» Fiction » somewhere on my way, Anna N. Schnieden [best summer reads TXT] 📗

Book online «somewhere on my way, Anna N. Schnieden [best summer reads TXT] 📗». Author Anna N. Schnieden

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building with no elevator, each room had 6 beds and closets that separated the beds. My room was on floor 3, and we reached floor 3 before I turned 25! She opened a closet and told me to organize my clothes and my belongings, of course, the bitch moon was there; I started unpacking my stuff, but before I had a chance to manage my things, the bitch moon said,


“All that is? Nothing else?” Moonlight.



“Yes, that’s all.” Me.



“I see! Well, never mind. I’d share something of mine, if you really need it.” Moonlight.



Ok, she was not such a…bitch huh! I was smiling at her when she pointed out her bed, which was next to mine…oh, there were a lot of stickers and some flowers on her closet! It was nice actually. Before I had a chance to say…something to her, the 75-year-old nun told her to let me unpack my stuff.






Next morning after breakfast, the same old nun took me to one of the large buildings, and each floor had 9 study rooms. I was on the first floor and, in the first room, she told me to wait for a nun who was also a teacher…during my school’s break. After a long minute, there was the teacher, I could not guess how old she was, but she was very nice and she taught me how to read!


“Good morning, Aye. How was your sleep for the first time that wasn’t in your home? It must be hard for you to be away from your mama! Well, don’t worry, you’ll get used to it.” The teacher.


I wanted to say I was glad, but at that moment of…circumstances, I better just shut up. Then she said again,


“Don’t worry little one. We’ll have a lot of fun together.” The teacher.



Oh well, I was sure of that, and…how could a 6-year-old have some fun with an aging nun? Before I tried to say something nice, she was opening a book, which sat on a table in front of her, and then she realized I did not have anything to open, she said,


“Oh silly me! Here you are.” The teacher.



And she handed me a book, the first page was a picture of a hen sitting on some grass (in Thai language, the hen or chicken are pronounced the same “Ki” and the letter is Kor- Ki).


“Do you know, what it is?” The teacher.



Obviously, why do adult always think, kids are stupid!



“It’s a Kor-Ki, Ma’am.” Me.






“That’s right, little one, next.” The teacher.


The second page’s picture was the same hen, sitting on some grass again, the same environment, the same colours and absolutely the same size except she had three eggs beside her…lol. So, at that moment, I thought, “Now an education is getting tricky, huh!” It was a time for my smart-kit


“It’s Kor-Kai, Ma’am.” Me.



“That right, little one, next.” The teacher.



Then we came to pages 4 and 5, they were not the hen pictures or the bloody egg pictures, but they were a buffalo and a cow pictures. Thank goodness, I thought my education was depending on bloody chickens and eggs…again! After 2 months and 4 teachers, I proved myself…hmmm…Becoming? I became the smartest dog and I was in haaa…yahoo!


Time was moving fast, I learnt a lot about Moonlight, and I was surprised how many things we had in common, for example, we did not have a daddy and in that common- daddy-topic, we also had the same a spontaneous discussion of shit problems…what the hell! Before I met her, I always thought I was an undeniable force adoption! But, after I knew about Moonlight, I could not find any words to give an account. Moreover, we had the same typical-standard-attempted killer-mammy. My mother tried to kill me with…As I recall, they were sticks, a broomstick, wood hangers? And it was down on me…feeling simultaneously…on… me, but of course, how the hell can someone grab all those things…that fast! Just a feeling!


Moonlight’s mother, on the other hand, had a classical idea, “How to kill your child with a reasonable explanation.” She fed Moonlight with half human’s formula and half Mr.




Johnnie Walker Black Label, maybe she did not mean to…maybe she just tried to teach her how to drink, at an early age; that was what I told Moonlight,


“You’d consider you’re lucky than me. At last, if that half human’s formula, half Mr. Johnnie Walker Black Label did work, you’d have died happily.” Me.


“Yes, you’re right, who the hell wants to die unhappy?” Moonlight.



She laughed so much, I looked at her, instantaneously; she stopped laughing and looked back at me. I saw my face in hers and I found myself a best friend, a sister, and alive.


Years passed by. Moonlight and I were always 2 students that were left over for the school to feed and look after…for good reasons! Every school’s break was just us… oh, and some old nuns.


Moonlight’s grandmother was old, maybe…60 or more; she had to look after Moonlight’s grandfather who was shot on duty, which left him with a handicap.

Moonlight’s mother was working, but Moonlight did not know what she did. Most of the time, it was her grandmother who actually took care of her when she was a…pup, and that was why she was left at the school. I did not blame Moonlight’s grandmother, it was not her responsibility to take care of Moonlight. However Moonlight seemed…HAPPY TO BE HERE!


She did not seem to care, staying at the school every school’s break and it seemed like she was in a wonderland. So did I! I did not mind staying at the school all year long…We were not good kids or smart kids…no, no, not like that, we just knew that school was safer than home! One day we were at the top of a basketball stand, behind the basket! I knew it was dangerous for little kids, however, like I said, the school looked after us! On that basketball basket, there were intensive words and…intimate atmosphere, developing the intellectuality of our friendship.






