» Fiction » Beauty and the Beasts, Undefined [black books to read TXT] 📗

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been a long day. I was beat. I was saved. Now I was at some guys house sleeping in this bed. I closed my eyes. I fell asleep to the sound of Damon humming. 

        When I woke up Damon was still sleeping. It six in the mourning. I sat on the couch and turned the tv back on. Nothing about me at all. I guess John didn't care if I wasn't there. I looked at the door to the room I wasn't suppose to go in to. 
     I looked at Damon's room. The door was closed. I walked over to his door and put my ear up against it. I heard him snoring. 
       I walked over to the other door and opened it. The room was small and dark. There were cabinets after cabinets. On the walls were clippings from the news paper. I walked closer to them and they were all about the Dark Beast and the Midnight Beast. 
     I opened one of the cabinets and looked inside. Hundred dollar bills were stacked inside. I closed it and walked further in. Behind some cabinets was a bed. No one lay in it but clothes were thrown around it. A gun lay on the top of the bed. 
      " He's the Dark Beast. But who's the Midnight Beast?" I whispered. 
       " I told you not to come in here." Damon grumbled. I stumbled forward and fell on the bed. I held the gun up and pointed it at him. 
       " Don't come near me." I yelled. 
       " I told you I would never hurt you. You have to listen to me. Now give me the gun." he said stepping forward. He wore only jeans. His chest was molded like a sculpture. 
       " No. You killed and robbed. Why should I trust you?" I yelled. 
       " Just please... Don't do this. You don't understand." he sighed. 
        " I understand fine. You are a..." The front door opened and some one walked in. 
        " Damon! Do we still have beer?" Vincent's voice filled the apartment and I felt numb. Vincent walked in and stopped when he saw me on the bed. 
         " Vincent?" I whispered. Vincent looked between me and Damon. Damon looked at me with a confused look. 
         " You know him?" Damon asked. 
        " What are you doing here? John said you left with your friend Anna. What the hell is going on?" he yelled looking at Damon. 
        " Some guy was beating her. Then she wanted to come back with me. How do you know her?" Damon yelled back. 
       " I work at her vineyard. You do understand she is one of the most wealthy women in California. You do understand that right!" Vincent yelled. 
         " Hi. How do you two know each other? And what in the hell does this room mean?" I asked. 
          Damon turned and sat in the bed. Vincent stayed standing. " Were brothers. I'm older. This room. Well this room..." Damon looked at Vincent for help. 
         " I'm the Dark Beast." Vincent sighed rubbing his head.
          " And I'm the Midnight Beast." Damon sighed. 
         I backed away from them both, my eyes wild with terror. 
       " Violet please."  he said reaching toward me. 
      I backed away. Vincent walked toward me and sat down. " Please, Violet. Don't please." he whispered. His eyes were sweet and kind. The way I remembered. And then Damon he had saved me. But now they were both robbers and killers. I began to cry not knowing what to do. 
       Damon reached toward me but Vincent cradled me first. I held on to him sobbing into his shoulder. " I won't. I won't tell. I promise. Please don't hurt me." I cried. 
      " We won't." Damon said. 
    I sat up. " Okay. But you can't tell anyone I'm here. I don't want go back." I said looking between the both of them. 
      They both nodded. " Of course." Vincent said. 
      " I'll go make you something to eat." Damon said standing. 
       " Grilled cheese please." I said after him. 
       He smiled and left the room, giving Vincent an uneasy look. Vincent patted my back. " I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring you into this." he said. 
       I smiled at him. " I can take anything. I was taught by the best tutors in America. I knew how to ride a horse and do the tango when I was six. I was a music genius. I was beat since I was twenty. That's four years. And the beatings were every day. Why can't I live with brothers who are killers slash robbers?" I said looking him in the eyes. 
     He smiled at me. " Well if you have any problems we'll take care of you." he whispered. 
     I stood and walked to the kitchen. I sat down and Damon put a plate in front of me. Vincent walked in and got a beer out of the fridge. Damon grabbed chips and sat down. Vincent pulled a chair up and sat down too. 
