» Fiction » In the Shadow of the Eagle, Stefan Gymning [best e ink reader for manga txt] 📗

Book online «In the Shadow of the Eagle, Stefan Gymning [best e ink reader for manga txt] 📗». Author Stefan Gymning

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“We’ve only get one chance so we better do it right from the start.”
The captain that took pride in his experience, frowned over the decision when the briefing about Webster’s mission had hardly been to engage in any air combat.
To engage meant to “hit the big drum” and to send of fighter to intercept and also to put SAM batteries in high alert. That also meant to direct the chased fighter to be the chaser and attack.
“This is not a god idea, sir,” the captain offered.
McClure’s eyes blazed when he with a whole hand pointed at the captain which had the nerve to comment his decision. “You obey my orders and you obey them as I see fit.”
Italian Air Force captain Radet couldn’t believe was he just had heard when the briefing where he had been assigned to assist the mission.
“Sir,” he tried. “We’re not supposed to engage, just to take the pilot and plane out of there in a situation like this.”
“I don’t recall any orders like that,” McClure said sharply as he hated to be questioned and he was well aware of the lack of respect he had here.
“Sir,” Radet tried again to no use.
“My orders are to act on any possible action that might be a threat to United States of America.”
“Is that an authorized order, sir?”
“Of course,” McClure said as he avoided Radet’s eyes. “We’re authorized to defend ourselves.”
“Sir, I must protest strongly. Our mission is not to engage, sir.”
“It’s not your place or in your pay-range to criticize me.”
“Sir. I must-”
“That will be all,” McClure interjected. “See yourself as relieved, captain,” he said with a growing dislike for the Italian officer and his stupid accent. It might get him laid; he thought and had now no interest to have him around.
“You are excused, captain.”
“Sir,” Radet insisted that know he had been chosen for his knowledge about the Albanian and that he also spoke Albanian. “This mission is without sanctions. To engage-”
“Just do it!” McClure almost screamed out before pointing at the operator that whished the floor would open and swallow him. “You obey my orders, sergeant.”
“Sir,” Radet once more tried. “Are major suggesting that we launch this without proper authorization, sir?”
“I’m suggesting that we should deal with it rather than hide our heads in our asses and hope for the best,” he said and added “Captain,” with a tone filled with venom.
“Sir, I don’t recall any specific instruction beside-”
“That’s classified information,” McClure barked and took care of the business by himself. “I’m given discretion on how to deal with this kind of action as I see fit, and I’m doing just that,” McClure said and grabbed the microphone from the operator and held in the call button, after quickly tapping in commands on the keyboard.
“Sir,” the operator tried as he got up on his feet and couldn’t believe what was going on in front of him.
“Albania fighter at six o’clock from the American F-16,” McClure started as Radet and the operators around him shrugged or exchanged looks, and in some cases, both. “Do not, I repeat, do not fly any closer to the American plane, or you will be attacked. This is my only and final warning. Do you understand?”
“This was the worst idea major had for a long time,” the operator said to the captain as he shook his head.

Albanian Air Space

Zack banked left hard, as ordered from Major McClure. The pressure with its six Gs had hit him like a ton of bricks. The two Albanian pilots behind him immediately saw that Zack had turned left in a sharp angle. In response, they shoved their sticks back and to the left and their MiG’s responded, reversed the direction and break to the left in a circular turn.
Zack forced his jet to bank hard left to close in on the MiG’s. He wanted to tighten his turn and he hung skillfully on, and the hard bank paid off, as Zack swung around, he could see the two MiG’s just ahead.
He could see the markings on the MiG’s clear while he went into action and armed a missile. A red roundel with black boards and a red star in the center and the double headed eagle on the tail rudder.
The capable AIM-120 Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile, commonly known as the Slammer, had locked into the target in front of Zack. With a “Fox Three” called out, left the missile the rail and after a few seconds, ploughed into the right MiG. It was a direct hit, blowing of the V-tail stabilizer and threw the MiG into a violent swerve that the fighter swapped nose for tail. It was sent into a violent, unrecoverable spin, ending into a cliff side, turned into a twisted and burning wreck that sends up a fire cloud straight up.
There had been no survivor, Zack could see as he was to close for a missile, so he decided to get the remaining MiG with his canons.
“You will get it now,” Zack said with a chuckle behind his oxygen mask and pressed the gun trigger on the stick.
But Zack missed and their nothing but empty space in front of him as his opponent had dogged the canon fire. The Albanian pilot had seen it coming and had just waited for this moment.
When Zack had pressed the fire trigger on his stick, had the Albanian pilot, major Sadikaj, yanked his stick back so his MiG-29 rocketed vertically into the sky. The result was that Zack passed him below, helplessly sliding ahead, and Sadikaj pitched the stick forward and a second later was the roles changed as he was behind Zack, Zack which had hoped for a second easy kill.
Sadikaj had pulled his stick back to ease out of the dive so his nose would be lined up on Zack’s tail, and as he succeeded the maneuver had he been clear for a shot.
To get out of the situation had Zack jerked the stick back, then to the right so his jet also rolled up to the right and finally flipped upside down into his own barrel roll. But Sadikaj behind was well trained and he knew his fighter well and he increased his distance before he fired a missile, which filled Zack’s cockpit with alarms from radar lock-on and an incoming missile.
Zack arm-wrestled with the stick and the jet turned sharply and it had to. Constantly making turns after releasing a cloud of chaffs, would hopefully elude the missile.
Zack tilted his jet left and dispensed decoys who luckily thrown off the heat-seeker in the missile. He jerked his head to the right to spot the missile behind him as it was closing in again. Didn’t he elude the missile?
Zack tried a new sharp turn and the pressure on his body became a crushing five and a half Gs. It felt like someone wrapped his arms around his neck and was hanging from it, when he turned his head. In a flash, the missile whizzed past Zack, lost its power when it had run out of fuel and dove down to earth.

