» Fiction » Harringtons, Christian Rhodes [e novels for free txt] 📗

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/> The three siblings stared at each other. They suddenly roared into uproarious laughs.

"We? Not liking the way we live?" Samantha cackled.

"What are you from? The Moon?" Troy guffawed.

"The moon's bigger than their heads!" Paris cracked.

Samantha and Troy stopped laughing. Paris, now realizing she was the only one laughing, stopped, "What?" she asked.

"That ain't funny." Troy said.

"Nuh-uh!" Paris argued.

"Yeah-uh!" Samantha argued back.

"What do you know about stand-up comedies anyway?" Paris said.

"COULD Y'ALL LET ME FINISH?" Francois bellowed and everyone went quiet.

Aaron raised his hand, "Can I say something, General?"

"NO!" he bellowed. But then he caught himself, "Oh, wait, I'm sorry, Sir Aaron. You can speak."

Aaron went to where Francois was sitting to speak face to face with his siblings, "Now, guys…" he paused. He turned to look at Francois. Francois looked at him. Aaron made head movements, signaling him to move away. Francois quickly got the message and stood up from his seat. Aaron sat on his seat. "…what were you trying to accomplish here?"

"We wanted a digitech!" Paris whined.

"Okay, we know that one's true." He said a little annoyed, "But there's something else…"

There was a slight pause.

"What is it?" Aaron asked.

The silence continued.

"Is it about us taking over the business fortune in mom and dad's places? Are you guys jealous of us or something?" Aaron asked.

More silence.

"Of course we were jealous." Samantha spoke. Troy eyeballed her, "Sami?"

"What? I can't hide! It's true!" Samantha said.

"This was supposed to be a secret!" Troy exclaimed.

"Thanks for ratting us out!" Paris hissed.

"I think, General, that we need some alone time. Just the five of us." Londres asked Francois.

"Well, it looks like we know the mystery behind the sabotaging." Francois said calmly.

"So I'm not fired?" Maria asked curiously. Francois shook his head, "You've never been, Maria."

Maria let out a sigh of relief. She was off the hook. "Let's leave these siblings alone." Francois escorted himself and Maria out, and closed the door.

"Guys," Londres joined in the conversation, "Just because Aaron and I are owning the ship, doesn't mean it's all fun and games. It's hard work."

"Like that computer malfunction for example." Aaron explained, "We didn't think we would make it."

"Running a business is hard." Londres said.

"Aaron, Londres." Troy began, "We understand that part…and believe me, it's not because we're jealous."

"Not just jealous." Paris corrected.

"What she said." Troy said.

"What if you guys are apart?" Samantha explained, "What if you get an assignment of taking over another SS Harrington cruise ship? Like the SS Harrington Tokyo? Or the Germany Conquest Harrington? What's going to happen to us?"

"We might miss you two." Troy said.

Aaron and Londres looked at each other, feeling their sentiments.

"We tried to steal the Digitechs from you so that we could make you unprepared to take over the business and then you'll hang with us again, and that would bring mom and dad back." Paris said.

"But when we caused that fiasco…" Troy laughed, "…that was a whole different story."

"So, almost causing us a huge loss of sales and making our first days as owners of the SS Harrington Cruise Line the worst days of our lives was not entirely your faults?" Londres asked.

The siblings nodded.

"So, whose fault this is?" Aaron asked, confused.

"No one!" Paris giggled, "Get it? No one! And not as a someone but a no one?"

The siblings burst out laughing.

"Now, isn't that funny?" Troy barked.

Aaron and Londres immediately stopped laughing.

"No." They harshly said before walking out of the office. Troy, Samantha, and Paris looked at each other, a bit guilty.

Troy then mustered a smile, and Samantha and Paris smiled as well, and they laughed and laughed some more.

Publication Date: 03-09-2012

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