The Return of Peter Grimm, David Belasco [most popular ebook readers TXT] 📗

- Author: David Belasco
Book online «The Return of Peter Grimm, David Belasco [most popular ebook readers TXT] 📗». Author David Belasco
"Don't flatter yourself," he joked. "It's only the way one feels about a pet. One likes all the rest of the breed."
"That's true," broke in Hartmann, throwing himself into the conversation on impulse. "It's so. A man studies one girl and then presently he begins to notice the same little traits in them all. It makes one feel differently toward the rest of them."
He glanced shamefacedly back at his dictation pad as the others turned and stared at him in astonishment. But not before he had noted the shy smile that crept over Kathrien's face or the unpleasant glint in Frederik's pale eyes.
Hartmann so seldom took part in general conversation and was so reticent concerning every phase of sentiment, that Grimm was for the moment almost as astounded as though one of his own bulbs had burst into speech.
"An expert opinion," commented Frederik sneeringly. "And from a confirmed bachelor like James!"
"A confirmed bachelor?" Grimm innocently caught up the slur. "What a life! I know. I have been one ever since I can remember. When a bachelor wants to order a three-rib standing roast, who is to eat it? Why, I never had the right sort of a roast on my table until Katje came into the family. And now that you're here too, Fritzy, the roasts get bigger. But not big enough, even yet. Oh, we must find the husband for----"
"Oom Peter!" protested Kathrien. "You promised you wouldn't tease----"
"Tease?" repeated Grimm, as though he heard the word for the first time. "Why, how could you have imagined such a thing, child? I was only telling Frederik about the sort of roasts I like on my table. And speaking of tables, Fritzy, I like a nice long table with plenty of young people at it. And myself at the head, carving and carving, and seeing the plates passed round and round and round;--getting them back and back and back--There, there, Katje! They shan't tease you. We'll keep the table just as it is. For you and Fritz and me. A nice little circle. All in the family."
The telephone bell set up a purring. Hartmann picked up the receiver.
"Hello," he called. "Yes, this is Mr. Grimm's house.--Yes.--Wait one moment, please."
He put his palm over the transmitter and turned to Grimm.
"It's Hicks again, sir," he reported. "He wants to talk more with you about buying the business."
"Buying the business, hey?" snorted Grimm in sudden rage. "No! No! I've told him ten million times it's not on the market and never will be. Tell him so again."
"Mr. Grimm says," called Hartmann into the transmitter, "that the business is not for sale. He says--what?--Wait a minute. Mr. Grimm, he insists on speaking to you personally."
"He does, hey?" growled Peter, advancing upon the telephone as though upon an enemy that must be crushed at a blow.
"Hello!" he roared wrathfully into the instrument. "Hello?--What?--Why, my old friend, how are you?--And how are your plum trees doing? Mine, too. Well, we can only pray and use Bordeaux Mixture.--What?"
He paused to listen. Then he went on as if to humour a cross child.
"No, no,--it's nonsense. Why, this business has been in the Grimm family for over a hundred years. Why should I sell? I'm going to arrange for it to stay in the family a hundred years longer.--Hey? What's that?--No, no. Of course not. Of course I don't propose to live a hundred years longer. But I propose that my plans shall. How can I make certain? Never mind how. I'm going to arrange all that. Yes, I know I'm a bachelor. You don't need to spend good money on long distance phoning, to remind me of that. Oh--good-bye!"
Grimm turned away from the table with a growl, to confront Kathrien.
"Why, girl!" he exclaimed, in quick concern. "You look as if you are going to cry. What is it? Tell Oom Peter!"
"That man!" panted Kathrien. "He actually wants to buy our home--our gardens! Oh!" slipping for a moment back into the Dutch that was ever nearer to her heart than English, "_Stel je zoon brutali tat!_"
"Don't you worry!" consoled Peter. "He won't get a stick or a stone of ours. Wouldn't you think that girl had been born a Grimm, Fritzy? She's got the true spirit. No, no, dear. Of course we won't sell. Never. Never. _Never._ Hey, Fritz?"
"Certainly not!" declared Frederik. "The idea is preposterous."
"Fritzy!" exclaimed Grimm. "Speaking of ideas, I've got one, too. We'll print the Grimm history in our new Midsummer Almanac. That's better than a full-page cut of any tulip that ever sprouted. Katie, go get the Staaten Bible and read it aloud to us. We can tell, then, how it will strike the public."
The girl went to the side table where lay the great Bible, drew a chair up to it, seated herself, turned over the leaves until she found what she sought, then began to read in a manner that argued many previous renditions of the quaint old phraseology.
"In the spring of 1709 there settled on Quassic Creek, New York Colony, Johann Grimm, aged twenty-two--husbandman and vinedresser. Also, Johanna, his wife. To him Queen Anne furnished one square, one rule, one compass, two whipping saws, and several small pieces----"
"You left out 'two augers,'" prompted Grimm.
"Yes, 'and two augers.' To him was born a son and----"
"See?" cried Grimm. "That was the foundation of our family and our business here. And here we are, still. After seven generations. We'll print it. Hey, Fritzy?"
