» Fiction » Quest for Knowledge (Volume 1 of the FirstWorld Saga), Christopher Jackson-Ash [ebook reader web TXT] 📗

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that there was much to tell. It was a primitive group of around seventy humans. They were still at the hunter gathering stage of development. They had short life spans of around forty years. Their language was simple but effective. They worshipped the sun and a host of other spirit entities. Leadership was partly hereditary and partly based on strength or power. Their Chief, Yo, was approaching the end of his days and was unlikely to survive another winter. He was regarded by all as the wise old father of the tribe. Undoubtedly, there would be a scramble for power when he died. Some things never changed, Simon thought. People pair-bonded for life. Yo’s wife had died last summer. He had no sons, just a daughter, Ju. She was not yet paired and several young men had been competing for her favours. Mandred seemed to suggest that it was more because of her status than any inherent beauty. ‘No offence meant,’ he said, which nonplussed Simon again. The men’s job was to hunt for meat and skins. When they were not hunting, they were making weapons and other useful articles. The woman’s role was to fetch water and firewood, search for edible roots and fruits, cook, look after children, tend the old and sick, and be there physically for her man whenever he desired her. They were open about sex, but had strict rules – sex only with your pair-bonded mate, no sex before bonding, and no sex during pregnancy. The Chief dispensed swift justice for any indiscretions.

The women had their own hierarchy, headed by the Medicine Woman. She was responsible for delivering babies, tending hunting wounds, and aiding the sick and the dying. She always had at least two apprentices. The tribe lived in family groups, in small caves, expanded by digging into the side of a hill. Children stayed with their parents until they reached adulthood. As soon as the boys successfully passed their rite of passage, they would find a mate and set up their own cave. They mainly ate communally around a large fireplace established outside the front of the caves. Except in the heaviest rain, the fire was kept alive at all times. It gave them comfort, warmth, light, and protection from predators. Mandred explained that the wizards had helped the tribe to develop, without pushing them along too quickly. They were there to preserve the Balance. Mandred, though, had a special role. Simon’s attention was wandering again. He wondered what he was supposed to do here. Whatever it was, he wanted done with it quickly and get back to Elannort. Life here sounded like an awful experience. I’d rather be in prison. Well, maybe not in Dishley.

Thoughts of Dishley triggered his melancholy and he forced himself to focus on Mandred again. “I am but a minor cog in Dammar’s plans, but I try to do my best. My role is almost finished and I’ll be glad to pass to my eternal rest, I can tell you. I have been preparing for your arrival. I have to say that I was a bit surprised by the change in your appearance, but that just shows my ignorance. You are another manifestation of the Hero, aren’t you? I can tell that you weren’t here before.”

“This is my first time,” Simon said. And my last, I hope.

“I thought so. You left me with a bit of a problem, when you departed. At least, your alter ego did. The normal punishment for sex outside of pair bonding is a public stoning. The Chief could not bring himself to stone his own daughter. I managed to convince him and the tribe that the two of you had already pair bonded and that you would soon return. Your cave is already prepared. I will have a bit of a job explaining your changed appearance, but with my magic I should be able to get away with it.”

To say that Simon was shocked would be an understatement. All he could do was nod at Mandred. They expect me to set up home with one of these smelly women, and probably a pregnant one at that. Manfred must have known about this. If I ever get back to Elannort, I’ll kill him.

The next couple of hours passed in a daze. Simon couldn’t believe the situation he found himself in. Future Manfred had told him to go along with whatever happened, but he had not expected anything like this. Mandred took him to meet Chief Yo. Ju was not present. Mandred and Yo exchanged a guttural conversation that Simon barely understood. He picked up the nuances though; total disbelief from Yo, eventually changing to acceptance and relief. I suppose he’s pleased he doesn’t have to order his daughter to be stoned. Then Mandred took him to his cave. Simon staggered along behind him, aware of the stares and pointing from the women. A young boy ran towards him, but a screech from a woman quickly had him scurrying back to his mother. The cave was a new digging and as such was one of the farthest away from the centre of the camp and the Chief’s cave. It had a smooth sandy floor. It contained a small fireplace, a few carved hand tools, and a pile of skins for sleeping. The news of his arrival must have spread, because there was a pile of wood ready for the fire, a hollowed out tree stump container of fresh water, and a small bunch of wild flowers in the middle of the sandy floor.

“I know it’s nothing like the comforts of Elannort, but I’m sure you can be comfortable here for a while. I’ll leave you to settle in. Ju should be along very soon. I’m sure you’ll want some privacy to get acquainted.” Mandred turned to leave.

