My Frozen Soul, skysky.bluestar W. [best adventure books to read TXT] 📗

- Author: skysky.bluestar W.
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been more grouchy since Fang became my new mate. I just hope she doesn't try to take my place in dominent. Since I have just givin birth. My position as dominant is open. I must watch my back or I will lose my power and my pups.
Afternoon, Fang goes hunting. I take a break from the pups and lay in the back of the cave. Lila comes in the back. In wolf form teeth showing. I draw my lip into a snarl. She charged. I dodge with ease and pin her down. Niping her ear signals Im dominent. She leaves I go and lay by my pups again. I turn hume form and call tulis. He comes running in. "Yes mother" he says. How about you play in here with sera instead. "Sure" he says. He walks over to the entrance. "Sera lets play inside." he called and turned wolf. Sera came flying in and takled him. I smile and watch them tusle about. Fang comes back with three fat rabbits. He turned hume and skinned them. Hiding the meat behind the rocks. He layed out the skins to dry. Hee comes and lays by me. "Whats wrong with Lila" he asks
"Dominance fight"
"She must really want that position if she went against you" Tulis jumped on fang. I laughed. Sera joined in so did the other pups.I laugh as Fang has problems getting them off of him. Lila came back in. Now that we weren't fighting I got to see her clearly she was pregnant. I get up and follow her. "Lila if you were pregnat you should have told me I would have let the father into the camp." she turned hume "Really..."
"Yes I would have let you have a mate I wouldn't effect me unless you chalenged me now you can go find the male and bring him here"
"Ok" she said and went back outside. I went back to were Fang was getting attcked by a army of pups. They stopped and stared at him laying like he was dead. "Boo" he shouted. They all squealed and jump back. "What wrong" he asked. "Lila thought she could bring in her new mate only if she was dominant"
"Oh I see"
"But I shall let her bring him into the pack." Lila came back in wolf form with a white and black male with amber eyes he was covered in scars. They went to the back of the cave. I look over at Fang. His lip was drawn back into a snarl. "What is it" I ask
"That's my brother Dison"
"Your Brother"
"Yes my younger brother" I go outside. And into the forest. I hear a noise behind. I turn around "Dison?!"
"Hello Cera"
"What do you want"
"Oh nothing" he approached me. He touched my cheek. I growl he takes a step back. "Why fight me I shall get you eventually". As soon as he is gone I go back to the den. I stay near Fang for the rest of the day. He has grown more protective. When he was asleep at the back of the cave I snuck outside. Lila was outside. "Hey Cera can I tell you something"
"Yes why"
"I going to tell you who Sera's father really is"
"Kiba wasn't her father Dison is"
"But I thought how.."
"I lied to kiba I said they were his pups." I nodded. She draged her paws as she went back inside. As dusk began to fall. I go inside. I lay awake that night still uncomfortable around Dison. Fang wakes up. "Its ok Cera" he whispers "I won't let him touch you." I relax a little and drift into sleep.
Waking up refreshed I yawn and watch Tulis twitch in his sleep. Dison is sleeping by Lila. Fang is deep into sleep. Tatu was laying on Tuta while Silver was sleeping on Tulis.Lila woke up. She yawned "Oh hello Cera" she whispered and walked outside. I followed. I sat with Lila. "Hey Lila.." I start.
"About Dison"
"What about Dison"
"Well do you..."
"Do I what"
"Know what Cera" I just couldn't tell her. I heard a noise behind me. "Hello Cera" I hear the familer voice. I freeze. "Dison..." I growl.
"How about you give in now so I don't have to worry about that pest fang"
"Your the pest!"
"Oh really." I change and turn to face him. He changes. Lila still in hume form. "Just give in" he growls.
"Whats going on" Lila asks.
"Your beloved mate wants to become alpha" I snarl
"Shut up Lila" Dison slightly growls
"But why"
"Shut up Lila"
"Why would you betray me!"
"I SAID SHUT UP" He slashs at her. She flies and hits a stumps
"I'll kill you for that" I howl and charge. I snap at his shoulder. I barley graze his fur. He grabs my back leg. His teeth sink into me like knives. I whimper. He snaps again. I dodge and grab his ear. I rip it off. Blood splats all over my fur. A loud whimper slips his throat. "DISON" i hear. I look Fang standing in wolf forn. His lip curled into a snarl. Pouncing on Dison, Fang digs his fangs into his back. Dison screeches and spits blood. I run to Lila. I turn hume watching my ankle. "Not so Fast" Dison shreiks and bites my wound. I scream in pain. He laughs "Let her got" Fangs howls and bites into Dison's neck. A last whimper comes from dison as he draws his last breath. Blood draining from his mouth covers my bloodied foot. I limp to Lila. "Lila" I wimper. She groans and shuffles her feet. She opens her eyes "What... happened..." she groans.
