» Fiction » Daughters of Kimora, Angel92296 [the read aloud family .TXT] 📗

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It was when I was seven that I had my last dream. And when I remembered that Jesse mentioned pictures, all those pictures go back up until I was seven. Whoa, a serious headache was creeping up on me.
“Lucinda” Katelyn’s voice broke through my mental yammering.
“Can you take me to the house?” I asked her. “I need to get a few things first.”
“Sure but then were going back to school,” she said.
“What did Jesse say when he texted you?” I asked, not wanting to tell her that there was no possible way I was going back to school.
“He said that you were angry and needed a ride. He didn’t say where you were so I texted you and asked you myself,” she said smiling, proud of her decision making skills.
“Very nice” I said not really focusing on her anymore. I still had my phone in my hand so it easily accessible when it vibrated over and over. I looked at the screen and saw Maria’s number flashing. I hesitated, pressed the phone to my ear and spoke with no emotion.
“Hello?” I answered.
“I need you to come to the house. Now,” she said, not trying to hide the anger in my voice
“Good. I was just coming in to get my stuff,” I said mirroring her angry tone perfectly.
“You’re not going anywhere, Lucinda!” she screamed from the other end of the phone line. “You won’t be for a long time!”
“Why do you even bother?” I asked, not bothering to waste my time yelling. I was guaranteed to start yelling as soon as I walked through the door.
“I have no time for games. What are you talking about?” she asked, anger still painting her voice.
“You lied to me. You said I was two when I was adopted but I wasn’t. I was seven” I said, coldly. I waited for a respond from the other end but only heard Katelyn gasp a few times. One hand was covering her mouth and the other clutching the steering wheel so tight, her knuckles were turning white.
“We’ll discuss this when you get here,” Maria finally said.
“No, there is nothing to discuss. I’m getting my stuff and I am so out of there and nothing you can say will change that,” I said, holding the phone away from my face when it vibrated twice with a new message.
“You have to understand that-,” and then I hung up.
“Oh my god! Are you okay?” she asked, finally finding her words again. “I had no idea!”
“I didn’t either,” was all I said before we pulled up in front of the house. “Wait here. I shouldn’t be gone long.” Katelyn nodded and turned the key in the ignition, shutting of the car. I hopped out and shoved the Blackberry into the pocket of my jeans. I opened the door, not surprised that it wasn’t locked. Maria came running toward me. It was hard to miss the giant slash that was across her left cheek that almost touched he jaw line. It wasn’t deep nor was it pretty.
“What happened to you?” I asked in a panicked rush.
“They’re coming. You must go. They only want you,” she said, out of breath and sounding more than a little scared. Just then Jesse burst through the doors. He took one look at Maria and then at me. The next thing I know, he was pinning me to the wall by my neck. He was squeezing the life out of me when Maria started pushing him aside. Something flashed in his eyes but I couldn’t tell what it was.
“Get off her! She didn’t do this!” she yelled. He looked confused but he released me. I was on my knee’s gasping for breath, when I felt it. It felt like something was slowly pulling me toward the back door of the house and to the wood behind our backyard. I had no idea how I was quickly on my feet. “Stop her! She must not go to them!”
“I don’t understand,” Jesse murmured confused.
“It’s The Six,” I heard Maria faintly. I was still trying to move forward to woods. Jesse arm were around me then, pulling me back.
“What are The Six?” Jesse yelled the question. I wanted to yell at Jesse and tell him to stop yelling at his mother but the only thing I could think was how inviting the woods is being right now.
“They’re six female women looking for their seventh sister. Can you guess who that might be?” she asked. She sounded kind of sarcastic but I couldn’t tell because the woods were luring me forward every second. Jesse was the only thing stopping me.
“What is she saying?” Jesse asked Maria. They both sounded distant and at the moment, not important.
“She is chanting whatever they are chanting to draw her to her toward them” Maria said. Was I speaking? I didn’t know I was speaking at all until I started paying attention to what I was saying but I couldn’t stop.
Six sisters!
We are us!
Rise again
With love and lust!
Six sisters!
We are here!
Rise again
With pain and fear!
Six sisters!
Rise once more!
Reveal the seventh
In which they store!
The next part of the chant, I felt and knew it was said by me and me alone.
Six sisters!
Fail to fear!
The pure on you seek
Stands right here!
