Book online «THE RUNNER SCREENPLAY, BRIAN R. LUNDIN [phonics reader .TXT] 📗». Author BRIAN R. LUNDIN
his family when he was a young boy and given the nickname “Coolbreeze,” because of his laid back style. He was a flashy dresser who always made it a point to wear the latest and best clothes and flash a wad of cash wherever he went. Coolbreeze had started out as a pimp and pool hustler and always carried a switchblade knife or gun, neither of which he was hesitant to use. He had a short fuse, was arrogant, and never bowed his head to anyone. Coolbeeze feared nobody and did not shy away from confrontations; he was involved in many bar room brawls over the slightest of issues. After severely knifing a man in a barroom fight, the court sentenced him to a year in the county jail when released; he was broke and looking for work. Despite his tough guy image, Richard had a soft side. It was common knowledge among the Westside poor that he often helped pay rents or donated money to buy toys for youngsters at Christmas. Henretta offered him a position as her bodyguard in her policy racket. Always the dandy and looking for better opportunities to make more money, Skinns joined Henretta ranks and quickly gained her trust. One of his first tasks was to confront a gang of Irish thugs who were threatening Henretta and trying to take over her wheel. The takeover erupted into one of the west sides most violent and bloody gang wars. Eventually, Skinns got the edge and defeated the Irish gang, temporarily saving the policy racket from its first takeover attempt. When Vito decided to take over Henretta’s wheel, the first thing he did was kidnap and kill Skinns. Vito sent his men to fire bomb her policy stations and kidnap her runners and writers. Finally, Vito won the battle and took control of her wheel and Henretta became his bag lady for the rest of the Westside policy wheels. Vito than turned his attention to the other Westside wheels. He had his men murder the policy wheel owners who would not comply with his demands. Vito sent his men to fire bomb policy stations on the south and west sides of the city and kidnapped and intimidated the policy wheel owners until they eventually came in line. Henretta controlled of all the black rackets in the black community on the Westside. She settled quarrels before disputes erupted into violence and the publicity they naturally wanted to avoid. If a black wanted to establish a skin game or book the horses, he went to Henretta who gave her approval for a fee.
Commander Hollis and Sergeant Lundgrin were concerned about the violence and afraid another policy war was breaking out. The Defender Newspaper was running daily editorials concerning,” THE VIOLENCE IN THE BLACK COMMUNITY BY “ITALIAN GANGSTERS,” and the chief of police wanted an end to it all. Commander Hollis decided it was time to have a talk with Vito and he had Sergeant Lundgrin send word to him.
Maybe that nigger commander is ready to play ball, what you think?
I doubt it boss, I doubt it.
Vito gave Jimmy a cold stare and Jimmy lowered his head as Vito drove on. Vito and Jimmy arrived at the 2nd Police District at 1:00 pm and led into the commander’s office by Officer Mary white, Hollis and Reggie were waiting.
Coffee or a cold drink?
How’s about a glass of Chianti?
Sorry, no hard alcohol allowed on police property.
Vito turned his attention to the commander.
What can I do you for Commander?
Commander Hollis looked into the eyes of the vicious gangster.
Let’s cut the bullshit Vito, I know you are trying to muscle in on policy gambling in my district, I know that you are responsible for Jerome McLemore’s and Edwinna Johnson kidnapping, I know you sent the two hit men to take out Ted Bunche and I know you were behind the firebombing that killed the child on Prairie Avenue and I know you are behind this recent wave of violence all over the city.
Vito began to finger comb his hair and sneered at the commander.
Man oh man you make me sound like a one man crime wave; can you prove any of that?
Not yet, but I’m working on it, and I’m telling you stay out of my district.
I thought this was a free country commander and a law-abiding citizen like me could go anywhere we wanted without being hassled by the police.
The sergeant could see the anger swelling in Commander Hollis.
Tell me Vito, how you explain all of our men being killed in such a hideous way?
Vito cracked his knuckles while he looked at the floor; his face was flushed as he gave a cold stare to the sergeant.
Fuck if I know what youse talking about.
