» Fiction » A murderers worst nightmare, Ash Knight [non fiction books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «A murderers worst nightmare, Ash Knight [non fiction books to read TXT] 📗». Author Ash Knight

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the road, I have an after school job."
"Hey, no problem, maybe I'll see you around girlfriend."
So they parted ways still laughing like hyena's.

Chapter Three

"Where have you been, Jam?" Thalia asked as Jamie walked through the back entrance for employes.
"I was helping the new guy at school get away from Ms. Brenda Know-it-all, in the flesh." Jamie explained, slipping out of her leather jacket.
"There's a new guy at your school?" Thalia asked. Thalia, unlike Jamie, went to Green Oaks High, instead of Parksonville High. While she went to Green Oaks, Thalia and her family lived in Parksonville. Her parents hadn't seen the school in Parksonville fit for they're daughter, but Thalia had wanted to work at the cafe and her paretns had agreed.
"Yep, and he is a hotty. He's also got a great sence of humor." Jamie said, making her way to the bathroom so she could change into the standard attire for the Fast Forward Cafe's employees.
The Fast Forward Cafe was a small, eighty's style cafe. With red leather stools, a black and white block tile floor. The booths were red leather, and the tables had red tops and black bottoms, the counter was a very interesting part of the cafe. The counter was a black tiled top, with glass over it, under the glass there were hundreds of photo's, all of famous people, each had the subject of the picture's signature.
Anyone who was anyone had a picture in under that pane of glass. There was Keith Urban, Stephen King, Nora Roberts, John Grisham, Gary Allen, a group picture of the cast from Scrubs, Dolly Parton, Tim Allen, Johnny Depp, The Undertaker, John Cena, Triple H, Randy Orton, even one separate picture of each of the Beetles! You name 'em and any employee of Fast Forward could show you they're picture.
Oh and the Juke box, mustn’t forget the Juke box, Jamie reminded herself with a laugh.
"Jamie, did you forget that the new owner is coming in today?" Thalia asked irritably.
"What? New owner? Crap! Sorry, Thal, I forgot!" Jamie said, running into the bathroom to change into her red and black checkered, knee length tights, a black jeans mini skirt, a black tank top, a red, black, white, and dark purple, checkered button up shirt. The shirt was two sizes too big, so, as usual, she tied the ends together, rolled up the sleeves to her elbows, and did the buttons up about halfway, slapping on her little clip on name tag that had her name in cursive in bold, neon green.
She slapped on her red and black cap, pulling her ponytail out the end, and situated it so that the neon green advertized they're cafe's name in a straight line.
"Hey, sometime, you gotta show me how you make our rediculous employee outfits look good." Thalia said as Jamie left the restroom. Thalia had crimpped, short, dark brown hair, lovely mocha colored skin, and hazel eyes. She didn't know it, but almost anything looked good on her.
Jamie made her way to the jukebox and turned on Tom Petty's I won't back down.
"Maybe I will, if you're real sweet to me." She teased, peeking over her shoulder as she changed the closed sign to open.
"Ha ha, very funny, Jamie." Thalia said.
"So, whens our new boss getting here?"
"Looks like he's here now. And he brought a friend." Thalia said, looking out the glass of the door as a teenage boy and a man in a buisness suit got out of a fancy Porsche.
"Hey, that kid looks, it can't be! He can't be...!" Jamie muttered, backing up with Thalia so the man and boy could get through the door.
But it was. Joey stood there beside the man in the grey pinstrip suit, looking around the cafe.
"Good afternoon, I am Mr. Mason, and this is my son, Joseph Mason." The man in the suit said, smiling politly at Thalia and Jamie. "And I am your new boss."
"Your the new owner of the Fast Forward?" Jamie asked, giving him a once over. "And he is your son?"
"Hey, I take offence to that." Joey said, looking at her for the first time since walking in the door. "Hey, its you! Jamie, right? You work here?"
"You know her?" His father said in blaint disbelief.
"Correction, he met me once. I guess he failed to mention his father was the one who tricked Old man Baxter out the cafe I work at!" Jamie said, sneering at Joey.
