» Fiction » Angels Of Elements, Angel92296 [readnow TXT] 📗

Book online «Angels Of Elements, Angel92296 [readnow TXT] 📗». Author Angel92296

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pretended to wave as Cameron drove off. I dug in my pocket for the keys to the front gate. I felt the presence of two people behind me. I turned around and was greeted with a stupid grin and an annoyed expression.
“My shift is over guys,” I said. The guy that didn’t speak much reached for the bag in my hand. He opened and pulled out a bottle of water. My greatest weapon. I took the water from him and opened the lid. “Why did you follow me here? Who are you?”
“Let’s just say we are old friends,” the taller guys said.
“Friends don’t stalk other friends. You’re gonna have to better than that,” I said sipping at the water.
“We need to speak with you. It’s urgent,” the silent one said.
“What are your names again?” I asked. I felt the water traveling to the palms of my hands.
“Can we speak inside?” the silent one asked.
“Not until I know who you are,” I said straightening myself.
“My name is Angelo. This is my brother Marcel. We come with a warning,” he said seriously. I thought quickly but guided him through the gates and into the house. I kept the water bottle opened and closed the door behind the one named Marcel.
“Marcos. Come quick,” I called through the house. Marcos ushered quickly through the room with a book in his hand and Cameron at his heels. Kyle wasn’t that far behind.
“The great Angelo. And the brave Marcel. What bring you two here?” Marcos asked. I felt the shock form on my face.
“You know these guys Marcos?” I asked.
“Yes. As do you. But that was many years ago,” he said waving his hands as if emphasizing how long ago.
“I thought they looked familiar but I thought I was mistaken. I am pretty sure I never met these men before today,” I said shaking my head.
“Not in this life time, you haven’t. Trust me. You know them very well,” he said smiling at some inside joke he had floating in his head.
“Our visit is very urgent. We wouldn’t come all the way here from Europe if it wasn’t this important,” Angelo spoke.
“We believe that during the next Blood Moon, The Path of Worlds will open on its own. This is bad because we have no idea what world will be on the other end of the path. This has only happened once before and the outcome was not at all positive,” Marcel said, now sounding completely serious.
“When exactly is the next Blood Moon?” Marcos asked just as serious.
“Am I missing something here?” I asked waving my hands to catch someone’s attention. They all ignored me. Even Kyle was listening in even though he might be as clueless as me. Angelo gave me a side glance and then turned away quickly. I watched Marcos, Angelo, and Marcel chat while Kyle looked at the floor with a thoughtful expression.
“How long will you guys be staying to deal with this problem?” Marcos finally asked.
“As long as it takes,” Marcel said looking at me and raising his eyebrows.
“You two are welcomed to stay here. Reyna? Come with me please,” he said before storming gracefully but quickly out the room. I sighed and ran to catch up with him.
“What’s going on?” I asked when I caught.
“The short way of answering that is all hell is about to break loose but we don’t know which hell to be exactly,” he said. He turned into the library and I followed him. He was looking at the books on the many shelves. He pulled several out and handed them to me to hold.
“What is that suppose to mean?” I asked.
“If you would stop trying to deny who you are, you would know this. The Path of Worlds. The main portal between the multiple dimensions and worlds. The problem with the main portal is that it travels so the location usually differs.” As he spoke, he continued piling books in my arms.
“I’m guessing you need to close the portal before something get’s free?” I asked.
“Precisely. And that’s where you come in,” he said avoiding my eye.
“What do you mean?” I asked standing completely still.
“The portal is under water and there hasn’t been any Angels of Water since you were brought to earth,” he said.
“There has to be another way to do this. Without me getting involved,” I said dropping the books.
“I’m afraid not,” he said. He looked me in my eyes which were now filled to the rim with tears. “I’m sorry Reyna.”
“I guess that leaves me no choice,” I said. “No matter how it kills me.”
“I think you need to speak with Angelo. He was just like you. He denied what he is just as you have,” Marcos said. I looked at the floor and balled my hands into a fist. “I know this is hard Serena. But it’s your job to save people. You must never forget that.”
“I haven’t forgotten,” I yelled.
“Prove it,” he said in a low voice.

