» Fiction » The Face and the Mask, Robert Barr [best color ereader TXT] 📗

Book online «The Face and the Mask, Robert Barr [best color ereader TXT] 📗». Author Robert Barr

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beautifully engraved. His eyes opened wide, then he sank into a chair and roared with laughter. Both the other men looked at him in astonishment.

“What’s the matter?” asked Mellish.

“Matter? Why, this would have been a joke on Pony. It would do both of you some good to know a little about business as well as of gambling. The Hardfast Life Insurance Company went smash six months ago. It’s the truth this time, Pony, even if I didn’t stock the cards. Better make some inquiries in business circles before you try to collect any money from this institution. Now, Pony, order up the drinks, if anything can be had at this untimely hour. We are your guests so you are expected to be hospitable. I’ve had all the excitement I want for one night. We’ll call it square and begin over again.”


The splendid steamship Adamant, of the celebrated Cross Bow line, left New York on her February trip under favorable auspices. There had just been a storm on the ocean, so there was every chance that she would reach Liverpool before the next one was due.

Capt. Rice had a little social problem to solve at the outset, but he smoothed that out with the tact which is characteristic of him. Two Washington ladies—official ladies—were on board, and the captain, old British sea-dog that he was, always had trouble in the matter of precedence with Washington ladies. Capt. Rice never had any bother with the British aristocracy, because precedence is all set down in the bulky volume of “Burke’s Peerage,” which the captain kept in his cabin, and so there was no difficulty. But a republican country is supposed not to meddle with precedence. It wouldn’t, either, if it weren’t for the women.

So it happened that Mrs. Assistant-Attorney-to-the-Senate Brownrig came to the steward and said that, ranking all others on board, she must sit at the right hand of the captain. Afterwards Mrs. Second-Adjutant-to- the-War-Department Digby came to the same perplexed official and said she must sit at the captain’s right hand because in Washington she took precedence over everyone else on board. The bewildered steward confided his woes to the captain, and the captain said he would attend to the matter. So he put Mrs. War-Department on his right hand and then walked down the deck with Mrs. Assistant-Attorney and said to her:

“I want to ask a favor, Mrs. Brownrig. Unfortunately I am a little deaf in the right ear, caused, I presume, by listening so much with that ear to the fog horn year in and year out. Now, I always place the lady whose conversation I wish most to enjoy on my left hand at table. Would you oblige me by taking that seat this voyage? I have heard of you, you see, Mrs. Brownrig, although you have never crossed with me before.”

“Why, certainly, captain,” replied Mrs. Brownrig; “I feel especially complimented.”

“And I assure you, madam,” said the polite captain, “that I would not for the world miss a single word that,” etc.

And thus it was amicably arranged between the two ladies. All this has nothing whatever to do with the story. It is merely an incident given to show what a born diplomat Capt. Rice was and is to this day. I don’t know any captain more popular with the ladies than he, and besides he is as good a sailor as crosses the ocean.

Day by day the good ship ploughed her way toward the east, and the passengers were unanimous in saying that they never had a pleasanter voyage for that time of the year. It was so warm on deck that many steamer chairs were out, and below it was so mild that a person might think he was journeying in the tropics. Yet they had left New York in a snow storm with the thermometer away below zero.

“Such,” said young Spinner, who knew everything, “such is the influence of the Gulf Stream.”

Nevertheless when Capt. Rice came down to lunch the fourth day out his face was haggard and his look furtive and anxious.

“Why, captain,” cried Mrs. Assistant-Attorney, you look as if you hadn’t slept a wink last night.”

“I slept very well, thank you, madam.” replied the captain. “I always do.”

“Well, I hope your room was more comfortable than mine. It seemed to me too hot for anything. Didn’t you find it so, Mrs. Digby?”

“I thought it very nice,” replied the lady at the captain’s right, who generally found it necessary to take an opposite view from the lady at the left.

“You see,” said the captain, “we have many delicate women and children on board and it is necessary to keep up the temperature. Still, perhaps the man who attends to the steam rather overdoes it. I will speak him.”

Then the captain pushed from him his untasted food and went up on the bridge, casting his eye aloft at the signal waving from the masthead, silently calling for help to all the empty horizon.

“Nothing in sight, Johnson?” said the captain.

“Not a speck, sir.”

The captain swept the circular line of sea and sky with his glasses, then laid them down with a sigh.

“We ought to raise something this afternoon, sir,” said Johnson; “we are right in their track, sir. The Fulda ought to be somewhere about.”

“We are too far north for the Fulda, I am afraid,” answered the captain.

“Well, sir, we should see the Vulcan before night, sir. She’s had good weather from Queenstown.”

“Yes. Keep a sharp lookout, Johnson.”

“Yes, sir.”

The captain moodily paced the bridge with his head down.

“I ought to have turned back to New York,” he said to himself.

Then he went down to his own room, avoiding the passengers as much as he could, and had the steward bring him some beef-tea. Even a captain cannot live on anxiety.

“Steamer off the port bow, sir,” rang out the voice of the lookout at the prow. The man had sharp eyes, for a landsman could have seen nothing.

“Run and tell the captain,” cried Johnson to the sailor at his elbow, but as the sailor turned the captain’s head appeared up the stairway. He seized the glass and looked long at a single point in the horizon.

“It must be the Vulcan,” he said at last.

“I think so, sir.”

“Turn your wheel a few points to port and bear down on her.”

Johnson gave the necessary order and the great ship veered around.

“Hello!” cried Spinner, on deck. “Here’s a

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