» Fiction » Paying the price, Lubna [books to read as a couple TXT] 📗

Book online «Paying the price, Lubna [books to read as a couple TXT] 📗». Author Lubna

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hit James’s face, blinking a few times; he opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling. Closing his eyes again he could hear faint sounds of his mum’s small footsteps tapping downstairs. It gave him a sort of reassurance that his mum was there, she was safe, at least someone was.

But then all that comfort was wiped away by one word…Scott.

“Arghh Scott man, I’m sorry, I’m sorry man, I swear, I’m sorry man,” he whispered his hands over his face, “I swear I’m gonna get ‘em, I promise!” Opening his eyes he got off the bed and stretched his arms, walking across the room he stood in front of his punching bag and started punching it as hard as her could. Minutes had passed and already he had sweat pouring down his face mixed with salty tears. Blood was pounding in his ears until James’s mum walked into the room.

“James, James…it’s Scott, he’s…he’s been found…dead!” she cried through heavy tears.


The day went pass in a total blur for James, there was masses of crying, Darren came round his house, then the police, then the visit to Scott’s house, comforting Scott’s mum, Kate, and saying their “sorry” to his dad. Then there was more questioning from the police, and then the final conclusion; Suicide.

“But how, why?” Kate shrieked, “He was happy, he had everything, he was my little baby!”

“He was found in a ditch, seemed to have shot himself, his own finger prints were found on the gun, no one else’s. It looks like he may have fell into the ditch after shooting himself. Quiet a nasty fall he had, I’m very sorry,” the policeman said.

“No wait, that’s not rig…” Darren started but James nudged him signalling him to stop.

“I’m afraid we may have to leave it at that, as there’s no sign of a murder case,” the policeman said. After a few sobs from Kate the policeman sighed, “I shall stay in touch,” with that he left leaving everyone in the room quiet and in their own thoughts.

Later that evening at James’s house

“What now Jay?” Darren asked “they think he’s killed himself, like wtf he wouldn’t, no, I mean he didn’t!” he said rubbing his face in sadness.

“I don’t know yet, but I have a feeling we’ll come up with something, I’ve promised myself, and Scott, everything will be sorted!” James said

“How? how can we just act as though he killed him self, when he didn’t?” Darren cried swinging his arms about, “He did my head in, but was my brother, well like it weren’t he? Lookin’ around and seeing what these people think of him, saying he’s a chicken, some disturbed guy, it’s just pissin’ me off!” Darren squeezed his eyes restraining the tears from falling. But failing.

“We just have to, us telling could mess things up!” James said shaking his head.

“How messed up do you want things to get Jay!?” Darren said keeping his anger under control, “Our bloody best friend was shot and the feds bloody think he bloody killed him self!” he yelled putting his head in his hands.

“I know I know, Darren we just gotta calm down, please…if we don’t hear from Riley’s lot in this next week, then we’ll go straight to the police tell them everything, I promise,” James pleaded Darren.

“Yeh right, and what’s that gonna do? Its gonna be too late! They might not even believe us! They might think we’re flippin’ crazy! I feel mucked up right now. I need a fag” Darren exclaimed fumbling into his pocket.

“come on you said you wouldn’t do that crap anymore” Look we have proof, the phone, the rats were so hyped about us being down their area that they didn’t bother taking the phone!” James said.

“Ha stop doin’ that crap, Jay that was before all this crap happed,” he said taking a puff at his now lighted cigarette. “I just cant be bothered, tomorrows Scott’s funeral. I want him to rest in peace, who cares about everything else,” Darren said shaking his head.

“Hmm, well be ok Darren, we will,” James smiled trying not only to reassure Darren but himself too.

“Sure we have,” Darren smiled back blowing some smoke out, closing his eyes not only to everything around him but his dark thoughts too.

4 days later: Saturday

3 days after Scott’s funeral it was James’s birthday. Walking down the high street he fiddled with his drawstring JD bag, taking out a couple of notes. For his 16th birthday, his mum had given James more money then usual to spend on whatever he wanted, but he wasn’t in the mood so he decided he would put it all into his savings account, the full £150. A few minutes in the bank and James was out, he walked down towards McDonalds for his all time favourite; chicken nuggets.

Halfway down the busy street James felt as though he was being watched, and James being James, he didn’t like the feeling of someone watching him, which was weird as he wasn’t so bad looking. Looking around, he saw two men sitting on a bench; both smartly but casually dressed, sitting not far from them was a woman, attempting to feed her small toddler ice cream. Nothing out of the ordinary, he thought.

