» Fiction » Solar Sister, Verbayne and Angel92296 [ebook reader online .TXT] 📗

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to hear me from the bathroom.
“I was thinking we could go to the bar,” she replied.
“Sounds like a plan,” I said.
“What’s in this box?” Serene asked. I splashed some water on my face and pinned up my hair.
“A gift from Blake,” I told her, stepping out the bathroom.
“Can I open it?” she asked.
“Like I can really stop you,” I said rolling my eyes.
“True,” she said. She opened the box carefully and looked at the dress. It was just as beautiful as the day before. Serene, Misty and Arissa stared at me open mouth. I looked back at them feeling like I was missing something.
“What?” I asked looking back and forth between the three of them.
“This is a dress,” Serene said.
“Yes,” I said.
“A white dress,” Misty said.
“I know what color it is?” I told her.
“What occasion do you usually wear a white dress to?” Arissa asked me. I just shook my head no and put the cover back on the box.
“You guys are insane,” I told them.
“You know where right,” Serene told me. I just shook my head no at the thought of me wearing this dress down a alter. I couldn’t believe they would think of such a thing. Yes, me and Blake do love each other but we never talked about getting married.
“Whatever,” I said. We all heard the sound of a door downstairs being closed.
“Come on,” I said walking past Misty and Arissa to the stairs. I walked down the stairs and ran into a breath taking hug. I tried to see who it was but I was being held so tightly that I couldn’t look up. I sniffed the person that held me so tightly. It was a smell familiar to me but I couldn’t put a name on the person who had the smell. It was a sweet smell almost like lavender and wine. That’s when I remember who the smell belong to.
“Ethan. What are you doing here?” I asked my foster brother.

Lux 6
Watching the sun rise over the tree line of the forest I flopped back on the tan roof and let it warm me. I was already warm from my normal high temperature but I felt chilled till the sun touched my skin. I let the sun soak my skin till I felt the coolness of a shadow slid over me. I pulled my arm off my face opening one eye to see who was looming over me. I clenched my hand and put my arm back over my eyes.
“You’re in the way of my sun Hank.” I grumbled.
I heard the shift of his feet but he never moved out of my way. I groaned and stood up. I was thankful everyone else in my house was asleep. They called me strange enough as it was I didn’t need them to see me on the roof with Hank. He wore a ripped up flannel shirt and cut off blue jeans. The term redneck always came to mind when I saw him. He pulled down his red baseball cap to cover his black eye. In the end last night he came out worse for wear and the loser. I could see marks on his tan skin from where Josh had bitten him or slashed open his arm.
“What do you want Hank I’m not in the mood for crap today?” I said glaring him down.
A frown pulled down one side of his lips as he looked away from me. I could tell he was only here because Josh had told him to be. So it was an apology he was going to give me was it. I turned away from him crossing my arms over my chest.
“You apologize great now go away.”
“Who said I was going to apologize to you.” He said angrily.
I turned around to face him.
“Then what?” I asked.
He flinched back shaking with annoyance. Then out of anger he grabbed the neck of my white tank top and pulled me up. I felt embarrassed because he pulled my top up almost to my bra. I slapped his hand away tugging down my shirt. Grinding my teeth together I balled my fists up till I drew blood. I glared at him feeling the tattoo on me arm begin to heat up.
“Fine sorry for calling you a runt, Josh has summoned you to the woods too.”
I let my hands relax at my sides looking at his brown eyes for a sign that he was lying. He wasn’t, he actually was sorry. I stuck my hand out letting the anger fall from me. He awkwardly took my hand and shook it.

