» Fiction » Fairy Tale Gone Wrong, Sabrina Smith [bearly read books .txt] 📗

Book online «Fairy Tale Gone Wrong, Sabrina Smith [bearly read books .txt] 📗». Author Sabrina Smith

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as they were boiling, they just kept getting greener and greener. When she went to drain them, one of her green socks feel out of the bottom of the pan! Apparently, they ate them anyway, because “the sock was clean; there wasn’t anything wrong with it”.
It made me laugh. A little bit. I was…*cough cough* a little depressed. I got really bored in the car. Bex was braiding Caity’s hair. She was facing away from me, and seemed very impatient with me. I don’t think she missed me as much as I missed her. I feel kind of abandoned…Bex and Ren are basically my only friends that I ever get to hang out with. My other friends live hours away from me, and I only get to talk to them over the computer.
I wrote this earlier:
As I head into Anchorage now, I almost wish it wasn’t for baptisms. Sigh…if only I could stay the night at my cousins and got to the dance tomorrow night, I’d see Cee and Ben at least. I started writing this poem on the way to church:
Your smile, your eyes, you,
Your voice, your face, everything you do,
It takes my breath away, unable to breath,
How my stomach flutters you wouldn’t believe.

I didn’t finish it.
In the back Sadie and Kali exclaim random words that, at the moment, mean nothing to me, like “popped eye” or “headless”. The car is so warm, my eyes are so heavy, my head nodding, I think I’ll take a nap…
Or not. They’re yelling in the back. I’ve finally figure out what they’re doing. Playing the “one head light out” game. Pediddle. Yeah…lets massacre it, shall we? Okay. I am tired.
Bex asked me, or rather, she stated “you don’t look too happy”. I sighed, and said “I’m going into Anchorage, and I don’t even get to see them.” She immediately dismisses the “them’. She knows who I am really thinking about.
(This is me, now, the present time, not in the car. I am at home, in bed)
Baptisms were so much fun. I got dunked eleven times instead of ten, because Brother Hobbes forgot to finish the prayer before he dunked me. We had pizza afterwards, it was yummy. When I got home, I got on Facebook. Predictably, Ben, Cee, and Wesley were on. We started planning the activity we would have on Monday. This is part of a conversation I had with Wesley:
[Me] 10:52pm I don't know why I keep suggesting ice was such a disaster last time....
i thought it was fun
says the one skating circles around me as I sat on the ground
the person too scared to reach out and grab your hand to pick you up?
Yup I got in trouble with Bex
for being depressed
She said I am not allowed to be depressed
Shes one to talk...
yeah! why are you depressed?
have you been hanging out with ren lately?
Ren? Barely....
rolls eyes I was way hyper in class today...Shakespeare. I had like, a cup of soda, and i was sitting by Nali during the read through...and she asked me if I was drunk...I actually slurred words on accident...
Yeah...I couldn't stop giggling, or laughing...for NO REASON
and why were you depressed?
i made you depressed?
I regretted ever mentioning anything. I talked to Ashley a little bit about Wesley. Sigh…
“It’s not like its love. I mean, be realistic.”
I don’t know how to be realistic anymore. I wish I could. I really do. I really want to. But I don’t know how.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Dear Diary,
Children humming, whistling, and singing, plus a 2 year old banging blocks, plus a 9 month old cooing, plus some kind of folk music, plus a very bad head ache, equals a very irritable Juliet.
No joke.
I am so tired. I didn’t get much sleep last night. I had a bad dream. Not worth telling about, I can only half remember it. It comes from being sick, stressed, and not having enough sleep. Do I sound like I am complaining? That’s because I am ;) And it’s all my fault, too…
Note to all girls out there crushing on a guy: Do not stay up until 2am every night just to talk to him. All it gets you is bags under your eyes, a bad-temper the next morning, and gives him the idea that he shouldn’t have to try to connect with you, because you’ll come to him, eventually.
