» Fiction » Forbidden, Anaya phoenix [epub e reader .txt] 📗

Book online «Forbidden, Anaya phoenix [epub e reader .txt] 📗». Author Anaya phoenix

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/> I knew he would smell my lie but I was sick of him. It’s time to end this, now. I walked to zahfar ignoring his shocked look “what are you doing lexy?” he asked mentally
“He’s annoying me” I touched his arm trying to make it look sensual but knew I probably looked foolish. I’m not really good at being provocative and such, he sent me a picture of my hair blowing around me and grey eyes lit by the moonlight. I looked at him he sent with it a feeling of longing and hope, he liked me, he smiled “not even close to like, have you really not noticed it ever since we were blooming I’ve tried to get your attention but you were just always so focused on being free and away from the rest of us” he said out loud. I just couldn’t get over the fact the he LIKED me, every laugh every hug every whisper always meant more to him. “What the hell is going on here” the wolf said, I had forgotten about him “I’m talking to my company why you are still here anyway?” I didn’t stop looking zahfar. “I told you I’m not leaving” his tone was laced with defiance, I sighed did they never learn. “If you go now I promise I will see you later “I told him looking down from zahfar face to the pond ripples. I heard him shuffle and I knew he was gone, I looked back up at green eyes, no oh my god it was true. He didn’t like me he LOVED me this water sprite loved me and had always loved me since we were sent to school together. He sent me a memory of being on a dandelion and I had sat next to him, he looked at me and the only thing he saw was dimples brown eyes and a smile. “Hi” he said breathlessly and then cursing him for it “hey” I told him back then my shoulder bumped his. I smiled I remembered I was trying to move out of the way for a fly but to him my skin was soft and I smelled like lily water and water bean, I heard him mentally sigh to himself. I was a pond sprite and I was cute and I was female! He had never seen a female pond sprite in his whole five years, the rest of the day he thought about me and every day since then. I looked back at his emerald eyes “really ever since sprite school? That first dandelion ride when I was running late and grabbed the first one I saw?” he nodded a little bit. “God z, why did you never tell me?” I asked rubbing my face this was too hard, “it doesn’t have to be, I thought you knew how I felt about you and always assumed you felt the same” he said bashfully. I put down a wall in my mind and he felt it “what are you hiding little lily” I scoffed stupid preschool nicknames. “Nothing water wind” I sneered back at him “nuh uh your hiding something tell me” he bumped my elbow with his. “Nothing and if I was why on this green earth would I tell you?” I asked now looking back at the calm pond. The next thing I knew he was on top of me his scent filling my nostrils water and earth, so wonderful, his eyes were grey “ tell me lexy what is it your hiding?” he said in a motherly voice “ why nothing mother dearest” I said but kept the wall tight feeling him trying to go round it. His lips were on mine and I melted into him, his lips were soft so very soft and he tasted like fresh water on a hot day. My wall slipped and I kissed him back holding his face then felt him seek through my mind to find what I had hidden. He jumped off of me “lexy!” he gasped.
Company pff just because they were fairies and they had their own rules meant nothing. How dare they just blow me off like that because they’re the same species meant nothing, which would be like me going back to Mariel and...? Whoa! I have to clear my mind because my sense is clouded with his judgment. I drove back to the house, my anger barely being contained. It’s not her fault my wolf is an over protective, rude one. That’s right it wasn’t her fault. My fingers loosen on the steering wheel and I actually listen to the song on the radio, it was one that I heard Karen singing around the house, if I die young by the band Perry. It had a nice tone and the lyrics were enlightening. Although they spoke about her dying young she also is explaining to us no one should feel sorry, they should accept her leaving and help her go. I wish my life was like this song in so many ways.
No, he couldn’t have saw right? It was impossible I had put up a wall; it wasn’t my fault the emotions came and the memory. “When?” his eyes bordering on black and the pond making little waves.
“Nothing happened-“
“Stop lying, I saw the memory I felt your pain, just tell me when?” his voice low and guttural. Instead of telling him I showed him, it started the first day of 8th year, when I came home he looked at me with hunger in his eyes, I didn’t know what it was maybe he had saw something that made him hungry? I sent a bitter laugh, I was so young and naïve, but I remembered that look. That was the look he gave mother when she wore a fancy leaf dress. But my leaf dress wasn’t fancy nor was my hair. I felt my own confusion and swallowed. He got up from the pebble that he was sitting on and strode to me, his thumb and his forefinger catching my chin
“You look beautiful” I didn’t know what to say so I nodded and tried to walk away. He grabbed my arm and it hurt, he had never used such force with me like that, I tried to pull my arm away but he was so strong! He pulled me close to his hard muscled body and forced his mouth on mine, trying to send me comfort and peace and tell me not to scream.