Chapter Three

Cameron plopped beside me on my bed. He put an arm over my shoulder and laid his head on mine. I didn’t move away. Him holding me was kind of comforting even though I don’t feel the same emotions for him that he feels for me.
“After so long, they want me to bring that part of me back and I can’t even say no,” I said. He rubbed my arm with the palm of his hand.
“Even though you don’t want to, you always do what’s right. Even if it hurts you. I admire you for that,” he said. I looked up at his face. There was a hint of humor. He looked more serious than I ever thought I would see of Cameron.
“I guess it’s time to start training again,” I said. He nodded and let me go. I stood from my bed and walked out my room with Cameron by my side.
“They’re upstairs in the other library,” he said pushing me toward the stairs. I ran up the stair and through the double doors on my left. Four pair of eyes lifted up to me and I turned away from them angrily. Marcos handed me a book and I took it without looking at him. I sat next to Kyle who every once in a while would look up from his book at me. I caught his eyes once and nodded reassuringly. I saw him relax in the shoulders and thought it weird how he already seemed so fond of me.
“What do we have here,” Cameron said looking at the cover. He groaned at the title because it was written in Latin. The book was called Worlds within a World. The leather cover of the book felt old and fragile in my hands.
“Failed Latin Cam?” I asked giving him a smug look. He shrugged.
“Nah. Too lazy to learn it,” he said. He ruffled my hair with his hand and I glared at him.
“Marcos. I think I found something,” Angelo said from behind me. I didn’t turn toward him. I buried my head in the book in front of me and ignored what was happening behind me.
“Serena? Did you hear that?” Marcos asked. Though I wasn’t trying to pay attention. I repeated what was said.
“There is a possible chance that an angel of water which is me can feel the portal with waves and things like that,” I said not looking up.
“Got to give her props. She was paying attention,” Marcel said.
“Reyna, must we have another talk?” Cameron asked. I suppressed a sigh and turned around to face the many eyes watching me.
“Let’s get this over with,” I said folding my arms over my chest and pouting.
“Aw! Cute!” Cameron said. He reached for my cheek but I kicked him in the leg before he touched me. Everyone turned back to the book but Angelo. He stared at me with something in his eyes. Something I didn’t understand. Recognition? He shook his head and turned to hover over the book. I walked to the book. I stood between Marcel and Angelo. There was a picture at the bottom of a lady controlling the waves at what looks like a beach.
“I can do that,” I said pointing. Every eye was on me again and I sighed. “That’s going to be annoying. Ok. I’m not good at it but I know how to do it. I can go for a few miles.”
“That’s perfect,” Marcel said slamming the book shut. “Problem solved.”
“Problem not solved. We still have to stop the portal from opening. And be prepared if we don’t close it in time,” Angelo said.
“Well. My parts done,” I said heading for the door.
“Lady Serena? May I have a word?” Angelo asked when I reached the door. I rocked on my toes.
“It’s just Serena and fine,” I said walking out the door. He caught the door before it shut behind me. He let is close and I stood there, waiting for him to speak.
“I’m sorry we ruined what you have here. It wasn’t out intentions at all. Please believe me,” he said. I sighed.
“It’s not your fault. It was bound to happen sooner or later. I was selfish to think it would never happen,” I said.
“I also must apologize for my brother’s behavior at that club. That was a wrong approach to anyone of your status,” he said.
“I have no status. And don’t worry about it. I’m used to guys acting like that,” I said sighing.
“I don’t want to waist anymore of your time,” he said turning for the door.
“Wait! Why does Marcos believe we met before?” I asked.
“Because we did. In another life. We were engaged but you died a tragic death,” he said, watching me carefully.
“Why don’t I remember that?” I asked.
“You don’t always remember everything. You only remember what’s important,” he said.
“Are you sure?” I asked looking at him bewilderedly. He nodded. He handed me a folded paper and went back into the library. It was a picture from 1924. I was there with Angelo’s arm wrapped securely around my waist. My hand quivered and I saw what was really happening in the photo. There was a boat not too far behind the bridge we were standing on. He was holding me so I didn’t jump in to help.
“What are you looking at?” Cameron said coming out the library. He snatched the photo from my hand and his eyes widened. I knew Cameron was gonna say something so I ran down the stair before he got a chance.
Chapter Four
I stayed in my room the next morning. I did the research in my keeper’s journal. I was engaged in 1922 and I died September 5, 1923. I paced back in forth in my large room with keeper’s journals scattered everywhere. I was getting married to Angelo but it was more than that. He seemed to be written in all of my keeper’s journals. Every single one. His name was mentioned a lot though it said he had never once confronted or spoke to me until 1921. There was an article taped into the inside of the day I died in 1923. It read:

Dearest Susan Crowell was killed saving two twins and a mother from a burning boat coming into the harbor. The mother and those twins thank Susan Crowell for her bravery though they will, unfortunately never get to tell her in person. Susan Crowell shall be missed. Her husband Luis Crowell is
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