“Mandred, thank you,” Simon said. "Before you go could you answer one question?”

Mandred paused and looked back. “If I can.”

“When was I, I mean he, when was he here before? How long has he been gone?”

“He was only here for a week. He left about three months ago. But he gave me a message from Dammar that he would return. I will see you tomorrow, or perhaps later around the communal fire? Some interesting conversation would be most welcome. I only have grumpy Manfred to talk to and he’s no fun. Good night, Simon. I’m sorry it’s been a bit of a shock.” Mandred walked slowly away, leaving Simon alone in his new real estate. I suppose it’s only marginally worse than my Melbourne flat, with about as much food.

Simon made sure that no one was watching and he withdrew Kin Slayer from its scabbard. Immediately the ruby in its hilt glowed and Simon felt the thoughts of the sword in his head. It was hungry. It was always hungry. “Not today, my friend. I have to hide you, until the time that you are needed. I hope you understand.” So be it. Simon crawled to the back of the cave and dug a hole in the sand. He replaced Kin Slayer in its scabbard. “Sleep peacefully, my friend, until you are called.” He buried the sword and replaced the sand, stamping it down so that there was little evidence. Sighing, he sat down on the sleeping skins and awaited his fate. After a while, he lay down and rested his eyes. Before long, he dozed off.

In his dreams, he was back in Melbourne. He was married to Juliana and they had a house in the suburbs. He was a General Practitioner and building a successful practice. Juliana was pregnant. He was going to be a father. He was happy; everything was perfect. Then it all changed in an instant. Juliana was walking along the footpath. A vehicle came down the street at high speed. It mounted the footpath and mowed her down. He rushed to her, but she died in his arms before he could tell her how much he loved her. As he looked up, he saw the car driver grinning at him. It was Dring. Simon screamed.

A small hand was insistently tugging at his arm. Simon woke up, the dream fresh in his mind. It took him several moments to remember where he really was. He thought that he was just moving from one dream to another. Ju sat next to him on the bed skins. She was looking at him intently, gazing deep into his eyes. The eyes captivated him. They were of the purest blue and contrasted with her pale skin. He had seen similar eyes before and the thought brought him only pain. Her hair was jet black, very long, and very straight. It was still damp. She had clearly been down to the icy river in his honour. Her face seemed different to the other members of the tribe. Their faces seemed round and podgy. Ju’s face was longer and thinner, almost elfin in shape. She stood up. She was not very tall, perhaps five feet. She was slender, tiny; she looked like she might be blown away in a strong wind. The spring sun was setting in a fiery display. Their cave faced west and the red light flowed into their cave. Ju slipped off her clothes and stood before him, framed in rouge. Her breasts were small and flat, topped with tiny brown nipples. Her belly, almost certainly normally flat, bulged now with the life growing inside it. It gave her a sexy look. Her pubic hair grew from her navel and was long and jet-black. It was matched by long tufts that hung from beneath her arms. Her arms and legs also had a light covering of dark hair. Simon had been brought up in a culture where women had little or no body hair. Here was a woman who had more hair than he did. He expected to be repulsed by it. To his surprise, he accepted it. It was natural, after all. Razors had not been invented yet. Ju climbed under the covers, next to Simon and stared into his eyes. Neither of them had said a word.

Instinctively, Simon knew what he should do. He stood up and removed his clothes. He was still ashamed of his skinny physique, his pale skin, and his lack of body hair. He held his hands in front of his genitals, afraid to show them to Ju. He slipped under the skins beside her. They lay, side by side, not quite touching. Simon thought that he could hear two hearts beating. They stayed, unmoving and unspeaking, as the sun set. As the last red glow disappeared from the cave, Simon felt a small hand tentatively seek out his. He held it and marvelled at its small size. It wasn’t a soft hand, like Juliana’s; it was tough and calloused by hard work. It felt warm and good. Slowly, almost imperceptibly, she moved her body so that it was touching his. Soon, she was snuggling into his body. Simon liked the feeling. He rolled over, facing her. She did the same. He took her in his arms and held her in a long cuddle. Simon smelt her hair and her body odour. Again, he expected to be repulsed and again he was wrong. He loved the way she smelled. It turned him on. His erection was now pushing between them. She took his hand and placed it between her thighs. She was wet with anticipation. Shy and inexperienced as he was, he recognised an invitation when he received one.

Simon recalled Mandred telling him that having sex while pregnant was banned. He figured that the risk was worth it. She hadn’t been stoned so far, so they were probably safe now. He had imagined losing his virginity so many times and in so many ways. He had never come close to imagining a scenario like this. He had never come close to imagining what he would feel. He not only had sex for

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