“Let me show you how beautiful you look” then all I remember is ending up on the hard ground and him on top of me, hurting me and hurting me and hurting me. If this was what it meant to be beautiful, I never wanted to be beautiful again. I opened my eyes to see zahfar with his fists clenched and the pond up to his head. “Calm down please”
“Why didn’t you ever tell anyone” his voice a hiss, my tears threatened to spill
“He was my father,” I choked out a sob “he just wanted to show me how beautiful I was, I didn’t want him to go away because of that”. His eyes softened to purple
“Why didn’t you show me?”
“I didn’t want you to think I was beautiful, because then” I wiped my tear stricken face “you would’ve hurt me too. I didn’t want you to hurt me. do you know how bad I’ve felt for 10 years I blamed myself because I was too pretty, I was so pretty that my father my OWN father had to hurt me” his eyes were back to blue and the pond relaxed “I was so scared z” I thought I might choke on my tears and he wrapped his arms around me
“You could’ve told me,” he kissed my forehead and rubbed my back “I would’ve understood. Wait,” he pulls back keeping me at an arm’s length “that’s why you wanted to leave so fast”. It wasn’t a question but I nodded “I couldn’t stay after I found out that dad’s don’t do that I wanted to leave. I had to wait it out until I was 20 though” I sniffled “ I had to live with them for 8 years until I could leave, he never touched me again but I’m certain he would have”. I sink to the floor and cry. Oh how I missed crying, I would never let myself cry over what happened but maybe I needed this. Maybe I needed to let this out, maybe everything would be alright… “WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO HER YOU OVER GROWN FAIRY?!?”
I figured I had calmed my wolf down enough to come back, only to come back to see her with her head in her knee’s crying her eyes out! And he’s standing there looking at me like I’m crazy,
“I didn’t do anything to her; she’s just letting something out that she should have a long time ago”
“WHAT THE HELL IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN. GOD I HATE ALL OF YOU FAIRIES SPEAKING IN RIDDLES” I pace back and forth, I have to calm down. This is not my wolf rage this is all me and I have to calm myself before I do something I might regret.
“OH MY GOD WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU” she explodes up staring at me with brown eyes “GET IT RIGHT WE ARE SPRITES NOT FAIRIES, AND WE DON’T SPEAK IN RIDDLES WE SPEAK IN THE WAY TO PROTECT OTHERS”. She looks weak now, broken down almost, her shoulders are slumped and her skin pale.
“He didn’t hurt me he helped me with something I needed” her eyes turned green
“What did you need help with?” my tone cautious
“Something personal” she purred. That’s it I called upon my wolf and her eyes snapped to raspberry and her nose flared.
“Don’t you dare do what I think you’re going to do” the male’s eyes slipped to me and his eyes snapped to raspberry too
“You can’t have her, it’s forbidden, and your charm won’t work” his voice was strained. He knew this would work so I didn’t call him on it. You see all werewolves have a charm quality to them; we can charm our opponents, depending on how powerful, to do our bidding. I could easily charm her and she would be mine. It couldn’t be forbidden because fate wouldn’t deter her mine. I focused on her and only her even though her eyes were raspberry bordering on red her mouth gaped open; I smirked causing her to giggle. Yeah this would work.
What is going on? He looks amazing and he smells magnificent. His body giving off a greenish glow, his color of his eyes, and his eyes blazing brilliant neon green. He made me giggle, made me GIGGLE! His voice dripped honey and sounded musical to my ears “come now sprite don’t you want to come with me and be my mate” I nodded my head, oh how much did I want to be his mate! “Good now,” he held out his hand “don’t you want to tell me your name?” his voice calm and seductive. “Alexis, I don’t have a last name no sprite or fairy does” I wanted to tell him everything about me. My favorite color, my favorite food I even wanted to tell him secrets I hadn’t even told zahfar yet! An unwanted voice nagged at me inside my head
“Stop Alexis it’s forbidden, you know this he’s tricking you come back to me please”
The voice faded away and I was alone with Michael, my mate. I took his hand and was instantly serenaded by him. His scent overtook my nose, his voice swam in my head and his face forever burned in my mind. Along with a single word that would always stay: forbidden.
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