Nyx 6

“I came to see my little foster sister. Was that a crime?” he said letting me go out of his bear hug. I blocked Arissa, Serene and Misty’s way.
“Yes it is, Ethan,” I said. “Now leave now.”
“What’s wrong with you Nixie? You weren’t always this way,” he said looking at me sideways.
“How the hell did you find me?” I said. I can feel Serene’s nails digging in my arms. Ethan is a human and he doesn’t belong in a vampire house.
“I heard this Xander dude talking about a bar and a list of names of people that might be going. He mentioned your name and I followed him here,” he said bored. Ethan was like a big brother to me when we were in foster care. That was until he left me and never came back.
“Where is Xander then?” I asked curiously.
“I don’t know. I heard a noise behind me and turned back but he was gone,” he said.
“Ethan, you have to leave. Now,” I said. I started to push him out the door when he grabbed my arm.
“Are you still mad at me?”I gave him my ‘are you really this stupid’ look and pulled my arm away.
“Now why would I be mad at you? You only left me in that foster house by myself. Just leave Ethan,” I said. I felt the adrenaline that was waving off of Serene, Misty and Arissa. They were getting impatient and I can’t stop all three of them at the same time.
“Can we talk outside because your pretty friends are looking at me funny,” he said. Ethan is tall and muscular. Back when we were younger, he was in the football team.
“Sure. After you,” I said. He walked out the front door and I turned on the three hooligans behind me. I flashed my fangs and watched them flash away up the stairs. Following Ethan out the door, I looked for Xander. Knowing him, he is probably hunting Ethan for following him.
“I’m sorry that I left you,” he said.
“It was a long time ago. Just forget it,” I said folding my arms over my chest.
“I can’t forget it. I always did want to come back for you,” he said. I looked up at the cloudy sky and I could smell the rain.
“It doesn’t matter anymore Ethan,” I said. I turned to walk away but he grabbed my arm. I pulled away gently, not using any of my vampire strength.
“We aren’t done yet,” he said.
“Yes we are,” I said pulling away a little harder but not too hard. He still didn’t let go. “Let me go.”
“Is there a problem here?” a voice asked from near a tree by the house. I recognized the voice and turned to it. Blake stood leaning on a old tree. He was grinning a little and I shook my head no. It was too late. Blake was already walking toward us.
“Not at all. Who are you?” Ethan asked.
“Nyx’s fiancé,” he said.
“Your getting married?” Ethan asked in shock. I just shrugged and looked guilty.
“Trust me. I am just as surprised as you are,” I said turning to Blake. He smiled and wrapped his arm around my waist. He began to eye Ethan’s hand because it was still on my arm. Ethan pulled his hand back and took a step back.
“Blake can you do me a favor and find Xander for me?” I said suddenly uncomfortable in his arms. He looked at me with sadly and walked the way he came.
“I can’t believe your getting married,” Ethan said looking away from me.
“Ethan, why does it matter? You left any way,” I said.
“It wasn’t my fault,” he screamed.
“I have to go now. Please go away and don’t come back,” I said ad headed for the house. Closing the door behind me, I sighed in relief.
“Who’s the mundane?” Blake asked. He was standing on the first step of the stairs and he was leaning on the banister.
“My foster brother,” I said.
“He smells appetizing,” Blake smiled.
“Really, I didn’t noticed but that’s probably because he’s like a brother to me,” I shouted. I ran past him up the stairs.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, right behind me.
“You know what’s wrong with me,” I said stubbornly.
“Are you mad at me?” he asked as we reached the top of the stairs. I ignored him. He pulled me into his room.
“Yes, I am mad at you. How can you not tell you ‘fiancé’ that she is your fiancé?” I asked.
“I’m sorry. Don’t be mad at me,” he said holding me close. I avoided his eyes and he grabbed my chin bringing his eyes up to his. “I really am sorry Nyx. Can you forgive me?”
“Yes. I forgive you,” I said. Then his lips were on mine and nothing else matter. Not even the scream of my name. Wait, why is my name being screamed. I pulled away from Blake and ran out his room. I heard Serene shouting my name from downstairs in the living room.
“Nyx, something happened,” she called out. I ran down the stairs to find Ethan lying on the living floor with blood dripping down his neck. I covered my mouth in horror and fell to the floor.

Lux 7
I stood on Josh’s door step with my hand paused in the air to knock. I swallowed and let my hand hit the door once and left it there. Even thou a normal person wouldn’t have heard the quite thud someone was opening the door. When it opened the first thing I saw was a pair of deep blue almost black eyes looking pained. A smile spread across his face and he pulled me into a hug holding me for too long. I snuggled into it but made sure I didn’t press to hard. I could feel him flinching away from my weight. A thought accrued to me and I pulled away scrutinizing him.
“What?” He asked.
“Take your shirt off.”
“Why?” He sounded alarmed.
I glared at him. He knew why. Hank had thrown him against a tree and stopped his already broken ribs. The ribs would have healed but anything other than major injuries healed normally. That’s why Hank still had a black eye and why I suspected bruised ribs on Josh. Still he didn’t move so I tugged up his ripped white shirt myself. He struggled trying to push it back down but I pinned his wrists to one side of the door and looked at his chest. I felt
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