packs do they protect one another. My parents understood this now that I had snarled and defied them twice now for Vince. They are family but Vince is pack and family. He was there for me instead of my parents and I had no idea why I rang Vince instead of Molly which I normally would have done and Molly would have sent Vince to help me but instead I had rang him directly and asked for his help. I have a feeling the same thing happened to my brother.

The Letter



Text: S.C.Taufa
Publication Date: 03-25-2012

All Rights Reserved

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