» Fiction » Outward Bound Or, Young America Afloat: A Story of Travel and Adventure, Optic [best non fiction books of all time txt] 📗

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you mean Captain Gordon, McKeon?" asked Pelham, with intense surprise.

"Of course I do."'

"All the officers of the first part of the port watch voted," added Grossbeck.

"They did!" exclaimed Pelham.

"Well, was it any stranger that the officers of the first part of the port watch voted, than it was that those of the second part did so?" inquired Shuffles, with earnestness.

"I think it was," replied Pelham, decidedly.

"Paul Kendall was one of them," said McKeon.

"Paul Kendall! Does any fellow suppose he has joined the Chain?" demanded the defeated candidate.

"Why not?"

"And Captain Gordon?"

"Why not?"

"How did the captain vote?" asked Pelham.

"No matter how he voted," said Shuffles, indignantly "I protest against this raking up of matters which are already settled."

"He voted beans," replied McKeon, who, it is hardly necessary to add, was a Pelham man.

"Then he is one of your friends, Shuffles," continued Pelham, who was beginning to understand how his rival had been elected.

"I don't claim him."

"Did you take the captain into the Chain, Shuffles?" {291}

"I won't answer," replied the captain elect.

"If Captain Gordon and Paul Kendall are members, I would like to know it. I am first officer of the ship under the new order of things, and if I command Gordon to do anything, I mean that he shall obey me."

"Of course you will give him no orders till we are in possession of the ship," added Shuffles, not a little alarmed.

"Well, as Gordon and Kendall are members of the Chain—of course they are, or they wouldn't have voted—we can talk over the matter freely with them," said Pelham, chuckling.

"If you make the signs, and they make them, of course you can," replied Shuffles. "No member can speak to another about the business of the Chain until both of them have proved that they belong, by giving the required signals."

"Shuffles, do you suppose Captain Gordon knows the signs?"

"How should I know? I never tried him. I don't know why he shouldn't make them as well as Tom Ellis."

"Tom Ellis is all right. I vouch for him, for I admitted him myself. Who will vouch for the captain? Who took him in?"

"I don't know."

"I don't; but if anybody has admitted him, and not given him the signs, he ought to be instructed in them. Of course he must have been admitted, or he would not have voted," added Pelham, sarcastically.

"I have nothing more to say about this matter," {292} replied Shuffles, disgusted with the cavils of his first officer.

"Nor I; but I shall satisfy myself whether the captain is a member or not," said Pelham, decidedly.

"Well, you must be very cautious what you do."

"Certainly I shall. I will give him the first sign; if he don't answer it, I shall conclude he is not a member; or, if he is, that he has not been properly instructed."

"Better not say anything to him," said Shuffles.

"Why not? He voted, and it must be all right."

"Don't you say a word to him, unless he proves that he is a member."

"I think he has proved that already by voting."

"You know our rule."

"I do; it requires me to satisfy myself that the person to whom I speak is a member. I am entirely satisfied now that the captain and Paul Kendall belong; they would not have voted if they had not belonged."

This was a "clincher," and even Shuffles had not wit enough to escape the conclusion of the dogmatic reasoner. The captain elect of the League knew very well that nine persons who were not members had voted—that he had secured his election by a gross fraud. He was afraid that Pelham, disappointed by his defeat, would do something to compromise the enterprise; but his own treachery had placed him in such a position that he could say nothing without exposing himself.

"Of course it's all right," added Pelham, "I find we have plenty of friends in the after cabin. As soon {293} as you have any orders to give, Captain Shuffles, I am in a position to execute them to the best advantage."

"When I am ready, I will give them to you."

"It will be an easy matter now to obtain possession of the ship; in fact, all you have to do is to order Captain Gordon to turn the command over to you. He has been 'toggled,' and must obey his superiors—of course he has been toggled; he couldn't have voted if he hadn't been."

Shuffles was terribly exercised by the repeated flings of his disconcerted rival. He was already satisfied that the enterprise had come to an end, unless Pelham could be quieted; and he was about to propose a new ballot, when he was ordered by the quartermaster on duty to take his trick at the wheel.

"What does all this mean?" demanded Pelham of the receivers, when the captain-elect had gone to his duty.

"I only know that the captain and all the officers of the first part of the port watch voted, and other fellows who would no more join this thing than they would jump overboard," replied McKeon.

"How could they vote—how could the captain vote—without understanding the whole thing?" demanded Pelham, perplexed at the inconsistency of the facts.

"I think I know something about it," added Grossbeck.

"What do you know?"

"Haven't you heard of the new game?"

"What new game?"

"'Don't know Beans.'" {294}

"Shuffles said something about it, but I did not comprehend his meaning."

Grossbeck explained the game, whose history had been circulated among "our fellows."

"And this game was played while the voting was going on?" said Pelham, who began to see the trick which his rival had put upon him.

"I didn't know anything about it till supper time," answered Grossbeck.

"I see it all," continued Pelham. "The receivers were the 'butts,' and about a dozen fellows voted for Shuffles, including Gordon and Kendall, supposing they were simply playing 'Don't know Beans.'"

It did not require a great deal of penetration on the part of the fourth lieutenant to comprehend the trick of his rival. He was indignant and angry, and all the more so because he had been outwitted, even while he was attempting to outwit his unscrupulous competitor.

The next day, the quarter watches off duty played "Don't know Beans" to their satisfaction. It was found, when everybody was watching the "butts," that very few could deposit their beans without detection. A few hours' trial of the new pastime convinced all except "our fellows" that it was a senseless game, and it was speedily abandoned.

