Kiss me if you Dare, Anna S. [good books to read for 12 year olds .TXT] 📗

- Author: Anna S.
Book online «Kiss me if you Dare, Anna S. [good books to read for 12 year olds .TXT] 📗». Author Anna S.
“Yeah.” A small sadness escaped my lips as I spoke.
“You look like them.” He says as he walked over and sits beside me on the floor.
“Thanks.” I sigh.
“So, explain how do we balance this equation?” He changes the subject. He touched his notebook and pulls out his pen and writing down the equation from the book.
“Okay. Um, if there’s three hydrogen here, one oxygen, and two carbons. You need to balance this equation so it’ll be the same as the other side. Everything that’s there comes out have to be the same amount.” I pointed towards the practice on the book.
“So you have to get that equation to be the same on the other side. Like this.” I write down the right answer, doing the equation on the piece of paper.
“See. I put a two in front of the Hydrogen and on the other side I put a four in front of the Hydrogen because two times two is four. So now there are four on each side and hydrogen is balanced. But now you changed the value of the other elements. Are you with me so far?” I say as I explained. I looked at him, he looked at the paper and then at me.
“Kind of.” He says with a blank expression.
“Okay. So since hydrogen is four on each side, because I placed the two in front of the H on this side. That already makes two oxygen because two times one is two. So I place a one on this side, because there are two oxygen and four carbons. Since two times two is four then carbon is already balanced. And now this equation is balanced. Understand?” I looked at him pulling my pen to my mouth.
“Uh. Yeah.” He nods.
I bring my pen down and I did another problem on his worksheet. He watched me do it, when I finished I looked at him. On the worksheet I did:
8 Al + 3 Fe3O4 4 Al2O3 +9 Fe“Do you get it?” I asked.
“Yea. But you can explain it.” He says.
I explained to him everything I did on the problem and for one hour and a half we practiced and did chemistry homework together. But then we got off topic and start talking about what we liked to do and all the things that we like to eat. He told me some stories about when he was younger. He left around 11:30 and soon after that I went directly to finish watching Becoming Jane. I laid my head against a pillow and slowly my eyes began to close.
* * *
Rushing against the damp of the darkness as my hair flew behind me. Terror filled my heart and my eyes reaching for light. I tripped collapsing onto the ground, my hand banged against the marble floor. I pressed myself against a wall behind me, and then I heard footsteps. Harshly breathing the monster stood less then two feet away. I pulled my hands against my mouth, terrified that he was coming to get me, and something in me screamed to escape and continue to run in the wildness of the darkness and another part of me told me to stay put and he’ll go away. The breathing became closer and just like that, I felt the tip of his fingers press against my cheeks. I gasped as he took me in his arm, I can feel his breathing behind my ear as he pressed his nails against my arms and whispered in my ear. “I Found you.”
I gasp for air opening my eyes in the dark room. I saw a small shade of the sun’s light coming from the window into the room. I sat on my bed, pulled my legs to the side as the tip of my toes touched the carpet. I looked at my clock: 6:07 am. I pulled my hand up as a cup of water sitting at my desk flew up in the air, my closet door flew opened as a container of medicine came out. On front of the container, it was written: SIC (Supernatural In Control). That medicine was the medicine that kept my powers in control, from running out of control or wild. What I really need is the PIC meaning Power In Control, that was a pill container that contained the power of me becoming a supernatural forever, so I wouldn’t have to be taking the SIC all the time and stop planting Lupine flowers for once. When both the cup and container reached my hand, I opened the container pouring clear lupine liquid inside the cup. I mixed it with water and drank it. The materials flew back into place and quickly I removed myself off the bed.
I got ready and walked downstairs into the kitchen pouring coffee into my cup. My doorbell ranged as a few knocks followed. I walked to the door opening it quickly. I opened the door as Seth eyes connected with mine. I looked at him, he seemed tired and at the same time drunk. He touched the back of his neck and continues to look at me as he walked forward and touched my hand. I jumped a little with the touch of his skin, it was extremely hot.
“I was passing by and I saw you from your kitchen window and I was wondering if I could pick up my book, I forgot it yesterday.” He smiled.
“Yea, sure. It’s in the kitchen.” I pointed. I walked as he followed me into the kitchen. I touched the top of his book and tapped it a little before walking to the sink and throwing away my coffee. When I turned Seth was behind me, so close that I feel his nose touch mine. He looked in my eyes and then whispered.
“I was thinking about you.” His hand touched my face and his lips reached for mine. I closed my eyes unable to move from his embrace. He pulled me closer and his lips softly touched mine.