Walking onwards a pretty looking girl caught his eye. She stopped and smiled at him and then James recognised her; Amy from his primary school, he hadn’t seen her for ages. They used to be close friends, along with Scott and Darren but before going to high school she had moved away to a different area. Gradually they had grown apart until they hardly ever saw each other. For James it was hard letting her go, his feelings for Amy then had become more then just friends. Even after 5 years James felt something flutter inside him, telling him that he still hadn’t gotten over that primary school crush.

“Hey JAY oh my God it’s you…” she squealed, her eyes and hair were brown, the same as it had been when he had last seen her all those years ago, her skin was tanned and James couldn’t believe how different and good she looked. “OH my God yeh… Happy birthday!” she said pulling him and hugging him tight.

“Yo…Amy...Thanks!” James smiled, holding onto her tight.

“I’m fine Jay. I heard about Scott and you’re Pa, I’m so sorry, really,” She said, letting go.

“Yeh I know, sucks…” he sighed, his smile fading.

“You’ve changed so much, not the annoying dude I knew when I was 10, barely recognised you,” she said tilting her head, “looking good Jay,” she smiled, showing off her perfect teeth.

“Why thank you, lookin’ amazing yourself,” James said his heart beating madly, “So um, you wanna go for something to eat, my treat, we could catch up, and I could do with a laugh?” he said ruffling his hair.

“Why not ‘ey!” She smiled, placing her hand into his.


“It’s bin ages, I’ve missed you Jay, even though you were the most annoying guy I knew, but still I gotta say the sweetest,” she said, “We had good times, Me, You, Darren and…Scott.” She smiled sipping her milkshake.

“I know, wicked times ‘ey,” James laughed playing with the straw in his cola.

“I gotta say Jay, your looking really buff, must have a nice chick now too ey?” she said playing with her bracelets.

“Nah…” James said smiling and raising his eyebrows.

“Really?” She said looking quickly at him “Why?” she asked, trying not to sound so interested.

“You tell me?” James said. “Do you have a man?”

“Well no…” She said blushing.

“Why?” James asked his smile getting wider.

“Well I, um well, I did…but it just didn’t feel right …he was a right git, well I’ve had 2 guys and both didn’t know the meaning of respect!” She said playing with her hair, her voice quiet low.

“Hmm…” James said, and then it clicked…NOW just do it man! Something said inside his head, “Ames…”

“Yes…” Amy said finishing her cola and looking straight his face.

“There something I gotta say, and I guess I should be saying it now before I start regretting I didn’t later on,” James started, “ You know I…”

“Wait Jay, do you know those guys behind you?” Amy said, raising her eyebrows.

“Who?” he said, looking round James found the same two men who had been sitting on the bench earlier on, “ No…why?”

“They’ve been following us since we started walking together…freaks!” Amy said shaking her head.

“Hmm…”James said, thinking of the first possibility; Riley.

“Hello...” Amy said waving her hand in front of James’s face.

“Yooo…sorry colas getting to my brain…” He said shaking his head and laughing.

“Yeh right, James and a brain…as if you’ve got something up there!” she laughed.

“As a matter of fact Ames I do!” James laughed throwing a chip at her.

“So what did you wanna say?” She said eating a chip.

“Well umm, I well Ames the last 3 years, yeh…” James started, but a phone started buzzing. They both looked down at the pink vibrating phone on the table.

“Oh sorry, it’s my mum, im gonna have to take it, I was supposed to be home 15 minutes ago gosh!” she said getting up and shaking her head.


After the phone call, Amy’s Mum wanted her home, so they quickly finished their food and drinks and walked to the bus stop.

“We gotta see each other again Ames, I had fun,” James smiled.

“Totally, maybe then you’ll have the guts to say what you’ve been wanting to say for ages ey!” she laughed.

“What?” James choked on his gum, “I well I emm…” he said gulping.

“See you soon James!” Amy laughed slipping her number into his hand.

“Yeh…” James said, “See you soon…” looking down at the number he smiled, “Defiantly”

He watched her as she got up onto the red bus and as it disappeared into the London jam-packed traffic, James sighed, after so long he felt as though things were normal. Leaning against the bus shelter, he looked around, and that’s when he noticed. The two men that were in McDonalds and on the bench were looking straight at him. Who the hell are they, too smart for Riley’s lot, wait that’s not them at all, they’ve got badges but maybe it is, nah I cant take the chance could be the police, he thought.

Slowly backing away, James started walking in the opposite direction towards Darren’s house. He could hear the footsteps of the men behind him, getting closer and closer. As his pace quickened the footsteps sounded heavier and louder, soon James was running, and so were the two men.

Skidding into an alleyway, James hid behind a bin breathing heavily, WTF, he thought. Putting his head in his hands he ruffled the sweat out of his hair and rubbed his head.

Just when he thought that he had lost the two, he heard a crunch on the gravel in front of him. The second he looked up he felt a sharp blow on his head making him fall sidewards and loose all consciousness.

Chapter 7
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