» Fiction » Herbert Carter's Legacy; Or, the Inventor's Son, Jr. Horatio Alger [uplifting novels .txt] 📗

Book online «Herbert Carter's Legacy; Or, the Inventor's Son, Jr. Horatio Alger [uplifting novels .txt] 📗». Author Jr. Horatio Alger

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the other.”

“I should say it was. Isn't she a regular beauty?” exclaimed Herbert, enthusiastically. “I wonder whose it is? James wouldn't want two.”

There was a smile on Cameron's face that attracted Herbert's attention.

“Is it yours?” he asked.

“No; I know who owns it, though.”

“It isn't the landlord, is it?”


“Then I can't imagine whose it is,” said Herbert.

“Can't you?”

“No,” said Herbert. “Will you tell me?”

“It is yours!”

“Mine!” exclaimed our hero, in the utmost surprise,

“Yes; I intended at first not to give it to you till I went away; but I may as well give it now, on one condition—that you let me use it whenever I please.”

“How kind you are!” said Herbert, gratefully. “I never received such a splendid present in my life. I have done nothing to deserve it.”

“Let me be the judge of that. Now, with your consent, we will try her.”

With the utmost alacrity Herbert followed Cameron aboard the new craft, and took the oars. Smoothly and easily the boat glided off on the surface of the pond.

“I like it much better than James',” said Herbert.

“It's a better model. His is rather clumsy. Besides, this is new and he must have had his for some time.”

“He has had it three years.”

“It needs painting.”

“Even if it were painted it wouldn't come up to this.”

“I agree with you,” said Cameron. “I am afraid James will be stirred with envy when he sees your boat.”

“I am afraid so, too. He won't believe it is mine.”

“It may be your duty, out of a delicate regard to his feelings, to give it up, or exchange,” suggested Cameron.

“That's a little further than I carry my delicate regard to his feelings,” responded Herbert.

After half an hour's rowing, Cameron said, suddenly: “I must go back to the hotel. I came near forgetting an important letter, which must be sent off by this afternoon's mail.”

Herbert was a little disappointed, still he said, cheerfully: “All right, Mr. Cameron.”

“Don't you cease your rowing,” said the collegian.

“I thought you might not like to walk back alone.”

“I don't mind that. I shall hurry back, and should be poor company. We will meet to-morrow morning.”

Cameron set out on his return home. He had gone less than quarter of a mile when he met James Leech.

“Good afternoon, Mr. Cameron,” said James, who was always polite to the rich manufacturer's son.

“Good afternoon, James.”

“Won't you go out in my boat, Mr. Cameron?”

“Thank you, I have just returned from the pond. I am obliged to go back to the hotel to write a letter.”

“I should have been glad of your company.”

“You won't be alone,” said Cameron, mischievously. “I left Herbert Carter at the pond.”

“Was he out in the boat?” asked James, hastily.


Without a word James walked abruptly away. He was very angry with Herbert, who, he naturally concluded, was out in his boat.

“He's the most impudent and cheeky boy I ever met!” he said to himself. “Last evening, I positively forbade his getting into my boat and he don't take the slightest notice of it. He needn't think he can take such liberties.”

Cameron smiled, as he read James' feelings in his face.

Just before reaching the pond there was rising ground, from which James could take a general survey of the lake. Herbert was cruising about and had not yet seen James.

“He don't think I'm so near,” thought James. “He thinks I won't know anything about his impudence. I'll soon make him draw in his horns.”

In his excitement, James did not notice the boat particularly. If he had he would have seen that it was not his boat. But, so far as he knew, there was no other boat on the pond. Indeed, there was no boy whose father could afford to buy him one, and James had come to think himself sole proprietor of the pond, as well as of the only craft that plied on its surface.

“I wonder,” he thought, “whether I couldn't have Herbert fined for taking my property without leave, especially after I have expressly forbidden him to do it. I must ask my father this evening. It would bring down his pride a little to be taken before a justice.”

Herbert had got tired of cruising, and made a vigorous stroke, as if to cross the pond. James put up his hand to his mouth and shouted at the top of his voice: “Come right back, Herbert Carter!”


Herbert, bending over his oars, heard the peremptory order of James to come back and smiled to himself as he instantly comprehended the mistake which the latter had made. From James' standpoint his own boat was not visible and it was not surprising that he should suspect our hero of having appropriated his boat.

“I won't undeceive him,” he thought.

“What do you want?” he asked, resting on his oars, and looking back at James.

“You know what I want,” said James, provoked.

“How should I know?”

“I want you to come right back, at once.”

“What's happened? What am I wanted for?”

“You'll be wanted by the constable.”

“I don't understand you,” said Herbert, shrugging his shoulders. “You appear to be mad about something.”

“So I am, and I have a right to be.”

“Well, I'm sure I have no objection, if you like it.”

James was pale with rage.

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