"Hey, don't blame me, I didn't know you worked here!" Joey said.
"So he's the new guy at your school? You're right, he is a hotty." Tania said, amused by the turn of events.
"Hotty? She called me a hotty? Nice." Joey said with a grin.
"Wow, conceited much?" Jamie said, narrowing her eyes at him.
"Quiet!" Mr. Mason ordered, giving each of them a stern I'm-the-boss-and-you-will-do-as-I-say look. "Sit."
All three of the teens sat at a table, Jamie glaring at Joey, Joey grinning at Jamie and Tania, Tania filing her nails and ignoring everyone.Mr. Mason stood, staring down at them, ordering away and words from them with a single look.
For a sleezy, no good, tricky, lying jerk, Jamie thought, he was pretty good looking. He had smooth, chestnut hair, cut short. Dark brown eyes, framed by dark blue, rectangular, reading glasses.
He looked directly at Jamie and raised one chestnut brow.
"Tricked Mr. Baxter Roland out of his cafe? Hardly my girl. I bought it from him at his price. You work for me now, so you will learn to hold your tounge until you have the complete story, Capisce?" He said, slipping into a lite Italian accent.
"Capisce."Jamie said, shaking her head cautiously. "So, you're my new boss, huh?"
"No, not exactly. Actually, Joseph here will be in charge of the cafe since I will be leaving for a buisness trip first thing in the morning."
"What!" Jamie exclaimed, jumping out of her chair. "You expect me to work for him? No way! There has too be another way!"
"Yes, I do. Yes, you will. No, there isn't. The only way to not work for Joey is to quit, and thats your choice."
Still fuming, Jamie sat back down. "Just exactly what kind of changes are you planning to make?"
"I don't know just yet. But, I'm thinking about replacing that counter with-"
"No!" Jamie choked out, jumping up again. "You can't replace the counter! It's the main attraction for The Fast Forward!" She said, grabbing his hand and dragging him over to it, point to certian picture and saying they're names. "Look, this counter is a tradition for the cafe, you can't get rid of it!"
"Well, I guess it is very unique. Ok, we'll keep it. What about that outfit? Is it a...tradition?"
"No, and I would happily put together a new employee outfit for us. If, and hear me out here, we keep the jukebox." She said, staring at him with pleading eyes.
"The jukebox? Really?" Mr. Mason asked, giving her an uncertain look.
"Yeah, everybody that comes here loves it." She explained.
"Well, ok, I guess we can keep it. Are you two very attached to the name?"
"Yes!" Both girls said in unision.
"Dad, you should probably be going. They should be opening anytime and I have to get into my monkey suit too." Joey said, sending Jamie a teasing glance. "But then again, they're are those who make it look...good."
"Ha ha." Jamie said, then, turning to Mr. Mason she said; "He is right about one thing though, we're about to open and you should probably be on your way, Mr. Mason. Don't worry about Joey, me and Thal will whip him into shape."
"Please girls, call me Dave. And I'll take your word there, if anyone can keep Joey in line, Mr. Roland assured me you girls could. Goodbye." He said, and walked out the door.
As soon as he was gone Thalia turned up the stereo so that The Redneck Yacht Club blasted out the speakers. Jamie tossed Joey one of the shirts, a hat, and a name tag. When he came back from the mens room, the fry cook, Keith, was at the stove heating it up.
With in minutes the cafe was swamped, teenagers of all groups and status quo were gathering at the cafe. Surfers, Poets, Athletes, geeks, goths, emos, all of 'em. Before he had time to gawk a tray and notepad was handed to him, on the tray were a pair of black roller blades.
Looking around, he realized both Thalia and Jamie had on identical skates, they were racing from the kitchen, the diner half of the cafe, and the parking lot. He went into the kitchen and put on his blades, then rolled out of the kitchen. He hadn't rolled for half a minute before he landed flat on his rear end.
"Hey, you ok man? I guess we should have made sure you knew how to roll those babies before we gave 'em to you." Looking up he saw that Jamie was leaning over him, looking at him with concern in her violet-blue eyes.
"I'm fine, this place was just a little confusing for a minute, and I wasn't paying attention." He said, still staring into her eyes as he stood and straightened his cap.
"Ok, just make sure you
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