» Fiction » The Streets Watching, Ashon Thadon [inspirational books txt] 📗

Book online «The Streets Watching, Ashon Thadon [inspirational books txt] 📗». Author Ashon Thadon

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was off the block and he couldn't make any money anywhere else. All the other drug spots belonged to Street. He would have to go to another borough or another state to start making moves again. Damn, he fucked up. His current girlfriend, Delotta, had his seed on the way. His other baby mother was already on his back because he wasn’t bringing enough money over to take care of Alonzo, junior. Alonzo needed to make something happen and fast. He cried all the way down the stairs until he left the building.

Big Luke was still upstairs with his men counting up the money collected from last night. Big Luke sat his colossal frame on the loveseat that had been worn down from use. It made a loud squeaking sound like a plea for help as Big Luke sat on it. He picked up the remote and pointed it at the big screen television posted up by the wall and turned the system on.

His cellular phone rang from the phone holster connected to his hip. He had to adjust his weight to pick it up.

"Hello," He said when he finally had the phone to his ear.

"Yeah, you got my money straight," the voice on the other end said.

Big Luke looked around at his comrades who were busy putting money through the money machines or guarding the perimeter with their guns swinging from their shoulder straps.

"Yeah, I got it," Big Luke responded.

"Good, good," the voice said. "Make sure I get it, you fat fuck."

Click! The other line went dead and only a dial tone remained. Big Luke pressed the off button on the cellular and leaned back in the chair as it gave another cry for help.

He looked around the room again and then dialed a new number into the phone. The other end picked up after the second ring.

“This is Rah,” the caller stated.

“Yeah, is everything a go?” Big Luke asked.

“Yeah, most def,” Raheim said with confidence. “I’m picking up that bitch in a little bit. She just think I’m some small time hustler and she can juice me for my connects. I knew she trying to set a nigga up for her punk ass brothers.”

Big Luke smiled. He hated the Street family with a passion. Larenz and his older brother, William, had already successful took over majority of the drug trade in the city. Until Street came in the picture, Big Luke was sort of a big deal in this neck of the woods. So when the two top siblings of the Street family became the Mayor and Governor of the Underworld, he was forced to limit his operations. Big Luke knew he could never get at the Street men directly but he knew their weakness: their sisters. Even through the Street Empire was vast and already had each sister liquidated, the sisters still believed in pulling in their own ballers and that was going to be their downfall. Jaren Locke, aka Raheim Taylor, was a professional con artist and killer for hire. He was good at his trade of deceit and manipulation. He was the perfect tool to extract revenge on the Street saga.

“I got everything under control,” Raheim reassured. “Just make sure you have your end set up.”

“Okay,” was all Big Luke said and the phone went to dial tone again.

` Big Luke eased back in the chair creating a bunch of squeaks and smiled again to himself. He knew what he was doing what be the end of him if he got caught. So Big Luke had to make sure he had everything set up so he wouldn’t get caught and nothing could be linked back to him. He had to make sure this plan worked or leave town forever.
















Chapter 2

Chapter 2


“The streets got to go.”

Those were words coming from a desperate man, Ricardo Sanchez, street alias El Jefe Mujer (Boss Major). He was at his wit’s end and was losing money left and right, thanks to the Street family.

Larenz and William had totally taken over majority of his blocks and enterprises. And with the help of their other brother, Timothy Street, who was also a cop, raids and seizures had been set up all over to reduce Sanchez’s empire. Sanchez was down to almost one quarter block that obviously the Street brothers didn’t know about or didn’t care about. Why should they? It was the less profitable block that they probably left him to taunt him. Give him just crumbs was probably their sick version of a joke.

Sanchez was sick and tired of it so was a lot of other dealers that had got the short end of the stick due to the Street family. The Streets came into all their territories like a hurricane or a tornado and swept all their profitable markets from right under all their noses. The Streets became worse than the police to these dealers even the fact being that the Streets also had law enforcement on their side.

The Streets had all the advantages in this game. They had the law and the courts. The Streets could order a raid in two seconds because they work with judges and district attorneys. The Streets were a drug dealer’s worse nightmare because they had more power and more means to take whatever they wanted.