“Hey, why are we here?” Moonlight.



“Ah…coz nobody wants us home…da?” Me.



“I meant, up here! Chick’s head!” Moonlight.



“Oh, I like it here. We can see many things from here.” Me.



“Like what? Garbage on those roofs? You’re a psychopath.” Moonlight.



“I’m not. I’m a lunatic. Besides, who can I murder?” Me.



“Me!! You’re dumb-head! I’d fall down there, not gonna be pretty am I?” Moonlight.



“Who is the lunatic now…Chicken haha. Hey, why are you so happy staying in school?” Me.


“It’s noisy at home, can’t sleep. What about you?” Moonlight.



“It doesn’t have a relaxed atmosphere and nobody talking to me!” Me.



“We’d better get back down to the earth before this idea of hangout murders us!” Moonlight.


While we were making our way back down to the earth, the conversation was continued.


“Just the noise! You don’t want to go home to see your mammy, huh?” Me.



“Aha, she was the one who made the bloody noise…Doll’s head!” Moonlight.






“Oh...That was not…cool! Mine is completely opposite to yours.” Me.



“Is that so bad?? The silent?” Moonlight.



“I don’t know! I moved in with her about 3 months before she took me here. I didn’t know her. All I know, my brother and my mother are best friends, just like you and me. When they were upset with anything, my face seemed to increase their upsetting! Therefore, I got colours on my arms or legs or worse…depended on the circumstances. When it was the right circumstance, I got more than colours.” Me.


“Oh, I got those colours too except mine were made without the circumstances! And where the hell had you been before your mother’s house?” Moonlight.


“The Fallen Roof House people…just like fairy tale’s story…you know…the princess of hell! I call them the Fallen Roof House people because their house was…exceptional architecture!” Me.


“Hmm…What??? Anyway, we’ve each other and that’s all we need; I hope we can stay here until we can protect ourselves!” Moonlight.


“Ok, so do I, Moony! Until then, hopefully, we’ll still have arms or legs!” Me.



It was so peaceful until I reached…the age of 10! There are many significant- meanings of the number 10 in numerology. “Brings all sorts of new!” It supposed to bring peace and change into my life, the vibrations, the energies, the leadership and so on, in the good ways, of course. In Bible Study, the number 10 is used 242 times, the designation 10th is used 79 times. It was also viewed as a complete and perfect number. In Genesis 1, we will find the phrase “God said” 10 times, which is a testimony of his creative power, or the Passover lamp was selected on the 10th day of the 1st month or…the last great world-ruling




kingdom of man, under Satan is symbolized prophetically by the 10 toes in Daniel 2 and the 10 horns in Revelation 13 and 17.


All the ideas of 10 comforted me when the mother showed up on the last day of the final semester’s examination. I had to go back to her place. It did not feel….touching? But, I was hoping, all I had heard about the numerology and the Bible Study would have brought me some safety or any possible protection, as I strongly believed in…Big G.


Home sweet home, everything seemed to be the same as 4 years ago, except the fat boy, he was not a boy anymore, he was taller and bigger! Sometimes, many times, I wondered how someone could possibly eat that much! I was at the mother’s place for 2 days then I was shipped out to the grandmother’s house. I remembered what the incredulity did to me when I learnt that I had a mother and a big brother. Fantastic…I got a grandmother, 3 uncles, 2 aunts, and a cat named Silly, who was sitting in front of me and all I could think of was “How am I going to deal with all these…shits?”


My thoughts were loud with “Think about the 10!!” They told me that the grandma’s ankle was swollen, and she needed someone to look after her. She was complaining about why it happened or how. Well…from what I saw…with my own eyes, “Lose some fat!” She looked like a cartoon I saw on television at the school, a pink pig tried to sit on a small chair, within 30 seconds the chair was broken and the pig’s ass was on a floor…hard…extremely amusing, don’t you think? Before the complaints became overwhelming, I heard one of the uncles say,


“I’ll give you 5 baht every week, so you can buy some candy!” Uncle No. 1.



I did not say anything, I thought, at last, the 10 started working! Even though, I did not know how much could I possibly do for such a portly one like her, but like it or not, there I was. The job was simple and all I had to do was work as a housekeeper, washing everyone’s clothes, cleaning everything, cooking some rice soup, walking about 30 minutes to a market, buying some cooked food for the rice soup, and cleaning dishes oh…and the




bloody cat! I did not mind because my mind was everywhere else, I missed Moonlight, thinking she was probably alone…scared.


I saw a post office on the way to the market. At that time a stamp was 0.70 satangs (Thai’s currency for cents) and a letter package was 4.50 baht. I had promised Moonlight I was going to find a way to talk to her daily, but she laughed, I was not surprised; there was no computer, no cell phone, and only a home telephone, which we were not allowed to use. Honestly, I did not know what to do with my promise until I saw the post office, so the cycle of 5 baht was born.


We wrote to each other…actually just as promised, of course; we did not get our letter on the weekend, but we could send it by dropping it in a mailbox, so someday we got 3 letters! Moonlight had no problem finding supplies because it was just at the front of our school and

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