On the nineteenth day of the voyage, the Young America encountered another gale, but it was not nearly so severe as the one through which she had passed when off Cape Sable. The ship ran for twelve hours under close-reefed topsails; but as the gale came from the south-west, she laid her course during the whole of it, and behaved herself to the entire satisfac {295}tion of all on board. On the following day, the wind had hauled round to the north-west, and the sea subsided, so that the ship went along very comfortably.

Notwithstanding his doubts of the good faith of Pelham, who, however, nominally adhered to the terms of the compact, Shuffles arranged his plans for the capture of the ship. He had decided to defer the grand strike until the ship had come up with Cape Clear, so that the faculty, and all the students who would not take a part in the enterprise, might be put on shore immediately. In the course of three days, the land would probably be sighted. The rising was to take place in Pelham's watch, the officers of which were members of the League. All the details had been carefully arranged, and trusty "links" appointed to perform the heavy work. As soon as the "old folks" had been locked up in the cabin, and the new captain had taken the command, the ship was to be headed for the shore. The great event was to come off at six o'clock in the afternoon of the twenty-third or twenty-fifth day. The ship would be near the coast for at least a part of two days. If she was within six hours' sail of the land on the twenty-third day out, when Pelham would have the second part of the first dog watch, the rising was to take place then; if not, it was to be deferred till the twenty-fifth day, when the watches were again favorable.

Shuffles communicated with his discontented first officer as often as he could, and unfolded his plans without reserve. Pelham listened, and, still professing his willingness to obey his superior officer, promised to do all that was required of him. {296}

"In your watch, Pelham, you will see that the helm is in the hands of some of our fellows," said Shuffles.

"Certainly," replied Pelham, with more indifference than suited the enthusiastic chief of the enterprise "By the way, Captain Shuffles, have you laid out any work for Captain Gordon to do?"

"What's the use of talking to me about him now that we are on the very point of accomplishing our purpose?" demanded Shuffles, with deep disgust.

"You can't deny that Gordon is an able fellow, and, as a good commander, of course you intend to give him some important position," chuckled Pelham. "Have you appointed the rest of your officers yet?"

"To be sure I have."

"Have you given Gordon anything?"

"No!" growled Shuffles.

"No? Why, do you think the present captain of the ship will be content to go into the steerage under the new arrangement?"

"He may go into the steerage or go overboard," answered the chief, angrily.

"Accidentally, you mean."

"Pelham, if you intend to be a traitor, say so."

"I! My dear fellow, I don't mean anything of the kind. I am as true as the pole star."

"Have you spoken to the captain about our affairs?"

"Not a word."

"Have you tried him by the signs?"

"I have, and he made no sign," laughed Pelham, who was not much enamoured of the cabalistic clap-trap of the Chain. {297}

"Then, of course, he is not a member."

"He must be; he voted," replied Pelham, maliciously.

"How many more times will you say that?"

"Perhaps fifty; perhaps a hundred," answered the fourth lieutenant, coolly. "I shall say it until you are willing to acknowledge the trick you put upon me."

"What trick?"

"O, I know all about it! Didn't you tell Kendall, the captain, and seven or eight others, how to play 'Don't know Beans'?"

"If I did, it was to cheat them when they wanted to know what the beans meant."

"You saw that the fellows threw away the beans, instead of voting for you with them, and you invented your game to make the thing come out right. No matter, Shuffles; I am bound by the compact we made, but I shall persist in regarding Gordon, Kendall Foster, and others as members. As you made them vote, you are responsible for them. That's all."

"Don't let us quarrel about it, my dear fellow," said Shuffles, in soft, insinuating tones.

"By no means."

"We will have a new election," suggested the chief.

"If we should, I'm afraid all the fellows would want to play 'Don't know Beans.'"

"You shall conduct it any way you please."

"If I did, you would say I cheated you. I agreed to abide by the election, and I shall do so. The fact is, Shuffles, you and I are too smart to play in the same game. I shall stick to the bond. When you {298} order me to do anything, I shall do it," replied Pelham as he turned on his heel and walked off.

He retreated into the after cabin, where Shuffles could not follow him. At the cabin table, studying his French lesson, sat Paul Kendall.




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"Do you know how to play 'Don't know Beans'?" asked Pelham, as he seated himself by the side of the second lieutenant.

"Yes; I know how to play it, but it's a stupid game. Shuffles told me how."

"Did he, indeed?"

"There was some fun in it the first time I tried it; but the second time was enough to satisfy me. I don't think there is any sense in it."

"Of course there isn't, Kendall," laughed Pelham. "It was no game at all."

"What are you laughing at?"

"You were sold on that game," added the conspirator indulging in more laughter than the occasion seemed to require.

"How was I sold? I don't see anything so very funny about it."

"I do."

"Tell me about it; if there is any joke I think I shall enjoy it. You say I was sold."

"You were; and so was I."

"Well, what was it?" asked Paul, impatiently. {300}

"When you gave those fellows the beans that day, you were voting!"

"Voting! Voting for what, or whom?" exclaimed the second lieutenant.

"For Shuffles."

"Did my vote count?"

"To be sure it did; and he was elected to a certain position by your vote and those of seven or eight others who did not understand the trick," replied Pelham laughing all the time.

"What was the position? I don't understand what you are talking about, and therefore I can't appreciate the joke."

"I'll tell

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