» Fiction » The Ramayana, Valmiki [best authors to read txt] 📗

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1.00em">Mahí, 372.

Máhishmatí, 518.

Mahishikas, 549.

Mahodar, 433 note, 450, 455, 474, 478 ff.

Mahodaya, 46, 70, 71, 488.

Maináka, 10, 394, 500 note.

Mainda, 28, 364 note, 371, 428, 430, 439, 449, 451, 458, 482, 483.

Makaráksha, 485 note.

Malaja, 39.

Málavas, 548.

Malaya, 198, 324, 328, 375, 379, 430.

Málí, 515, 516.

Máliní, 175, 539.

Malyaván, 454, 455.

Mályavat, 515, 516.

Mánas, 38.

Mandakarṇi, 240.

Mandákiní, 200, 201, 203, 209, 234, 235, 304, 322, 416 note.

Mandalí, 556.

Mandar, 57, 163, 285, 362, 368, 372, 399, 402, 421, 485, 491, 493, 525.

Mandarí, 444.

Mándhátá, 81, 219, 347, 518.

Mándavi, 84.

Máṇḍavya, 226 note.

Mandehas, 373.

Mandodarí, 402, 492, 500, 516.

Mandra, 14.

Maṇibhadra, 441.

Manthará, 40, 96, 97, 99, 187.

Manu, 11, 12, 13, 81, 103, 151, 179, 219, 245, 246, 347, 490, 505, 537, 555.

Marícha, 58.

Márícha, 5, 9, 35, 39, 40, 44, 266, 271-280, 298.

Maríchi, 81, 91, 219, 245.

Maríchipas, 270, 271.

Márkaṇḍeya, 80, 174.

Mars, 93, 144, 339, 404, 445, 467, 489.

Maru, 82, 220.

Maruts, 25, 54, 59, 403, 517, 547, 555.

Máshas, 270, 271.

Mátali, 109, 142, 489, 491, 493.

Matanga, 14, 246, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 336, 337, 380.

Mátangí, 246.

Mátariśva, 389.

Matsya, 102, 523, 537, 549.

Maya, 293, 382, 432, 488.

Máyá, 293, 521.

Máyáví, 333, 334, 379.

Meghamáli, 256 note.

Meghanáda, 10.

Mekhal, 374.

Mená, 49, 394 note.

Menaká, 74.

Mercury, 144, 339, 467.

Meru, 4, 49, 92, 109, 110, 142, 182, 232, 236, 254, 291, 315, 368, 370, 377, 380, 418, 493.

Meruśavarṇi, 382.

Mina, 32.

Miśrakeśí, 199.

Mithi, 82.

Míthilá, 9 note, 21, 45, 60, 61, 78, 81, 83, 84, 85.

Mitraghna, 459.

[pg 572]

Mlechchhas, 66, 537, 550.

Modesty, 26.

Moon, 30, 42, 58, 109 ff., 124, 218, 227, 243, 276, 367, 413, 414, 488.

Mriga, 14.

Mrigamandá, 246.

Mrigí, 246.

Mudgalya, 174.

Nábhág, 82, 220.

Nágadantá, 198.

Nágas, 12, 55, 66, 68, 145, 270, 273, 395, 409, 413, 420, 427, 518.

Nahush, 82, 95, 171, 190, 220, 307.

Nairrit, 430.

Nala, 10, 340, 364 note, 428, 444, 445, 448, 449, 468, 475, 483.

Nalá, 246.

Naliní, 55, 203, 204, 267, 436.

Namuchi, 39, 261, 264, 275, 336.

Nandá, 415.

Nandan, 26,

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