"Dison tried to became alpha and when you questioned him he hit you and you fell out cold." She whimpers in fear. "Don't worry he's gone" We look over to fang standing over his slain brother's body. I help Lila back into the cave. Jay is stunned staring out towards the battle feild. She snapped out of her daze. "Oh here I can help" she runs over to us. She makes sure Lila is not bleeding. After that she checks my ankle. I gasp as she wraps it up with a peice of her shirt. "Don't worry I know how to fix this I know how to heal" she runs outside. I turn back to Lila and lay her down on a Deer skin. I crawl over to my pups and lay down to sleep hoping this day will end.
I wake up and find my anlke rapped up.It wass numb and hard to move. I groan with pain. "Don't move or you will open your wound" Fang warned. I lay back down and close my eyes. Tulis lick my face. I open my eyes and look into his amber eyes. His white pelt glimmered. Kiba's imaged passed through my mind as I looked how much Tulis has grown. My smile fades. I slowly sit up. Fang looks at me. "Whats the mater" he asks placing his hand on mine. "Nothing umm is there by chance a way I could go get water"
"I already thought of that" I heard Jay say. She walks over to me with a shell filled with water. "Here" I grab the shel and drink it. The seconed it hits my tounge I taste something disgusting. I spit it all over Fang. Jay Begins to laugh so does Tulis, Lila, and Sera. He gives me a very embarrassed/mad look. He laughs as well. "What was in that" I ask. "Terris Root, Yes I agree it is afull but you need to drink it it will get rid of any infection." Jay laughed. I force what ever I didn't spit a Fang down my throat. I look at Fang "What did you do with Dison's body" I ask.
"I left it there I will bury it soon." he smiles. I lay back down and close my eyes. I here Fang and Jay go outside. "Where is he" I hear fang yell. I jump. I use the wall to keep my balance. I work my way to the entrance. I finally reach the cave entrance. I look where Dison's body was all that was left was a puddle and trail of blood. The trail of blood lead into the forest. " We have to go after him." I growl. As soon as I let go of the wall I fall to the ground. Fang runs to me. I change to wolf and limp over to the puddle of bood. "He won't last long in his condition." I growl and limp back inside. Tulis looks at me "mommy your hurt" he said. His gleaming amber eyes showed concern "Its ok sweet heart" I whisper. I lay down and watch as Tulis and Sera play with Silver. A memory of prim flashes through my mind of how she played like they are now, and wonder what if she was alive now.
7 years later...
A young heavily pregnant wolf named Mira came to us a week or two ago. She gave birth to one pup. She named her Zira. Now that I have a large enough group I am now a official leader. For now fang is also dominant unless I chose another. Along with Mira two males came one being her mate and one being a rouge my age. His name is Rouge. But I don't plan to choose a dominant male until spring. Winter is to dangerous to have pups I fear for Mira and her pup. Her mate Arock is sick. Jay is keeping him isolation. Luckliy spring is nearing. And Lila lost her pups fathered by Dison that blow that she substained was consiqentale. I walk over to Mira "How are you doing" her pure white pelt glisented from the mist from snow and rain her soft silver eyes hurt my heart. "Fine" she whispered. Tulis came over his shirt soaked. "Mom I kinda fell"
"Kinda fell ! more like kinda dived" I here Sera laugh.
"Tulis really you are 16 you need to stop acting like a pup" I sigh. He shruggs and gives my a cheesy smile. I get up and go to the back of the cave. He follows "Take off your shirt" I tell him. He pulls off the soaked ball of cloth. I hand him a new one. I pulls it over his head as he is putting on his shirt a notice a scar across his stomach. "Whats that from."
"Remember the run in with the hume and how he sliced my stomach open." thats right that day I took Tulis out hunting. We were in wolf form when we stumbled across a humes camp. He had a knife in his hand. I didn't notice the knife and with Tulis about the size of the hume I thought he could have some fun. I was wrong. The hume slice open Tulis. Tulis fell and I attacked. I killed the hume while gaining a wound my self. I was able to get Tulis back in time Jay fixed up his wounds. I snapped out of the flash back. Tulis went back out there with Sera. They were holding hands and laughing. Sundenly the sun appered and blinded me. "Spring will be soon..." i whisper it has been a month since the sun has appeared.