Yeah right and what about that fiasco in Bangladesh, I heard one of the raiders was damn near eaten alive, don’t know anything about that either I suppose?
Fucking a, I don’t know shit!
Vito began pacing around the room.
Well, I been doing some research and all those men who died, died a terrible death, like being attacked by some large beast, and all of those deaths revolved around Jerome McLemore, so I would suggest you watch yourself, Jerome might have a protector called a Diablesse.
The mention of the word Diablesse shocked Vito, as he remembered his conversation with the Gary Fire Chief.
Yeah, right that a bunch of Nigra bullshit.
Vito voice was weak but he regained his composure and apparently got control of himself or wearing off the worse of his fury, he sat back down. Commander Hollis got up from his desk and stood over Vito.
Remember what I said, Vito, stay out of my district and stop fucking with the policy people.
Vito sat quietly as Jimmy drove away from the 2nd District.
Where do you think we can find something out about that Diablesse bullshit?
Fuck if I know what about a priest?
Yeah, they should know about all that Nigger magic bullshit, let’s go see Father Alfredo.
Father Alfredo the pastor of St. Vincent Catholic Church located in the patch had been the pastor as long as Vito and Jimmy could remember and he always looked like an old man. Like most Italians, Vito and Jimmy were devout Catholics, although they did not attend mass very often. However, Jimmy and Vito aways contributed to the church. Sister Angelina led Jimmy and Vito into the garden where Father Alfredo was trimming some rose bushes he glanced up.
Vito Paligreno and Jimmy Tortoreno!
Jimmy and Vito helped the old Father to his feet and warmly hugging the two men.
You boys are a little early for mass and too late for confession.
Sit Father, please.
Vito helped the old man back to his chair and covered his legs with the blanket.
Jimmy, look behind that bush there is a bottle of nice sherry in there hope you guys don’t mind drinking out the bottle.
Jimmy did as instructed and gave the bottle to the Father he took a long swig and passed the bottle to Vito who took a long swing and handed the bottle to Jimmy.
You boys haven’t changed what can I do for you?
We need some advice, father, ever heard of a Diablesse?
Father Alfredo took another swig of wine and said nothing.
What do you want to know?
What is it?
Father Alfredo put the bottle down beside his chair.
Yes, I have heard of an entity called the Diablesse. When I was a young priest, the Holy Mother Church assigned me to a black, ignorant and poor village parish in Haiti. Although, many of the people had converted to Catholicism, they still practiced an ancient African religion known as Verdun or Voodoo. The landowners forbade them from practicing what they called a “heathen religion,” but that did not stop them. One of my parishioners, a beautiful young maiden was the priestess of this forbidden religion and her name was Madame Bourneis. One evening she took me to a Voodoo ceremony. Like I said, the landowners forbid the open worship of voodoo but they couldn’t stop them from practicing their religion when they were off from work. They held the ceremony during a full moon in a dense forest far from the main house. We arrived at the forest just after midnight. It was a cool night and the only illumination was from the moon. There must have been thirty or forty people gathered around a large fire. Young virile looking men were beating drums and young women were dancing, if in a trance. Their dancing was extremely sensuous and exciting. The young women eventually took off all their clothes and were naked. I knew being a servant of the Lord I should close my eyes, but I couldn’t, like I said, I was a young man. The people danced and put curses on a white landowner that mistreated and cheated them. He shorted them on their crops and had a reputation for raping the young girls and women. The purpose of the ceremony according to Madame Bourneis was to cast an evil spell on the landowner. Well, the dancers were dancing wildly and the drummers were furiously beating their drums, and everyone was shouting Diablesse, Diablesse. Suddenly, I heard a loud growl coming from the forest, I looked around for Madame Bourneis, but she was gone. I knew there were no big cats in Haiti but the sound was so loud and fierce, I knew it had to be some kind of large beast and I became afraid. Suddenly, in the moonlight I saw a woman walking out of the forest, because of the darkness I couldn’t get a good at the woman’s face. The village people started bowing and waiving as the woman emerged from the forest butt naked, and again, I knew I should cover my eyes, but I didn’t. Suddenly, this beautiful woman right before my eyes turned into a large black panther and returned to the forest. The next day Madame Bourneis told me that workers found the evil landowner dead in his big house. His entrails was missing, his stomach ripped open and he had bite marks on his throat. Madame Bourneis told me that the Diablesse was a sacred protector of the weak with supernatural powers.
