» Fiction » Tommy's Troubles, Marisa Cooper [good novels to read in english .txt] 📗

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he stuck a finger to the roof of his mouth. "Have a brain freeze though."
"Hey guys," I volunteered. "I'll pay for these shakes. Let's see, three shakes, Make Your Own Shakes combo each, equals....five dollars!" I reached for my regally purple handbag, but something was wrong. After a few moments, I realized what was wrong.
I hadn't felt anything. Only air.
I whirled around in alarm and as I turned my head, I beheld the sight of a pale, long-legged boy around fourteen running down Main Street with my handbag swinging on his ghost-like arm!
At that very instant, the boy turned his head toward us and saw me oogling at him. His gray eyes widened and his strides automatically became longer and more urgent.
"Guys!" I shouted, scrambling in my eagerness to get my handbag. "Stop thief! Guys, help me!" I ran off. Sally and Mutt would have probably followed, but Miles Smiley came up to them, not smiling. As I ran past him, I heard him mutter something about "needing to pay for shakes" and "just because I'm Smiley doesn't mean I can't call the police..." I, however was too busy trying to get to the pale urchin...
The Chase

Chapter Ten

Darn! That coloured girl had seen me! No matter, no matter whatsoever. I was fast.
Feelings of guilt troubled my stomach. I shouldn't have stolen that lady's purse. But I had it and I intended to use it. I stopped in Central Park and opened it.
Disappointing. I could only see lip gloss, a hankerchief, and a cell phone. I opened a pocket and glanced at it. Ah, better. It was a wallet! I quickly dropped the handbag and unlocked the wallet's clasp.
'Whoopee! I had found a ten-dollar bill and an I.D. card and a credit card!' I thought sarcastically. I could at least get a Hot Pocket with the bill and see who I robbed.
Interesting. I had robbed a person named Diana Johnson. Why does that name sound familiar? I heard before. Was it on TV? I hadn't watched TV since Mum died...
That was it! I froze. Mum had mentioned Diana Johnson. She said that she met Diana Johnson on Facebook! We were supposed to meet her in New York before the crash occurred! Trembling, I looked in her wallet some more.
Behind her I.D., were two pictures. One was a printed one of Mum and the other had three younger versions of the trio I had seen. On the back of the trio photo was the sentence; Me, Sally McSmith, and Mutt James. They all appeared to be best buds,
"There you are!"
I whirled around, scared to death. And I had a reason to be scared. There was a policeman with Ms. Johnson and it was Ms. Johnson who had called out!


Chapter Eleven [Sally]

I couldn't catch up to Diana. Although me and Mutt paid the bill as quickly as we could, we still got a three-minute lecture from Smiley. I managed to keep Diana in sight, but was lagging behind.
"Wait up Mutt!" I wailed, hyperventilating. I couldn't see Diana anymore. Then I saw a policeman. An idea struck home. "Police officer!" I cried out, changing course. I could send him to Diana, and henceforth, the thief!
"Yes, miss?" The officer was young and attractive, but I wasn't interested right now.
"There was a pickpocket! He took my friend's purse!"
"Easy, lady. I'll get him. What did he look like?"
"Long, lanky, gray eyes, pale as a ghost. If you can't find him, go for my friend. She's an African American with brown eyes. She was wearing a pale blue sun dress and a big floppy hat!"
"Okay miss! I'll find them. Stay here and recover." The police man ran in the direction I had pointed and disappeared into the distance. I sat down and relaxed. I concentrated to breathing in and out.
I looked up. It was Mutt! He was panting as he ran to me.


Publication Date: 12-21-2010

All Rights Reserved

To my writing and literature teacher at HSOBX, Mrs. Lydia Netzer

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