» Fiction » Look at that, - [best motivational books of all time .TXT] 📗
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id="_idTextSpan14305" >and revolution accordingly.

Simos Panopoulos - Look at that


were the extra photos she had demanded, as the orig-inal ones, she said, were somewhat blurry, and then the extra exchange of messages she required to get to know each other better, and finally listen to this - the phone-calls she went out of her way to make in order to “hear his voice”. Where one adhered to the “talk is cheap” school of thought, the other got chills at the idea of meeting up, even in a neutral space, with a man she did not know. Had her parents gone a bit overboard when she was little with the whole never-talk-to-strangers sermon? Did she sit in front of the TV for hours, watching police news reports and thrill-ers? Had she lived through some kind of traumatic ex-perience? Who knows? Either way, it was as though like the one (what-was-her-name again?) he met up with at Syntagma Square, or the other one (her name was on the tip of his tongue) before Easter at Psyri9, and what’s-her-face who finally agreed to a date at Gazarte10 the day before yesterday she believed that she was surrounded that’s what she seemed like to him if not by serial killers, by at least rogues and scoundrels, who feared neither God nor man, and who, just to be on the safe side, she made sure she

9 Gentrified neighbourhood in Athens known for its restaurants and live music bars.

10 Art and culture multiplex in Athens.

+ and strike while the iron is hot

- Do you think people would get “intercourse”?

- Unless they’re a complete doofus…

- You said they’d only meet up at Exarcheia square.

- Supposedly, some, like the chick in question, have been quaking in their boots from watching too much TV and would never be caught alive there.

Simos Panopoulos - Look at that


warned through her profile: “don’t even think of play-ing games with me.” It was evident that this was the first time she’d ever been on a date, that’s how flus-tered and reserved she looked as soon as she walked through the café door. It was also clear that this was the highlight of her entire year. Maybe this was one of those New Year’s resolutions (being that January was coming to a close) to do everything in her power to finally mate. The minute they had arranged the date, she probably shouted it from the rooftops. Her mobile phone bill must have skyrocketed from all the chatter with her

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