So Sanchez, like other dealers, had to make deals to stay alive. Sanchez couldn’t make a move without the Streets knowing about it. But the thing about the Streets was they were personal. They never sent soldiers to get at you if they had a problem, they would come themselves, especially Larenz. Larenz loved drama and loved gunplay. No dealer could get away from Larenz’ outburst of violence.

Some dealers even want as far as going to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the department of Alcohol, Firearms and Tobacco to get rid of the Streets. However, as bold as the Streets were, they were also smart and crafty.

That craftiness came in the shape of the Street’s first born son, Kenod, Jr. Kenod, Jr., although never involved in the gritty and shady deals his siblings take part in, makes sure they cover all their tracks. The oldest sibling took part as the patriarch of the family when their real father died. He was more like an Underboss of the Street family. He controlled all the real moves the clan did and made each business they venture in, successful.

Sanchez knew a lot about the Streets, the same as everybody else, because they were all over the place and ran everything that was illegal and even legit businesses. The Streets were like an entity that nobody could penetrate or destroy and they were getting stronger. Add to the fact, all of the older members of the family are military trained. Strategy, tactics, and weaponry are all tricks of the trades they were taught from birth even from their parents.

Sanchez along with the rest of the dealers could write about a book about Streets. It would be a best seller. The only problem was that no matter how much info they gathered about them, they couldn’t get at the Streets the way they wanted to.

So an alliance was formed with other dealers to handle the Street problem. The coalition of the top dealers of the area were formed to make the Demolition Group. Seven members, with Big Luke at the head, made up the team that was going to be an end to Street. The Demolition Group, simply named DG, was put together to gather Intel and find a way to use it against their worst common foe. As much as most of these dealers hated each other, they hated Street more and that was all that really mattered. Getting rid of Street was the only way that they could start flourishing again.

The DG met secretly. They didn’t even tell their lieutenants or street soldiers where they were meeting up at. They couldn’t be too careless. Some of the dealers believed that some of their own workers were assisting the Street. So they met in secret and planned in secret.

Tonight was no different than any other night when the DG talked about Street. They were in the basement of one of members’, Lucky Loochie, clubhouses. The seven members were all sitting around a large conference table all looking at each other expressing their concerns.

Big Luke sighed as he heard Sanchez say what all of them were thinking since they first heard the name Street come into their circle. Big Luke waited until Sanchez finished, then spoke his piece.

“I am in total agreement with El Jefe,” Big Luke said. “I had to let go of one of my best workers because he said some foul shit about that Larenz character. I mean, damn, you can’t even joke with these bastards without it getting personal and somebody going off the handle.”

“Shit, I’m losing customers because I have to charge higher prices to keep up with the extortion money them bastards are taking from me,” another member, Jaren Wright, alias Smoker, added to the table.

“Yes, it’s getting real bad out in the streets, no pun intended,” Lucky further stated. “I barely have enough to pay my workers. Shit, they probably make more money being informants now then working for me.”

There was a small chuckle from the group then back to seriousness.

“Any new suggestion?” Sanchez asked the group.

“Besides just a full onslaught gun battle,” Lamont Markson, street alias MurderVille, replied with a deep sinister laugh.

“Yes, besides that,” Smoker said. “Because it would only be bad for us. Coming straight at them would not do anything but make any of us hot and then we will have nothing. Despite the bullshit, these guys are good at what they do and they are very well skilled at it.”

“What about the younger ones?” Sanchez suggested. “They’re vulnerable. My little cousin goes to the school the littlest girl goes to.”

“I mean that’s extreme,” Big Luke stated. “Going for their youngest might end up catastrophic. They would tear this city apart finding out who did it. Predicting the future they would shut all of us down until they found out who did it.”

“Then we give them a patsy,” Sanchez chimed. “Yeah, but in the meantime, they wouldn’t be focused. That might work in our favor.”

“Okay, okay, it sounds good, look into it but don’t make a big move until we all agreed on the right action,” Big Luke said. “Repeat, no action until it has been put to an actual vote and can be carried out properly.”

All of the men agreed with a head nod. Big Luke still had a funny feeling someone in that group was going to disobey that order and then all hell was going to break loose. Luke, himself, had a plan in the works but he never reviled it to the Demolition Group because he still wasn’t sure about it and he didn’t trust all of them either. Technically, they were all in competition with each other except one family had made it impossible for them to keep functioning at the rate they had been. Sure, at one point, these same seven men had declared war on each other to

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