» Fiction » Astounding Stories of Super-Science February 1930, Various [libby ebook reader .txt] 📗

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Exclusive Health and Accident Insurance Company in America.

Under Supervision of All State Insurance Departments


Please mention Newsstand Group—Men's List, when answering advertisements

Pledge to the Public on Used Car Sales

1 Every used car is conspicuously marked with its lowest price in plain figures, and that price, just as the price of our new cars, is rigidly maintained.

2 All Studebaker automobiles which are marked as CERTIFIED CARS have been properly reconditioned, and carry a 30-day guarantee for replacement of defective parts and free service on adjustments.

3 Every purchaser of a used car may drive it for five days, and then, if not satisfied for any reason, bring it back and apply the money paid as a credit on the purchase of any other car in stock—new or used. (It is assumed that the car has not been damaged in the meantime.)

© 1929 The Studebaker Corporation of America.

You can save money and get a better motor car

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A well constructed car, sold at 40 or 50 per cent of its original price, offers maximum transportation value. Studebaker dealers offer many fine used cars—Studebakers, Erskines and other makes—which have been driven only a few thousand miles.

Invest 2¢—you may save $200

How to judge a used car

Mail the coupon below for the free booklet.—The 2¢ stamp is an investment which may save you as much as $200 in buying a motorcar!

The Studebaker Corporation of America
Dept. 232, South Bend, Indiana

Please send me copy of "How to Judge a Used Car"

Name Address City State

Reconditioning of mechanical parts, refinishing of bodies give new car life to these cars at prices no greater than you must pay for a cheap new car. And as a final measure of protection, these cars are sold according to the Studebaker Pledge—which offers 5 days' driving trial on all cars and a 30-day guarantee on all certified cars.

Prices being plainly marked provides the same price for everyone. Millions of people buy "used" houses. Every car on the road is a used car the week after it is purchased.


Builder of Champions

Please mention Newsstand Group—Men's List, when answering advertisements

Amazingly Easy
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Don't spend your life waiting for $5 raises in a dull, hopeless job. Now ... and forever ... say good-bye to 25 and 35 dollars a week. Let me teach you how to prepare for positions that lead to $50, $64, and on up to $200 a week in Electricity—NOT by correspondence, but by an amazing way to teach right here in the great Coyne Shops that makes you a practical expert in 90 days! Getting into electricity is far easier than you imagine!

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Earn While Learning

If you need part-time work to help pay your living expenses I'll help you get it and when you graduate I'll give you lifetime employment service. And, in 12 brief weeks, in the great roaring shops of Coyne, I train you as you never dreamed you could be trained ... on one of the greatest outlays of electrical apparatus ever assembled ... real dynamos, engines, power plants, autos, switchboards, transmitting stations ... everything from door bells to farm power and lighting ... full sized ... in full operation every day!

No Books—No Lessons

No dull books, no baffling charts, no classes, you get individual training ... all real actual work ... building real batteries ... winding real armatures, operating real motors, dynamos and generators, wiring houses, etc.

500 S. Paulina Street,
Dept. 20-66,
Chicago, Illinois

Dear Mr. Lewis: Without obligation send me your big, free catalog and all details of Free Employment Service, Radio, Airplane, and Automotive Electrical Courses, and how I may "earn while learning."

Name Address City State

GET THE FACTS Coyne is your one great chance to get into electricity. Every obstacle is removed. This school is 30 years old—Coyne training is tested—proven beyond all doubt—endorsed by many large electrical concerns. You can find out everything absolutely free. Simply mail the coupon and let me send you the big, free Coyne book of 150 photographs ... facts ... jobs ... salaries ... opportunities. Tells you how many earn expenses while training and how we assist our graduates in the field. This does not obligate you. So act at once. Just mail coupon.


Send for my big book containing 150 photographs telling complete story—absolutely FREE

500 S. Paulina St., Dept. 20-66, Chicago, Ill.

Buy a Watch the Modern Way. This 21 Jewel—Santa Fe Special Sent You On-Approval Wear 30 Days Free!

Thank you for making it possible for me to own a 21-jewel Santa Fe Special, write thousands of our customers.

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Our catalogue is our showroom. Any watch will be sent for you to see without one penny down. No obligation to buy.

Save 1/3 to 1/2

on the price you pay for a similar watch made by other Manufacturers. Most liberal offer. Our "Direct to You" offer and Extra Special Distribution Plan is fully explained in the New Santa Fe Special Booklet just off the press. The "Santa Fe Special" Plan means a big saving of money to you and you get the best watch value on the market today.

Railroad Accuracy
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SANTA FE WATCH CO., Dept. 255, Thomas Bldg., Topeka, Kansas.