"Certainly, sir," approved Frederik, stifling a yawn with an access of filial enthusiasm. "By all means, we'll print it."
"And, Fritzy," continued Grimm, with heavy significance, "we're relying on you for the next line in the book."
Frederik glanced around him. Hartmann, during the reading, had gone from the room to get some papers he had left at the office. But Kathrien still lingered, restoring the Bible to its wonted place.
"Oh, by the way, Oom Peter," said Frederik, lowering his voice so as not to reach the girl's ears, "I want to speak to you about a private matter when you can spare me a moment. When I come back from the packing house will be time enough. I just want to give a glance to those last shipments."
"All right, lad," agreed Grimm. "Any time."
He looked fondly after the dapper figure.
"Isn't he a splendid, handsome, hustling young chap, Katje?" he demanded. "If only his mother had lived to see him now, wouldn't she have been proud of him? And what a complete little family we three make!"
"We three?" hesitated the girl.
"Surely. That's all there are of us--at present,--isn't it? I don't think I have made a miscount."
"You don't count in James!"
"James?" he queried sharply. "Why should I?"
"Why shouldn't you?" she retorted eagerly. "Oom Peter, if you don't mind my saying so, I think you're just a little unfair to James. He used to have dinner with us nearly every day. Can't you make him a little more at home--more like one of the family?"
"Why, you good, unselfish little girl!" applauded Grimm. "You think of everybody. James is----"
Hartmann came in with several newly typed letters to be signed, and Grimm turned to meet him with something akin to cordiality.
"James," said he, "will you have dinner with us to-day?"
"Why, yes," answered Hartmann, in pleased surprise. "Certainly. Thank you very much. Will you glance over these and sign them?" he added, wondering at the grateful smile Kathrien flashed at Peter as she passed into the dining-room and left the two men alone together.
Grimm, too, wondered a little at the warmth of the girl's smile.
"She has bloomed out lately like a rose," he mused as he looked over the letters the secretary proffered him.
"Yes, sir!" involuntarily agreed Hartmann.
"So you've noticed it, too?"
"Yes, sir," replied Hartmann stiffly as he recovered his self-control.
"_Ach!_" murmured Grimm, as he signed letter after letter and passed them over to Hartmann for sealing. "What a grip she has taken on my heart! A good girl, James. A good little girl. And I've sheltered her, ever since she came to me, as I shelter my violets from the cold. That's as it should be, hey?"
"Y-e-s,--in a way."
"What's that?" bristled Grimm, looking up at the unexpected answer to the question that had seemed to him to require none. "What do you mean? Oh, speak out, man!" as the secretary hesitated. "Never be afraid to express an honest opinion."
"I mean just this. No one can shape any one else's life. All people should be made to understand that they are--free."
"Free? Nonsense! Katje's free. Free as air. Do you mean to tell me a girl should be more free than she is? We must think for young people who can't think for themselves. And no girl can."
"But I believe----"
"Bah! Who cares what _you_ believe. James, I'm sometimes afraid you're just a little bit set in your ways;--almost obstinate."
"But in this," stoutly maintained Hartmann, "I know I'm right. We can't think for other people any more than we can eat or sleep for them. Every happy creature is bound, by nature, to lead its own life. And, first of all, it must be _free_!"
"James," asked Grimm in amused contempt, "where on earth do you get these wild ideas?"
"By reading what modern thinkers write, sir."
"H'--m! I thought so. Change your mental diet. There's a set of Jost Vanden Vandell over on the shelves. Read it. Cultivate sentiment."
Hartmann shrugged his big shoulders and went on sealing and stamping letters. But Grimm would not let this topic drop so easily.
"Free!" he scoffed. "Maybe you've thought you noticed Katje was not happy?"
"No, sir. I can't honestly say I have."
"I should think not!" chimed in Peter. "These are the happiest hours of her whole life. Don't I know? Can't I tell? Don't I know her and love her better than any one else does? She's happy. Beautifully happy. And why shouldn't she be? She's young. She's in love. She's soon to be married. What girl wouldn't be happy?"
There was a long pause. Peter was reading over the last letter of the budget. Hartmann was staring at him aghast.
"Soon to be married?" breathed the secretary when he could steady his voice. "Then--then it's all settled, sir?"
"No," replied Peter. "But it soon will be. _I'm_ going to settle it. Any one can see how she feels toward Frederik."
"But," faltered Hartmann lamely, "isn't she very--very _young_ to be married?"
"Not when she marries into the family. Not when _I'm_ here to watch over her. You see--Sit down again, James. I like to talk about it to some one who is interested. And you _are_ interested, aren't you?"
"Yes, sir," the secretary managed to say.
"Very good. Now, in following out my plans----"
"Oom Peter," called Kathrien from the dining-room, "I have your coffee all ready. Shall I bring it in?"
"By and by, dear. By and by. I am busy now. I'll let you know. Shut the door, won't you?"
She obeyed. And to the hungrily watching secretary it seemed as if the door were closing, in his very face, upon the gates of Paradise.
"In following my plans," Grimm was repeating, "I've
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