Kuçovë, Albania

At the Albanian NORAD at the Tomori Mountain had the officer on duty, been called over to an operator, and as he leaned slightly forward with one hand on the table and the other on the chair, he could clearly see what’s was going on, on the screen. The tumult after the lost of a MiG had sent the whole base in work to revenge their great lost.
“We are detecting a turn and change of altitude, captain. Stand by,” the operator said as she pointed the light pen on the screen to get further information about the intruder.
“Tell me that you have them on our radar?” the captain said.
“I got them,” the operator said.
“Good girl,” the captain said, giving his female operator a shoulder rub as she had already tapped in the target information in the system. “Now direct the fighters after him as a backup.”
The operator started to tapping in new commands into the system, even before the officer had finished his sentence.

Nemerçkë mountain, Albania

Colonel “Zack” Webber smoothly pulled back the stick between his legs and the plane responded. The nose went up and banked west while he was dripping wet in his flight suit. He had been sweating from nerves any way, but the aircraft had now lost its air-conditioner during the shaking ordeal.
Zack grinned as he was in the clear. Only an act of God cold now screw up the rest of the flight, he thought and laughed. But the laugh transformed to a colorful bad word when three bogeys had now arrived on his radar screen.
The surviving MiG had got company Zack thought and made a hard U-turn, moved the throttles forward and his F-16 dived. The advanced systems of his F-16 told Zack that it was two F-7A fighters who had joined in. The F-7A was a Chinese export version of their J-7 that in turn was a copy of the Russian MiG-21. With its long, tubular fuselage body with a blunt nose and bubble canopy, mid-mounted delta wings and swept-back tail fin, was it without any doubt just that jet.
The F-16 dived and dropped down into a straight flight level, just above the ground. Zack had almost “hugged-the-ground” before he had planed out and was then aided by the navigation computers terrain database. That was guided by a satellite navigation system and by a pencil-thin beam of energy that measured the distance between the plane belly and the ground. He needed it when he had reached the
Nemerçkë Mountain, located in the south of Albania, not far from the Vjosë River. From the rocky summit would there be a wonderful view of Albanian mountains such as Tomorr and also Greek mountains. That had now been his possible goal, even if he send an encrypted message that he continued towards his goal.
If Zack remembered the story correct about the Tomorr Mountain, according to an Albanian legend, originally a giant. The giant had fought with another giant over a young woman. They killed each other and the girl drowned in her tears, which then became the Osum River.
The pine forests on the slopes of the towering Tomorr mountains, provided a backdrop to the Osumi river that had cut a over nine hundred meters deep gorge through the limestone rock and formed a natural fortress, around which the town of Berat was built on several river terraces. It was to the north of that town where his target was and he had nothing but to keep that mission.
The ground appeared to close and he had to watch that he didn’t plough straight into it. Even if Zack had the technology to stay low, he yanked the stick back, sending the nose of his jet up and he flew up into the sky.
As he couldn’t get any signal from any enemy plane, he was sure that he had succeeded to avoid the three MiG`s, and after a sharp turn, almost too sharp to continue to have full control over his jet, Zack dove down as he now banked to the left. As he turned left he radioed a message, which was snatched by the enemy.

Berat, Albania

In the protection of the dense pine forest of the slope of the huge hill on the left bank of Osum River, was a SA-13 SAM in hard work. Below the citadel of the town on its south side, known to Albanians as the City of a Thousand Windows, had the computer-guided missile battery been tracking Zack after his F-16 had reached their

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