Afternoon, Fang goes hunting. I take a break from the pups and lay in the back of the cave. Lila comes in the back. In wolf form teeth showing. I draw my lip into a snarl. She charged. I dodge with ease and pin her down. Niping her ear signals Im dominent. She leaves I go and lay by my pups again. I turn hume form and call tulis. He comes running in. "Yes mother" he says. How about you play in here with sera instead. "Sure" he says. He walks over to the entrance. "Sera lets play inside." he called and turned wolf. Sera came flying in and takled him. I smile and watch them tusle about. Fang comes back with three fat rabbits. He turned hume and skinned them. Hiding the meat behind the rocks. He layed out the skins to dry. Hee comes and lays by me. "Whats wrong with Lila" he asks
"Dominance fight"
"She must really want that position if she went against you" Tulis jumped on fang. I laughed. Sera joined in so did the other pups.I laugh as Fang has problems getting them off of him. Lila came back in. Now that we weren't fighting I got to see her clearly she was pregnant. I get up and follow her. "Lila if you were pregnat you should have told me I would have let the father into the camp." she turned hume "Really..."
"Yes I would have let you have a mate I wouldn't effect me unless you chalenged me now you can go find the male and bring him here"
"Ok" she said and went back outside. I went back to were Fang was getting attcked by a army of pups. They stopped and stared at him laying like he was dead. "Boo" he shouted. They all squealed and jump back. "What wrong" he asked. "Lila thought she could bring in her new mate only if she was dominant"
"Oh I see"
"But I shall let her bring him into the pack." Lila came back in wolf form with a white and black male with amber eyes he was covered in scars. They went to the back of the cave. I look over at Fang. His lip was drawn back into a snarl. "What is it" I ask
"That's my brother Dison"
"Your Brother"
"Yes my younger brother" I go outside. And into the forest. I hear a noise behind. I turn around "Dison?!"
"Hello Cera"
"What do you want"
"Oh nothing" he approached me. He touched my cheek. I growl he takes a step back. "Why fight me I shall get you eventually". As soon as he is gone I go back to the den. I stay near Fang for the rest of the day. He has grown more protective. When he was asleep at the back of the cave I snuck outside. Lila was outside. "Hey Cera can I tell you something"
"Yes why"
"I going to tell you who Sera's father really is"
"Kiba wasn't her father Dison is"
"But I thought how.."
"I lied to kiba I said they were his pups." I nodded. She draged her paws as she went back inside. As dusk began to fall. I go inside. I lay awake that night still uncomfortable around Dison. Fang wakes up. "Its ok Cera" he whispers "I won't let him touch you." I relax a little and drift into sleep.
Waking up refreshed I yawn and watch Tulis twitch in his sleep. Dison is sleeping by Lila. Fang is deep into sleep. Tatu was laying on Tuta while Silver was sleeping on Tulis.Lila woke up. She yawned "Oh hello Cera" she whispered and walked outside. I followed. I sat with Lila. "Hey Lila.." I start.
"About Dison"
"What about Dison"
"Well do you..."
"Do I what"
"Know what Cera" I just couldn't tell her. I heard a noise behind me. "Hello Cera" I hear the familer voice. I freeze. "Dison..." I growl.
"How about you give in now so I don't have to worry about that pest fang"
"Your the pest!"
"Oh really." I change and turn to face him. He changes. Lila still in hume form. "Just give in" he growls.
"Whats going on" Lila asks.
"Your beloved mate wants to become alpha" I snarl
"Shut up Lila" Dison slightly growls
"But why"
"Shut up Lila"
"Why would you betray me!"
"I SAID SHUT UP" He slashs at her. She flies and hits a stumps
"I'll kill you for that" I howl and charge. I snap at his shoulder. I barley graze his fur. He grabs my back leg. His teeth sink into me like knives. I whimper. He snaps again. I dodge and grab his ear. I rip it off. Blood splats all over my fur. A loud whimper slips his throat. "DISON" i hear. I look Fang standing in wolf forn. His lip curled into a snarl. Pouncing on Dison, Fang digs his fangs into his back. Dison screeches and spits blood. I run to Lila. I turn hume watching my ankle. "Not so Fast" Dison shreiks and bites my wound. I scream in pain. He laughs "Let her got" Fangs howls and bites into Dison's neck. A last whimper comes from dison as he draws his last breath. Blood draining from his mouth covers my bloodied foot. I limp to Lila. "Lila" I wimper. She groans and shuffles her feet. She opens her eyes "What... happened..." she groans.