Please send me absolutely Free your New Watch Book [ ] Diamond Book [ ].

Name Address State

These watches are now in service on practically every railroad in the United States and in every branch of the Army and Naval service. Thousands of them are distributed around the world. You will never miss the few cents a day that will make you own one of these watches.

Just Out!Send coupon for our New Watch Book—just off the press. All the newest watch case designs in white or green gold, fancy shapes and thin models are shown. Read our easy payment offer. Wear the watch 30 days FREE.

Dept. 255
Thomas Bldg.
Topeka, Kans.

Please mention Newsstand Group—Men's List, when answering advertisements

"Pardon me, gentlemen!"

Business men gargle daily to check colds and sore throat

Why is Listerine to be found in the offices of a majority of American business men? Why do they use it at the noon hour? Why do they sometimes halt important meetings, to gargle with it?

Simply because, like you, they recognize in this safe antiseptic a swift, effective enemy of sore throat and the common cold. Used at the first sign of trouble, it has prevented thousands of cases from becoming serious.

Its effectiveness is due to its amazing power to destroy disease germs, millions of which lodge in the oral cavity. Though safe to use and pleasant to taste, full strength Listerine kills even such resistant organisms as the Staphylococcus Aureus (pus) and Bacillus Typhosus (typhoid) in counts ranging to 200,000,000 in 15 seconds. We could not make this statement unless prepared to prove it to the entire satisfaction of the medical profession and the U.S. Government.

As a preventive of sore throat and colds use Listerine systematically every day. And at the first definite sign that either is developing, increase the frequency of the gargle. You will be amazed to see how quickly the condition disappears. Lambert Pharmacal Co., St. Louis, Mo.


Kills 200,000,000 germs in 15 seconds

Please mention Newsstand Group—Men's List, when answering advertisements

Go to School at Home!

High School Course in Two Years!

You Want to Earn Big Money!

And you will not be satisfied unless you earn steady promotion. But are you prepared for the job ahead of you? Do you measure up to the standard that insures success? For a more responsible position a fairly good education is necessary. To write a sensible business letter, to prepare estimates, to figure cost and to compute interest, you must have a certain amount of preparation. All this you must be able to do before you will earn promotion.

Many business houses hire no men whose general knowledge is not equal to a high school course. Why? Because big business refuses to burden itself with men who are barred from promotion by the lack of elementary education.

Can You Qualify for a Better Position

We have a plan whereby you can. We can give you a complete but simplified high school course in two years, giving you all the essentials that form the foundation of practical business. It will prepare you to hold your own where competition is keen and exacting. Do not doubt your ability, but make up your mind to it and you will soon have the requirements that will bring you success and big money. YOU CAN DO IT.

Let us show you how to get on the road to success. It will not cost you a single working hour. Write today. It costs you nothing but a stamp.

American School

Dept. H-237
Drexel Ave. and 58th St., Chicago

American School
Dept. H-237
Drexel Ave. and 58th St., Chicago

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Most Practical Boiler & Cooker

Made with large 5-inch Improved Cap and Spout. Safe, practical and simple. Nothing to get out of order, most substantial and durable on the market. Will last a lifetime, gives real service and satisfaction.

Easily Cleaned

Cap removed in a second; no burning of hands. An ideal low pressure-boiler and pasteurizer for home and farm.

Save 20% by ordering direct from factory. No article of such high quality and utility ever sold at such amazingly low prices. Prices quoted are each with order or one-fourth cash, balance C.O.D. Send check or money order: prompt shipment made in plain strong box. The only boiler worth having. Large Catalog Free.

Dept. 5850
18 E. Kinzie St.
Chicago, Illinois

Agents! Sell Shirts

Start without investment in a profitable shirt business of your own. Take orders in your district for nationally known Bostonian Shirts. $1.50 commission for you on sale of 3 shirts for $6.95—Postage Paid. $9 value, guaranteed fast colors. No experience needed. Complete selling equipment FREE!

Good Pay for Honest Workers

Big earnings for ambitious workers. Genuine Broadcloth in four fast colors. Write for money-making plan, free outfit, with actual cloth samples and everything need to start. Name and address on postal will do. Write TODAY! SURE!

BOSTONIAN MFG. CO., b-300, 89 Bickford St., Boston, Mass.


Multitudes of persons with defective hearing and Head Noises enjoy conversation, go to Theatre and Church because they Use Leonard Invisible Ear Drums which resemble Tiny Megaphones fitting in the Ear entirely out of sight. No wires, batteries or head piece. They are inexpensive. Write for booklet and sworn statement of the inventor who was himself deaf.

A. O. LEONARD, Inc., Suite 683, 70 5th Ave., New York

Songs Minstrels Musical Comedies Revues Vaudeville
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