» Fiction » THE RUNNER/SCREENPLAY, BRIAN R. LUNDIN [best classic books to read .txt] 📗

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talking. The Gary Fire Department was on the scene extinguishing the last flames of the fire. Vito identified himself to Fire Chief, DENNIS GAULT and told him that he was the owner of the warehouse.

What happened chief?

It’s out chief!

I don’t know we got the call at two this morning and just put it out.


The chief started to walk into the warehouse when Vito slipped him a twenty-dollar bill to let him accompany him. Vito accompanied Chief Gault and two Gary Fire Department Arson Investigators into the warehouse. The investigator split up and Vito followed the chief who was shining his flash light around the soot covered, smoked filled room, when one of the investigator yelled out.

Look like we got a couple of bodies over here, Chief.

Vito followed the chief to where the investigator was standing and looked into the contorted face of Flatnose Wally. The investigator shined his multi-celled Kelite flashlight on the charred bodies of two men one was headless.

Here’s another body Chief.

Vito and the Chief walked over to the other body. The body was badly burned but as the investigator shined his light on the corpse, they saw the gaping hole in his stomach and his intestines and dried body fluids on the floor. They also noticed the large, staggered gash on his neck and the man’s pants had a brown stain.

Look like he shitted himself. Ever seen anything like this Chief?

No, said the Chief, better notify the police and medical examiner.

What you think happened, Chief?

I have no idea.

Chief Gault was a plump, dark-skinned black man in his late fifties with a nose that had been broken and flattened by a vicious fist somewhere down the line. Only his eyebrows retained their original dark-brown coloring; the rest of his full head of hair was white. While looking at the dead bodies, Chief Gault remembered incident years ago when he was a child and living in Haiti and first saw the DIABLESSE. Lost in his daydream, the chief closed his eyes to blot out the image of the animal charging at him. His legs gave way and he stumbled, one of the investigators grabbed him.

Chief, Chief, you ok?

Chief Gault opened his eyes and came out of his thoughts.

Yeah, Yeah, I’m ok.

However, Chief Gault could feel the sweat pouring from his body and he saw the Diablesse again in his mind. The police arrived and cordoned off the street in front of the burned warehouse. Somehow, the media found out about the murders and started setting up their minicams and spotlights, giving the scene the appearance of a movie shoot. The police tried to control the vehicular and passenger traffic of curious spectators. Vito could tell there was nothing more to learn here, he slipped another twenty in the big pocket of the chief’s fire coat and walked out the warehouse. Before getting into his car, he looked at the chief who was still shaking.

Let’s go its Christmas Eve and I want to get home.

On the drive back to Chicago, Vito was trying to think of another way to get a piece of the policy game and wondered what had happened in the warehouse and where was Jerome. Vito knew something had happened in that warehouse, what, he didn’t know, but he remembered the look on Chief Gault’s face, he knew there was something he wasn’t telling him, but he would talk with him later, “What the hell,” shit happens,” in this business he thought to himself.

The next morning Jerome called a meeting at his suite of rooms at the DuSable Hotel located at Oakwood and Cottage Grove Avenue, one of the many legitimate businesses he owned.


The suite is luscious with plush carpets, two round beds and a large table. Jerome stares out the window, watching the rain as it taps on the window. Ted is sitting on the bed Madame Bourneis and Marque looks at Jerome and Johnny Noon the office manager sit at the table looking at a ledger. A short time later Ringo, WILLIAM JONES and KENNETH RICHARD two field men enters.

How you feeling, boss man?


Jerome paused and looked around the circle of assembled faces and felt the vibrations of the unadulterated warmth of everyone in the room as they congratulated him on his escape from the kidnapper and expressing their happiness at his safe return. He looked at Ted who seemed depressed. Jerome walked over to Ted and placed his arms around him.

(head down)
I fucked up boss man.

Jerome sees the tears were forming in his eyes.

(hugging Ted).
No Ted, it wasn’t your fault, we all have got to be more careful. I know that the leader was that spick, Vito, don’t sweat it ok?
(looking up from the ledger)
How in the fuck did you get out of there?

Jerome looked at Madame Bourneis, who had not moved since he entered the apartment and as usual, Marque was standing directly behind her. He looked from one to the other and again got that eerie feeling that he was in the presence of something extremely dangerous.

(looking at Madame Bournies and Marque)
I guess, I had a guardian angel.

(wiping away the tears)
One day I’m goin’ to kill that wop mutherfucker.

Madame Bourneis never changed her expression as her coal black eyes bored into Jerome’s totally devoid of any emotion. Jerome sat down at the kitchen table and poured himself and Ted a cup of the steaming coffee. For some unknown reason he was afraid to look again at Madame Bourneis.