You mean you actually saw this woman turn into an animal.
Vito was visibly shaken; yes I did the Father said and took another swig of Sherry.
Anthony Spocko and Michael Cordova sat in the kitchen and watched Pauli Gaza prepare the sauce for the pasta.
(holding his head down)
I know that asshole Vito killed the boss he’s got to go. Respectfully Don Gaza, we want the contract on Vito.
Pauli knew that the two men were probably right about Vito’s involvement with the death of Vinnie, but he also knew that Vito was a “Made man.
The code requires permission of the Commission to put out a murder contract on a made member. Vito is bringing too much heat, the firebombing, kidnappings and murders are getting to much attention, not only in the black press but the stories were now going nationwide.
Commander Hollis and Sergeant Lundgrin were concerned about the violence and afraid another policy war was breaking out. The Defender Newspaper was running daily editorials concerning,” THE VIOLENCE IN THE BLACK COMMUNITY BY “ITALIAN GANGSTERS,” and the chief of police wanted an end to it all. Commander Hollis decided it was time to have a talk with Vito and he had Sergeant Lundgrin send word to him.
Maybe that nigger commander is ready to play ball, what you think?
I doubt it boss, I doubt it.
Vito gave Jimmy a cold stare and Jimmy lowered his head as Vito drove on. Vito and Jimmy arrived at the 2nd Police District at 1:00 pm and led into the commander’s office by Officer Mary white, Hollis and Reggie were waiting.
Coffee or a cold drink?
How’s about a glass of Chianti?
Sorry, no hard alcohol allowed on police property.
Vito turned his attention to the commander.
What can I do you for Commander?
Commander Hollis looked into the eyes of the vicious gangster.
Let’s cut the bullshit Vito, I know you are trying to muscle in on policy gambling in my district, I know that you are responsible for Jerome McLemore’s and Edwinna Johnson kidnapping, I know you sent the two hit men to take out Ted Bunche and I know you were behind the firebombing that killed the child on Prairie Avenue and I know you are behind this recent wave of violence all over the city.
Vito began to finger comb his hair and sneered at the commander.
Man oh man you make me sound like a one man crime wave; can you prove any of that?
Not yet, but I’m working on it, and I’m telling you stay out of my district.
I thought this was a free country commander and a law-abiding citizen like me could go anywhere we wanted without being hassled by the police.
The sergeant could see the anger swelling in Commander Hollis.
Tell me Vito, how you explain all of our men being killed in such a hideous way?
Vito cracked his knuckles while he looked at the floor; his face was flushed as he gave a cold stare to the sergeant.
Fuck if I know what youse talking about.
Yeah right and what about that fiasco in Bangladesh, I heard one of the raiders was damn near eaten alive, don’t know anything about that either I suppose?
Fucking a, I don’t know shit!
Vito began pacing around the room.
Well, I been doing some research and all those men who died, died a terrible death, like being attacked by some large beast, and all of those deaths revolved around Jerome McLemore, so I would suggest you watch yourself, Jerome might have a protector called a Diablesse.
The mention of the word Diablesse shocked Vito, as he remembered his conversation with the Gary Fire Chief.
Yeah, right that a bunch of Nigra bullshit.
Vito voice was weak but he regained his composure and apparently got control of himself or wearing off the worse of his fury, he sat back down. Commander Hollis got up from his desk and stood over Vito.
Remember what I said, Vito, stay out of my district and stop fucking with the policy people.
Vito sat quietly as Jimmy drove away from the 2nd District.
Where do you think we can find something out about that Diablesse bullshit?
Fuck if I know what about a priest?
Yeah, they should know about all that Nigger magic bullshit, let’s go see Father Alfredo.