A giant gust of wind blew open the back door and broke all the windows in the back of the house. I was still fighting against Jesse to get to the woods but he never budged. The wind kept blowing hard threw the open windows and door. I heard Maria just barely because her voice was trying to fight the still blowing wind.
“We have to get her out of here. Away from them!” she yelled against the wind. Jesse nodded sharply and pulled me to the front door. Maria was right behind me with a box that had my initial scribbled in the front. Still holding me tightly, Jesse pulled the door open and closed it loudly behind Maria. I was surprised to see Katelyn still in her car, waiting for me like I told her too.
“Katelyn, honey, get in the passenger seat, please?” Maria asked, sweetly. Katelyn took one look at me and her eyes widened in horror. Then she did what Maria asked. Jesse pulled me in the back of the cab, holding me tight in his arms. The car didn’t seem like it was in motion but I knew it was because the engine purred the way it usually does. Then I felt something shaking. Like the car was shaking. Was the car shaking?
“Why is the car shaking?” I asked barely above a whisper.
“The car is not shaking. You are,” Jesse whispered back to me. I then realized he was right. I also realized that they no longer sounded distant from me.
“Keep her awake,” Maria called from the driver seat. “At least until were not so close to here.”
“Katelyn,” Jesse said and Katelyn jumped at her own name. “Do you have a bottle of water or something?”
“Uh, sure, hold on a sec,” as she fingered in the glove department until she found a quarter size container of orange juice. “This is all I have.”
“That’s perfect,” he said, taking it from her, still shaking hands. I notice that she now held the box that Maria was carrying with my initial on it on her lap. He turned to me next. “You have to drink this,” he ordered me. All I could do was shake my head. Then something in my hand vibrated making me yelp out loud. It was my Blackberry that I put in my back pocket. I tried to slither free from Jesse’s arm but he wouldn’t let that happen. So I tried focusing myself to relax and felt the shaking starting to fade until it stopped completely.
“How did you do that?” Jesse asked me in a whisper.
“Self control,” I responded, looking down at his arms and hoped he got the message. He hesitated but released me from his grip.
“Lucinda, please, give me a minute or two to relax,” she said, before I even looked in her direction or even thought about what to say to her.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. As far as I’m concerned, I have nothing to say to you,” I replied, easily.
“This has to stop. Now,” Jesse said, sadly.
“I don’t know what’s going on,” Katelyn whispered. Here’s Katelyn’s deal. We have been friends since, well, I was adopted. Her mom knew my mom (foster mother, cause I don’t really know my mom) and we hung out a lot when we were little. We would always joked about how terrible our mom’s were for not letting us keep our Halloween candy or for making us go to bed on time. So when she overheard what a giant lie my adoption had been, she probably saw Maria through all new eyes. That and Maria just technically car jacked her.
“Then that leaves us on the same page, Kate,” I said, annoying the glare Jesse gave me.
“With my guess,” Maria began. “You tried to explain but some of the words you said made her feel like she wasn’t OUR family?”
“I say that’s about right,” Jesse mumbled.
“Uh, yeah, where are we going cause I believe school is out and Katelyn is probably in deep hot water for skipping the last of her classes” I spoke, starring at the window, as if I didn’t care what was happening.
“Hand me your phone,” Maria said, holding her hand out and waiting. When I didn’t move, Jesse pinched my arm. I reached into my back pocket and handed her my phone. She punched in my phone code (which I never gave her!) and put it to her ear while it dialed Katelyn’s house phone. Then she began to lie her behind off. “Hi, no this is Mrs. Price……Yes, Lucinda’s mother………That’s exactly why I called………No your daughter is fine but she wasn’t feeling well and neither was Lucinda when I came to drop off some paper work……Right, right………Yeah, I figured that since I was there why not just get them……Yea, I didn’t want to get the other kids sick………Oh, it was no trouble at all………I was thinking that she could stay with us for a day or two. I don’t want to get the baby boy of your sick as well……Alright, I will call if anything changes. Bye.”
I was amazed that she lied so much to one of her closest friends in just one conversation. I have never heard her lie before because I thought everything she told me was true. That makes me wonder. I still didn’t know where we were going even though I asked the question and I still haven’t received a reply. She handed me my phone back and wondered how she could have possibly known my code. Most people used names or something but I used numbers for mine.
“I guess it’s time to start explaining,” Maria said. I fought the urge to yell no, duh!! at her as I clenched and unclenched my jaw. “You were brought to me
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