With Pauli having his own problems with the feds, I guess the rats will play. We know that asshole; Vito would never have the balls to come at us if Pauli was active. We have always had a good relationship with Pauli and his boys, but now I think things are about to change. Pauli usually can control his people, the police and the judges, but my kidnapping was the first step in Vito and his henchman move on us. We have to be on guard and very careful. Vito is a slob, the only reason he became a “Made Man,” was that he was Sicilian. We have to increase our security at our places. Ringo that’s your job, hire some dependable people to provide security at our stations, two armed men at every station, and three men at our money and paper offices and change their location every two days.

You know that Vito got that police captain at the 2nd District and other police officers in his pocket, along with prosecutors, bail bondsmen and lawyers.

Yeah, I know, but we’ve got friends too.

Ted, I want you at the house, your job is to protect the womenfolk’s, my mom and wife

(proudly) .
With my life!

Everyone knew that this assignment meant that Jerome still had trust and faith in Ted. Jerome or no one else saw the slight smile on Madame Bourneis face.

William and Kenneth your job will be to check on the new security guys and make sure they are on their toes at all times and well armed.
Who will be with you,” boss man?

(looking at Madame Bourneis and Marque)
I’ve got a guardian angel, remember.

I’ve got a guardian angel or a devil,” Jerome said to himself. The meeting adjourned and the men left to carry out their assignment.

Madame Bourneis intrigued Jerome. He remembered listening to the old African stories, his Grandma Rose would tell of voodoo, spirits, and the many sleepless nights he had as a young child. As he grew older he dismissed these stories as old wives tales or superstitions, but now he began to wonder. Jerome told his mother about Madam Bourneis and Marque; his rescue from the kidnappers, but left out the gory details, and how the wounds he had received from the beating had mysteriously healed, leaving no scars. He told her about the reaction of the young policeman in Juanita’s Lounge, the rescuing of Ted and his wife and the incident at the police station with Sergeant Calfino. Harriet sat quietly listening to her son and slowly sipping her tea.

I would like to meet this woman.

I can arrange that, how about tomorrow night after eight?

Jerome, Madame Bourneis and Marque arrived at Harriet’s home at 6:30 that evening for dinner. Mrs. McLemore had ordered a variety of Chinese food that sat on the kitchen table in steaming Chinese decorated bowls; chopsticks were placed next to forks for ambiance. At the door, Jerome introduced Madame Bourneis and Marque. Mrs. McLemore’s was amazed at how beautiful the young man and woman was. Marque and Madame Bourneis was dressed in all black, Marque was wearing a black suit, white shirt and dark tie, and Madame Bourneis was wearing a black dress with a string of white pearls. Mrs. McLemore shook both of their hands warmly and invited them into the kitchen.

It’s such a pleasure to finally meet you and Marque and to thank you for helping my son.

It is our pleasure to meet you Mrs. McLemore and thank you for inviting us to dinner.

Jerome was surprise at the expert use of the chopsticks by Marque and Madame Bourneis, he and his mother; was lacking such skills used forks. After dinner, they retired to the living room for tea. Mrs. McLemore directed Madame Bourneis to what she called “the most comfortable chair in the house,” she sat on the couch with her son, Marque stood behind Madame Bourneis chair. Jerome was astonished at the ease his mother had talking with Madame Bourneis, they discussed the cold Chicago weather, crime in the streets and politics, they both laughed easy and Jerome decided he would just watch the interaction between these two extraordinary women. There was warmth that Jerome never felt in Madame Bourneis presence, she seemed at ease and he sensed his mother’s approval of her.

Were you born and raised in New Orleans?

No, I have many homes; I lived for years in Africa. Asia and Haiti, I came to New Orleans a week before I met Jerome. I believe that Jerome is in great danger from evil men who want to undo all the good that he has done and is doing for our people. He has given many of them dignity and a way to feed and house their families. Your son is a good man, Mrs. McLemore and I am here to help and protect him from these evil men.

Looking eyeball to eyeball the two women continued their conversation.

Suddenly, Jerome felt a cold chill and he knew, and he believed his mother knew also that they were in the presence of someone or something that was extremely dangerous.

Do you think you can protect my son, Madame Bourneis?

I know I can.

Shortly thereafter, her son and her guest left. Preparing for bed, Harriet remembered the voodoo stories that her grandmother had told her years ago, she went to bed confident that her son was safe. The following day after the dinner with Madame Bourneis and Marque, Jerome and his mother talked about the
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