Father Alfredo the pastor of St. Vincent Catholic Church located in the patch had been the pastor as long as Vito and Jimmy could remember and he always looked like an old man. Like most Italians, Vito and Jimmy were devout Catholics, although they did not attend mass very often. However, Jimmy and Vito aways contributed to the church. Sister Angelina led Jimmy and Vito into the garden where Father Alfredo was trimming some rose bushes he glanced up.
Vito Paligreno and Jimmy Tortoreno!
Jimmy and Vito helped the old Father to his feet and warmly hugging the two men.
You boys are a little early for mass and too late for confession.
Sit Father, please.
Vito helped the old man back to his chair and covered his legs with the blanket.
Jimmy, look behind that bush there is a bottle of nice sherry in there hope you guys don’t mind drinking out the bottle.
Jimmy did as instructed and gave the bottle to the Father he took a long swig and passed the bottle to Vito who took a long swing and handed the bottle to Jimmy.
You boys haven’t changed what can I do for you?
We need some advice, father, ever heard of a Diablesse?
Father Alfredo took another swig of wine and said nothing.
What do you want to know?
What is it?
Father Alfredo put the bottle down beside his chair.
Yes, I have heard of an entity called the Diablesse. When I was a young priest, the Holy Mother Church assigned me to a black, ignorant and poor village parish in Haiti. Although, many of the people had converted to Catholicism, they still practiced an ancient African religion known as Verdun or Voodoo. The landowners forbade them from practicing what they called a “heathen religion,” but that did not stop them. One of my parishioners, a beautiful young maiden was the priestess of this forbidden religion and her name was Madame Bourneis. One evening she took me to a Voodoo ceremony. Like I said, the landowners forbid the open worship of voodoo but they couldn’t stop them from practicing their religion when they were off from work. They held the ceremony during a full moon in a dense forest far from the main house. We arrived at the forest just after midnight. It was a cool night and the only illumination was from the moon. There must have been thirty or forty people gathered around a large fire. Young virile looking men were beating drums and young women were dancing, if in a trance. Their dancing was extremely sensuous and exciting. The young women eventually took off all their clothes and were naked. I knew being a servant of the Lord I should close my eyes, but I couldn’t, like I said, I was a young man. The people danced and put curses on a white landowner that mistreated and cheated them. He shorted them on their crops and had a reputation for raping the young girls and women. The purpose of the ceremony according to Madame Bourneis was to cast an evil spell on the landowner. Well, the dancers were dancing wildly and the drummers were furiously beating their drums, and everyone was shouting Diablesse, Diablesse. Suddenly, I heard a loud growl coming from the forest, I looked around for Madame Bourneis, but she was gone. I knew there were no big cats in Haiti but the sound was so loud and fierce, I knew it had to be some kind of large beast and I became afraid. Suddenly, in the moonlight I saw a woman walking out of the forest, because of the darkness I couldn’t get a good at the woman’s face. The village people started bowing and waiving as the woman emerged from the forest butt naked, and again, I knew I should cover my eyes, but I didn’t. Suddenly, this beautiful woman right before my eyes turned into a large black panther and returned to the forest. The next day Madame Bourneis told me that workers found the evil landowner dead in his big house. His entrails was missing, his stomach ripped open and he had bite marks on his throat. Madame Bourneis told me that the Diablesse was a sacred protector of the weak with supernatural powers.
You mean you actually saw this woman turn into an animal.
Vito was visibly shaken; yes I did the Father said and took another swig of Sherry.
Anthony Spocko and Michael Cordova sat in the kitchen and watched Pauli Gaza prepare the sauce for the pasta.
(holding his head down)
I know that asshole Vito killed the boss he’s got to go. Respectfully Don Gaza, we want the contract on Vito.
Pauli knew that the two men were probably right about Vito’s involvement with the death of Vinnie, but he also knew that Vito was a “Made man.
The code requires permission of the Commission to put out a murder contract on a made member. Vito is bringing too much heat, the firebombing, kidnappings and murders are getting to much attention, not only in the black press but the stories were now going nationwide.
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