“Elsa?” Catherin’s voice came from the stairs outside the kitchen. Seth’s body flew away from mine as Catherin came into the kitchen.
“Oh.” She says surprised. “Um. I didn’t know you had company. I’ll be upstairs.” She smiled, and then turns around going back upstairs. When she left, I looked at Seth as he looked at me again. He got his book on his hand, his eyes fixed on mine.
“Ah. I gotta go.” He smiles and touches my chin rubbing it lightly with the tip of his thumb. He turns around, his curls bouncing, and I could hear his footsteps towards the door. When the door slammed shut, I finally breathed. A moment later I heard coughs. I walked up the stairs towards Catherin’s room. She was lying in bed with a box of tissues and some tissues in her hand. Her nose was bright red as she caught the sight of me. She smiled softly.
“What was that all about?” Her voice cracks as she spoke and shortly after that she coughs.
“He just forgot his book.” I assured looking around her room.
“It didn’t look like he wanted to pick up only his book.” She winks.
“But that’s all he did.” I rolled my eyes smiling back.
She laughs and then coughs again.
“Oh… Seems like your sick.” I say.
“Here I’ll make you some soup.” I told her as I rushed out of the room down the stairs and into the kitchen. I picked up some things and started with the chicken soup.
{Chapter 3}
Seth didn’t show up to school today. I couldn’t help but wonder the almost kiss from Saturday morning in school. He seemed wild, like he wasn’t able to sleep. The same green eyes of his appeared somewhere in my life. I wasn’t sure who he was nor was I sure if I knew him at all. I mean, I talked so much with him about my past but he never really told me anything about his.
I stood on the parking lot for an hour after school ended beside a car waiting for Catherin to pick me up when I saw Seth far at the end of the parking lot talking to a girl with blond hair and blue eyes. I watched them for a second realizing that Seth didn’t look happy at all. He seemed angry as the blond girl talked, she moved a lot so I couldn’t pin point out what she was saying. She came closer touching his neck and down his arms. He moved to the side and told her something as he quickly turned around and walked away. I moved in his direction and just as I am about to follow him my phone vibrated in the pocket of my jeans.
“Hello?” I answered.
“Elsa?” Catherin coughs as she spoke. “I’m too sick to pick you up. Is there anyone there to bring you home? I can’t drive.”
I look around seeing Seth’s motorcycle parked on a far spot from where I stood. The blond girl turned and walked towards her black BMW when she kicks the tire and opens the door. She slams the door shut with such force I heard it from where I stood.
“Elsa?” Catherin asks again. “Is there anyone that can bring you home?” She repeats her question followed by coughs.
“Oh… I think so. Don’t worry about it I’ll get home.” I assumed.
“Okay. Be careful.” She says. “Love you.”
“Love you too. Bye.” I whispered turning my phone off. I walked towards the woods where Seth has entered. I looked around seeing nothing but woods. I searched the woods and still no sign of Seth. I heard something moving through the trees. I walked towards the noise and each time I followed its direction the sound became louder. I walked and walked and then it stopped. I stopped with it to see if I hear it again but nothing came. Not one sign of its sound. I looked around silently.
“Elsa?” I gasped at the sound of my name as I turned around quickly. Seth stood behind me, confused.
“What are you doing here?” He asks.
“I… Um… I kinda… was looking for so-o-o-ome-me-mething.” I say stuttering through my words. I hate it when I tend to do that. “I was looking for something.” I say again getting myself together.
“Well, you can’t be in the woods like this. It’s dangerous.” He assumes a little too harshly. I give him a who-the-heck-do-you-think-you-are look.
“What are you doing in here then? If it’s too “dangerous”.” I quote my fingers as I said the word dangerous.
“I come here to relax.” He shoots me the confidence look.
“And yet it’s too dangerous?” I question with a comeback. One thing I learned when I was rebellious, was how to have a smart mouth. Then that way I would always get my ways in things. I pulled my hands on my hips waiting for an answer.
“It’s what I do. I don’t care if it’s dangerous. I know my way back.” He smirks and then puts his hand on his chin and says. “I bet you don’t even know your way back from here.”
“Wanna bet?” I tell taking his challenge and then walking past him into the forest. I have no idea where I’m going but I know I can manage to find a way out of this place. As I was walking, I heard Seth let out a laugh.
“You’re going the wrong way.” He points towards the other direction. I rolled my eyes and walked passed him.
“I knew that.” I say as my cheeks burn with fury.
“Sure.” He laughs.
For three minutes we walked in the woods quietly and then Seth sighs. I turned around and glanced at him.
“Listen, about Saturday-” He starts.
“It’s cool. I get it.” I cut him off before he begins apologizing.
“No. What I was going say is that
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