"Dison tried to became alpha and when you questioned him he hit you and you fell out cold." She whimpers in fear. "Don't worry he's gone" We look over to fang standing over his slain brother's body. I help Lila back into the cave. Jay is stunned staring out towards the battle feild. She snapped out of her daze. "Oh here I can help" she runs over to us. She makes sure Lila is not bleeding. After that she checks my ankle. I gasp as she wraps it up with a peice of her shirt. "Don't worry I know how to fix this I know how to heal" she runs outside. I turn back to Lila and lay her down on a Deer skin. I crawl over to my pups and lay down to sleep hoping this day will end.
I wake up and find my anlke rapped up.It wass numb and hard to move. I groan with pain. "Don't move or you will open your wound" Fang warned. I lay back down and close my eyes. Tulis lick my face. I open my eyes and look into his amber eyes. His white pelt glimmered. Kiba's imaged passed through my mind as I looked how much Tulis has grown. My smile fades. I slowly sit up. Fang looks at me. "Whats the mater" he asks placing his hand on mine. "Nothing umm is there by chance a way I could go get water"
"I already thought of that" I heard Jay say. She walks over to me with a shell filled with water. "Here" I grab the shel and drink it. The seconed it hits my tounge I taste something disgusting. I spit it all over Fang. Jay Begins to laugh so does Tulis, Lila, and Sera. He gives me a very embarrassed/mad look. He laughs as well. "What was in that" I ask. "Terris Root, Yes I agree it is afull but you need to drink it it will get rid of any infection." Jay laughed. I force what ever I didn't spit a Fang down my throat. I look at Fang "What did you do with Dison's body" I ask.
"I left it there I will bury it soon." he smiles. I lay back down and close my eyes. I here Fang and Jay go outside. "Where is he" I hear fang yell. I jump. I use the wall to keep my balance. I work my way to the entrance. I finally reach the cave entrance. I look where Dison's body was all that was left was a puddle and trail of blood. The trail of blood lead into the forest. " We have to go after him." I growl. As soon as I let go of the wall I fall to the ground. Fang runs to me. I change to wolf and limp over to the puddle of bood. "He won't last long in his condition." I growl and limp back inside. Tulis looks at me "mommy your hurt" he said. His gleaming amber eyes showed concern "Its ok sweet heart" I whisper. I lay down and watch as Tulis and Sera play with Silver. A memory of prim flashes through my mind of how she played like they are now, and wonder what if she was alive now.
7 years later...
A young heavily pregnant wolf named Mira came to us a week or two ago. She gave birth to one pup. She named her Zira. Now that I have a large enough group I am now a official leader. For now fang is also dominant unless I chose another. Along with Mira two males came one being her mate and one being a rouge my age. His name is Rouge. But I don't plan to choose a dominant male until spring. Winter is to dangerous to have pups I fear for Mira and her pup. Her mate Arock is sick. Jay is keeping him isolation. Luckliy spring is nearing. And Lila lost her pups fathered by Dison that blow that she substained was consiqentale. I walk over to Mira "How are you doing" her pure white pelt glisented from the mist from snow and rain her soft silver eyes hurt my heart. "Fine" she whispered. Tulis came over his shirt soaked. "Mom I kinda fell"
"Kinda fell ! more like kinda dived" I here Sera laugh.
"Tulis really you are 16 you need to stop acting like a pup" I sigh. He shruggs and gives my a cheesy smile. I get up and go to the back of the cave. He follows "Take off your shirt" I tell him. He pulls off the soaked ball of cloth. I hand him a new one. I pulls it over his head as he is putting on his shirt a notice a scar across his stomach. "Whats that from."
"Remember the run in with the hume and how he sliced my stomach open." thats right that day I took Tulis out hunting. We were in wolf form when we stumbled across a humes camp. He had a knife in his hand. I didn't notice the knife and with Tulis about the size of the hume I thought he could have some fun. I was wrong. The hume slice open Tulis. Tulis fell and I attacked. I killed the hume while gaining a wound my self. I was able to get Tulis back in time Jay fixed up his wounds. I snapped out of the flash back. Tulis went back out there with Sera. They were holding hands and laughing. Sundenly the sun appered and blinded me. "Spring will be soon..." i whisper it has been a month since the sun has appeared.
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