Am I stereotyping right now? Most definitely. This probably doesn’t apply to all guys, but I’m sure there are others out there that are just as lazy. Actually, I am more than sure. I’ve met several.
Andrew, my older brother, changed the station, thank goodness. Now I am listening to Lea Salonga. She’s an amazing singer, who played many of the Disney princesses. My little sister Abigail keeps trying to escape outside. There’s something wrong with the plumbing, so my dad is outside with the little kids and the guy from the plumbing place, trying to fix it. I don’t envy them.
Kimber just came in with a puppy. I wonder what my mom is going to say…
He’s so cute! She’s paying the kids to watch him. Ten bucks a week. Why can’t I do it, it’s not like they need the money. “Because you have classes,” she said. So? Only in the morning…I could take care of him. Kind of…ish. Okay, so I don’t have the time, but I could really use the money.
I have a lot of laundry to fold. Four and a half baskets, to be specific. And I have to do it all before Monday. Because, on Monday, I have no class. No one in Williamsburg does. What does this mean? It means we’re getting together to go do something. And I have to be there. And to be there, I have to fold all my laundry. And – well, you get my point.
There’s only one problem: I haven’t had any time to fold the laundry! I am watching babies that I cannot afford to leave on their own. So, I’ll have to do it tomorrow. I’ll have plenty of time then. Maybe. I’ll have to get up early, and not laze in bed…dang. The things I do for my friends *rolls eyes*.
I am talking to Cee on the forum *happy dance/smile*.
And now on Facebook.
:D :D:D :D:D :D :D
cough cough
I think you gave me a virus
get it?
oh. haha sucks for you :D:D
More for you later.
I just stopped talking to Cee. It’s 12something…pm. I was talking to Wesley before that, for a couple hours before that, actually…
I told him. I finally got the guts. It was kind of an exchange…I kept WANTING to tell him, but I chickened out a lot. Until, he said he had a day dream. About me. So…naturally…I wanted to know what it was.
This is our messaged conversation:
Between Wesley and You
I love you.
Can’t you tell?
I love you.
I certainly fell.
I love you.
Yet I can’t see you.
I love you.
I can’t be with you.
I love you.
Life sucks.
I love you.
Tough luck.
I love you.
This is so unfair.
I love you.
But no one cares.
[quote]I love you.
Can’t you tell?[/quote]
i know
[quote]I love you.
But no one cares. [/quote]
i do
number 3
i try to suppress these thoughts, i call it suppressing the inner Spaniard
<im sitting down on a rock, dangling my feet off of it, letting my toes touch the biggest swells that come by. you walk up to me, the sea breeze blowing your hair behind you, you sit down next to me. i start off by giving my signature line, "you look familiar" you reply with, "i hope i should".... a long pause while we watch the sun lower toward the ocean. you cough, i look at you, smile, and at that moment, we get dowsed by a huge wave and fall into the water.... we swim ashore, soaking wet. i take a leftover towel and dry you off, we walk hand in hand toward the hot tub, we get in it and just start talking, truely talking, not just the shallow stuff we have recently said to eachother, but true talking, and as the conversation dies down, i take your hand, draw you near....... stare deep into your eyes, and there we stand for what seems like forever, barely one foot away, in a hot tub fully clothed until i finally pull you me and we kiss...
Is it wrong that my heart flutters every time I read that?
Sigh…I keep thinking how I’m not old enough to date…how I can’t date boys outside of my religion…
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Dear Diary,
I know, I know, I haven’t written in a couple of days. I’ve just been so busy with school and everything. Well, I guess I better explain a couple things.
Firstly: I am pissed off at Wes at the moment (pardon me). Yes, I know, how could I get pissed off ahem, I mean, angry at a guy I am in love with? Simple. I am not in love with him. I am simply over exaggerating. That’s the answer. I’ll just say that I am not in love with him. That it was all simply a huge mistake on my part. That no
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