         " So why do you two rob and kill?" I asked. 
         They shifted uneasily. " Because we do." Vincent said. 
         " What do you even do with the money?"
         " We give it to the poor." Damon said. 
         " So you guys are like Robin Hood?" 
          " I guess. We give the money to people on the street and sometimes people at work." Vincent said. 
            " What about the killing?" I asked looking at them sternly. 
        " I don't know." Damon sighed putting a chip down. 
       " It doesn't matter." Vincent said. 
      " It does to me." I said putting the plate in the sink. I walked back and sat down. " I need clothes. Unless you want me walking around in a dress. Do have any clothes I could put on real quick and go to the store in?" I asked. 
     " No." they both said. 
     I got up and walked to my room. I laid the dress on the bed and examined. This dress was about five thousand dollars. The boys stood by the door and watched me. I put my hand on the dress at a certain spot. " Someone get me something to cut this with." Vincent pulled out a switchblade and handed it to me. 
      I put the knife on the dress and began to cut. Every thread that broke I cringed and wanted to stop. I took off half of the dress and raised it. It was now a short red dress. The bottom of the dress was messy but straight. 
       " Do any of you have a leather jacket?" I asked. 
        " Yeah. I'll get it." Damon said. He came back with a jacket and handed it to me. 
        I put it down and started to unbutton my pajama shirt. I stopped on the first button and turned around. The boys still stood there watching. " Umm undressing." I said. 
        " We know." they said not moving. 
        " So leave." They seemed to snap out of it and walked away shutting the door behind them. 
        I undressed and put on my new outfit. I walked out and into the bathroom. I washed my face and brushed my teeth. I walked into the sitting area and the boys looked at me. 
        " Which one of you is taking me?" I said. They both jumped up and ran to the door. 
         " I am." Damon said. Vincent glared as I walked with Damon out the door. 
          We walked down the stairs and I got on his motorcycle. He sat down and started the engine. " Where to?" 
        " Any where with clothes." 
       " Walmart it is." he said. I wrapped my arms around his chest and he paused for the briefest moment. He then speed away. 
         At Walmart he parked in the front and walked me inside. We walked to the clothing section and I looked around. I picked up almost every pair of jean, short, shirt, and tank-top. I then walked over to the men section and looked around. 
         I picked up a pair of boxers with hearts on it and held it up to Damon. " I think this will look nice on you." I said loudly. 
        People looked over and Damon reddened. " I should have let Vincent take you." he mumbled. I put two pairs in the basket and walked to the counter. 
       I put everything up and then grabbed gum and threw it up. I waited by the register while Damon grabbed the bags and put them back in the basket. 
      " That's gonna be $127.35." the casher said. He continued to lower his eyes to where they shouldn't be and Damon noticed. 
        " Hey! Show some respect!" he yelled. 
       The casher looked back up at my face. I swiped my credit card and punched in my code. The casher handed me the receipt but kept his eyes away from me. 
        " Next time don't make it so obvious." I said walking away. 
          When we walked back it took forever to strap down all the bags. I sat down behind Damon and we rode back to his place. 
     Vincent came down and helped us get the bags. I put the clothes in my room and took out the boxers. I handed them to the boys and they rolled their eyes. 
      I pulled on a t-shirt and shorts and say down with them. They were watching Law and Order which I found very ironic. I sat I the middle of them and I could tell they were fighting over who could put their arm behind me. 
      " How about you both hold hands and stop?" I said never taking my eyes from the tv. 
       They stopped and watched the tv too. After time they got up and walked to the kitchen. We had been watching tv for three hours and I was almost five. How time went by. 
          I heard them humming the same song that Damon had hummed yesterday. They took out lasagna noodles and cheese. They worked in harmony and hummed the same. I listened to there humming and recognized the song. 
     The humming started again and I sang along"Tale as old as time.True as it can be.Barely even friends.Then somebody bends.Unexpectedly.Just a little change.Small, to say the least.Both a little scared.Neither one prepared.
Beauty and the Beast.Ever just the same.Ever a surprise.
Ever as before.Ever just as sure.As the sun will
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