» Fiction » My Life Story, Nicuashio Espenvoll [best books to read for success .txt] 📗

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ceremony at Sanford University College. I wanted to go their but I didn’t receive a high school diploma. I was sad about not being able to retake the graduation exam
Over, the counselors were saying how they didn’t think that I will make it in life. Because of my seizures and my case teacher was saying that I will never make it to college and when he said that I was astonished at him. And I was thinking if it were his child in my situation would he say that to him?

And so he was mapping out of how I was or not able to take the
Graduation exam. I told him that I believe that I can do it this time and that was final. Soon after the discussion it was far too late to take it. However it was the only way that I could receive a high school diploma.
So after I graduated, I looked around and as always I had no one to talk to
Well there was this one girl she was nice she spoke to me and of course my grandmother was at my graduation too.

And when I got home, ITT Tech School College called His name was Steve Levite
And I never told that I didn’t received a high school diploma
Until the last minute, and then he gave me advice but it didn’t quite help much though. Soon we moved back to Tuscaloosa because my mother’s mum was not feeling so good.

Chapter 5
First soul mate

After we moved into our new house, we got settled had a lot of others helping us out. We were very lucky to have my mum’s brother help her out with her stuff, and boy did she have a lot of stuff to move in. Usually, it would take us all by night fall to get everything off the truck and into the house. After we finished getting everything inside, we and my mum help unload all of the boxes and things in our rooms. About a week later my mum was talking to me about a guy she used to swing with since high school, and she told me not to tell my grandmother or anyone about him, his name is Stanly. Stanly is a really descent guy, he is well understanding, nice and patient. Although my sister doesn’t like him all of a sudden, why I dunno. But I sure can care less on her case, Stan he is really nice and fun to have around. And then somehow, my mum got back with my sister’s dad.
It was astonishing that my mother of all people would fall into marrying
Him again. Of course the marriage did quite last long though, and the disturbing thing was, he was smart with it somehow. Pretty much I already knew that it was not going to last much longer. After the crisis discussion, my mother was single once again. And it seemed to me that every time she fell for another person stuff always happens.

A while back, after my mother and Jeremiah got a divorce, I and my mother and my sister were all homeless, and we went to a hotel and stayed there for a while. And then we moved in with a family member of hers. And we stayed there until we found an apartment, and we then moved in and got settled in. And afterwards Darrel shows up, and we all went outside and played soccer. It was fun while it lasted though. He was a good father and I really liked him as a father, he was driving PRIME INC also. After the long time of having him around we met him near a store on the west part of town. And he was talking to my mother trying to get her to give him another chance to change. To the point that he gave up smoking even though I knew it would be quite difficult for him. Over and over he asked for another chance, although I didn’t’ know the whole story about what happened.

And after the conversation was over, we drove by as I saw him standing hopeless. I felt sorry and I was also sad for him, and then after that I never saw him again. I never forget when I first met him at the T.A truck station. He was generous and kind, also nice.

After a few years past, we moved into another house in Birmingham Homewood, after my mother mistakenly send me back to the school were some of the people,
That I used to know and joke with only to fit in, at that time I thought that I would never get out and withdrawn from central high school. The school was
Old and not very pleasant, during class other students would go and smoke in bathrooms and cut class. In my 7th period class I hated being in there. These two girls were bothering me and asking me bizarre perverted questions. This school was filled with thugs and girls dressed like sluts and whores.

Anyways after that I was so glad we were going to move back to Homewood. Well also because the house we brought form an old lady named Mary Palma. We were living in an old house that she has not been supported. The house was very old, and it had no insulation. And she had a dog named betoven. Staying at our back yard, although it has been ages since she came to visit it.

So back to Homewood we went, as we all went back it reminded me of Jeremiah. I missed him a lot, he was the reason why I felt like I had hope, and also helped me with my school work. He also taught me how to tell time on a hand clock, and the funny thing is I was about 15 years old still not know how to tell time until now. My mother was teaching me however, she was not making any sense at the time.
And that’s when I had a hard time telling time at the time.

So on during the times we stayed there, I was so glad to go back to Homewood to me some of my school mates there. My sister at times always on the computer on a bebo chatting site, she was trying to get me to get on and make an account. I told her no, until that day I stated getting on every day. There was this girl I always talk to on bebo she was a good friends from Australia. And then days past my first date was with a girl named Meghan Lauthai, we lasted for like a month in a half. And then she left me for another person, and she sort of had feelings for him. And then later she left me, I was so hurt for the first time; it was like my soul was tormented.
With an inner torture of blackness from the darken other world.
I had never felt this way before, and then my second person was with some girl named Jennopher, although it didn’t last long. I have been out with about 9 people or more, I was told by my mother about online dating and such. But I refused to listen to them. Later back then when I was in the 5th grade I vowed to never get married nor date no one. I didn’t like girls at all, and no I am not gay and not at the time either. I just did not want to go through what my mother went through, and after all of seeing what all she went through, in relationships had a bad influence on me up to now. Anyways all of my dating soul mates were online, never in my life have I ever dated anyone in real life.

Chapter 6
Feelings of guilt

Still again living in Northport, AL and well been there for about 2 yrs now moved on the year of 2008. It was a neighborhood place called Meadowlake, and it was very descent and quite. Not much ruckus goes on there, a lot of descent people were friendly and you know for the first time we ever moved into a quiet neighborhood. The way experiencing the new area was like, tapping your penises
Together and stuff like that. One day I took a walk outside to view and see what the rest of the neighborhood was like, it was quite nice. This place had a nice walk way and every once in a while some cars travels through their trying to get to their house. And they also had a pond nearby, with swans and baby duckies. Although no one was allowed to feed them, and neither can they go anywhere near the pond. The rules stated that, for what reason I don’t know. Yet it was mysterious though,
Soon I discovered that my new address was Meadowlake Dr. W Northport, AL 35473. Later on throughout the next 20 days living there with Marilyn and my sister Marilyn D. Hill ( my mum), I began to cut the grass and taking care of button, which is my mum’s dog well a family dog. And from time to time wash the cars. The one thing that bothered me was that the first time when I started cutting the grass. Afterwards I was feeling sick and my nose started to get congested and I began to have allergies. Then by that time I started to hate cutting the grass, and summer time it began to be so hot it was like being in a heated furnace, over 380F. And also I found out that since we have ponds and water where we live, that it begins to be even hotter than usually because of that. Spring was the worse season ever because of the pollen especially in the area where I lived.

Well days past, so on I was on my way to check the mailbox and it was very cold outside. A stray dog came to me and usually dogs would stay away, but this puppy was about 5 to 7 inches long and about approximately, 6 inches tall. He had poke dots on his fur. He came up to me weeping, I was looking left and right yell out to see was anyone missing a dog. But no one answered of course he may have came a long way, and so I was trying to make it back into the house knowing I had things cooking on the stove. And as I went in I felt sorry for the lost dog, so I went into the storage room and got some of buttons dog food to feed to the
Stray dog. It was a paper plate full of dog food. It was the baneful mixed with carrots, beans, meat, stream beans, corn, and much more flavored vegetables.
The dog ate like no tomorrow, as if he never eaten in years. So far it was like he was going to eat the plate. I was peeking through the window, and saw him eat I was glad that I could at lease feed him at lease there was nothing else I could do for it.

I got on the phone and told my mum about it and she suggested to I should have let him stayed in the back yard. But, never would I think that she would ever say anything like that. After that, I started eating what I cooked and went to lay down a bit. During those times I noticed that I have been single for a while, and I was having a good time never have to worry.

Then again, or did I one
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